Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 140: The devil is dirtier than Qi Lei

At the same time that Qi Lei was lying on the sofa with Wu Xiaojian and Chen Wenjie Hu Chuihaikan, Lao Qin, who was far away in China, was enjoying the sunshine and sandy beaches of Hainan incomparably comfortable.

The work here is relatively easy, and he rarely has time to spend his birthday.

The fly in the ointment is that the wife and children are all in the capital, so there is no family vacation.

Just as she was beautiful, the phone rang.


As soon as Lao Qin heard this, he was instantly shocked, "Speak!"

Opposite is a young voice, "Don't be nervous, it's not a big deal. It's just that we have just learned about such a situation, and it's not easy to judge, so we need to communicate with you."

After listening to Lao Qin, he did not relax at all, his brows furrowed tightly, and he took a deep breath, "Speak!"

Five minutes later, Lao Qin hung up the phone.

After pondering for a long time, he finally dialed a number.

When the phone was connected, Lao Qin unconsciously showed a concerned tone, "Where is it?"

The voice of Qi Lei came from the opposite side, and I could vaguely hear the laughter of the two young people.

"Where are you with Wu Ning? What's wrong, Uncle Bei? Is there something wrong at home?"

Lao Qin, "What can be wrong at home?"

Pretending to be relaxed, "What, do you want to attend a forum this afternoon?"

The opposite Qi Lei was shocked, "How did you know this?!\"

Lao Qin snorted, "Don't worry about it, just say it's right?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, I have something to do with Levistan!\"

Lao Qin, "Is it okay not to go?"

Qi Lei, "????"

With Qi Lei's mind, it is impossible not to know the meaning of Lao Qin's words, and after thinking about it, "You may not go, the main reason is..."

"What is it?"

Qi Lei, "I've been relieved with Pittwen and Guge, and Pittwen should have said hello to Lu Weistein by now."

If you don't go, it's hard to find an excuse. "

After a pause, "However, you can not go!"

Lao Qin, \"…

After pondering for a moment, "Forget it, let's go!"

Qi Lei, "What's the matter? Is it convenient to talk on the phone?

Lao Qin smiled and said only one thing, "It's nothing, just go! Keep a low profile and don't attract the attention of some people.

With just a simple sentence, Qi Lei understood that at the afternoon symposium, there should be someone who would make Lao Qin alert.

"I know."

Didn't ask who or what.

I'll know it when I see it in the afternoon. Even if I don't know it, it's not too late to let Lao Qin clear it up when I go back.

Qi Lei still has this strength.

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei didn't say anything clearly to the inquiring eyes of Wu Ning and Chen Wenjie.

Just said, "Don't ask about it."

After he finished speaking, he began to beat the drums in his heart. It seems that this symposium is not that simple. Most of the people who can alert Lao Tai are official figures.

And this person still notices me? Can it still be involved with the media, Silicon Valley, and investment banks?

Hard to guess.

Heart says, listen to people's persuasion, and have enough to eat. Then this afternoon, I will pretend to be my grandson!

After all, it's someone's territory!

After lunch, it was almost time to leave home for Stanford, Qi Lei was still muttering in his heart:

low key...

be humble...

Pretend grandson! Be sure to pretend to be a grandson! !

However, Qi Lei didn't expect that when he arrived at the venue and saw the person who Lao Qin warned, Qi Lei almost didn't hold back, he really couldn't pretend to be this grandson.

At first, Qi Lei thought that Lao Qin was talking about Warren Buffett.

Because as soon as I came in, I saw the old man chatting with Deer and Bill Gates.

Still a little wondering, does Buffett need to pay attention?

However, the person who came in immediately made Qi Lei shift his target, George Soros.

Heart said, it should be him, this grandson is definitely not a good person.

However, an inconspicuous old man accompanying Soros caught Qi Lei's attention.

His face was gray and thin, he must be in his seventies, and his face looked kind, but those eyes always made people feel uncomfortable, and even the aura of the whole person was gloomy and depressed.

Qi Lei swore that he must have seen this person in the media of later generations, but he just couldn't remember who it was.

Until the introduction of Manager Wen and Deer, Qi Lei, Buffett, and Soros all had a face-to-face encounter.

In the process of greeting Han, Qi Lei took the opportunity to change the topic to the old man, "This is..."

With an embarrassed smile, "Where should I know you, I just can't remember.\"

Hearing this, the old man smiled lightly, "I heard that Mr. Qi studied communication, he should have read my book."

Qi Lei raised his brows, "That's right!! It should be... Sigh! I'm so sorry, I really can't remember."

Old man, "Gene Sharp."

Qi Lei, \"!!!!"

The pupils shrank slightly, it turned out to be him! !

Gene Sharp, what do you think of him?

Let's put it this way, if he dares to come to China, Qi Lei will not let him leave alive 100%.

It's so ruthless, who loves who.

In a sense, he should be one of the most evil people alive in this world!

Qi Lei knew this person, or looked familiar because he had read his book.

It's just that, strictly speaking, Sharp is not engaged in communication studies. What he spreads and Qi Lei are two extremes.

He is a sociologist and a political scientist.

If it is said that the communication theories used by Qi Lei are positive, and the things taught to students are also positive,

What Sharp did, then, was downright darkness.

He is the father of the color revolutions, a guy who specializes in creating disasters.

This man has to start at the beginning, a young Gene Sharp who embraced leftist thinking, and then…

And then no more.

A prison disaster made Sharp see the politics of the United States completely and clearly see the **** of American politics, so as to completely draw a clear line with the left, and no longer have any illusions,

After being released from prison, Xia generally studied for a doctorate in political science, and was proficient in sociology and psychology, and organized his graduation thesis into three books "The Politics of Nonviolent Resistance".

This book, in fact, is not his original idea, but draws on Gandhi's "non-violent non-cooperation movement" and transfers it into his own theory, aiming to explore European political trends.

However, God's will tricks people, Sharp's theory has not been confirmed in Europe, but it was taken by George Kennan, a Cold War expert in the United States at that time.

At that time, it was the early 1980s, when the Cold War in Missouri was intensifying. It was very difficult for the two nuclear powers to completely extinguish each other by economic means without destroying the world.

And the previous arms race strategy of the United States did not play a decisive role.

Kennan keenly excavated Sharp and his "Politics of Nonviolent Contradiction", and began to invest heavily in training Sharp. At the same time, some A intelligence personnel and retired special forces were recruited to Sharp.

So far, the preconditions for the US to control the third world countries have basically gathered one theory! funds! personnel!

Since then, the world has entered a period of turmoil under the control of the United States.

Or rather, turbulent times at the hands of Sharp.

Under the control of the United States, Sharp's theory spread all over the world, and various color revolutions began to break out all over the world. The first to fall was L. Under Sharp's personal planning, the Cold War has not fallen for decades. S, fell apart in a few years.

In the post-Cold War era, Sharp not only failed to retire, but became more active.

It can be said that whether the international situation after the Cold War is chaotic or not, Sharp has the final say.

Under Sharp's meticulous planning, the world hardly ever comes to a standstill.

The so-called color revolution refers to the coup d'état launched by non-violent street politics in Eurasian countries after the disintegration of L.

Western media, usually named after colors and poetic names.

For example, the Orange Revolution (Ukraine), the Velvet Revolution (Czechoslovakia), the Tulip Revolution, the Rose Revolution, and so on.

Don't be fooled by "non-violence" and poetic names.

This is just a way for the Western media to appease the public and distort the facts.

Not so good for those countries that have been there.

The resulting social unrest, economic recession, and even bloodshed are catastrophic.

Let's put it this way, the Occupy Central incident by G alone, and the subsequent deterioration of the situation, also belong to the color revolution. Moreover, it was planned and funded by Sharp's successor.

Sharp is the founder and implementer of the color revolution.

In a sense, he is the sword-bearer of the United States provoking disputes around the world.

Sharp even summed up the seven steps that all color revolutions follow his template.

These seven steps, from beginning to end, fully describe the process of a coup d'état.

Just say it and you're guaranteed to feel extremely familiar.

Whether it is free from me or abroad, it can be covered.

The first step is penetration.

The United States has sent various students, businessmen, journalists and other identities into the target country to establish contact with the local target people.

It may be an official, or it may be a merchant, a worker, or a peasant.

In short, they contacted different people, assigned different tasks, and officials paid a lot of money to spread public opinion among the civilians.

They also came into contact with some intellectuals and cultivated a new species of pine tree in the history of human evolution.

The second step is to build democratic institutions in other people's homes.

During this period, they began to win over and establish various forces, and set up civil institutions with the gimmick of democracy and human rights.

Recruit local young people whose minds have been brainwashed by the Western discourse system. For example, the fat guy Li.

The third step is to create rumors, provoke internal conflicts, and cultural brainwashing.

This stage is cultural invasion, public opinion construction, mental brainwashing, and ideological output.

The most common are public opinion wars and public opinion disputes.

For example, creating historical nihilism and smearing the heroes of a country (requiring heroes out of textbooks should also count), thus making it impossible for a nation to develop cohesion.

Another example is to play with identity politics and artificially create split groups to provoke social conflicts.

In a word, it makes you despair, makes you feel that this country is a dead end, and makes you hate your own country and nation for no reason.

In this way, their purpose has been achieved.

The fourth step is to select an issue, provoke conflict, and create a fierce social conflict.


With the foreshadowing of the previous steps, they have created enough opposition and contradictions, and they will launch a carefully planned campaign targeting sensitive social issues.

There are directors, actors, audiences, photographers, and even film critics, and social farce is staged.

The fifth step is the involvement of international media.

During this period, a large number of foreign media will enter and carry out false reports according to the set script, so as to achieve the purpose of the sixth step - transfer the right to speak.

It is to transfer the dominance of events.

What's going on in your family, right or wrong, you have already said it yourself.

The United States and his **** have taken over the right to speak by using the coverage of Western media and the control of the media and social networks.

They say you are right and you are right. They say you are wrong and you are wrong.

There is no black and white anymore.

As a result, you have to accept the jury that the United States has long been good at in the world and judge you.

In this way, the United States will complete the harvest of the final results and support the Buddhist regime. Complete real control.

So, what if the above steps are unsuccessful?

That's the seventh step...

Slandering, framing, and even launching a war of aggression.

You have laundry detergent at home.

So, when the Americans say: "You have weapons of mass destruction at home", you better have them!

The above are the seven steps of the United States in other countries. Sharp even subdivided these seven steps into

198 detailed guidelines for implementers to refer to.

He even set up an organization composed of capital, conspiracy and armed forces - the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States,

Abbreviation: NED.

Panama in 1984.

Nicaragua Bulgaria and Haiti in 1990.

Mongolia in 1991.

Albania in 1996.

Lebanon, Kazakhstan in 2005.

Myanmar in 2007.

Moldova and Iran in 2009.

Tunisia in 2011.

The tulip revolution in Kyrgyzstan.

Georgia's Rose Revolution.

Orange Revolution in Ukraine.

Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia,

Dismember the Southern League.

Russian riots.

All planned by Jean Sharp, who is regarded as the spiritual leader by the reactionary forces in these countries.

If these seem to be far away from us, let's put it this way, Sharp and his NED organization, later generations have funded more than 100 non-governmental organizations in our country for nearly 30 years. The violent and non-violent incidents in the past all have the shadow of Sharp and NED.

Including those cents and public knowledge on the Internet, as well as the pressed Fatty Li, Huang Moumou and so on.

No wonder Lao Qin reminded Qi Lei to keep a low profile and don't be noticed, this is a devil with a dirtier heart than Qi Lei.

All these information flashed in Qi Lei's mind, just for a moment, Piya immediately smiled, "So it's you?

I have read your work and have benefited a lot."

"In a moment, can you sign my name?\"

Now Sharp is still hidden behind the scenes. To outsiders, he is just a reclusive old scholar who is far from his

It's still early for the "brilliant" deeds to be known!

While complimenting Qi Lei, he took the initiative to reach out and shake hands.

Gene Sharp looked at the young man in front of him and also had doubts.

It was the first time he had met Qi Lei, and he had never known this young man before, but he only knew that there was such a person in China, and it seemed that his hoofs rose quickly.

Politely shook, "Award! I heard that Mr. Qi is young, not only in business, but also in Chinese universities with academic skills, which I admire very much, \"

On the surface, it is impossible to see that this is an evil ghost. On the contrary, Sharpe is very polite, and he is very humble and Qi Lei said, "In front of you, I don't dare to mention anything academic.\" My mentor admires you and thinks your politics of nonviolent resistance is a very valuable academic book,

I personally agree with many of the points in the book. \"

Sharp, "Really? My pleasure."

Qi Lei, "Mr. Sharp, do you have any idea of ​​going to China to give lectures? I can invite you to give lectures on behalf of my alma mater, even if it's just for one day!"

In my heart, I said, old coffin! How dare you go, how dare I turn you into ashes!

Unfortunately, Sharp shook his head, "I'm very sorry, I'm already retired, and I'm too old to go to China that far.\"

When Qi Lei heard it, **** you! This old coffin lived to 90 years old, and at the age of 80, he went to Myanmar to teach the reactionary forces.

He said, "That's a pity, I'll listen to your teachings later."

Sharp, "Mr. Qi can also express some opinions later, I'm looking forward to it."

Qi Lei quickly shook his head, "Don't dare, I'm here to learn.\"

Although my heart is very itchy, it is still very low-key! This old coffin is not Levistan,

Be careful.

Even Qi Lei's idea of ​​communicating with Levistan was suppressed.

I'll give you face today, brother be dumb!

However, the question is, can you really be dumb?

If he could, he would be out of balance.



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