Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Cut off

Regarding business matters, Qi Lei was too anxious.

Whether it is imagining the technological innovation over there, or the penguin of Xiao Ma, going to sea, it takes a long process.

Moreover, he can't help much for the time being.

I can only listen to Uncle Geng's complaints every time I call, "You have to persuade Old Man Nan, there are not a few black hairs left."

The same is true for Brother Xiao Ma, wrangling with Microsoft, and it will take a while. The anti-Microsoft alliance will not find a Chinese company.

Therefore, Qi Lei now has enough energy to "do not do business properly."

Of course, not doing business this time is not for making money.

China Transmission Film and Television Production Center is responsible for providing copyright and professional production consulting. This fee is actually very low compared to the income of those hot reality show IP.

The main purpose is to train soldiers to provide the young eagle squad with practical opportunities.

The second is to seize IP and improve the overall production level of the domestic variety show market.

Logically speaking, apart from training the young eagle class, Qi Lei shouldn't dominate the variety show. It feels like reaching out too long.

In the beginning, I did "Living for Longing" only to train soldiers and to find Zhang Guorong and Mei sister a chance to take a break from work.

The most, most, is to help Grandpa Ma of Heishibao, and he has never thought about the issue of integrating the market.

But doing it, the opportunity is brought to my lips, so it's easy, and it's not difficult to do it.

First of all, at the Zhongchuan Production Center, Qi Lei put forward creativity, and the Eagle Class is building each IP according to the framework proposed by Qi Lei.

Many programs just have a name, an idea, and no specific details.

The second is to improve the awareness of copyright protection.

This is difficult at first. In this era, copyright awareness is inherently weak, and piracy is really a matter of minutes.

However, who will promote the score, Qi Lei and Beiguang do not have this ability, but CCTV has...

As the major shareholder of China Transmission, CCTV has greatly reduced the difficulty of promoting copyright protection awareness at the legal level.

And it has persuaded CCTV to do this.

Then, the China Transmission Production Center negotiated the conditions with every local TV that came to the door. The copyright can be used, and it is okay to even lose money to provide you with production consultation, but the only condition is to allow piracy.

Does it feel a little conflicted?

The above fights against piracy, but how does the bottom promote piracy?

In fact, there is no conflict, and the fight against piracy is to protect the rights and interests of copyright production. Otherwise, whoever watched your program did well, just copied it, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Of course, no one in the country dared to copy CCTV, but Qi Lei was not originally guarding against China, he was guarding against foreign countries!

Not only must the copyright be registered in the country, but also abroad, to thoroughly protect these IPs.

And to condone piracy, what condone is spread.

Qi Lei wants to make these produced programs spread all over the Internet, and not only on the domestic Internet, but also to send these reality shows to the external network.

Even if there is no dubbing team, the China Transmission Production Center will support several private dubbing teams behind the scenes.

What Korean, Japanese, English, Vietnamese, as long as there is a market, I will help you translate it all.

Do you think that domestic variety shows have been defeated? Hosts abroad are also popular in variety shows. The distribution of these reality shows is also a dimensionality reduction attack!

If you are far away, let's talk about Bangzi Country!

In 2001, "Love Letter" hadn't come out yet, and "Xman" had two years to come to the surface of the earth.

You smashed "Running Man" and "Extreme Challenge", who would watch your indoor variety show?

If this step is achieved, the great TV station will have only two choices, either watching the variety show market be occupied by the "National Comprehensive" and losing its audience, or you will spend money to buy the national comprehensive copyright and transplant it into the Korean version.

In short, no matter which one, it can be regarded as a kind of entertainment output.

Don’t think it’s impossible. In fact, since 2001, the Korean entertainment industry has just formed its own image because of popular idols and combinations such as H, Lee Jung Hyun, ESE, and so on.

Prior to this, Hanyu was the world of Hong Kong and Japanese entertainment.

Let's put it this way, if Zhang Guorong went on a trip to Korea, he would basically look up to the whole world, and Hong Kong Entertainment had an absolute dominance in that era.

Those so-called Asian superstars, none of them are in vain.

To put it more bluntly, the so-called Korean Wave and Japanese Wave can rise because of packaging and promotion. This point is a dimensionality reduction blow to the mainland. Second, because of the decline of Hong Kong Entertainment, Han Yu had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

But in Qi Lei's time and space, it's completely different.

In short, Qi Lei believes that maybe China Transmission Production Center is not just doing a variety show for CCTV, but it can actually do a lot of things.

Hanging up the phone from Mango Station, Qi Lei returned to the riverside courtyard.

Today is the last day of the recording plan, and sister Mei is cooking dinner.

After eating this meal, the crew of "The Longing for Life" officially disbanded.

Brother Rong is over there, making a list with Yang Xiao in the hall.

Since the third phase was allocated, from the 15th to now, in less than ten days, the crew has received countless things and donations.

There are bacon, salted fish, rice, white noodles, fruit, everything.

The audience in this era is still simple, for fear that this family will not eat well.

Zhang Guorong wants to sort out the things he sent over and distribute them to the villagers.

And the donations received...

Thirty kilometers of fundraising, after nearly two months of "swindling and kidnapping", is actually long enough.

It's just that the audience hasn't seen how they make up enough.

In fact, there are not many celebrity guests who come as guests, and most of them are actually from the pit of businessmen.

The three fathers were cheated by Qi Lei with 10 million yuan.

The big heads came from Cao Lao, Zhang Ruilin, and Ren Lao. These three entrepreneurs were also fooled by lard and were deceived by Qi Lei.

Then, Elder Cao donated 100 million, Zhang Ruilin donated 100 million on behalf of Haier, and Ren donated 50 million.

Of course, if it was a pit, these three did not suffer.

Take Zhang Ruilin as an example, willing to pay this one hundred million.

Since the first episode, all the home appliances used in the show are from Haier, and Qi Lei also implanted him in the show.

Duan Yonglin spent money to advertise, and the effect was very effective, while Haier used his friendship with Qi Lei to advertise and didn't spend a penny.

The effect is better than backgammon.

Zhang Ruilin knows these things well.

If it were not for the effect of the program, he would have paid for the three hundred million road constructions.

Although Mr. Cao didn't get help from the advertisement, through the program, the whole country knew that he was in a lawsuit with the Ministry of Commerce of the United States and received support from public opinion.

At the same time, Qi Lei also lent his Queen's Attorney, Comrade Lin Wanxiao, to Lao Cao.

(Comrade Lin Wanxiao is very reluctant. I don’t use this term well. I am not yours!)

As for Mr. Ren, do you still remember the Internet going to the countryside?

There was originally a favor to Qi Lei, and when he arrived in Mufu Village, Ren's old relative made a decision on the program, and HW Company assisted in the construction of a complete communication network in Mufu Village.

Not only allows tourists who come here to have mobile phone signals in the mountains, but also allows Mufu Village to experience the benefits of going to the countryside through the Internet in advance.

Just such a sentence, it seems that Mr. Ren generously donated his money, but in fact, this sentence makes HW in the overall strategy of network to the countryside, the proportion of equipment occupied by Huaxing has exceeded that of Huaxing, becoming the largest in the grand strategy. Equipment supplier.

So it’s worth more than advertised 5000W.

In fact, with the exception of these three companies that are not considered pitfalls, when the program is broadcast to the end, the audience will find that the so-called pitfalls are all program effects.

This family can be said to be fighting for fundraising!

Leslie Cheung accepted six film appointments.

Sister Mei also took two, but with five more endorsements including Lotus Group and Haier Computer.

Qi Lei even sent out 11 songs, as well as the film and television adaptation rights of "Love in Belgrade".

In short, coupled with the pit from the star, in the end not only 300 million yuan for road repairs is enough, there are more than 10 million left.

Coupled with the donations from the audience, the family decided to donate this money to Mufu Village for the renovation of facilities in the village and to provide entrepreneurial loans to the villagers.

As for what business to create, Qi Lei has helped them think about it, and has derived a program-"The Longing Inn".

Tomorrow, the "Longing for Life" program group will withdraw from Mufu Village, and it is also tomorrow that the "Longing Inn" program group of the China Transmission Production Center seamlessly enters Mufu.

The main body of the show will be based on two hosts and a team of designers, based on the small courtyard where Qi Lei and the others have lived, as well as the multiple unrenovated homes of Mu Fu as the template.

From scratch, from mountain dwelling houses to bed and breakfasts, from barren mountain villages to mature scenic spots with complete supporting tourist facilities.

Full show.

Including the operation and management of homestays, local government's tourism resource planning and sustainable development, etc., it is expected that one household will be renovated every two programs.

It can fundamentally help Mufu build tourism infrastructure, and also provide a reference for other remote areas with the same tourism resources.

It's still the main theme, but it's already hidden in the entertainment.

You know, in this era, the ancient towns of Phoenix and Lijiang are still unknown to the world.

Even famous tourist towns such as Dali and Wuzhen are in a state of ignorance. They actually provide a template for domestic resort tourism and cities and regions with tourism resources.

Tang Xiaoyi has already returned to school, so the fact is that he is now a family of four. However, there were other people during the meal, and Qi Lei invited Grandpa Zhao to the house.

At the same time, the villain director Fatty Wang also sat at the dinner table.

The mystery of Fatty Wang’s mysterious identity should be revealed in the fifth episode of the program next week.

The process was very exciting. Qi Lei estimated that Fatty Wang's appearance could earn another wave of ratings.

From then on, Fatty Wang said goodbye to Mosaic and became a part of the show.

It's just that Fatty Wang now has a psychological shadow on eating with his family, and he was embarrassed to have a meal with him last time.

Therefore, Zhang Guorong almost pulled him over by force.

Have a meal together.

"Time flies!"

Sister Mei was a little sad, and smiled bitterly, "Tomorrow I have to go back to the life full of schedule."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Guorong played with the teacup and remained silent.

He knew that this was a dream after all, and sooner or later he would go back to his original life.

In that busy, depressed life.

Suddenly raised his head and looked at Fatty Wang, "What about you? How did Director Wang plan?"

Fatty Wang took a mouthful of oil and smiled, "Me? I think Mr. Qi!"

"Is there a second season longing for? If you have me, shoot it! No other job."

Through this season's shooting, everyone found that Fatty Wang is actually quite suitable for shooting variety shows.

He has been found by other local TV stations, and I hope he will host and film the show over there.

Mainly this fat man is almighty.

He can shoot and act, please one person can be used as two people.

However, Fatty Wang still wants to cooperate with Qi Lei, after all, this is the stage of CCTV.

Although the amount of money earned is less, Fatty Wang is shrewd and knows how to settle accounts.

When Fatty Wang threw the question to him, Qi Lei also smiled, "Is there a second season? It's not me who has the final say, but the audience has the final say."

"The audience likes it, and of course there will be a second season."

"The audience doesn't like it, it's useless to shoot!"

Looking at Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei, "How about you? If there is a second season, will you come back?"

The two were silent, not very easy to answer.

Their career focus is still in Hong Kong, just play here once, the key is to earn money!

Well, the two of them signed a share contract with Zhongchuan.

After deducting the production cost and the publicity cost, Zhang Guorong and Mei sister each accounted for 10%.

Fatty Wang is the same, but a little less, accounting for 5%.

Moreover, after Lai Mufu started filming, they never asked how much CCTV's advertising revenue was, whether it was earned or lost.

Anyway, I thought that filming did not cost less, and publicity was also indispensable. CCTV's ratings were good, but according to past practice, it is good not to lose money, and the possibility of making money is not high.

They can come because of Qi Lei's favor and friendship, and they didn't expect to make money.

But having said that, it doesn’t matter if you don’t make money once, you can’t justify it twice!

Moreover, the schedule is too long, and it takes two months for one season.

Therefore, the two people really don't guarantee in time for the next season.

They didn't know that CCTV signed a contract with a floating rate of clean-up. Now it has only broadcast four episodes, and it has collected 130 million in advertising fees.

Still not making money?

Qi Lei changed the sharing contract just to make them make money, just to make them more and less economic pressure.

It was also to let them make money that they deliberately dumped the brokerage company.

When the check is received, it can be scared to death.

As the ending of the first season, the tone is still warm.

Everyone recalled the two months of life, those beautiful, embarrassing, and proud lives.

During the period, Zhang Guorong and Mei sister were quite moved and promised Master Zhao that they would come back to see him. Qi Lei repeatedly told him to take Tang Xiaoyi with him next time they met. They missed this stupid son very much.

Sister Mei stood in front of the house and put a lot of pictures together, saying that she would take it back to her home in Hong Kong and put it in the most conspicuous position.

On the other hand, Zhang Guorong's warm smile gradually solidified, with a distressing melancholy.

He actually has symptoms of depression now, and he knows it himself.

It's just that now he can't face it, nor dare to disclose it.

Even the closest sister Mei, Xiao Qi and Yang Xiao, and Zhang Guorong deliberately hid the melancholy in their hearts so as not to cause trouble to everyone.

But at this moment, about to leave, Zhang Guorong was a little out of control.

For him, these two months were not just about relaxing, but also recording a show, but also giving him a chance to stop, completely jump out of his previous life, and rethink life.

Although I still didn't think of any results, but still precious.

"What's wrong?"

Sister Mei frowned and asked lightly when he noticed something wrong in his eyes.

Zhang Guorong looked back and smiled freely, "It's nothing."

In order to hide his embarrassment, he raised his teacup towards Qi Lei, "Thank you for bringing me to such a place!"

Seeing him doing this, Sister Mei also raised her cup, "I also thank the stone, this place is really good."

And Qi Lei took a deep look at Zhang Guorong, and sighed in his heart that some things are not so easy to change.

But it’s okay, there is another season! Not for the next season, there is the next season!

I don't think too much now, but for the two toast, it gives Qi Lei an excellent opportunity.

Not in a hurry to clink glasses, smiled indifferently, "Actually, there is a reason for bringing you to this place."

Everyone was startled, and Zhang Guorong was relieved, "I know, it's to help Mufu Village build the road!"

But not wanting, Qi Lei shook his head, "No."

Zhang Guorong: "???"

"It's for one person."

"For one person?" Sister Mei was even more dazed, "Who?"

I saw Qi Lei suddenly turning to Mr. Zhao, and without answering what they said, he said to Mr. Zhao, "Grandpa Zhao, do you remember Ma Zhanfu?"

Mr. Zhao, who had no sense of existence at first, smiled indifferently, "Ma Zhanfu?"

"Ma Zhanfu..."

"Ma Zhanfu!"

The old man became stiff, and he could even see in the camera that the old man suddenly became serious, and gradually his hands were shaking a little.

"Horse... even... long?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Yes! ** Army Commander of the 2nd Division 1 Regiment Investigation Company, Ma Zhanfu!"

When the old man Zhao heard this, his eyes were red, and his voice began to tremble, "Old company commander... is he still there?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! I will help him find you."

Father Zhao, "Where is he? Okay?"

Qi Lei, "He is in Enshi, you can see him tomorrow."


Right now, the old man stopped eating, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Seeing the old man who has always been calm like this, Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei looked at each other, and they didn't ask much.

Until the old man Zhao went home after dinner, the two asked Qi Lei curiously, "Is old man still a soldier?"

Qi Lei, "I have been! And have been on the battlefield!"

This time everyone was stunned, really can't see it!

Early the next morning, Mr. Zhao turned over and put on an old military uniform, and waited at the entrance of the village early.

Qi Lei and the others glanced from a distance, and didn't bother to step forward.

Until noon, Sister Mei, who was watching directly, suddenly yelled, "Here comes!"

Seeing Qi Lei's big G turning away from the mountain road, Mr. Zhao had already greeted him.

Sister Mei poked her head to see what it was, and found that the man who got out of the car was a very dark old man with very white hair.

The two old men looked at each other for a long time, and suddenly solemnly saluted each other.

"Wow!!" Sister Mei exclaimed, "It's so touching!"

Obviously, for her, looking far away is not enough, she greets everyone to rush out of the house, wanting to witness the reunion after half a century.

When everyone arrived, the two elderly people were already hugging each other in excitement, and they were crying.

Sister Mei's eyes blushed emotionally, Zhang Guorong couldn't stand it, "What are you doing! It's a good thing that people meet again, why are you crying?"

Sister Mei hammered him, "It's so touching!"

Sobbing, "Goodbye in forty to fifty years! I'm moved when I think about it."

Zhang Guorong smiled, and said to his heart, that wouldn't be enough to cry?

Turn around and continue to look at the two hometowns.

But it was the moment when the two old men separated, Zhang Guorong's relaxed expression instantly solidified.


At this time, except for Qi Lei, everyone was stunned.

I saw eight military medals, one special medal, four first-class medals, two second-class medals, and one second-class soldier medal of honor hung on his chest.

Everyone just heard from Qi Lei that the old man had been a soldier and had been on the battlefield.

However, no one thought that Father Zhao was not just as simple as having been on the battlefield, he was also a hero of great feats.

And this is not the most surprising, that dark old man, the chest is densely packed and can't be counted.


On weekdays, the old peasant man who digs through the mountains and the old man Ma who loves the young eagle class in every possible way is also a hero!

At this time, Qi Lei's voice suddenly sounded.

"Actually, the first season of "Longing for Life" should have been recorded in Grandpa Ma's hometown, Heishibao."

Zhang Guorong looked at him, "Where is that?"

Qi Lei, "A small mountain village in the northeast big ravine does not even have electricity."

Zhang Guorong, "Then why didn't you go?"

Qi Lei, "Because you can't get in! People can get in The shooting equipment and materials can't get in at all. The only way is to transport it by helicopter, and it has to be airdropped because there is nowhere to go."

"The only way into the village is a valley, with cliffs on both sides."

"No way, we just came to Mu Fu."



Qi Lei laughed suddenly, "Wait! We can go there soon, soon!"

"What's coming?"

Qi Lei, "Grandpa Ma also has a longing life."

"Back then, when the 38 men from Blackstone Fort went out to save the country, they only came back to him."

"He guards 37 solitary graves and Heishibao, longing for the whole village of orphans and widows to live a good life."

"This guard is half a century!"

"Now, the old man is yearning to carve a way out of the mountain!"

"For this road, he has been digging for eleven years, and it will almost pass."



Not to mention the audience's reaction to the broadcast of this episode, even the current sister Mei and Zhang Guorong were moved by this story, and their hearts were full of infinite curiosity.

What kind of road is it? What kind of Blackstone Fort is it?

Zhang Guorong suddenly said, "Whenever you go to record, call me!!"

Sister Mei, "and me!"

"Sister and girlfriend, and friends, can still hang on for a season."

Therefore, whether to go to Blackstone Fort in the next season has become a suspense.

When it was broadcast, the audience responded:

His motherless dog!

It's so uncomfortable!



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