Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 40: Farewell to the previous life

   in the alley.

   Zhou Lei's eyes were red, facing Qi Lei who was alone, she finally began to vent her emotions.

   "Lei Qi, I didn't want to find a second treasure, don't get me wrong, they have to come. I really didn't want to be like this, I just..."

   Qi Lei was very calm at this time. Before Zhou Lei could finish speaking, he took the conversation, "I know."

   Zhou Lei was surprised, "You...know?"

   "I know." Qi Lei exhaled and nodded sincerely, "I know you didn't mean that to me, but our relationship is very good, isn't it? It's so good that it looks like that relationship."

   "I also know that you don't like me, but you like the feeling of being surrounded, like Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Coco Lee, being beautiful and beautiful in school."

   "What you like is to be different from others, like being a man of the world, that's why you are willing to be close to me."

"I also know that you may not even realize that you are looking for Erbao, not because Erbao can properly solve the problem between us, but because Erbao is famous enough. You want me to see and see. Until you know a great bastard, I see that you are no worse than us."

   "Zhou Lei." Qi Lei became more solemn, "You don't need to blush, it's not vanity, it's just human nature, I know it all."

   "It's just that you have seen everything that happened today, and many things are different from what you imagined."

   "The things in that circle are something you can't control now. Once you fall in, it will be difficult to climb up."

   "So, don't go astray, trap yourself, and trap others."

   "So..." Qi Lei showed a relieved smile, "I don't like you anymore, but thank you!"

   At this time, the noon sun was hot and dazzling, shining on Qi Lei's face, glowing with a halo.

   Zhou Lei looked at Qi Lei, some understood, and some did not.

   In the end, "That's good, I'm just afraid you will misunderstand."

   Qi Lei, "Thinking too much. It is good for you and me to make it clear, and good luck!"

   "Then, never see you again!"

   At this time, Qi Lei's eyes became fierce again, making Zhou Lei not look directly at him.

   "By the way, put your heart in your stomach, Erbao won't bother you anymore, he won't be able to get out for a while. You also have to be careful, this is because of you."

   Where is Zhou Lei's heart relieved? This is to make her feel stuck.

   To be precise, it is a threat.

   Zhou Lei looked at Qi Lei in a daze. Today's Qi Lei is completely different from the school's Qi Lei, giving her a kind of melancholy.

   Maybe I was really wrong? Shouldn't it be called Erbaolai? The scene just now was really scary.


never mind! It's too late to say anything now, and to this point, the two of them have no room for maneuver and can only stop here.

   Besides, the current Qi Lei really made her afraid, and she didn't dare to provoke her.

   Zhou Lei regrets a bit at this time, but at least she still knows the shame.

   reluctantly squeezed out a smile, "Well then, and good luck to you too!"

   After speaking, he turned and left, disappearing into the alley.

   Qi Lei looked at her back and said silently: Farewell!

   Farewell to the past life! Farewell to the unbearable past!

   Those words may not be understood by Zhou Lei now. But what does it matter? That is what Qi Lei wants to say to her in her previous life.

   The two people in previous lives were entangled, from the little ambiguity in junior high school to the heart and mind of high school.

   Zhou Lei regards Qi Lei as a touchstone that can be molested at any time, showing the charm of women, and it is her stepping stone to enter the circle of Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

   But Qi Lei foolishly thought it was first love.

  Until he finally summoned the courage to confess to Zhou Lei and got an ambiguous reply, he stupidly thought that it was implicit acceptance.

   So, Qi Lei summoned his courage and kissed it down.

   It was the kiss that made Zhou Lei suddenly realize that the situation was uncontrollable.

   finally found out that Tang Yi and Wu Ning were the ones who really pulled the wind, not Qi Lei, the little follower.

   She discovered that Qi Lei couldn't give her the life she yearned for, and it was even more impossible to become a man like Coco Lee.

   She is very beautiful and conceited. She thinks this is her capital and should not be wasted on Qi Lei.

   So, she wanted to decisively end this evil fate, and there was a scene that just happened.

   However, unlike this life, Qi Lei did not have Tang Yi and Wu Ning around him. His naive self-esteem made him unable to deal with the problem like he does now.

   That time, Qi Lei was beaten miserably, and there was a lot of noise and shame.

   After the incident, whether Tang Yi, Wu Ning, or Qi Lei’s third uncle, they naturally refused to give up. The frightened Erbao ran away to hide for half a year before daring to return to Shangbei.

After   , although he didn't dare to confess his revenge with Qi Lei, he did a few bad things secretly, causing Qi Lei to suffer a lot.

   What's even more ridiculous is that Zhou Lei knew this and discovered that Qi Lei was not so useless. Then he posted back confidently.

   At that time, she had been completely destroyed by the Erbao gang, completely disregarding her face, stalking and entangled, and she was not free until she graduated from high school.

   It is precisely because of this incident that Qi Lei grew up overnight and repositioned his life.

   Therefore, "I'm sorry", "Thank you", and "Go away" are the truest psychological portrayal of Qi Lei in the school canteen.

   And in this life, while solving the trouble of Erbao, Qi Lei has only one sentence left: "Goodbye! Never see you again!"

   waved his hand to the empty alley, one with two wide, no intersection.

   Back to the courtyard, Qi Lei smiled with satisfaction. Young people have a big heart, and it takes only a while to forget the horror.

   At this time, Lu Xiaoshuai was bragging, "Fuck! Erbao is really not a thing, I used to give him a confession!"

   Tang Yi cursed: "Do you have a face to say? Are you stupid? Talk to him when you talk to him. What are you talking about with Zhou Lei?

   Xiaoshuai Lu didn’t understand, "What, what do you mean?"

   Wu Ning said: "He is here to ask for money. It doesn't matter how you and him cross the road. La Zhoulei is to cut off his money, and he will definitely turn his face."

   "Oh." Lu Xiaoshuai was a little embarrassed, why didn't he think of it just now?

   Actually, Wu Ning doesn't explain, he can't think of it now.

   Including Coco Coco Lee, who was deeply frustrated at this time, because in this matter, she was childish like a child, and she lost her life!

   By the way, she is the one who talks about maturity.

  Where do you know, the real frustration is yet to come!

   Lu Xiaoshuai thought for a while, "I'm hitting Erbaozi this time, isn't it appropriate?"

   He is afraid that Erbaozi will find a back account.

  Don't want to Tang Yi said indifferently: "I can't find it, the crime of extortion has not gone away."

   Everyone: "!!!"

   Extortion... Is it that serious?

   Coco Lee frowned, "But I told you, Er Baozi went in because of this, and it was fine in the end! Isn't this a big deal?"

   "Of course it's not a big deal." Tang Yi grinned, "That's why I gave him five thousand! It was also because I went in, this time it was not saved. And..."

   "And what?"

   Tang Xiaoyi pointed to himself, Wu Ning and Qi Lei, "Moreover, the three of us are not yet sixteen years old!"

   "???" Cocoon Lee is still full of question marks, really don't understand the way.

At this time, Qi Lei came to the table and saw her entangled, so he had to explain: "The crime of extortion, more than 5,000 yuan and less than 10,000 yuan, is a'larger amount' and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or surveillance of less than three years. ."

   "If there is a guilty plea and the stolen money is returned actively, a lighter sentence can be imposed."

   "However, if the case was previously obtained through extortion, if the case is preserved, the leniency shall not apply, and no lighter sentence shall be imposed."

   "Also use blackmail and blackmail against minors under the age of sixteen, severely and strictly!"

   "In other words, even if Erbaozi pleaded guilty this time and returned the extortion proceeds, it would be useless. Start in three years! If you find out something else, then go to the bottom for ten years!"

   After explaining, Qi Lei can only sigh secretly, now children, how can they understand the sinisterness of adults! What's even more frightening is that they are still blind to the law.

   Li Minwen looked at Qi Lei in a daze, shuddering, and subconsciously hid further.

   "It's so dark! Where did you learn it?"



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