Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 307: Young people have ideas

Paulson was a little sour.

He originally thought that Wu Ning's 2.2 billion net profit from NetEase was a remarkable thing. Although this figure is not too amazing on Wall Street, it is not something that ordinary people can earn.

Besides, don't forget, Wu Ning, like Qi Lei, is only 22 years old.

However, he never imagined that it turned out to be like this—it seems to be doing one thing, but in fact it is doing another thing.

This is a game Paulson never thought about.

But, he should have thought of it!

NetEase's share capital is too small, and its operations are too conspicuous. When he discovered this drawback, he should have thought that there was a Blizzard behind it that could make a fuss.

Even when he pointed out this drawback, Wu Ning should have thought of it!

That **** is better than a monkey, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

Well, Paulson didn't think that way at first!

He still despised Wu Ning. His natural arrogance and prejudice made him come to a conclusion without thinking much, which led to passing tens of billions of dollars of fat.

Yes, Xu Qian's 2 billion plus Wu Ning's 400 million. The 2.4 billion fund has increased 14 times in just a few months, to 33.6 billion! Plus Wu Ning's 2.2 billion from NetEase, 35.8 billion!

This can no longer be described as amazing. Even if you look at the financial history of Wall Street, it is enough to go down in history.

It is precisely because of this that Paulson is curious, how did Qi Lei lead such a group of demons and problem children?

Of course, apart from being curious, Paulson also had a layer of meaning when he asked this sentence, and he was a little careful.

"Qi, to be honest, you let Wu Ning and Xu Qian escape from the Three Stones and come out to experience, is it because you know that they can't exert their due abilities under your wings?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, his expression became more and more serious, "Then tell the truth, it's not that they can't play it, but they should have their own stage."

"Tsk tsk." Paulson sighed, this mind is so fake!

However, this answer is exactly what Paulson wanted.

"In that case, if I invite Wu Ning to join Desheng, do you have any opinion?"

"Let Wu Ning join Desheng?" Qi Lei raised his eyebrows playfully.

It's not surprising. Don't think that Paulson is a rude operation. It's stupid to put the people of Sanshi inside yourself.

In fact, this is Desheng's routine operation, and it is also one of the important means for them to win over and deepen the relationship with their partners.

Not only is the relationship closer, it's as simple as someone in the court can handle things, and it's even easier for someone in the court to communicate.

A person who is familiar with both ends can improve the efficiency of cooperation.

For example, Liu Jixiang's daughter, in the original time and space, was also one of Desheng's executives.

Paulson actually wanted to bring someone close to Qi Lei or someone close to him into Desheng. This is a tradition.

Of course, it wasn't all for this reason that Wu Ning took the initiative this time.

He saw Wu Ning's ability. This kid's entry into Desheng is not only good for deepening the cooperation with Sanshi, but his own ability is also sufficient.

"What?" At this moment, Paulson looked at Qi Lei, "Are you reluctant?"

And Qi Lei's answer was surprising, "What's there to bear? I said, they should have their own stage."

Spreading his hands, he curled his lips indifferently, "I don't have any opinion, but it depends on his own thoughts."

Paulson was overjoyed, "So, you agree? Then I'll chat with Wu Ning for the rest. Don't worry, my sincerity will definitely impress him."

Qi Lei, "No problem."

"Well!" Qi Lei changed the conversation, "With what I know about Wu Ning, it's not easy for you to convince him."

Paulson smiled, "Qi, I also have a charismatic personality! Just wait, he will soon become a member of Desheng!"

Uncle Bao is a little more confident. Originally, he is a Wall Street bigwig, so he still has this aura.

After finishing the call with Paulson, Qi Lei planned to chat with Wu Ning. At least talk to him and tell him that Paulson wants to drag him into Desheng.

However, the call was made and the call was in progress.

Qi Lei pondered for a while, Xu Qian should be with Wu Ning at this moment, and the same goes for calling Xu Xiaoqian's mobile phone.

However, the numbers are all pressed, so think about it and forget it.

Calling Xu Qian now would be like debunking her little conspiracy, which would be boring.

In fact, Qi Lei knew about the 2 billion little conspiracy, but he just kept playing stupid.

Because no matter how capable a person is, and the ability is so great that he is completely immune to those poor acting skills and childish tricks, you can't put yourself in the position of God and look down on all beings like God, and you can't use omniscient and omnipotent behavior logic to guide your behavior. Behavior.

Otherwise, it must be a failed "God", a wise man who accomplished nothing.

Playing stupid is a skill!

From Qi Lei's point of view, the Penguin stock incident can be said to be a great disgrace. The head of Desheng went off the field in person, but in the end he let others share the cake.

Whatever the motive, Paulson must find out the cake grabber.

But for people in China, they have absolutely no concept of the resources Paulson can master and the ability to use connections.

They simply don't understand that big capital can make the U.S. officials, the two parties, and even the intelligence services indirectly serve them.

Therefore, Xu Xiaoqian's trick is clumsy and naive.

But from Xu Xiaoqian's point of view, it has a completely different meaning.

Before she met Qi Lei, she was a gifted child, a proud little red flower. Whether it is parents, teachers, classmates, friends, admirers, or passers-by, she is the best existence.

She can confidently show off her grades to a strange boy in the examination room, wave her back decisively outside the examination room, and take the initiative to hold Qi Lei's hand on the street at night.

You can say domineeringly, after three years, no matter what university you go to, my mother will be with you.

There is only one reason for everything, and that is—she is confident.

However, since Qi Lei started hanging up, Xu Xiaoqian's radiance has been completely covered up.

Qi Lei is both her spiritual sustenance and a stumbling block to her pride.

To this day, everything Xu Qian seems to have been given by Qi Lei, so that everyone ignores that she is actually very good.

The 2 billion may be the only small conspiracy in which Xu Xiaoqian has the upper hand over the years.

If Qi Lei opened his mouth, he would say, "I know you made 2 billion secretly, so don't show off."

In fact, it's not just a love relationship, it's a relationship between husband and wife, colleagues and colleagues, superiors and subordinates, fathers and sons, rivals and rivals.

In this world, there is no shortage of people who are really confused who don't know everything, and there is no shortage of great understandings who know everything. Those who can live well are often "fake and confused" people who are well-informed.

If you don't believe in your taste, you should taste carefully.

Of course, some people may interpret this matter from other angles.

I think Xu Xiaoqian should not play such a game. After all, Qi Lei is in a difficult period. As partners, they should put their energy on the table so that Qi Lei can better plan and play a greater role in funding. .

At least it can solve the dilemma of Qi Lei's lack of money.

But in fact, this is a logical error.

Even if Qi Lei knew that Xu Xiaoqian had a lot of money and Wu Ning and Tang Yi had enough ammunition, he couldn't make overall plans.

Not to mention 2 billion, even if it is more, it is not in Qi Lei's plan!

He only plans and utilizes this part of the business in his hands and the funds he can control. Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Xu Qian have their own plans.

The three stones are now each forming a forest, blooming everywhere.

Tang Yi's game business, Xu Qian's 30 payment, Wu Ning's single-handedly, Wang Zhendong's Imagination, Zhou Tao's Internet cafe business, Qi Guodong's blog network, and Warren's ARM.

Each of the three branches out, except for Wu Ning who has just started, is an independent system with a complete development plan.

Qi Lei's side is difficult, but it's not to the point where he can't survive.

In fact, Qi Lei's current financial status, operating status, balance of payments, etc. are all good indicators for measuring the company. He does not need to draw nourishment from other systems of Sanshi.

What's more, it is impossible to do so unless it is absolutely necessary.

This is like a tree seed sown in the surrounding land, and new trees grow. Each tree has its own growth environment.

How would you live if I stretched out my roots into your territory and took away all your nutrients?

From a business point of view, this is also a big no-no. Only plan and use the situations you can control, how big a hole is in your ass.

It can't be said that there are tens of billions of three stones over there. Qi Lei can happily work on a few more projects and spend a few more money.

What if there are good projects over there, good plans? It would be dangerous to do so.

Besides, Wu Ning or Xu Qian, they also have their own business plans and their own way to go.


At this time, Wu Ning and Xu Qian, who were on the other side of the ocean, were indeed together.

The reason why I didn't get a call from Qi Lei was because Tang Yi was one step ahead.

Tang Xiaoyi is scolding on the phone!

"Cha! Why does Xu Xiaoqian give out 2 billion to take the lead? Why does Lao Tzu share the 200 million soup?"

Well, Tang Yi also has a share, these three partners did it.

If Paulson knew that he could explode, because the "they" Qi Lei referred to was not two, but three.

Wu Ning sneered at Tang Yi's complaint, "Go away! Why did you slap you on the boat when you were brought on board! Now you're biting back?"

"Hehe." Tang Yi turned his face faster than a book, "Okay, let you come back! If there is such a good thing, think of me."

Wu Ning, "Please, please."


"Okay!" Wu Ning laughed, "You are cheaper than me."

Glancing at the phone, "Stone's phone came in, hang up first."

Tang Yi, "Spell him a few words for me, this grandson is very corrupt, the doctor at the back door, what the hell!"

Wu Ning, "..."

Hold! Lao Tzu is only a junior, he has a Ph.D.

He backhanded Qi Lei to call back, unavoidably ridiculed, what is Beiguang's own son, Principal Dong got a doctor from a relationship, and so on.

Qi Lei wasn't used to it either, and scolded Wu Ning.

After laughing, Qi Lei mentioned the real business, "Paulson wants you to enter Desheng."

Wu Ning was delighted, "I told you? What's the matter, do you think I should promise him?"

Qi Lei, "It's up to you to decide your own affairs."

Wu Ning, "You're so polite! Tell me straight, is it good for us to enter Desheng?"

Qi Lei pondered, "There are definitely benefits. Desheng is Desheng after all, and internal resources are of great use to us."

"Especially Paulson, hold him, and our path in the United States will not be deviated."

"However, the drawbacks are not without them. They are completely tied to Desheng."

Wu Ning, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei, "Didn't you say it? The pros and cons are half and half, and it mainly depends on your own wishes."

Wu Ning, "Okay!" He frowned and thought, and added, "I'll make the decision myself?"

Qi Lei, "Of course."

Wu Ning, "Then let me think about it."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xiaoqian whispered, "He doesn't know I'm involved, right?"

Wu Ning smiled bitterly, "You two are really interesting, you probably don't know!"

When Xu Xiaoqian heard this, she let out a big breath, obviously very relaxed.

Wu Ning teased, "I'm saving such a large amount of private money, why don't you tell him?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "I want to tell him! But he doesn't give me a chance!"

Of course Xu Xiaoqian wanted to pretend for a while and "help" Qi Lei, at least let him eat a soft meal.


"Forget it." Don't worry, get serious, "It's okay if he doesn't need it now."

Wu Ning, "How do you say it?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Grandma Chang has done an analysis. She believes that the confrontation between China and Rice in the semiconductor field may not be at the moment, but after Qi Lei's smartphone comes out."

"When Chinese semiconductors really pose a threat to rice-based semiconductor companies, confrontation is inevitable."

"Maybe that's when he really needs help."

These words touched Wu Ning, he lowered his head and began to think about things.

Xu Qian knew that what he was thinking about was whether to join Desheng.

After a while, he asked, "How is it? Have you made up your mind?"

Wu Ning raised his head, the corners of his mouth raised, "Stone is right, the pros and cons are half and half, and it's quite difficult to choose."

Xu Qian, "Then you have to make a decision after all, right?"

Wu Ning, "Yes!"


Wu Ning, "I only want to take advantage and not suffer!"



Two days later, Paulson asked Wu Ning to chat in his office.

Wu Ning knew that Paulson wanted to officially issue an invitation.

He just said, "Mr. Paulson, thank you for your cultivation! Otherwise, don't go to the office, can I treat you to a meal?"

Paulson heard, "Alright."

So, Wu Ning chose a restaurant with a good environment and had lunch with Paulson.

During the banquet, Paulson did not disappoint, and formally issued an invitation to Wu Ning, and the conditions were very high, and he was very sincere, General Manager of Desheng Greater China.

It was Pittwen's original position, and now he is also a subordinate of Manager Wen.

And sincerity lies in allowing Wu Ning to return to a familiar environment and become a senior management of Desheng.

Wu Ning politely declined.

Yes, it was a bit of a surprise to Paulson. Qi Lei should have greeted Wu Ning, so this decision must not be impulsive.

Besides, judging from the cooperative relationship between Desheng and Wu Ning has no reason to refuse?

"Wu, can you tell me why?"

Wu Ning smiled, "Mr. Paulson, don't get me wrong."

Wu Ning has always called Paulson a teacher and respected him very much.

Wu Xiaojian is the most diligent of the three brothers when it comes to wiping honey with Xiaozui'er.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any opinion on Desheng, but I also hope to have a closer relationship with you and Desheng."

Paulson was even more incomprehensible. "Then why did you refuse?"

I saw Wu Ning take out a document from his bag, "Teacher, look at this first."

Paulson took it suspiciously and looked at the cover: "Changning Investment Co., Ltd." equity structure book.

Paulson was stunned for a while, then raised his head and glanced at Wu Ning, he was shocked, this kid is very ambitious, so he wanted to go it alone when he was rich?

Her face was calm, but she was actually unhappy. She casually opened it, "Young man... have an idea!"

Of course he didn't want Wu Ning to do it alone, of course he hoped that the bond with Sanshi could enter Desheng and make money for him.

As a result, he opened it and saw that all his molars were exposed in an instant.

The old face smiled and turned into a flower, "Young man!!! Have an idea!"




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