Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 149: different directions

Now, it is not necessarily a bad thing to sell a flaw to the Americans, and it can even be said to be the most ideal result.

In fact, after the symposium ended, Qi Lei figured it out. How could Zhengchou debunk this lie!

Well now, the enemy is taking the initiative to attack.

After explaining all this to Xiao Zhao, Qi Lei said, "So, tell Uncle Bei for me, it's very stable, let him go on vacation!"

Xiao Zhao is also speechless. He now understands a little bit why old Qin attaches so much importance to Qilei, and has always had the obsession to invite him to work in the office to focus on strategy.

Through this period of contact, Xiao Zhao discovered that Qi Lei's thinking about problems is fundamentally different from normal people.

He never sticks to inertia, everything seems to have become a habit, and he is accustomed to analyzing contradictions from both positive and negative levels. .

For example, one plus one, a normal person's answer without thinking is equal to two, which is extremely certain and does not need to be questioned.

And Qi Lei is different, it doesn't mean that his answer will be different from that of a normal person, and the result is equal to three.

When he was sure that it was equal to two, he would think about the possibility of it being equal to three.

This way of thinking that is different from common sense is destined to have a much wider perspective than others. And this is also the most valuable quality of being a strategist - not being held back by the right answer.

And this quality is exactly what Xiao Zhao and most people do not possess.

Looking at Qi Lei with some admiration, "Who did you learn from?"

He knows Qi Lei's family situation like the back of his hand. His parents are honest people. How could he teach such a dishonest guy?

In this regard, Qi Lei's mind couldn't help but think of two people, the old mother-in-law and the uncle Geng.

To tell the truth, Qi Lei's previous life was really different. It was all trained by his mother-in-law and Uncle Geng, so he said, "If you have nothing to do, talk to Uncle Geng more, that's a master!"

When Xiao Zhao heard this, "Really?\"


Qi Lei never imagined that he would make a half-truth joke and bring back a **** son for Uncle Geng.

I was almost annoyed to death by this godson.

Now everything is clear, it's all a false alarm.

Seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Zhao got up to leave, "You guys rest, we are watching outside."

Qi Lei wanted to keep them in the house for the night, but he knew it was impossible.

Let Cheng Lele go to the kitchen to get some coffee drinks, snacks and the like, "It's been a long night, it's quite hard."

They are all acquaintances, and Xiao Zhao is not polite.

Before leaving, he joked, "In China, your third uncle is more difficult than us."

Facing the siege of reporters, Qi Guodong must be the ants on the hot pot.

Qi Lei smiled, "There's no way, I can only make them feel a little bit uncomfortable for a while."

In this way, Xiao Zhao tried to find a way to spread the situation back to China.

At this time, it was noon in the country, and Lao Qin was sitting in the yard of his fellow villager, holding white rice and eating red fish stew.

What a beautiful day!

Upon hearing it, Qi Lei did it on purpose? Don't worry about him?

That is naturally the best, continue to enjoy delicious food.

During this time, Lao Qin almost made up for the leave he had not taken for 20 years.

In fact, there is no big deal here in Hainan. The film and television base project involves infrastructure construction on several isolated islands in sensitive waters, and he needs his signature. Some foreign personnel have to go deep into the South China Sea for field inspection, while Lao Qin has to screen the personnel in advance.

That's all! It was very comfortable at this time, and Lao Qin also pondered wickedly, the third child of Qi is going to be uncomfortable!

This is the answer to Qi Guodong's puzzled question. It's not that Lao Qin didn't know that Sanshi Company was disturbed by reporters, and it's not that he didn't help, but... he was helping if he didn't show up.

Back at the site of Sanshi Company, a group of reporters rushed to the conference room.

I need to say one more thing here. Some people may not understand it very well. How dare you dare to rush into the conference room? Shouldn't it be okay to call the police?

how to say?

From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, journalists at this time point are ancestors!

Don't say you are a businessman or a policeman. When a reporter from a provincial newspaper arrives at a place, the county magistrate and secretary are not enough to watch, they all walk sideways.

Journalists of this era are not at all the same concept as later generations.

In later generations, because of the rise of Internet companies and private commercial media, journalists are no longer valuable. In addition, due to the relationship between public supervision and online transparency, reporters are not too afraid to use the right to speak too much.

But in this day and age, who would dare to provoke them?

As Qi Lei said during the selection of the first eagle class, you are the mouthpiece of China, the absolute mouthpiece.

It is also absolutely fat!

Not to mention the official media reporters, they are from the tabloids. Once the press card is hung up, they walk with their nostrils turned upside down.

In a way of hospitality like the Three Stone Company, do you want a big meal?

This is the basic operation. That is, in the capital, any change of place would be considered negligent.

If you don't give a big red envelope, they will say that you are good?

It is so arrogant.

People who come from this era can easily recall as long as they pay a little attention. In this era, there are often reports about reporters taking advantage of their powers, receiving red envelopes, and being rude.

Besides, the law does not blame the public. With so many people, as long as one or two deliberately instigate it, and if they are used to it, they will break through.

Even with such a deep background in Sanshi Company, it is impossible to offend everyone.

Moreover, it is not a concept at all for a cultural person to do things and make trouble with the local ruffians.

These people didn't get dirty with rocks or brains, but they didn't do anything when they got dirty.

We broke into the conference room, and people blocked you. It was indeed rude, but the words spoken were completely different.

"Mr. Qi, we are also happy for Sanshi Company, plus a little impatient, don't have the same knowledge as us.

"Everyone came in, in fact, for one purpose, you can give us a precise word, is the news that Sanshi company is developing a smartphone really true?"

"Just say, yes or no, that's fine!"

"After that, we will apologize to you! Then I will definitely not disturb everyone's work, and wait for the press conference obediently.

Yes! Or not, it's that simple.

No matter how bad it is, just nod or shake your head.

We don't ask for the specific details, just to give you face, we will definitely cooperate with the publicity.

It's all said and done for this reason, and the chatting of the sky is dead.

Because "yes" and "no" are the lifeblood of Qi Guodong, the most difficult question to answer.

how to answer?

Qi Guodong definitely couldn't say this "yes", and it would be a big deal if he said it. If it proves to be false, it will destroy the reputation of Sanshi Company.

But to say "no"...

Can't even say it.

Qi Lei's side has already penetrated deep into the wolf's lair, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't help at the back, if the stage is demolished. That would be even worse.

But, don't answer? Continue to do Tai Chi?


Qi Guodong's head is about to explode, Qi Lei, this unlucky thing, you should let me know in advance!

Forced himself to remain calm, and suppressed the reporter's voice with a virtual hand, "We understand everyone's mood!"

"However, please understand us. A commercial project starts from a preliminary idea, to discussing the feasibility.

Then it's time to formally launch the project and announce it to the public, etc. "

"Everyone is understanding, we have to be more careful!"

"Besides, I promised everyone that I will give you an explanation at a later press conference. So, I hope you all stay calm and give us a little time. Can you?"

What Qi Guodong said was very polite and well-founded.

Ordinarily, as long as you can listen to people's words, you should also save face.

But, still the same sentence, someone is here to find fault on purpose, how can they reason with you?

At this time, a reporter from the Beijing News jumped out again, with a yin and yang stance, "Mr. Qi, although that is what you said, but..."

He spread his hands and said, "Everyone is here, can't you just be a little more accurate? We'd better wait, right?"

"Besides, everyone is anxious to know the result, and not all of them are anxious."

Clearing his throat, "Just now, a friend of mine wanted to contact President Xiao Qi directly. But he didn't answer the phone."

"I think, Mr. Qi, you haven't contacted Mr. Qi, have you?"

"This has to make everyone suspicious. Could it be that Sanshi Company wants to talk to Xiao Qilei before giving the reporters an answer?"

Baring teeth smiled, "You said this situation, there are already rumors that Sanshi Company is talking big again this time, and it's embarrassing to throw it to the United States."

"This has to make people more suspicious, right? For the image of Sanshi Company, in order to give an explanation to the public, I think President Qi should also give an attitude. Instead of blindly dragging it on!"

Qi Guodong, "…

I couldn't take it anymore. I hated it, why did the Beijing News post it again?

Well this. …

Just when he was hesitating, Wang Zhendong, who was behind him, saw that Qi Guodong couldn't handle it alone.

Suddenly came out, "Which newspaper are you from~!?"

"The Beijing News? It's you again? What's the matter with you and us? Why are you all behind the scenes?"

Wang Zhendong made a lot of noise and made it clear that he and Qi Guodong had a white face and a red face.

When other reporters heard it, they couldn't help laughing. Who doesn't know about the Beijing News and Sanshi Company? Of course you gotta do your thing?

However, they don't care whether you have a conflict or not, they only want their news.

Now it's not that no one can see that the Beijing News is instigating, it's just pushing the boat with the flow.

With the posture of watching a play, watching Wang Zhendong and the Beijing News pinch each other, and Wang Zhendong is obviously not an ordinary person, after scolding the reporter, he continued to shout angrily.

"Do you really understand, or do you pretend not to understand?"

"Chief Qi is in the U.S. and is negotiating with the U.S. people. Any news or actions released by Sanshi Company will have an unpredictable impact on the U.S. negotiation, so we have to be even more cautious!"

"Yes! That's right! We are indeed waiting for a call with Mr. Qi in order to cooperate with the negotiation strategy."

"Is there any problem with this?"

"Taking back 10,000 steps, he said that after meeting with Mr. Qi, whether to announce the project or deny it is also for the purpose of negotiation."

"From a business point of view, there is no problem."

"You are now inciting everyone to force us to answer, what's the matter? You were sent by the Americans?"

"I don't think you are a good person!\"

Wang Zhendong is not a good guy. The reporter from the Beijing News was obviously a little bit overwhelmed.

And other reporters...

Oh? ?

Don't even mention it, the people from the Beijing News are really similar!

However, what Wang Zhendong said really makes sense. Mr. Qi is still in the United States, and the overall situation is of utmost importance.

Some of these people, even if they were originally watching a play, are now a little bit towards Sanshi Company.

When the reporter from the Beijing News saw that the situation had reversed, he knew that it was not good.

He glanced at the reporters of the other two newspapers in the corner without a trace. It means, leave me alone, you too!

Otherwise, they will be fooled by the two people over there to see, well, they can't escape.

I can only bite the bullet and go to support the Beijing News.

However, at this very moment, Qi Guodong's cell phone suddenly rang.

Qi Guodong looked down and walked to the corner to answer the phone.

Everyone has an instinctive hunch that this call should be very important.

Wang Zhendong was full of expectations, who called? At the critical moment, Qi Laosan went to answer the phone? Qi Lei got in touch?

Or the old Bei?

Everyone from Xing Ran couldn't hear the content of Qi Guodong's phone, but from his expression, he could see the clue.

This time, even the reporters from the Beijing News stopped and looked at Qi Guodong.

Finally, Qi Guodong put down the phone, looked relaxed, and walked slowly to the reporters.

"I just got the news that before the communication was interrupted, Mr. Qi had passed the relationship with Mr. Sam Brown, the partner of the Magic Capital Microelectronics At present, Sam is about to board the plane to Beijing. , three hours later, he will personally introduce the progress of the smart terminal project in detail to everyone."

Pi Ya smiled, "Let me tell you the truth, the reason why we can't give you the answer to this project is because it is the highest-level secret of the Three Stone Company. Moreover, the specific implementation of the project has always been promoted by the Magic City side, and Sam is the most knowledgeable. the right to speak."


Everyone was shocked.

Someone realized something and rushed up one step, with the recorder against Qi Guodong's face, "Mr. Qi, are you admitting in disguise that Sanshi is developing a smartphone?"

Qi Guodong, "I tell you clearly, yes!"

Wang Zhendong, Nan Lao, and Xu Xiaoqian and others behind him also all proved it.

Who's calling? Why did you just admit it?

Well, the call was from Sam Brown.

Tell Qi Guodong that he can admit the existence of the project, and he is indeed rushing to the capital without stopping.

Qi Lei really didn't count it this time. Sam turned the "weakness" he had designed into an extremely difficult...smartphone research and development project that had to be pushed forward.

And his original plan to show weakness to the Americans and get a knife was broken.

He had to go in another direction, a direction he didn't even dare to think about.

This comma is purely forcing myself.

It could be the second half of the night, or it could be tomorrow morning, don't wait.

I squint for a while.

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