Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 99: involuntarily

Cambridge, ARM headquarters.

Warren Aite pushed Qi Lei's note to the board of directors and a group of company executives. . .

With a dignified face, "This is what Qi Lei offered. What's your opinion?"

This discussion will be very strange. It is said that ARM has been struggling in the past year due to the war with Intel, and has discussed the possibility of being acquired more than once.

Several well-known companies have also expressed their willingness to acquire, and the board of directors has conducted in-depth discussions on this.

However, in the past, it was only a board discussion.

Whether the company is to be sold or left, others have to accept their fate, and only the board of directors has the right to decide the fate of ARM.

But this time, not only the members of the board of directors, but also the company's technical, sales executives, operations and financial officers were also present.

Warren just pushed the offer from Three Stone Company to everyone.

Everyone looked at the note and secretly swallowed their saliva, it was so tempting!

A Pangu system whose installed capacity in China completely overwhelms windows, a 30 payment that masters the lifeblood of China's Internet finance, is too tempting.

Warren, "These two businesses of TS are not as valuable as ARM."

"However, everyone knows that these two businesses are far from reaching their peak and are on the rise."

"And, remind everyone, China has a population base of one billion, they are the world's second largest Internet investment, and she is vigorously developing the Internet."

"So, the prospects for the future are very promising."

"Besides, if these two businesses are in the hands of the Chinese, it will be difficult to achieve great results. However, once they are in our hands, it will be a different situation."

"We will not suffer so many constraints and containment from China, and we are likely to become the second Microsoft. No!! Combining ARM to customize the core instruction set for it, we will step on Microsoft at the technical level!"

At this time, Warren's closest partner in the company, Sam Brown, also spoke up.

"It's not just Microsoft. Combined with the system's instruction set, in terms of performance, stability, fluency, and Pangu's own personalization. The user experience will completely crush Intel. This is an opportunity, an opportunity to turn defeat into victory!"

Warren added, "Also, everyone please make up your mind, Qi Lei's conditions are very interesting."

"If we are willing to move our headquarters to China, he is willing to take only 49% of the shares!"

"That is to say, not only will we not lose ARM, but we will also get 30 payments and the Pangu system."

"Maybe for ARM, this will be a landmark acquisition!"

"Once successful, we will hopefully become one of the greatest high-tech companies in the world!"

Warren became more and more excited, trying to infect everyone with his emotions.

In fact, there is no need for Warren to say too much, everyone knows the truth.

However, the problem is:

"A Chinese company, can we make a deal?"

This can be said to be a series of obstacles. First of all, the British government is a problem, and even if the British government nods, the Americans are the next obstacle.

They will not let the Chinese buy high-tech companies like ARM.

I saw Warren staring at everyone, "High risk has high reward!"

"It is precisely because this merger will be very difficult that we need to work together."

"Gentlemen! I stress again that once this deal is concluded, ARM will have a qualitative leap."

These words resonated with everyone, and they all nodded.

"Okay!" Warren saw that the opinions were almost unified. "If you have any opinions or suggestions, you can say them, and we will accomplish this great feat together!"

The first to speak was still Warren's ally Sam Brown.

"The transaction negotiation seems to be no longer the focus now. At least we know that Qi Lei's sincerity is still very good."

"So, the top priority at the moment is actually on us. We have to convince the House of Commons and the Americans."

"As for the United States, I think we can hire a lobbying firm. They know better than us how to get those politicians in Washington to nod."

Starting with Sam, everyone started brainstorming. Suggestions for dealing with future resistance are endless.

It's just that Warren didn't notice that a middle-aged man sitting in the corner was always frowning on his tired face.

Seeing that almost everyone supported Warren's merger plan, the man finally couldn't sit still at noon.

"I object!!"

Suddenly, he shouted loudly, but it made the field stagnate for a while.

Everyone looked over, including Warren, who was stunned.

I really didn't expect that in such a one-sided situation, there are still people who are so ignorant?

However, Warren is the CEO after all, and has a city that ordinary people can't match.

He smiled calmly and looked at the middle-aged man, "Dr. Byron, do you have a different opinion? You might as well say it. It doesn't matter, we are a democratic enterprise."

The one who raised the objection was Byron August, the chief scientist of the ARM R&D laboratory and the director of the ARM Microelectronics Materials Department.

It was the one Qi Lei was concerned about.

At this moment, Byron stared at Warren, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This is a typical engineering man. He only has his own research in mind, and he doesn't care about the world of people, the city's workplace, and so on.

Suddenly stood up: "I don't agree to go to China, it's a scientific desert!"

"Moving ARM there is to find a cemetery for ARM!"

"Mr. Warren, don't you understand this? You expect a backward country to achieve ARM's glory? What a ridiculous idea?"

Byron was not polite at all, and scolded him when he came up.

The scolded Warren was very shameless, so he could only smile awkwardly, "Dr. Byron, in fact, China is not as bad as you think. It has developed rapidly in recent years."

Sam was not as gentle and severe as Warren, "Byron, this is a company decision-making meeting, pay attention to your words!"

But how could Byron be willing to eat his way?

"What's the matter? It's precisely because it's a decision-making meeting that I have to say it."

"I said these words for the future of ARM." Looking directly at Warren, "Aite, we have been colleagues for nearly ten years. When I was an intern, ARM was just established."

"At that time, we were huddled in a small office and delusional about chip manufacturing."

"Have you forgotten why we are headquartered in Cambridge?

Warren's face turned blue and white, and he could only say, "Remember."

"Because it is close to Cambridge University, it is a place where European talents gather."

After listening to Byron, he sneered, "Yeah, the place where talents gather! A considerable part of us are from Cambridge, and we came to ARM as an intern when we were still in school. It is for this reason that many of us People, even after graduating from Cambridge with better job opportunities, can still choose to stay at ARM.”

"Now, are you going to move ARM to China?"

"I don't agree! You will never be allowed to do this!"

Sam frowned when he heard it. Byron was a company veteran, but in his eyes it was inappropriate.

Is there anything you can't communicate in private? Why don't everyone get off the stage?

With a loud shout, "Byron!"

Unexpectedly, he has a loud voice, and Byron August's voice is even louder than him.

"Enough! Sam!"

glared at Sam Brown fiercely.

"Sam! I'm not you, you only have interests and money in your eyes! I'm willing to give everything for ARM!"

Sam was also angry, "We are just like you! Don't think that you are the only one who made sacrifices."

"Isn't it because the case of the Animal Protection Association was pushed on you, making you feel wronged?"

Well, although the monkey belongs to Byron Labs, the experimental project, as well as the approval and signature, are all from ARM.

This should not be the responsibility of Byron alone. ARM may be more responsible than Byron.

However, at this time, ARM really couldn't stand the attack of public opinion and couldn't make it worse.

Therefore, Byron is equivalent to taking on this trouble for the company.

At this moment, Sam was still roaring, "Are you wronged? But do you know how much pressure we have faced over the past year? How much effort have we made?"

"You don't know! You're only going to be **** a monkey in your lab."

"We have reached the moment of life and death, don't hold on to those things of your feelings anymore!"




It was extremely embarrassing in the field.

Everyone held their breath for fear that their anger would burn themselves.

However, what made everyone even more unexpected was that Byron heard Sam's roar, but instead calmed down a little.

Taking a deep breath, "I have never felt wronged."

Sam was startled, and saw Byron's grim expression, "I know I'm just a researcher, and I can't help you."

"So, I am willing to take this trouble!"

"Sam, your thoughts are so dirty!"

After speaking, Byron was a little resentful and turned around to leave.

She just walked to the door of the conference room and stopped again.

Turning around and looking directly at the audience, "I declare again, if ARM must be moved to China... I would rather guard this building in Cambridge by myself than go to China!!"

With a bang, the conference room door slammed.

Everyone was silent, but it was Warren who broke the embarrassment and suddenly smiled, "This guy Byron is always like this, you don't need to worry about him! Ten years ago, he was this stinky temper and was tied to a tree by me and Sam. It rained all afternoon."

Pointing out the window, "It's that tree. We even named that tree, Byron's Cross!"

With a buzzing sound, laughter broke out in the conference room, and many old employees couldn't help but recall what ARM looked like when it was just founded.

Warren continued, "His heart is good, all for the sake of ARM, don't take it to heart, let's continue the meeting!"

After Warren's adjustment, the atmosphere of the meeting was finally pulled back, and everyone continued to discuss mergers and acquisitions.

As for Byron's words before he left, no one really cares about his determination to oppose mergers and acquisitions.

That is a small child, very willful.

The reality is far more cruel than he imagined.

After several hours of meeting, ARM finally decided to give it a try.

Sam will first contact the relevant members of the House of Commons, hoping to persuade the British Parliament through them.

And the day after tomorrow, he will fly to the United States non-stop to hire an experienced lobbying firm.

After coming out of the conference room, Sam was still concerned about Byron's emotional problems.

Pulling Warren aside, "Is that guy okay? Did he overreact?"

Warren smiled, "He's been under a lot of pressure lately, and it's normal to lose some temper."

He patted Sam on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I will persuade him."

Sam nodded, "Maybe I'm too nervous, yes, that guy always does."

He turned and said, "Rather than worry about Byron, it's better to focus on Ajero."

His brows were habitually locked, "That guy didn't speak just now. Besides, this guy doesn't agree with us, he's an American!"

In his mouth, Ajero is the director of operations at ARM. Americans, the identity is not simple.

Speaking of this, Sam was a little anxious again, "I really can't understand, the merger and acquisition should be discussed at the board of directors. Why call this guy Ajero here? It will be very troublesome, he will inform!"

But he didn't want to, Warren smiled mysteriously, "Let him participate in the discussion is to inform!"

Sam was stunned for a moment, only to hear Warren say, "Sam, dealing with the Chinese cannot be done secretly."

"Imagine, if it is halfway through and discovered by the Americans, it may not be as simple as suspending the transaction, and ARM will also suffer."

"It's better to put it on the bright side from the beginning, and maybe it will have a better effect, at least the American people will not react very strongly."

"And, even if it doesn't, it won't affect the future of ARM."

Looking at Sam, "We have been targeted by the Americans, we can't give them any more control!"

Sam: "..."

That's why he supports Warren almost unconditionally. This guy is a tough character who thinks everything very carefully and is reassuring.



In fact, in this game, there are no fools, they are all elites.

Although Qi Lei used a conspiracy this time, it was still a conspiracy framework.

Because everyone here is being pushed by a pair of invisible hands. Once in the game, it's hard to get out.

Just like Manager Wen, he was like a shark that smelled blood. Qi Lei simply cut a finger, and he entered the game.

It's not that he is stupid, but Desheng's corporate culture is like this. They will not let go of any opportunity to make profits, and bring the bloodthirsty of capital to the fullest.

Compared to ARM again, the conditions stated on the note, more precisely, should be the bet that is attractive enough.

This is like a private lottery on the street, there is a one percent chance of winning, but once you win, it will be a million-dollar jackpot.

If it were you, would you give it a try?

One percent is enough for the million-dollar jackpot.

At this time, Warren is actually digging a hole, and he is also carrying a conspiracy in the conspiracy.

Some words he didn't say to Sam, he could only keep them in his heart.

The reason why he called Byron and Ajero just now actually had another purpose.

Back in the office, Warren looked at the gloomy weather outside the window, and suddenly sneered, "Intel, it's your turn to suffer!"

Why did Warren say such a thing?

Because, the point is not that he took the opportunity of the meeting to spread the news. The point is, what he said and asked at the meeting.

And today's news of his meeting, once it reaches Intel, then Intel will definitely grasp the key point and become the next unlucky person who is pushed into the game by an invisible big hand.



Intel headquarters in California, USA.

Clauge Berry could no longer calm down.

"What!? ARM also has the idea of ​​coordinating chip design and system integration?"

"Also, they have reached a preliminary agreement with the Chinese TS company?"

Kraug roared, almost gnashing his teeth.

The secretary was much calmer and continued to state everything she knew, "It's not just that."

"Warren seems to have a complete vision. He even asserts that once a deal is reached, ARM will be completely out of the woods and become the greatest high-tech company."

"Leave Intel and Microsoft behind."

Klauger was furious when he heard it.

However, he knew that Warren was a tough guy to deal with, and he did what he said.

In the past two years, Intel has joined forces with a number of American companies to encircle and suppress ARM, using an almost rogue method, almost making chip buyers and chip manufacturers all over the world make a cruel choice of one or the other.

It stands to reason that under such high pressure, it is impossible for ARM to survive.

However, because of Warren, ARM is still alive and seems to be alive and well.

Have you reached a preliminary agreement with TS?

In this way, Intel can't sit idly by.

Because, absolutely cannot let TS and ARM reach an agreement, that will be a huge threat.

At that time, ARM is backed by the Chinese market, and the Pangu system is escorting it, and no one can stop Warren's great cause.

"Do everything you can to stop them!"

Intel, had to end.

Just when Klauger was very anxious, an oriental face came to Santa Clara, California, hoping to meet Klauger.

"Pete Wen?"

At this time, Kraug was extremely sensitive to Orientals, but he still decided to meet him because the other party was the famous Desheng Bank.

The details of the meeting need not be repeated too much.

Manager Wen came here specifically for the cooperation between Sanshi and ARM.

"Mr. Kraug, Desheng has rich experience in dealing with Three Stones."

"So far, none of the Koreans, Japanese, people from Treasure Island, our EA company, Monsanto, Ubisoft in Europe, and a number of game companies have been able to take the slightest advantage from Three Stones."

"However, we can! Desheng is the only company that defeated Qi Lei."

"And This time Desheng is not trying to earn your consulting fees, but simply wants to suppress Sanshi, so it is very cheap."

Speaking of which, Kraug had no reason not to hire Desheng to represent this public relations crisis, and Kraug quickly agreed.

After reaching an agreement with Intel, Manager Wen asked Kraug a question.

"Do you want to simply dismantle the cooperation between Sanshi and ARM, or take the opportunity to acquire ARM?"


Kraug was stunned for a while, but he didn't think about it in response, "Of course the acquisition of ARM."

If he could acquire ARM, Kraug would wake up laughing from his dreams.

"Can it be done? Wen?"

I saw Manager Wen smiling indifferently, as if profound: "We will try our best."

As a result, after coming out of Intel, Jaquille was very puzzled.

"Our first stop was California, and the first person we met was Klauger. You reached an agreement directly, isn't it a bit too hasty?"

Up for sale?

This is an old saying that Jaquille learned in China. It is very interesting.

"Why don't you take a look at the price tags of other interested people?"

"Also, the consulting fee you want is too low! Desheng Consulting has been in business for so many years, this is the lowest in history."

Manager Wen just sold it at the price of cabbage. Is Desheng so worthless?

I saw Manager Wen getting into the car and throwing out a sentence, "Because Intel can't buy ARM."

"Klauger is dreaming! How much is a dream worth?"



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