Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 5 Chapter 269: What the **** are you talking about?

In the lounge, there was silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the group of young people, energetic, confident and proud.

Vice President Meng even had an absurd illusion: he was old and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of these young people.

Yes, although Qi Lei has been vaccinated, he said that this is a common problem for people who learn to spread, and he likes to dig deep down a line.

However, Vice President Meng still cannot accept this line of marketing from genetically modified soybeans to domestic soybeans, from domestic soybeans to black land in the northeast.

How did you come up with this?

"Mr. Qi!" Vice-President Meng was no longer surprised or lost his temper. He looked at Qi Lei calmly and asked softly, "Can you explain the logic of this to me?"

This time, it's not curiosity, I just ask for advice humbly.

He really took it.

He felt that this way of thinking was what he lacked the most.

Qi Lei smiled embarrassedly. If you're surprised, you'd better say that I'm pretending to be thirteen, which is also in line with the invincible setting, right? Suddenly become so sincere, a little unacceptable?

"'s nothing special, it's just that communication studies go up layer by layer!"

After thinking about it, "You can think of this as traditional marketing, but just think from the perspective of consumers."

"If we are consumers, if we consume soy products on a daily basis, then we naturally want to be able to buy non-GMO soy?"

"We bought non-GMO soybeans, and we have to look at the origin."

"When you see the origin, you have to be curious and ask why the soybeans in this origin are good?"

"In fact, it is to use the natural curiosity and inclination of consumers to position marketing."

"One step at a time, adding value to the black soil."

In fact, Qi Lei was thinking about this question on the way back to the Northeast from the capital.

What can we do to get our hometown out of the downturn fundamentally and get out of the predicament?

After much deliberation, there is only agriculture. This is neither against the general direction of national development, nor against the laws of nature.

He has already said that it is impossible for the Northeast to compete with coastal cities for trade and high-tech.

Therefore, Qi Lei's exploration direction has always been agriculture and agricultural and sideline industries.

The down jacket industry is such a way of thinking, and it is now.

But the question is, how can agriculture break through?

As Vice President Meng said, a single agricultural product and excellent crop seed varieties will not be able to get the entire Northeast out of trouble.

Then we can only dig deeper and take advantage of the natural advantage of the Northeast - land!

In fact, it is not that many people can't think of this, but they lack the basis for action.

Especially in this era, if you tell fellow northeasters how good the land under your feet is, it is unique, they will at most just smile, be proud, and nod at most to agree that this is a treasure land.

But if you let them do it and make full use of the black land, almost no one has this ability.

Qi Lei and Young Eagle Class have exactly this ability.

To put it more bluntly, Qi Lei's final plan is to regard the entire Northeast Plain as a brand. What he has to do is to establish an international famous brand.

There are actually many cases of marketing regional brands like this, and a lot can be listed in later generations.

Many of the things that we think are excellent products are actually marketed based on the origin and the advantages of the origin, not the advantages of commodities.

For example, coffee beans in South America.

The whole world thinks that South America is rich in coffee beans, and only the coffee beans there are the best.

But in fact, the quality of our Yunnan coffee beans is no worse than that of South American coffee, or even higher.

For example, Japanese Wagyu beef. Few people know that Longjiang Province also produces Wagyu beef, and the quality is not bad at all.

For another example, they all pursue Australian beef and mutton and dairy products, which are even the gold-lettered signs of cattle and mutton food and dairy products.

But with a little understanding, you know that the grassland cattle and sheep of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia Tan sheep, Qilian Mountain Baicao sheep, and Xj's big tail sheep are all very capable of fighting.

Then again, for example, Bordeaux red wine, Italian wine vinegar and so on.

In these cases, what seems to be marketing is the product, but it is actually the place of origin. Out of the place of origin, whether it is sales, brand, or added value, will be greatly reduced.

I have to say, the best place to play this is Japan.

Not only wagyu beef, wasabi, oysters, etc., they are all about origin marketing.

Of course, there are also domestic ones, but they are not deliberately marketed, but naturally formed.

The most famous is the Yangcheng Lake hairy crab.

Then, looking back at the Northeast, Qi Lei thought about it for a long time. He believes that the Northeast has the marketing conditions.

First, the timing was right.

He can use genetically modified soybeans to market domestic soybeans, and he can use domestic soybeans to market the black land in Northeast China.

Secondly, there are also some natural agricultural product brands, which can become evidence and help.

Such as Shangbei rice, Xiangshui rice, Panjin rice, Dandong strawberry and so on.

And there is another advantage that, to promote the black land in the Northeast, Japan and South Korea will help us to promote it.

Why do you say that?

Because many people don't know that the first people to use the black land in the northeast for high-end agriculture and high value-added farming are actually Japan and South Korea.

Since the 1990s, some Japanese and Korean agricultural products companies have been operating in Northeast China.

For example, many people have eaten that kind of sweet corn, right? Small stick, sweeter than the sticky corn native to the Northeast.

This species was first planted by the Japanese in the Northeast. They hired farmers from the Northeast to plant, and in nine or more years, the price could reach one dollar for a fresh corn cobs.

You know, at that time, the price of a kilogram of dry corn was only a few cents.

They just let farmers grow this kind of corn and ship it directly back to Japan after harvest.

Another example is the wild vegetables, fungi, medicinal materials, etc. in the northeast. Some varieties are not eaten by the Chinese, and they are all sold exclusively to Japan and South Korea.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this stage in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Japan and South Korea recognized the value of the black land in the Northeast more than our own.

These can be used as propaganda aids.

Finally, there is the geographical factor.

The three major black lands in the world, especially when the other two black lands are severely damaged, are even more selling points.

In addition, both the Ukrainian Plain and the Mississippi River Plain are dominated by large-scale agriculture, and customized agriculture is not easy to develop.

The natural resources of the Northeast Plain are even more precious.

Qi Lei: "We only need to market this land and establish a high-end agricultural brand in the world. Combined with the concept of green agriculture and environmental protection, as long as the agricultural products with the label of Northeast China represent high-end products!"

Everyone looked at each other, to be honest, the truth is such a truth, but no one has thought about it in this regard.

"Can you do it?"

Qi Lei was very determined, "It will definitely work!"

Although this time it has surpassed the ability of the reborn, because even in the time and space of Qi Lei's rebirth, the rejuvenation of the Northeast has not happened, and there is no regional marketing and high-end agriculture in the black land.

But Qi Lei believes that his thinking is not wrong.

Yes, the time node he crossed did not exist, but it did not mean that it could not exist in the future.

And, not too far away.

In later generations, the reason why the Northeast did not develop high-end agriculture and marketing regional advantages is actually very complicated.

First of all, China has not yet completed its rejuvenation and lacks a sense of security. Therefore, the agricultural development of the three northeastern provinces can only be considered by focusing on the issue of food security, and can only be used as an ordinary agricultural land.

In addition, at that time point in later generations, there is no communication channel like Beimei Penguin, and there is no hanging force like Qi Lei that can be deployed in advance.

Even if you want to manage the black land in the Northeast, you must have a communication port, and you must have that channel!

These are not available. So, it can only be put on hold temporarily.

But here comes the problem.

Let's imagine, what if! !

If, one day in 2020, we win and truly return to the top of the world.

So what will change?

First, your culture is gradually recognized and becomes mainstream. What followed was the return of international discourse power and the smooth flow of communication channels.

Whether or not there is still political opposition, at least in trade and commerce.

Second, food security is no longer an issue. Then we can safely balance the domestic food supply through imports, and the pressure on domestic agriculture will be reduced, and the historical mission of this land in the Northeast has been completed in stages.

Qi Lei believes that when that time comes, it is the time for farmers in the Northeast and even the whole country to start living a good life and increase their added value.

And the black land in the northeast will inevitably become a golden signboard, and if it exerts its potential, someone will inevitably run this brand.

By that time, the most valuable assets in the Northeast are definitely farmland, not houses and funds.

Therefore, to put it aside, the friends of later generations often talk about the stock market, funds, real estate investment, and in fact, consider arable land investment.

Of course, not everyone can buy arable land, but if you have arable land or have a rural household registration, don't let it go, don't let it go! Never let go! !

No matter what time, whether it is a peaceful and prosperous age, or a troubled autumn, whether it is ancient or modern, having land in hand is the safest asset.

Although Qi Lei doesn't understand the rules of farmland trading in rural areas, and he doesn't know if it can be traded, but if there is an opportunity and a way to get the land, what kind of house would he buy? What stocks to invest in? Buy land!

Even if it is not rented out, it is very safe.

(Northeast, other regions as appropriate)



In short, Qi Lei's real purpose is to finally market the black land in the northeast.

This is God's reward, the most precious resource!

And in another room, in the business hall.

Rand and Lawrence finally took a rough look at Reiler's plan to spread soy products.

Still... did not slow down.

how to say? Routines are impactful, but not novel.

Because of this method of incubating an industry by means of communication, it is not that the Americans do not know how to use it, and there are many cases all over the world.

Just like modern medicine. Those pharmaceutical companies in the United States used the means of communication to defeat traditional Chinese medicine in China, thereby smashing the Chinese market.

Another example is the NBA, which is also promoted to the world by means of communication, advertising coverage and star effect.

Therefore, Qi Lei's stuff is nothing new.

The only thing that made them feel confused is that the previous cases were not systematic, they all belonged to the category of fragmented marketing, and no plan was specially formulated from the perspective of communication.

But Qi Lei is different. His plan is systematic, complete and perfect.

And it's not surprising, and it doesn't mean it's not greedy.

Just because they knew that this set of things worked, it just made them more convinced that Qi Lei's plan would be successful.

Look at it again, this is a big cake of several trillions!

Looking at Rand, he wanted to suggest that Monsanto arrange to sell soy milk.

As for Lawrence, he was even more excited, and his eyes began to glow green.

Because in Bunge's eyes, this is not just a multi-trillion cake, he also sees a perfect solution for industrial optimization.

You know, Bunge not only grows soybeans in South America, he also controls warehousing, rough processing and transportation channels. These can be applied to the subsequent processing of soybean products.

It means that Bunge can get a big profit with a small investment.

Of course, the premise is that Qi Lei makes this plan a reality.

The more they looked, the more shocked and excited they became.

In the end, they knew that this was not up to their vice president, and they needed to notify the board of directors to discuss it immediately, and they needed to find communication experts and marketing teams in the United States for evaluation.

In this way, Qi Lei's plan was passed back to the Bunge and Monsanto headquarters in the United States with almost no delay.

When the executives and directors of the United States saw the plan, they were not surprised, but also shocked.

The cake is too big!

Is it possible?

Immediately organize a strength discussion and verify.

A preliminary conclusion is quickly drawn: it works! !

If it was Qi Lei, it would be completely feasible. That guy is the double darling of Wall Street and the B Palace, and he is a communication genius who has been praised by Levistan many times in public.

How could it not be possible?

Bunge said nothing, and at the same time as he came to the conclusion, the president got on the plane to China. He's going to talk in person.

Before getting on the plane, Mr. President thought deeply and decided to contact the feelings of the United States first.

He called Paulson's cell phone.

"Dear Paulson, I'm going to despise you this time! You've brewed such a big business, yet you didn't notify my old friend in advance! Come on, are you trying to kick me out?"

Paulson, who doesn't know anything, has a question mark in his head, what nonsense is he talking about? am I familiar with you? Who are you?

Then there is what kicked out? What big business? Has Desheng been in contact with Bunge recently?

These questions were racing through Paulson's head.

If he hadn't known that the president of Bong Ji opposite was famously sober and unsmiling, he must have thought he had dementia.

"Cough cough!!"

Clearing his throat, Paulson forced himself to calm down, "Dear Mr. Falico, you..."

I mean, what the **** are you talking about?



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