Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 157: Extreme Play (4D)

The sober Qi Lei was full of firepower.

Lao Qin learned all his thoughts from Xiao Zhao.

In the end, I can only sigh:

This kid is getting more and more demonic, and this is not a layout that one person can plan.

how to say? Winning M and Gu Ge seems to be a highlight, but it is actually just an appetizer, and the dirty ones are actually still behind!

Moreover, it's not just a dirty problem, but he used almost all the available factors to piece together some irrelevant fragments, and finally formed an endless network.

Let's put it this way, many events and factors and the current situation are simply impossible to fight, and no one would have thought that they could be the key to victory.

Old Qin Xin said, this kid seems to be getting stronger again!

After getting BM and Guge, the next one to appear is ARM. Moreover, Warren was not like those two families, he just got through with Qi Lei and started to wait for the opportunity.

Warren shot directly, and it was a situation that Paulson could not figure out.

I have to mention here, a misunderstanding of Qi Lei before.

After all, he is not from a technical background, so he naturally believes that it is difficult to make breakthroughs in smartphone technology according to the current level of scientific research.

There was a problem with his understanding of scientific research, thinking that doing scientific research means that a genius scientist suddenly had a flash of inspiration and came up with a genius invention, and then there was a technological breakthrough. .

In fact, this is a layman's perception, which can be said to be right or wrong.

Yes, as far as the technology required for smartphones is concerned, some problems are indeed difficult to solve in this era, and it is also difficult to tackle key problems.

But what is wrong is that scientific research is not the invention of genius from the idea of ​​genius.

More often, it actually requires the absolute patience of a top scholar. Because in the face of the unknown, their most efficient way is to try every possibility, and then find the right answer from countless failures.

This is like Edison's invention of the electric light bulb. He found success among more than 2,000 failures.

Most scientific researchers just repeat this process, trial and error, and then trial and error!

But the problem is, some things, for a traveler, that is a layer of window paper!

You let Qi Lei return to the Edison era, and he can omit the failures experienced by the old love classmates in one sentence.

Just tell him a common sense knowledge of the future: "You can try inert gas and tungsten wire!"

The same principle applies in this era.

And Qi Lei only understood this when he and Nan Lao, Byron and other technicians designed the initial architecture of intelligence in those days in Hainan.

The reason was an unintentional remark by Qi Lei, but it saved Byron's gallium nitride research at least three to five years.

Qi Lei said at the time, "We haven't developed other uses for this thing. It should be fine to use it as a charging head pad, right?"

Byron can't get it right in a word.

Because gallium nitride, an emerging high-tech material, has been published in scientific journals for more than ten years.

However, the research of materials science is actually a process of continuous trial and error.

When a new material comes out, in the next few years, ten years, or even decades, what researchers have to do is to keep using various experimental methods to find out all its basic properties and application properties.

Then go to the next step, and conduct a second round of trial and error for a certain application performance, which is looking for a needle in a haystack.

But for Qi Lei, this is just a bit of fragmented information that can be obtained through daily popular science.

Qi Lei just knew that the fast charging heads of later generations all used gallium nitride as a pad. (He doesn't even know what a liner is, just the name.)

And it is precisely such a piece of information, which is equivalent to letting Byron take the open-book exam and know the correct answer directly, saving a lot of trial and error time.

Byron had expected gallium nitride to make a difference in charging performance. It's just that he hasn't thought about pads yet.

"Oh, **** Qi!! Maybe you got it right!"

Qi Lei, "…"

It was not until this moment that Qi Lei realized that the value of his entanglement was not limited to leading this project, and maybe he could provide unexpected support from a technical level.

And the next beneficiary is Warren, which is ARM.

Currently, no chip company would think of designing a dedicated chip for a smart hand.

I would never have imagined that, on a personal computer, the heat dissipation problem, which is not a big problem, would be fatal on a smart phone.

Including Qi Lei, who can communicate with Warren for the first time, what performance is required for the smartphone chip, and which performance is not required.

Based on Qi Lei's first-hand information, Warren can provide design ideas that are completely different from traditional chips, which instruction sets can be omitted and which instruction sets need to be strengthened.

Warren only stayed in China for a week, but what he got from China is enough to make ARM lead any chip company in the design of smart machine chips.

And this has become an important weapon for Qi Lei to counterattack.

On the second day of Qi Lei's visit to BM, the head of operations at ARM headquarters in the United Kingdom disclosed an unattractive news to the media.

"ARM, which has recognized the prospect of smart terminal equipment, has started to study the chip instruction set specifically for smartphones."

"It is expected that the first batch of results will be produced in the second half of this year."

"By the end of 2003, nearly 100 patents can be applied for."

This news is actually nothing, the enthusiasm of Qi Lei's Stanford speech is still there, not only ARM, but the whole world is talking about smart terminals, which has formed a craze.

Other chip companies also have ideas in this regard, but they are not as fast as ARM, and they are not as confident as ARM.

It is understandable that everyone is planning ahead in this field.

Warren, who is in the United States, mentioned this matter and showed off to Paulson, "Mr. Paulson, this trip to China is not just as simple as bringing Qi Lei back to the negotiating table."

"I was fortunate to have participated in several technical seminars of Three Stone Company, so I had a preliminary understanding of their technical strategy, which made the project of the smart chip instruction set more closely related to the needs of Three Stone Company."

Paulson listened, very happy.

"It's a good thing, my friend!"

"If ARM can really lead Silicon Valley and complete the underlying architecture of the chip, this will not only give us an advantage in this war,

At the same time, it is also a powerful means to restrict Sanshi Company! "

"Washington will be delighted to hear that too."

To have more killing moves to get stuck in the neck of Sanshi, of course, for the Americans, it is of course happy to see it.

However, what Paulson thought was good news caught him off guard.

Shortly after ARM announced its new R&D direction, The Times' hottest star column fired up again.

Rossi Knightley unceremoniously slapped the equally delighted British into the bottom of the valley.

"ARM is ahead of its time again."

"Warren Attorney's strategic forward-thinking makes ARM an inevitable advantage in the smartphone era."

"And it is also one step closer to his dream of in-depth cooperation with Sanshi Company to merge system design and chip design."

"At that time, ARM chips with advanced chip design capabilities and high compatibility with the three-stone system will surely defeat Intel,

The old enemies of AMD and Samsung. "

"Right now, we're almost deliberately asserting that going to be great!"

"Unfortunately, what is Britain happy about? What are you happy about?"

“Did everyone choose to forget? Just a few months ago, ARM no longer belonged to the UK!”

"It is now an American company!! The glory that once belonged to the British has gone away from us."

"It is even more ironic that ARM's change of nationality is not a fair business practice, it was taken away by the Americans!"

"The day six months ago was a disaster day for the British!"

"Today, half a year later, it is not the United Kingdom that should be celebrated, but the American robbers!!"

When it comes to fanning the flames, Rossi can't be any better.

The small composition was written with extremely full of emotions, and it seemed that the British people, who were originally indifferent, seemed to be in mourning.

And this woman is even more vicious:

At the end of the article, she appealed, "Maybe it's time for those pro-Mi politicians in the House of Commons and the Prime Minister's Office to wake up!!"

"As British citizens, we hope to have a strong ally, and we hope to have a long-term friendship with the United States!"

"But should the great United Kingdom of Great Britain wake up when the United States that we regard as our partner, friend, and ally shows its fangs to us?"

"We are not the back garden of the Americans, let alone their captive livestock, which can be slaughtered at will!"

"Britain needs fairness!!"

"Europe needs fairness!!"

That's a little bit out of martial arts.

In the past, Rossi also published small essays, as well as other British media.

However, with regard to ARM, everyone has a tacit understanding and used all the comments on the American people. Basically, they are still polite to the pro-Mi politicians in their own countries, and they have not exposed the bottom line.

But this time, Rossi is clearly telling the British people that Americans are robbers, and pro-American politicians are accomplices! Be a traitor! !

This is a magnification move.

You know, Rossi is the hottest opinion leader in the UK.

Not to mention that rational readers will find it very reasonable after reading it, and there are countless brainless fans.

At any time, beauty is justice, and there are stupid supporters.

This beautiful writer, who was originally only well-known in the field of news, only spent less than half a year under the packaging and advice of Qi Lei. Has quickly grown into a media star! English rose! National idol!

It can be said that she has become the hottest British woman in recent years, apart from Princess Diana and the Spice Girls.

This highly provocative, discussion, and highly resonant article quickly spread across the British Isles, and even radiated throughout Europe.

What is even more interesting is that the characteristics of electoral politics have emerged once again.

Rossi scolded the pro-rice faction and provoked the British fig leaf, which is supposedly not a wise move.

However, it also means that the local faction and the anti-Mi faction can take advantage.

With the help of some people, a wave of public opinion criticizing the pro-rice faction and criticizing the inaction of the British government has quietly emerged.

This has directly led to a sharp drop in the support rate of the current prime minister, which has reached the lowest point since he took office.

If there are such remarks in normal times, the rulers can use their power to suppress these noises, and it will be calm when citizens choose to forget.

But now, the opposition is obviously adding fuel to the flames, a Rossi is no longer important, and it is impossible to eliminate public opinion.

For those in power, nothing matters now!

It doesn't matter what the American father asks, and it doesn't matter if someone has ulterior motives.

The important thing is to put out the fire, to deal with the crisis of public opinion, to keep the approval rate and keep the position.

Then, the only way to deal with it is to "pacify public opinion." Even if it is pretentious, take a superficially tough attitude towards the American BB.

"The UK government's priority is to safeguard the interests of British citizens and businesses," a government spokesman said at an open press conference.

"This is a firm belief that will never change!"

"As for the alleged unfair competition in the ARM acquisition case."

"The British government is considering the possibility of investigating the US companies involved."

Attitude is necessary, at least to appease the people.

However, whether there will be an investigation, and even if it is investigated, what will happen, then it will be another matter. It may be investigated for three to five years. Who cares about this at that time?

In short, it is necessary to be tough on the surface, but in fact, we still dare not disobey the American BB.

But the interesting thing is that in the game of capital politics, anything can happen.

It stands to reason that if you look at this situation with Chinese thinking:

From the point of view of the Americans, the British must be ordered to suppress this matter, and there will be no trouble later.

But the problem is, the United States is not a monolith!

The U.S. wants to suppress it is just wishful thinking in our opinion.

Wall Street controls the U.S., and they sure want to keep it down.

But the United States is also divided into parties and camps!

There is no need for direct entanglement of interests. As long as it can defeat you, as long as it can affect the election, the opposition party can do anything.

That is to say, there is hope that what is happening in the UK cannot be overwhelmed.


In particular, the news that Wall Street is already taking measures against Silicon Valley and taking measures of checks and balances is no longer a secret in Silicon Valley.

No one knows who made the news public.

In short, then there are more people who hope that this matter will get bigger and bigger.

Otherwise, how could Lao Qin doubt Qi Lei?

How can a person be so dirty?

As long as he gets into shape, the guy's brain is as sophisticated as a machine, and can engineer any factor into his game.

Wonderful coming!

Now, it's Silicon Valley's turn to sit still.

Wall Street wants their lives, so what are you waiting for?

All the companies in Silicon Valley are connected in a short period of time, all the contacts! All resources! All funds!

You say, what are you using?

First, Bill Gates' Microsoft, Palmisano's M, as well as Amazon, Guge, Yahoo, Intel, etc., almost all influential bigwigs stood up and spoke at the same time.

The argument is not to justify the United States, but to stand at the highest point of morality.

Bill: "What happened in the UK, it was terrible."

Palmisano: "Some robbers in the name of U.S. capital have brought shame to the image of the U.S.!"

"They undermine the foundations of free trade and set a bad example for the world!"

"IBM has decided to terminate all cooperation with Desheng."


What righteous words, like saints, as if they felt it and hated it as much as the British people.

It's a pity that the purpose behind it is dirty.

Next, overseas companies such as Samsung, Sony, and Nokia also jumped out to express their views one by one.

"The ARM acquisition has cast a shadow over the entire electronics industry."

"It's regrettable that they've disrupted the tech climate in the electronics industry."

These are all brought to the platform by Silicon Valley. They have a very close relationship with Silicon Valley. Of course, they want to speak for Silicon Valley?

Then, more unexpected off-site factors came, and European capitalists couldn't sit still.

What's the matter with them?

Don't say it, it's none of their business!

As I said before, where did the South L League incident lead to the outflow of European capital?

China and the United States.

Where is the money that goes to the United States invested? Internet and it industry.

That is, they voted for Silicon Valley!

Now, Wall Street capital wants to encircle and suppress Silicon Valley, which is equivalent to cutting their leeks, what can they do?

And who can these European capital influence?

Of course it is the center of power in Europe, it is European politics.

As a result, the political winds in Europe began to turn against each other again.

The world has been suffering for a long time, including the crusade against the United States by public opinion during the previous period, which made the United States very passive, but it did not actually cause much harm.

It has been suppressed all the time, and this time it is completely vented.

In just a few days, the ARM headquarters and the U.S. embassy in the UK were besieged to death, and demonstrators were everywhere.

Then, the British General Union of Trade Unions and the Electronics Industry Union suddenly announced that the electronics industry-related enterprises in the United Kingdom began to strike and denounce the United States!

This has caused the British rulers to change from fake toughness to real toughness under the influence of domestic and foreign pressures, as well as the influence of international public opinion, including the differences in the US itself.

What's so special about the American BB, let's keep the power first!

Even in line with public opinion, he shouted, "Return ARM to the UK's slogan!"

Afterwards, France, Germany, Switzerland and other countries, from the media to politicians, seemed to have found a long-lost unity to support the UK together.

The strike-loving French even followed in the footsteps of their old rivals and started a strike.

It's just a little weird, what about the French cleaners' strike in the electronics industry?

Paulson, who is in the United States, didn't want to understand:


Why can a small composition by British Bitchi trigger such a big tsunami of public opinion?

As a result, Washington is under enormous pressure from international public opinion, and is extremely dissatisfied with the trouble that Desheng has caused.

Paulson thought to himself, did that woman hang up? Why did she choose to jump out at such a time?

Well, Rossi really got it.

She is now favored by the British public, even higher than the Prime Minister.

Because, the storm of public opinion in the UK did not benefit the Three Stones negotiations.

Paulson even heard that Qi Lei had an ambiguous relationship with Rossi Knightley, and asked Qi Lei to mediate through Manager Wen to solve that Bichi.

In this regard, Qi Lei readily accepted and promised to help Desheng chat with Rossi.

However, Paulson really didn't have time to deal with Rossi, and bad news came one after another.

First, M made a high-profile announcement: "Their newly developed server architecture and algorithms have improved server technology by a whole generation!"

(Actually, it was taken from Sanshi.)

At the same time, Palmisano was asked by reporters at the press conference about ARM and the smart machine project of Sanshi Company.

Palmisano replied, "Wall Street's approach is disgusting and has threatened the future of the IT industry."

"IBM is considering terminating service with Wall Street on servers!"

"Let those capital predators use the phone book to store stock information!"

Subsequently, Gu Ge's security department suddenly released the 2002 Global Software System Security Report.

It is claimed that major loopholes in Microsoft and Pangu systems have been discovered, and there are major security risks. Once exploited by hackers, it will cause immeasurable losses to global enterprise-level computer systems and may trigger a global financial tsunami.

This duo has stunned Wall Street.

Not to mention whether Paulson was frightened to death, Migu was very frightened anyway.

Plunge! !

A bleak, spectacular! !

On this day alone, I don't know how many Wall Street investors want to jump off the building.

Paulson has completely messed up. This is their basic plan, which has shaken the foundation.

What's more troublesome is that he has not yet found a way to deal with BM and Guge.

He was so angry that he even started to blame Qi Lei.

"Qi! What's going on with your system? Why is there a major loophole? This gives us no confidence to replace Windows."

In this regard, Qi Lei can only apologize, "I don't want to see such a thing happen."

"However, the system is like this, with tens of millions of lines of code, it is inevitable that there will be loopholes."

"Besides, we are still an emerging system, and many places are really not perfect."

Paulson, "I think you should command the Chinese headquarters now and make amends immediately!"

Qi Lei, "Don't worry, we are already working on a remedy."

"Oh, **** it!" Qi Lei looked very annoyed, "Maybe Deer has been eyeing me for a long time, this is his bargaining chip with me in the browser negotiation."

Paulson, ""

Qi Lei, "I'm just curious, Microsoft shouldn't make such a low-level mistake. They are a mature system and have rich experience. Why do major loopholes occur?"

But Paulson couldn't help it. "Is that even a question? That **** Bill!"

"Even if there is no loophole, he will open a back door for Brother Gu!"

Throwing a newspaper in front of Qi Lei, "Look at it!"

"Bill has responded to the loophole, and he said it himself, this loophole is difficult to fix and takes time!"

"It's simply aimed at us!"

Qi Lei threw up his hands helplessly, "Then what should we do now?"

Paulson froze, but smiled abnormally, "It's okay, we'll deal with it."

"Qi, I assure you that it will not affect our cooperation."

Qi Lei, "…"

It's okay ass!

Wait! It is estimated that the congressmen in Washington will be contacting you soon.

This is not Qi Lei's calculation, even if you think about it with your heels.

When such a big incident occurs, international public opinion and the stock market plummet, and it also threatens the financial system of the United States. It is impossible for Washington to stand idly by.

As expected, Paulson went back to receive a call from Washington.

"Mr. Paulson, this is nothing like what you promised us."

Paulson forced his composure.

He smiled and said, "This is a normal reaction. You don't think those people in Silicon Valley will accept the reality willingly?"

"Of course there will be resistance, but it's still under control."

Opposite, "What's the matter with ARM? International public opinion has damaged the image of the United States."

Paulson, "You don't need to worry about this. We have found a channel to get the source."


"Yes! That British reporter."

"Well, I hope you don't do anything stupid, that female reporter is now a hero in Britain, you know what I mean?"

Paulson, "Of course, we wouldn't do that unless we had to, and it wouldn't solve the problem."

Opposite, "I hope so!"

There was a moment of silence, "Mr. Paulson, what the B Palace means is..."

“Maybe Wall Street could consider coexisting with Silicon Valley.”

"Since we can work with the Chinese, why can't we work with Silicon Valley?"

When Paulson heard this, his face darkened immediately, and those **** politicians were shaken! !

They should know that there is no way to cooperate.

Silicon Valley has replaced Wall Street to dominate the United States. If it is allowed to develop without intervention, then it is not a question of ambition at all, but a question of trends.

Silicon Valley has everything to lead America, doesn't Washington know it?

They have public opinion, media, capital, and hold the key to the future!

If Paulson now agrees to reconcile with Silicon Valley, it would be a capitulation.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly smiled, "You have made a very good suggestion, and I will consider it carefully."

"No! Maybe we can implement it immediately, and we can pull Long M and Gu Ge. In this way, the crisis of server and system vulnerabilities can be lifted by the way."

Opposite, "Paulson, maybe you can also consider Microsoft and Intel, and Amazon."

Paulson's eyelids twitched and he was silent again.

For a long time, "I'm afraid this is difficult?"


Paulson, "To appease the British, we have decided to involve ARM."

"They hold the core technology of smartphone chips and are indispensable partners! Moreover, ARM's business overlaps with Intel's."

"And Microsoft's system overlapped with Three Stone's."

"If BM enters the game, then Amazon's database service will also become tasteless."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"It's not a wise choice to let the three of them in."


For a long time, "Well, it's up to you to decide."

"However, Palace B hopes that you will solve these troubles immediately!"

Paulson, "Yes."

Put down the phone, Paulson sneered, **** politician! !

Then Paulson figured it out.

The entry of M and Gu Ge may be a good thing. Not only can they solve the current predicament, but they can also provide some technical support.

The main thing is that it will look good in public opinion.

However, Paulson does not intend to give them too much, and the stock ratio is probably between 3% and 4%.

And ARM..

On the contrary, Paulson will give Warren more, after all, the left hand is the right hand.

In fact, pulling ARM into the water is a plan to slow down.

Just this morning, Warren had approached Paulson, and ARM's UK headquarters was under threat of a strike.

The large number of demonstrators also prevented ARM from working normally.

What's more, British politicians have contacted Warren, whether it is the pro-Mis faction or the opposition party, hoping that he has a personal statement.

Warren was also cornered. "The British government wants me to respond to appease public opinion."

"Mr. Paulson, I want you to know that ARM has reached a dead end!"

"Maybe you should consider adding ARM's name to this cooperation project. The important position of a multinational project will give public opinion some comfort."

In this way, Paulson estimates that it will take about 7% of the shares to get rid of BM and Guge.

On the ARM side, Paulson is ready to allocate 9% to 10%.

As a result, the left hand is reversed to the right, and there can be more.

Second, ARM's smartphone chip project is really important and worth the price.

As for Qi Lei, it may take 32% or even 33% to get rid of it. After all, Paulson owes him a favor on Rossi Knightley's side.

In this way, the share ratio he needs to take out is still below 50%, and Wall Street still has the initiative.

After calculating this, Paulson gradually relaxed, and the situation was still under his control.

Just then, the secretary knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. President, old Gerald from JS Company wants to see you."

Paulson frowned, "What is this old **** doing?"

Paulson is very disgusted with Gerald Merlin, he is a scoundrel!

However, thinking that the old **** would still be used now, Paulson decided to see him anyway.

As a result, Gerald, who looked like a rogue, almost sent Paulson away with the first sentence.

"Paulson, I want the shares of the cooperation project with Sanshi Company!"

Paulson wants to kick him out, why do you?

"Gerald, are you kidding me!?"

Old Gerald said, "I'm never kidding!"

"Then you are crazy!"

Gerald, "Am I crazy? Don't think I don't know your tricks!"

"ARM is still losing money, and your Desheng managers are sniping JS everywhere in the stock market."

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Don't you understand your intentions?"

"You want to watch my bank fail to repay Desheng's loan, and then rob the bank along with ARM!?"

"You are dreaming!!"

Paulson, "…"

His eyes became sharp, and he finally knew why Gerald came. This guy lost his red eyes in the stock market.

This is to extort Desheng!

Without showing weakness, "Gerald, don't make a fool of yourself! There is no such thing at all, it's all your slander!"

Gerald's face also turned hideous, "Slander? Good!"

"Paulson, you bastard! I slandered? Then let's not think about anyone!"

Paulson, "What are you doing?"

I saw Gerald Merlin sneered, "There is still a year and a half until the first repayment date!!"

Paulson, "???"

Gerald, "In other words, within this year and a half, ARM is still under my control!"

Eyeballs stood up, "Do you believe it? I sold ARM to the Chinese!"

"That surname Qi will definitely be interested!"

"Yeah, that's what I'm going to do! I'm going to sell ARM to him and you'll get nothing!"

"Qi will definitely buy it, the big deal is that you die with me!"

After speaking, Gerald turned around and left, as if he really made up his mind, so he went to negotiate with the Chinese.


Paulson let out a low growl between his teeth.

Gerald stopped, turned his head and smiled, "Humph!! What? You changed your mind?"

Paulson, "…"

His face fell, of course he had to change his mind.

Special, now he can't lose ARM.

Moreover, he is more convinced than Gerrard that if ARM is sent to Qi Lei, he will buy it without hesitation.

At that time, it is not just a matter of manpower and wealth.

Qi Lei will even use this to raise his share ratio, or even just one shot and two breakups, and turn to the British and Silicon Valley to cooperate.

Damn it! Really **** it!

Paulson cursed in his heart, he hadn't faced such a dilemma in years.

However, there was a smile on his face.

"Gerald, we've been friends for many years, must we get to this point?"

Gerald, "You did it first, didn't you?"

"Okay!" Paulson sighed, "I admit that in this matter, it did damage our friendship."

"But it's all Pittwen's manipulation, and I didn't know it beforehand!"

"What do you think? I'll buy the ARM back and add 10% to the price you paid. No! 15%."

JS company spent 7 billion pounds to acquire ARM, plus 15%, which is to make Gerrard a net profit of one billion.

However, Gerald didn't seem interested, "I just want a stake in the new project!"

Paulson forcibly held back his anger and smiled: "It's difficult, it's not that I'm stingy, you should have heard some rumors, this is not just about the Desheng family, the five major investment banks are involved."

Gerald, "Don't scare me with those old bastards! I only want shares, will you give them?"

"No? Then I'll go find Qi Lei now!"

After talking and leaving again, Paulson decided that Paulson would not dare to hand over ARM to the Chinese.


Seeing that Gerald was at the door, Paulson gritted his teeth, "Yes!"

As soon as Gerald heard this, he turned the corner and came back, "Would it be better to hurry up? I want 10%!"

"Impossible!" Paulson is going crazy, you have such a big appetite.

But Gerald, "No? Then I'll find Qi Lei!"

"My friend!" Paulson was anxious and stopped Gerrard, "It's really too much, I'll give you a maximum of 2%!"




“3%! Really can’t be more!”


"5%!!! This is the greatest sincerity I can show!"


"6%!! Old bastard, you don't have to go for it!"

"make a deal!"


Paulson was stunned, did I give too much?

Gerald, "Below 6%, I would rather not be on Wall Street, and I will definitely sell ARM to the Chinese!"

"Paulson, you know my character, don't take risks!"

Having said that, Gerald walked away with his hands behind his back.

Paulson was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Heart said, old bastard, you will be punished sooner or later!

However, this result, Paulson is still reluctantly acceptable.

First of all, in cooperation with Sanshi, profit is not the first priority, it is mainly to check and balance Silicon Valley.

And now... the share ratio distribution is fairly reasonable.

The final share allocation is that Xincheng Investment, an investment subsidiary jointly established by the five major investment banks, accounts for 44.9% of the shares and is the largest shareholder.

Sanshi Company, accounting for 33% of the shares, became the second largest shareholder.

ARM holds 9.9% of the shares and is the third largest shareholder.

After that, there is JS company, accounting for 6.1% of the shares.

IBM, with a 3.3 percent stake.

Guge accounted for 2.8% of the shares.

The six major shareholders jointly operate the North American Sanshi Communications Corporation, which was independently spun off from Sanshi China.

Its main business is the research and development of smart phones and the North American operation of Pangu system.

Of course, these are all things to come, at this time in Paulson's mind is just a blueprint.

The only question now is whether this share allocation plan will be supported by Washington.

After all, Paulson could clearly hear from the phone call that Washington regretted the war between Wall Street and Silicon Valley. They wanted to coexist.

And now this plan is tantamount to completely excluding Silicon Valley.

BM and Gu Ge can only be regarded as defectors, and have nothing to do with Silicon Valley.

Can Washington agree?

No way, Paulson had to convene his counterparts from the five major investment banks, ready to use his contacts to collectively put pressure on Washington.

Several companies finally agreed. They have the ability to influence Washington's decision-making, so don't worry too much.

On the Washington side, it seems that it is no longer entangled, and finally agreed to Paullin's share ratio plan.

The so-called meat is rotten in the pot. Although there are no Silicon Valley companies, the Chinese have only got 32% of the equity, and they can't even veto it.

Although other equity interests are scattered, they are still important and can ensure the interests of the United States.

For example, although Gerrard is an asshole, he is a Wall Street investment bank after all. His 6.1 plus Prudential Investment's 44.9, the total is still more than half.

At a critical moment, even if Gerrard is disobedient, someone will make him obedient, ensuring control of Wall Street.

Besides, there is also ARM under the control of Desheng!

In short, except for Qi Lei's 33%, the rest are Americans, and the situation is stable.

Um! !

When Paulson told Qi Lei about the share allocation plan, Qi Lei also thought so:

Still stable!

What a coincidence!

Own 33%, plus Gerrard's 6.1, plus ARM's 9.9, and 2% who have reached an agreement with BM and Guge...

Also exactly 51%!

You said it was a mess.

Lao Qin, who was in China, knew the news and was speechless for a long time.

After all, let him figure it out!

Dirty stone, another fork!

It's just that Lao Qin still doesn't know that this dirty set has survived, and the real dirty things haven't been revealed yet!

From a long-term perspective, Qi Lei not only negotiated this business, but also completely destroyed the IT industry in the United States.

Immediately after this deal was struck, three things happened.

First, M and Gu Ge are almost identical. They have established branches and R&D centers in China, and gradually transferred their business to China, where the environment is relatively good.

Second, not long after the deal was concluded, Washington secretly met with Silicon Valley giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Intel. The military technology licensed to Wall Street in the future will also be licensed to Silicon Valley companies on the same conditions.

Paulson's greed and inconsistency with Washington's will has drawn dissatisfaction from some policymakers.

Wall Street does control the United States, but no one wants to be controlled, does it?

Thirdly, after the European public opinion storm and the struggle between the two major forces in the United States, the European capital settled in the United States is no longer overly superstitious about the security of the investment environment in the United States, and began to slowly transfer to the Chinese market.

This time, Qi Lei has experienced the biggest challenge since he started business.

But at the same time, he also won the biggest victory in his two lives.

He played to the limit and cheated the door of the United States.

Next, Sanshi Company and him will completely change the trajectory of this time and space.

That's right, let's deal with it.

Good night.


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