Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 164: Lonely brave

The Beijing night in July is already sultry.

Qi Guodong was stuffed at home in his pajamas, smoking one by one, and the whole living room was smoky.

Qi Laosan now has a feeling of annoyance.

From the first day Sanshi was listed, he was the boss. However, his boss is really just like everyone jokes, just a **** hanging on the wall, in fact, it doesn't help at all...

This is what makes Qi Laosan annoyed. If he really shared a little for his eldest nephew, maybe Sanshi's foundation could be stronger, and maybe he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today.

Zhao Na came out of the bathroom and persuaded softly: "Don't smoke, it's not a real separation! After this level, three stones are still three stones, what are you worried about?"

As a result, Qi Guodong got excited, "This is not a matter of separation, I'm angry!"

Pointing at the computer that was on, "Look at how you scold my eldest nephew? It's like talking about cross talk!!"

Zhao Na stopped talking, and she was also angry.

Sitting in front of the computer at a loss, "Then don't look, it's quiet if you don't see it!"

While talking, turn off those comment pages one by one.

As a result, just after I closed a few pages, I couldn't help but whisper, "Hey, Stone has updated his blog?

Qi Guodong raised his head for a while, "What did you say?"

Zhao Na clicked the mouse and entered Qi Lei's blog, "It seems to be a video."

After loading, the music suddenly started.

Thinking about the headquarters, Wang Zhendong was a little tired. He just comforted Nan Lao.

The old man who has always fought for nothing, is in a hurry this time.

For Uncle Nan, Qi Lei is not only a boss, but a junior, more like a family member, and a good friend.

Seeing Qi Lei being so scolded on the Internet and in the media, Nan Lao felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. I couldn't help it anymore, and shouted to find Wang Zhendong.

However, it is useless to find Wang Zhendong, Lao Wang can't, and can't do anything.

In fact, Lao Wang was also aggrieved in his heart, and he lost the free and easy and heroic when he made the plan.

As a successful entrepreneur who founded Sina and is now in charge of Imagination, he knows better than anyone the necessity and underlying logic of Qi Lei's actions.

If Sanshi sells socks and makes shirts, the Americans will be extremely willing to act as saviors and angels, and will generously give you everything you want.

But once their core interests are touched, they are the devil! It's a robber!

Want to get down to business? Dream it!

And Qi Lei is now dealing with robbers and dancing with devils.

To rush out of a world is as difficult as going to the sky.

This point, Wang Zhendong is very clear. Moreover, not only did he think so, he had chatted with Mr. Ren and Mr. Cao before, and they were also forward-looking.

Three Stones now have only two paths to take:

Or, just like Mr. Ren is doing, start the layout now, accumulate bullets, and prepare for the contest in ten or twenty years.

Or, it is Qi Lei's impatient temper, he can't wait ten or twenty years, and now he will break through.

Then there is no other way, you have to endure, hold back, and pretend to be a grandson.

However, the truth is such a truth, who knows who it falls on.

With a snap, Wang Zhendong couldn't hold back the sullen breath in his chest, and threw the teacup out.

Not everyone can pretend to be a grandson calmly...

The secretary rushed in when he heard the sound, but didn't say anything.

I cleaned up the residue and prepared to go out, but I remembered something.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, you can take a look at Mr. Qi's blog when you have time."

Wang Zhendong frowned, "Blog?

The secretary smiled sweetly and said playfully, "There's a surprise!"


Zhou Tao returned to Harbin with Feng Qiang and Liu Yuan, who had followed her from the socks wholesale store, and officially took over the Internet cafe business.

When I just came back, it was such a big change. In addition, Sanshi's original headquarters in Harbin was assigned to the Internet cafe business.

Other business units here are moving one by one, such as games, navigation networks, and r-trees.

Separate the family, from now on, each will not fish in a pot.

So, the three of them had a busy day and just sat in the office eating a lunch.

However, after eating two bites, looking at the very European-style layout of the office, and recalling the scenes from the past, I couldn't eat anymore.

Everyone is looking at it, from only the Internet cafe business to the business department one by one, filling it up, creating the glory of Sanshi.

Everything seemed to be yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, it was gone.

Snapped! !

Feng Qiang threw his chopsticks and became hysterical, "Why!?"

Feng Qiang is dissatisfied!

He is a rural child, following Zhou Tao and Qi Lei, walking out of this white mountain and black water step by step.

Everything he did today was done by Zhou Tao and Qi Lei.

He didn't understand those big truths either, but he knew that if people were bullied, he couldn't fight back;

"I can't figure it out!!" A young man, his eyes were red, "It's okay for the Americans to bully us, and the Chinese still scold us?"


Liu Yuan also slowly put down his chopsticks, feeling depressed.

Biting his lower lip, he looked at Zhou Tao, "Sister Xiao Tao, is it worth it for Shi Shi to do this?"

She asked a lot of Sanshiren's current thoughts.

does it worth? They are not only bullied by the Americans, but also abandoned by the Chinese.

does it worth?

Why! ?

Zhou Tao: ""

Silently, he shook his head slowly.

On the day of the meeting, she felt it was worth it, and she was even inexplicably excited.

From the sock-selling girl in the basement of Harbin City to the mainstay of Sanshi Company, Zhou Tao felt that her level had risen, and that Qi Lei's decision was cool and advanced.

But now, she's not sure.

It was the vicious words in the online media that scolded Sanshi and Qi Lei, making her unsure.

She is just an ordinary person who has survived step by step from a bitter child with no father or mother. When she encounters these things, she will not be able to raise her to a higher level.

does it worth? Zhou Tao didn't know.

Now, the only reason for her to continue to persevere is the boy who can always create miracles, and the reluctance to give up to Sanshi.

Reluctantly persuaded Feng Qiang and Liu Yuan, "It will be fine! Sooner or later, it will be fine."

At this moment, it may not only be Zhou Tao who is suspicious, and it is not only Feng Qiang and Liu Yuan who are complaining.

Almost all the three stone people are a little confused in the face of such a situation.

Sometimes, the great truth and the cruelty of reality run counter to each other.

Everyone understands the great principles, but they don’t necessarily have to put themselves in their shoes. Anyone can resist those great principles.

Maybe I feel that the words of persuading Feng Qiang and Liu Yuan are a little weak.

Zhou Tao slumped weakly on the chair, rubbing her face forcefully, trying to pass on some strength so that she would not collapse. Zhou Tao had the urge to call Qi Lei and let that kid enlighten her. His words are always so powerful.

But in the end, he held back. Now Qi Lei is not easy, right?

At this time, perhaps due to the will of God, Zhou Tao glanced at the computer that was on and saw the in-site reminder on the blog:

Friends you follow: Mr. Qi, updated the content. Shang North.

Today is another good day for Shangbei. The government square donated by local companies in Shangbei was officially put into use.

This will be the landmark square of Shangbei in the future, covering an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square meters, just in front of the municipal government building in the most prosperous area of ​​Shangbei.

In addition to the garden layout, landscape fountains, lighting effects, Shangbei city logo statues and other flowers that decorate the square, there is also the first giant electronic screen in Shangbei.

This thing is a new thing in this era, nine meters high and sixteen meters wide.

The square cut the ribbon in the afternoon, officially accepting Shangbei citizens.

At this time, the night was fading, the lights were flickering, and the square was full of playful children and old people walking.

As Shang Bei's leader, Xu Wenliang should have been happy, but he couldn't laugh.

He whispered to Zhang Nan next to him, "Are you saying Qianqian is stupid? Can this thing act!?"

Zhang Nan comforted him, "Don't think about it, they are also for the needs of the company, and they are not really separated.

Xu Wenliang stared, "It doesn't work if it's fake! What if it becomes real?

Well, Xu Wenliang is reluctant to bear this son-in-law. If the fake drama is really done, and one shot and two are scattered, where can I justify it?

"Cough cough!!

Qi Guojun, who was walking together, cleared his throat, "Lao Xu, if you want to talk, just talk a little bit, I can hear you.

Xu Wenliang was stumped, "I heard what's wrong? Your Shishi, this time it's just ignorant!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Nan quickly stabbed Xu Wenliang, "Say less."

Didn't you see Guo Lihua didn't speak all night?

Over there, Guo Lihua was indeed a little depressed.

My son was scolded, and now the company has to disintegrate to save his life. Although Qi Lei made a phone call to explain to his mother a few days ago, but when such a big thing happened, the most uncomfortable thing was being a mother.

Seeing this, Zhang Nan stepped forward to comfort him, "Sister Guo, the stone is too big, he has his own ideas, so let's not worry about it.

He smiled and said, "I can't keep up with his thinking now. Young people are more promising than us."

"Alas!" It's okay for Zhang Nan not to comfort him. The more he comforts, the more uncomfortable Guo Lihua feels.

"The truth, I know it too, it's just..."

"Why do you think his heart is so big?"

"You're only in your twenties! Don't you know the truth of fear?"

"There will be no peace of mind for a day!"

"So is his old uncle Bei, there are so many people in China, why does it have to be my stone?"

"You're calling me a motherfucker

As she talked, Guo Lihua's tears were about to fall, "If I knew earlier, I shouldn't have let his temper be in the first place!"

"Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, still a child, what kind of business did he create!"

As he was talking, the phone rang.

Guo Lihua sniffed and picked it up, "Hey, what's the matter?"

I didn't know what to say on the other end of the phone, but Guo Lihua was stagnant.

Putting down the phone, Qi Guojun asked her, "What's wrong?"

Guo Lihua was still at a loss, "Yumin asked us to quickly find a computer, saying that it was Stone who made a song again?"

Qi Guojun frowned, "Singing? This kid has a big heart. Do you still have the heart to sing at this time?"

He said that, but he couldn't wait to know what happened to his son.

He said to Xu Wenliang, "Then we will go back first."

Xu Wenliang heard it, "Isn't it a computer? There is one in the computer room."

The square has a computer room to control the lights, fountains, and electronic screens. Xu Wenliang brought everyone to the computer room. Of course, the chief control officer on duty knew Xu Wenliang, and opened the blog website with the computer in the computer room.

Then, as soon as the video started playing, everyone recognized that it was taken at home with a digital camera.

I saw Qi Lei, his hair was a little messy, and he was sitting on the sofa with an electric piano.

Don't say anything, just start playing.

The sound quality of the video is not very good, but it does not affect the power of transmission in the slightest.

The lyrics made several parents extremely moved.

"It's all brave."

"The wound on your forehead, your difference, your mistake"

"No need to hide"

"Your worn-out doll, your mask your self."

"They say, bring light and tame every monster."

"They say sew up your wounds, no one loves clowns"

"Why is it not honorable to be alone."

"There is only imperfection to be praised"

Who says a man covered in mud is not a hero? "

The two pairs of parents looked at each other, isn't it himself who sings in this song?

Zhang Nan seemed to have thought of something, "It's not just himself."

It's Three Stones! ! It's everyone at Sanshi! !

The chorus is ready to come out against the background of the melody, and the climax also bursts out.

At this moment, countless eyes are watching the computer screen, and countless ears are listening.

those abusive...




watching from the sidelines...


With various expressions and moods, they looked at the figure immersed in the music and shouted indulgently.

someone appreciates…

Someone doesn't understand...

someone cursed...

Someone disdain...

However, who cares?

They are destined to be foils, and they will never understand the true meaning of the song.

At this moment, the one who can resonate with Qi Lei...


Thousands of three-stone employees!

The music is high and low, and even if thousands of people enjoy it, there are two or three who are friends.

"I love you walking in the dark alley alone!"

"Love the way you don't kneel!

"Love you confronted with despair!

"Don't cry

"Love your tattered clothes!"

"How dare you block the gun of fate!"

"Love you just like me!"

"The gaps are all the same"


"Does it match?"

"This ragged cloak"

"A war?"


"With the humblest dream!"

"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night!"

"Who said standing in the light

"Talent, math, heroic, heroic!"

This is….

An open letter from Qi Lei to all the three stone heroic letter to all the warriors who embrace the darkness! !

"A war?"

War! "

"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night!"

"Who said that standing in the a hero!!"

The song stopped abruptly at the climax.

In the video, Qi Lei covered the strings and spoke loudly.

Looking at the camera, smiling brightly.


Sing out the last line:

"We are in the dark

"It's a hero!"


Lao Qin also faced the computer screen and slapped the case.


"It's too arrogant!"

"I like!!"

The fire that Lao Qin pressed against his chest completely exploded.

Haven't been so out of control in years.

Standing in the office, pointing at the computer screen, a little crazy.

"What is a cow b!

"This is called Niu B!"

"Have an oath meeting in front of you!!"

"You can't even see through!!"

"Just ask who else!!"

It was the first time for a room of colleagues to see Qin Chu so rude, but...

Shouldn't it? Really bull!

In the eyes of netizens who eat melons, it is the tears of a crocodile who has to be a bitch.

In Paulson's eyes, this is crisis public relations, a struggle to the death.

This is betraying the country, and shouting patriotic Wang W!

Only in the eyes of Sanshiren can we understand the true meaning of Qi Lei's song.

That's a hero's expedition!

It is the horn of a warrior!

It is the pride of the lonely brave! !

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