Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 297: the truth

Qi Lei is not alarmist.

How to connect this card in series and finally win the game is the primary problem he is facing now.

This is much more complicated than his calculations at domestic and foreign institutions, and he doesn't even have a clue.

Moreover, if this step is not done well, and there is a slight omission, then the previous work will be in vain.

how to say? It was cool to buy and buy, but now, he has to pay for the overall planning.

Originally, Qi Lei wanted to be a human and leave all these tasks to Uncle Geng. We have to have a division of labor!

However, the old man is getting older, and he has tossed a lot in the United States, and it is time to take a good rest.

It just so happened that Qi Lei had to sort out this problem by writing the thesis and during the time when there was no outside interference.

Guo Lihua called, knowing that Qi Lei was not very busy recently, and asked him if he would go home.

Qi Lei wanted to go back and stay for a few days, but after thinking about it, it was still an epidemic, and it was inconvenient to enter and leave the capital.

"Forget it, I won't go back and cause you trouble."

When Guo Lihua heard it, she scolded her as usual, because her wings were hardened, and she didn't want to say harsh words like an old lady.

Just after scolding, I didn't forget to ask, don't go out and run around, pay attention to rest, eat well, and said a lot.

Qi Lei was perfunctory, and also told the old officials and fans not to work too hard.

In fact, Guo Lihua is the most career-minded member of the Qi family. She earns the least and holds the lowest position in the whole family, but she is the one who is the most busy. The production of such a large group under the control of Qi Guojun doesn't have to be bothered by her.

Qi Lei knew that the old lady would not admit defeat.


The capital in July is like a furnace installed underground and searchlights overhead.

The heat is still second, mainly stuffy and dazzling, which vividly interprets the scorching summer heat.

Qi Lei was very leisurely, or he stayed at home for a day without washing his face.

Or go to school and blow the air conditioner in the classroom of the eagle class.

Now the school is on holiday, and because of the epidemic, teachers can't see a few, and students are nowhere to be seen.

Empty campus, leisure can no longer be leisurely.

But in fact, it is really only superficially idle, and his head is not idle at all.

That problem has been plaguing Qi Lei, and no useful solution has been found.

This thing is back to basics.

Everyone said that Qi Lei was the best at making cakes. After making it, everyone would share it, and everyone would be happy and win-win.

Because of this, he is often able to walk in capital and power without any disadvantage.

But this time it seems to be the other way around, tokki, Asmai, he really doesn't know how to make this cake.

Like isolated technological protrusions.

How to flatten the hump curve, and then drive the height of the entire industry, this will be another challenge he faces.

In this regard, Qi Lei's ability to make cakes is obviously a little rusty, or inexperienced.

Sister Hanhan came to sit with Qi Lei for a while when she was free.

After graduating from her senior year, she did not choose to convert the intern host of CCTV into a regular, but decided to continue her graduate studies.

Maybe it was because she had been "living together" with Qi Lei for two months, or it scared Li Hanhan. At least now, she didn't want to jump out of her comfort zone and enter the society she was not very good at, so she still guarded Her circle of fools.

Therefore, in the afternoon in Beiguang, you can often see two bottles of iced black tea on the windowsill on the second floor of the Young Eagle Building, which was brought to Qi Lei by Li Hanhan when he came over.

Don't disturb him, Qi Lei does his business, and Li Hanhan quietly reads the postgraduate entrance examination materials at a nearby location.

Tired, bored, get up and leave.

Recently, the chubby girl Zhou Xiaohan was also in Beiguang, and the two idiots have returned to their bestie status, heartless and heartless.

Fortunately, occasionally, I will bring Qi Lei a meal to take care of the "old widow".

Time flows so quietly, with a tranquil fragrance. But sometimes it's naughty, and people can't figure it out.

When you look at it, the days are like years. And when you ignore it, it's like passing by.

end of July.

Sanshi Games was officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. With many popular games such as "Legend" and "Jianwang", as well as the mainland agency operation business for many international game companies, Sanshi Games has firmly established itself as the No. 1 game company in Asia. .

There is the foundation laid by Qi Lei, and the results of the management of Tang Yi and Sister Jun.

In short, after Tang Xiaoyi's listing operation, the market value of Sanshi Games successfully exceeded 19 billion Hong Kong dollars, and it became an instant hit.

Tang Xiaoyi, who returned with honor, was very stunned, and he started to float when he had enough ammunition in his hand. I also often come to Qi Lei to talk about it here.

It's just that the conversation was a little empty, and Qi Lei didn't know what he was going to do next.

But I can't see it now, because Tang Xiaoyi, who came back, also joined in, sitting with Qi Lei and Li Hanhan in the Young Eagle Building every day in a daze, thinking about things.

As a result, the iced black tea became three bottles, and the meals that Sister Hanhan brought also became three servings.

Sometimes, the three of them even had an illusion, and suddenly laughed in unison.

Tang Xiaoyi, "does it look like summer in high school?"

Li Hanhan, "Like, I really miss it!"

At that time, everyone liked to nest under the grape trellis of Qi Lei's house, singing and dazed.


Occasionally, when Master Tuo goes to the big data center, he will come and sit for a while.

He has officially joined Lao Qin's department and became a young "Lao Qin".

At present, he is still familiar with the situation. Uncle Bei did not arrange specific work for him. It is said that he is the most idle person in the office.

Occasionally, everyone chats, working and living.

Master Tuo knew what Qi Lei was busy with recently, "How is the progress?"

Qi Lei shook his head and replied with only one word, "Crazy!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Hanhan and Tang Yi also raised their heads.

Tang Xiaoyi frowned and pondered, "What's wrong?"

Qi Lei, "Everywhere is messy!"

"With the technology, I can't figure out the industrial allocation. Even if the industrial supporting is done well, how to create profits and how to return the capital is another problem. Even if there is profit to be able to return to the capital, it must be a large investment, and the risks are difficult to control. "

"At the same time, once you have mastered the technical level, how to deal with external pressure is another problem."

"Anyway, nothing is clear."

Everyone has a headache listening to this, this is really worrying about money, and even more worrying about not having money.

However, Tang Xiaoyi has a different point of view, "Why is it so complicated? Let's do it! If we can't do it, we can do it ourselves, isn't it just money?"

"I'll vote with you, can't I just share with you?"

Mr. Tang is now rich and powerful, and dares to say anything big.

Qi Lei rolled his eyes at him, "You know the shit!"

"Voting yourself? That's not the problem of dragging us down."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Speak clearly."

Qi Lei, "Let's put it this way, just for the tokki you got back, if you realize the self-operation of the entire industry chain of the panel industry, Sam gave me a calculation, and it will probably cost hundreds of billions of dollars in the early stage!"

"How much!?" Everyone was stunned, "So much?"

Qi Lei sneered, "What do you think? Manufacturing and material technology are almost always possible to turn an evaporation machine into a liquid crystal panel from scratch."

"And, that's only part of it."

"The lithography machine, and SMIC, want to achieve a breakthrough in the whole industry, which is more expensive than this one!"

"Added together, if I have two trillion to squander now, I won't have to worry about it!"

Everyone, "..."

Qi Lei, "Attention! It's a splurge, not an investment! Because it's very likely that the investment won't pay off."

Guys, "..."

Is this so evil that it hasn't made a smartphone yet?

Tang Xiaoyi was stunned for a while, " doesn't need to be so complicated, right?" He said weakly, "Do you have to do it yourself? We have mastered the core technology, which means we have the right to speak, so why not cooperate with foreign countries?"

"No other country is nationally produced, right? This kind of cutting-edge technology requires international cooperation."

Well, Tang Xiaoyi was cowardly, and he took the money and did it himself without shouting.

However, Qi Lei's answer was enlightening, "But the problem is, there are only two countries in this world - China and foreign countries!"

Tang Xiaoyi, "..." For a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of Shi Shi's words.

Qi Lei, "People have been a community of interests for hundreds of years. You are an emerging power, who will you not fight against you?"

Tang Yi, "But we also have a trump card! Isn't that what the vapor deposition machine and lithography machine are? Isn't that the point of grabbing it back?"

"If they fight, we can choke them. Isn't that a check and balance?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Although the words are correct, that's where the problem lies!"

This time Master Tuo and Li Hanhan didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei simply found a professional book, rummaged through it, and finally found an illustration and pushed it in front of everyone.

"what is this?"

The three of them looked at each other, "Screw!"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

"We use lithography machines and vapor deposition machines as bargaining chips to hold foreign countries' necks, and they use screws to counter them, which is not equal at all!"

Everyone, "..."

Qi Lei, "On the surface, we have the upper hand. After all, the lithography machine is high-end! But in fact, which one is more expensive, a Xing machine or a screw? Isn't this just taking the big king to manage the junior third?"

Everyone, "..." seems to be the reason.

We only have lithography machines and vapor deposition machines in our hands, and they can counter it with whatever they want.

This is a loss.

Moreover, it is not seen on the surface, it seems that the two sides are balanced, and it is not a loss.

But in fact it is a loss, a very loss.

With checks and balances, there are only two cases:

Either flip the table, and no one plays.

Or take a step back, let's not shout at each other, and be at peace with each other.

Does it look like it's okay?

But the problem is, whether it's flipping the table or compromising with each other. Whether your lithography machine or evaporation machine, can you still sell it for a price?

From Qi Lei's point of view, you can still sell hundreds of millions of yuan. Can a machine be slaughtered for 100 million yuan?

Certainly not! At that time, the lithography machine will sell for a cabbage price. What's the use of him trying to get it back?

Simply not getting stuck in the neck?

The account is not calculated that way.

Tang Xiaoyi held back for a long time, still not convinced. His face turned purple, "The screw is easy to make? Can't we make it with some money? This king can take care of a lot of juniors!"

Qi Lei laughed silently, "Can you manage tens of thousands of mistresses?"

Tang Yi, "???"

Qi Lei, "From raw materials to basic accessories, to electronic originals, they are all stuck with you. We only have one king, and we have a bunch of 3457s in our hands!"

In the final analysis, the foundation is too thin, and the technology is isolated.

Tang Xiaoyi understood what Qi Lei meant, "You mean, if people really want cards, there are too many methods, and we only have one king."

Qi Lei, "That's pretty much what it means."

Tang Xiaoyi, "There's no other way, start from scratch! You can only start from scratch, how much money you can't do without spending it?"

Qi Lei, "Let's spend our own money?"

Li Hanhan, "Otherwise, what should I do? If you don't spend it, you have to spend it!"

Qi Lei, "If you invest a trillion in it, may it be worth nothing?"

Master Tuo, "This is impossible."

"Cut!" Qi Lei gave two people a contemptuous look, especially Master Tuo, "Why did I let you graduate? How did you learn economics?"

"Do you know the concept of trillions? Don't say whether I am willing to pay or not, just ask Professor Mu Zhengming, how many countries can bear the loss of trillions!?"


Yep, that's the crux of the matter again. It's not that my brain is hot, I do it, and even mobilize the whole people's power, the big deal is that if it doesn't succeed, it will become a benevolent!

It's not like that!

Although it's not as simple as taking out a trillion dollars and it's gone, from an economic point of view, it's not that simple.

This is not to throw out trillions of banknotes directly. Some of them will be added to domestic circulation, and some of them are linear investments, rather than taking out the cloud all at once.

But the trillion level is not a small amount, and most of the money in the research and development process will be thrown abroad.

To put it badly, one bad thing can bring down the country.

Because this is not what the basic technology level will be in 20 20 years later? With the development of supporting technology, some things can be used or transplanted from other industries without much cost.

And even if you spend trillions, it's all spent on yourself. The personal point of view is considered a loss, but the national point of view does not pay, but instead stimulates the internal circulation.

It's different now, it's a wasteland, you can only start from scratch and spend money abroad.

So who would bet on this one?

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't spend it or don't dare to spend it, but you need to spend this money very skillfully and very carefully, not just when your head is hot and dry.

You know, as of January 2003, China's foreign exchange reserves totaled only 300 billion yuan. How can it withstand such a large-scale betting investment?

In short, this issue is a bit complicated, and I can't figure it out for a while.

The topic came to an end, and Qi Lei was caught in an unprecedented problem. Although it is not imminent, it can be regarded as a happy trouble, and there are many crises.

If it is not handled well, not only the previous efforts will be in vain, but the future will also be a big trouble.

In Tang Xiaoyi's words, "Fuck!! When you're poor, you get upset, and when you're rich, you get upset. After all, the gun isn't hard enough!"

"I'm in a hurry, I donated all the money to build an aircraft carrier and a plane! Damn it, I put the aircraft carrier on top of your door, why are there so many troubles!?"

Qi Lei and Tuo Ye listened with a smile, but they knew in their hearts that he was the truth.

It's really an aircraft carrier plane reaching the door of the house, although it won't go sideways, but at least there is a fairness.

But now, talking about fair competition is an extravagant hope!



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