Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 66: Not bad money

Latest URL: Originally Qi Lei felt that it was still a bit difficult for him to make a show, after all, he had never done this in two lifetimes.

However, it didn't seem to be too difficult for him to know in practice. He only needs to provide ideas and creativity.

Because... we have money!

This is an irritating thing, if others want to do something, the first consideration is the cost issue.

But when it comes to Qi Lei, let alone he knows that this kind of location variety show, which is still very advanced for this era, must have a market. (The subject will be discussed separately)

Even if he doesn't consider the issue of return on investment, it doesn't seem to be a big problem for him to take some money out to play a ticket.

Now, classmate Qi Lei has a deep understanding of the hero and heroine in the movie, so he sharpened his head to make money for wearing it back.

This thing really complied with that sentence, money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

First, it is the production team.

This can be divided into two parts:

Part of it is Hua Tsai, Zhang Guorong, and the "laid-off workers" Mei Sister found for Qi Lei in Hong Kong.

As I said before, the downturn in the Hong Kong market has caused a large number of film and television talents to seek development in the Mainland.

These three helped Qi Lei contact a lot.

Not to mention filming variety shows, the behind-the-scenes production of movies and TV shows is not a problem, and it is very powerful.

Except for the broker.

Qi Lei wants to find Xiao'er an agent over there, but whether Hua Zi or Zhang Guorong, the advice to Qi Lei is:

The agent is mainly a matter of personal connections and communication, and Xiaoer is developing in the mainland after all, so it is better to find one in the mainland. No matter how capable Hong Kong is, it is easy to become uncomfortable.

In short, this part of the production team didn't take much effort, just give the money.

Moreover, the production company and performing arts company that Qi Lei mentioned before have not yet completed the registration, and the personnel are already in place.

The other part of the production staff is mainly professionals from the mainland, and it doesn't take much effort.

Because, the President of Dongda University heard that Qi Lei was going to do a variety show, and he had to bring the young eagle class to do it with him. Dong Beiguo thought for a whole night, and finally came to the conclusion: Liao Fanyi's head is pretty funny!

Liao Fanyi said on the phone, "Qi Lei is simply excited this time, and it is estimated that he will lose all his pants."


Dong Beiguo wanted to spend the night, and understood, Comrade Xiao Liao was still naive, so Qi Lei lost money? Forgot his biggest "strength"?

What does Qi Lei claim to be?

"Thieves don't go empty!"

Can he trade at a loss? Go dreaming!

Dong Beiguo confirmed that there must be oil and water in it.

So, I called Qi Lei the next day, "I heard that you want to shoot a variety show?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he said to his heart that the old man's news was pretty good.

"Yes! Teacher Liao told you?"

Dong Beiguo, "Don't worry about where I know it, do you have a team for variety shows? Do you have professionals such as photography, lighting, art, post-editing, and directing?"

Qi Lei, "I got a part from Hong Kong, but it's almost."

"Oh." Principal Dong Dao raised his eyebrows on the other end of the phone, "Almost... I knew you were not enough!"

Qi Lei, "What do you mean?"

When Dong Beiguo heard this, he was speechless, "I am your principal, what can I mean?"

"My people in Beiguang have something to do, so I can’t support it? Who are you missing? Give me a list. We have some in our school, so you can use it directly. No, you will also get your connections with Uncle Dong. Done!"

Moved Qi Lei badly, "School Dong, this...isn't it?"

Dong Beiguo is loyal, "Don't worry! Those undergraduates and masters in the Art Department and the Choreography Department are all newbies. Can Uncle Dong cheat you? They must be doctoral students or supervisors or above."

Qi Lei, "This..."

Dong Beiguo, "You are from Beiguang. Go out and do something. Who does Beiguang support? That's it!"

Qi Lei was really moved, "That's OK, I won't be polite to you! Don't worry, I can't treat my own people badly."

Dong Beiguo, "No, it's not easy for you, don't spend money indiscriminately!"

Qi Lei, "That won't work, one yard goes to one yard!"

Dong Beiguo, "If you don't use it, you don't need it!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Dong Beiguo, "If you really feel bad about it, like you, don't you want to register a performing arts company or production company?"

"Counting you and Beiguang as a partnership, just give Beiguangdian shares symbolically!"

Qi Lei, "How much do you give?"

Dong Beiguo was anxious, "You boy, what about your uncle Dong's business talks with you? We are talking about favors! If this is the case, a symbolic 20% will do!"

Qi Lei pondered for a moment, "It's a bit too much."

Dong Beiguo: "15%?"

Qi Lei, "Hey! I'm not hypocritical about this share. Let me tell you the truth, maybe this matter is still there!"

Dong Beiguo was dumbfounded immediately, "Why, how can you still be? What? I don't want to take your alma mater to play, right?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Qi Lei vowed.

Hesitated again and again, "Let's put it this way, I just made a temporary intention. Isn't this Sanshi company out of money? That's why I want to try a variety show, and I don't know if I can make money."

Dong Beiguo cursed in his heart, you little bastard, you still blindfold me? The Three Stone Company has no money, so aren't you just making money?

Qi Lei, "It's really a temporary motive. Now let alone the complete plan, I don't know where the company is opened, and there is no office location!"

Suddenly it was very embarrassed, "Dong School, or... later?" vowed, "When I build the company, at least I have to choose a good place, right? Let's talk about it then!"

When Dong Beiguo heard it, it looked like a little, is this trying to leave me behind?

It was decided at the moment, "You don't want to find a place either. We can't hold you in a place as big as Beiguang? The company is located in Beiguang, we have a place!"

After thinking for a while, "We have more independent institutions in Beijing and Guangzhou. Just say, are you with the publishing house? Or with the Oral History Research Center?"

"There is vacant land in both buildings!"

Just finished saying, "Forget it! The newly built TV building, I will spare you a floor, and just give you some rent! It just happens to be with the young eagle squad, which is convenient!"

Qi Lei pondered, and said silly, "It seems like this is the case, huh?"

Dong Beiguo struck the iron while it was hot, "Isn't that? That's it?"

Qi Lei, "Don't don't don't don't don't, it's not just the two of us just talking on the phone."

Dong Beiguo, "What about it?"

Qi Lei, "Even if the company has an office location, the shooting equipment, post editing, and special effects production all require equipment!"

Anxiously, "Principal, don't worry! I have been in contact with foreign equipment vendors. It is estimated that these equipment will be in place within a year or a half."

Dong Beiguo was so angry, "Are you stupid?" yelled, "What do you want from Beiguang? We still use purchases? Are they all ready-made?"

Qi Lei, "Isn't it right? I'm a private company, using school resources?"

Dong Beiguo, "Isn't it appropriate for you to have a joint venture with Beiguang?"

Qi Lei was silent, obviously a little tempted, but in the end, "It still doesn't work!"

Dong Beiguo, "What's wrong with you?"

Qi Lei, "I don't have a shooting license! The approval procedures and qualifications for this thing are troublesome, and I can't get it for a while."

Dong Beiguo, "Beijing, Guang, You!"

"Publishing houses, oral history centers, television production centers, emergency news event centers, just say, whose one do you want to use?"

Qi Lei, "That's okay."

Dong Beiguo, "No reason?"

Qi Lei, "No! That's it, 15%!"

Dong Beiguo, "Isn't it 20%?"

Qi Lei, "Then I will think about it again."

Dong Beiguo: "15%! Don't fight, 15 is 15!"

Putting down the phone, Dong Beiguo was in amusement for a long time, this business was done, it was a decisive decision! It is basically equal to 15% of the free price.

Qi Lei also pondered over there, personnel, venues, equipment, permits... one-stop service!

Is 15% too dark?

well! This **** thief won't go empty!



Next is the question of the shooting location. It is necessary to find a suitable residential house in Enshi for renovation.

Moreover, Qi Lei's request is to start up in August.

Less than a month before and after, it can be said that the time is very tight. However, there are also ways to deal with time constraints.

Qi Guodong will take care of these matters of company registration.

Zhou Tao is responsible for contacting Zhang Guorong and Mei's brokerage company.

Here, Uncle Geng is idle and fine, "I'll run for you!"

So, the old man went to Enshi.

Starting from Harbin, I brought along the husband of Ningcun. This guy's screenwriting level is still very good.

Moreover, he will discuss the programming of the program with the writers under the R tree after field inspections.

The two flew to the capital first, and then joined a design team, as well as an art professor from Beiguang.

Landed in Wuhan and joined with representatives of the filming team from Hong Kong.

When everyone arrived in Enshi, the cadres in charge of the publicity of the ES city government had already screened all the houses suitable for shooting, and the relevant materials were ready.

On the way to the shooting location, the large team is already choosing which residential house is more suitable for shooting.

This is not because Qi Lei made the relationship, it is purely a win-win interaction.

how to say?

First of all, let alone this era, even for later generations, many Chinese people may not know what is special about Enshi.

When Qi Lei heard that the person he was looking for was in Enshi, he even applauded again and again?

Because Enshi has the longest and most beautiful canyon landscape in the world-Enshi Grand Canyon.

This is a landscape miracle as famous as the Colorado Grand Canyon. It combines the magnificence and majesty of Colorado, and is more beautiful and magnificent than Colorado.

And such a beautiful scenery was not known to the world until the visit of the Sino-French joint expedition in 2004, and it has been hidden among the mountains before.

But here comes the problem. Of course the Enshi people know that they have such a treasure.

Moreover, in this era when the whole people are engaged in the economy, and the real estate industry has not yet risen, tourism is the development direction that almost every region dreams of.

However, most places suffer from inexperience and no publicity channels. Then……

Then Sanshi directly contacted the local government of Enshi, what's the situation?

Just the very rich and well-known Three Stone Company is coming to Enshi to set up an outdoor variety show featuring Zhang Guorong and Mei Sister? And Qi Lei, the popular rich man blessed?

What's more, can you also highlight Enshi's beautiful landscape in the program?

Can the local government keep laughing?

Let's put it this way, let alone the level of Three Stones, let alone the superstar lineup.

In this era, a third-rate boss said that when you invest in a small place, the treatment is the best.

It's not an exaggeration to say that you're being careful, any excessive demands may be granted to you.

So, don't talk about helping to find a suitable residential house. I made a statement at that time and gave the green light throughout the whole process. As long as the three stone company is willing to come, they are willing to promote our Enshi.

Thus, Enshi Tujia Autonomous Prefecture, Banqiao Town, Mufu Village.

This is the filming location selected by Sanshi Company, so you just say which folk house do you fancy? There is no need for Sanshi Company to come forward to negotiate, and the local government will do the work, make the decision on the spot, and get it done on the spot.

Then, the design team redesigned the interior and exterior decoration, material entry, etc., and even the camera position and other shooting issues also began to operate.

The production and venue have been resolved, and finally the issue of distribution.

In other words, someone has to broadcast it!

At this time, the President of Dong University is used again, and the network of Beiguang is that of Qi Lei.

Dong Beiguo struggled to make money and contacted more than a dozen local satellite TVs at once.

However, the effect is not very good.

There are three main reasons:

First, in this era, there is no precedent for independently produced variety shows, and everyone is afraid to do it.

Everyone knows that many foreign TV stations will buy variety show sources from independent companies, but domestic variety shows are completely different. It is usually produced and broadcasted by the TV station itself.

Suddenly, a variety show produced by a company appeared, and I didn't know what to do.

Second, the subject matter.

"The Longing for Life"?

Or go to the countryside to shoot?

Although there are the blessings of the two big stars of Zhang Guorong and Mei, but this thing is transparent when a discerning person thinks about it. Is this the life you yearn for? Isn't it in line with the public's aesthetics?

They are not very optimistic.

The third and most important reason is that they can’t afford it.

Three Stone's shooting budget for a season is close to 30 million.

Thirty million! In 2001!

Your three-stone company is rich and powerful, but the local satellite TV can't do it!

In this era, apart from the Mango TV station, the annual production budget of TV stations is not more than 30 million.

It's too expensive, and it's a bit too expensive.

In the end, only one of the dozen or so TV stations has intentions, and that is the Mango Channel.

Moreover, he also played a chicken thief.

The Mango Terrace is for two superstars, Zhang Guorong and Mei.

The other party did a market analysis: you walk into the countryside, and the subject matter is definitely not pleasing. However, in response to the enthusiasm of Zhang Guorong and Mei sister, the audience may ignore the incompatibility of the subject matter in a short time.

Therefore, Mango Channel predicts that this show will be hot for at least one season.

What's more, they think very well, highlighting the star effect in the early publicity, deliberately concealing the flaws in the theme, at least it can fool a wave of advertisers.

If the operation is good, the advertising revenue will not be low, and the cost can probably be recovered.

And it's enough to recover the cost!

What does Mango Terrace say? The abacus was crackling, and people didn't expect to make any money from this show.

However, the Hong Kong and Taiwan superstars participated in the mainland variety show, and the first to land was the Mango Channel. The increase in the overall value of the Mango Channel was only profitable.

Therefore, after reading the "Living for Longing" investment invitation, Mango Channel offered Three Stones a quotation and signed a one-season contract for 28 million yuan.

That's right, it was 2 million less than the estimated production cost.

However, this quotation is not just a draw, it is knowledgeable.

First, the price is low, but not low.

The reason is very simple. You Sanshi doing variety shows, it's impossible to have no advertisers, right? It’s not too easy to place ads in outdoor reality shows for life.

Therefore, the production cost of Sanshi is 30 million, but how much cost can be recovered before the film is sold, that has to be calculated separately.

Second, even if the production cost of Three Stones minus the revenue of implanted ads is less than 28 million, or that the profit of 28 million is too low, it does not matter.

Haven't you started making it yet? Can the production cost be reduced according to the selling price!

It was estimated to invest 30 million before, but now the price is low, it can be compressed to 25 million!

In this way, with the placement of advertising, will there be profit margins?

In fact, Mango Terrace also feels that the production cost of 30 million is a bit too high. If they can force Sanshi to reduce the cost, it would be better for them.

Anyway, right now, only the Mangotai family offers an offer to Sanshi Company, and the initiative is in the hands of Mangotai.



"It's been pinched!"

At this time, several people were chatting about the progress of the show in the [Future] group.

Qi Guodong was a little bit angry, "This is because we know that other TV stations will not buy it, and in turn force us to listen to them."

Zhou Tao said, "That's also Qi Lei's problem. The tone is too high."

Or your production costs are too high, and the only TV station that can be received is Mango TV.

"What should I do now?" Zhou Tao asked Qi Lei, "I suggest you reconsider the issue of cost accounting."

He added, "Actually, I came into contact with the economic companies of Shao Rong and Sister Mei, and I feel that they don't care too much about the issue of compensation."

"What they value more is the mainland market, as well as this kind of variety show experiment. The price can be discussed, and even Rong Shao's agent proposed a new way of remuneration, saying that it is to learn from Hollywood and adopt a dividend system."

"Would you like to think about it? This way the cost can be reduced a lot, and the risk is also small."

Those who are familiar with Qi Lei know that this guy does not go empty, and he never does a trade at a loss.

Therefore, Dong Beiguo is not the only wise man.

In response, Uncle Geng said aloud, "This can be considered."

"Isn't the relationship between Shishi and those two people very good? Dividends will be paid out, and everyone who has money will make it together!"

Remind Qi Lei, "You know, this is a long-term cooperation, tied to a car, it is also beneficial to us."

Qi Lei pondered over here, "Dividends? Isn't it impossible. But, whoever will score points."

Parting with Dong Beiguo, Qi Lei couldn't ask for it.

Qi Lei is also happy to split with Shao Rong and Sister Mei. However, if it is divided from their economic company, it will be another matter.

It is the people who are strapped to the tank, not the company behind them.

Typing in the group, "Don't worry about this, I have my own thoughts."

When Zhou Tao heard that Qi Lei didn't seem to approve, there was nothing to say, it seemed that he had developed a habit.

Big things and small things, Qi Lei decided, everyone is used to it.

"Then what should I do now? How to deal with Mango Taiwan's quotation? I don't think they will let it go easily, there is no need to talk about it!"

Qi Lei pondered for a moment, and a viable broadcast plan flashed in his mind. What is the advertising share? Use ratings to bet? etc.

But, what annoying mango stand!

Simply said: "Then ignore them!"

Zhou Tao, "Ignore them, who shall we sell to?"

Qi Lei, "It doesn't matter, I won't sell it to them in a big deal, let's broadcast it online!"

Everyone, "..."

Well, I really see it, this thief doesn't go empty, this time it seems to be rushing to bleed!

Is this going to lose money?

Broadcast on the Internet, this is incomparable with later generations.

For one thing, I didn't pay to watch this.

Secondly, the scale of the Internet is incomparable to the mobile Internet of later generations.

In 2001, even though the Internet was booming, the main media was still television. So being on TV is a serious way out.

This thing is not the same as news. Qi Lei can use the power of the Internet to stir up his news because of the easy spread of news.

However, a program is more than an hour long. If the Internet is the source, it is difficult to leave the Internet.

If it is broadcast on the Internet, even if the quality of the program is excellent and the audience accepts it, it also means failure.

It really means losing money and earning yells, and not many people can hear you yelling.

Of course Qi Lei did not want to broadcast on the Internet, making a loss-making business.

This is just to perfuse everyone. His real purpose is to make everyone not think about it.

After the film is shot, there will be at least two or three phases of the finished product. After you have watched it on these TV stations, then you can think about whether you can sell it.

Who makes us rich? Even if the two or thirty million yuan is really hit, it is not a big problem, at least many of the additional demands of Reviver can be achieved.

For example, let Xiaoer appear.

For example, take Zhang Guorong and Sister Mei together.

For another example, do something that he finds valuable.

It's a big deal, I won't make money in this direction in the future!

"Let's take a picture first, let's talk about it!"



Everyone listened to Qi Lei, and left the mango stand temporarily.

And Mango Terrace... how do you say it, masters are like clouds!

This is the first domestically to open its horizons, the first to carry out market-oriented operations, and it is also the most successful provincial TV station.

Moreover, it is not just a channel of Mango TV that spurs a **** path from a group of provincial satellite TVs, they are a group.

Satellite TV, Jingshi and other big-ticket channels are all doing well.

In this era, there is already a happy base camp.

Moreover, "Huanzhugege", which has an unbreakable ratings record for more than two decades, is also Mango's handwriting.

A keen sense of smell and precise market insight capabilities have not only made Mango Station the number one spot on domestic satellite TV, but also trained a large number of outstanding talents for Mango Station.

These talents are not just the moderators standing in front of the stage. The source purchasing department of Mango Channel is also a gathering of elites.

Nothing happened at Three Stone Company, and it was placed in someone else’s house, just guessing at two possibilities:

First, Sanshi Company is not satisfied with the offer.

Second, Sanshi is playing negotiation skills.

But Mango Desk immediately thought of the third possibility-people are not short of money!

The basis for inferring this result, in addition to the strength of Three Stones itself, is, "If you are short of money, you will not find Zhang Guorong and Mei sister."

Does this judgment have any impact on the purchase of the film?

Yes, and it's huge!

First of all, Mango made a lot of money by borrowing one and two of "Returning the Pearl Gege".

The highest rating is 62%. Do you know what this concept is?

It can be said that in this area of ​​TV series, there is no one before and after.

Advertising revenue is astronomical.

They are not bad money, and they are short of projects now.

Happy Base Camp has firmly ranked first in the ratings of indoor interview game variety shows.

In the past year or two, other satellite TVs, including Mango TV, have also done outdoor variety shows, but they did not do well and the effect was not satisfactory.

Although the theme of Sanshi's "A Longing for Life" is open to discussion, the star effect is full!

What's more, it's just a matter of the theme, the format and program flow really make people shine.

At least I read the business invitation letter of Sanshi Company, which made people admire their creativity.

Mango still wants to get "Longing for Life".

However, if Qi Lei is not short of money, it will be in trouble.

Will he not sell it to Mango Taiwan? Will you turn to other TV stations for friendly cooperation?

Don't think it's impossible, Qi Lei has a criminal record.

He gave the live broadcast of the previous two Pangu press conferences to Longjiang TV.

Let the TV station that could only be regarded as a second-rate satellite TV, through its two sensational effects, has already ranked in the forefront of domestic satellite TV.

In fact, being a TV station is like that. As long as people watch it, there will be advertising revenue. If there is advertising revenue, then there is money.

If you have money, you can buy the copyrights of various hit shows, even replays.

Of course, the quality of the program can also be improved.

That's how Longjiang Satellite TV got up. Two waves of live broadcast advertising revenues are directly fed up.

With sufficient funds, there are more capable things.

It can be said that Qi Lei's two friendship cooperations have made Longjiang TV.

Although Longjiang Satellite TV said nothing could catch up with Mango Channel, it would be hard to say if this prodigal is really not bad money and gave Longjiang TV the "Longing Life".

Therefore, you can't let the willfulness of this not bad money.

As soon as there was no movement at Sanshi, the purchasing department of Mango Terrace had a meeting to study countermeasures.

After a few days, I contacted Sanshi Company. Are you dissatisfied with the quotation?

However, I am already very sincere at this price.

If you are still not satisfied, how about we cooperate in another way?

After all, Mango Channel has a wealth of experience in program production, as well as many excellent hosts and behind-the-scenes staff.

Let's do it in partnership?

Mango Stand bears part of the production cost and provides a production team.

At that time, on Mango Channel, the largest satellite TV platform in the country, one broadcast, all income will be divided into two groups.

This condition is very attractive. It is not only a question of money, but also a mango platform!

After Qi Lei learned about it, he was a little tempted. The production staff of Mango Terrace was indeed more professional than his grass team.

But think about it again, forget it!

You pull in the mango station, and then the host will be his, and the camera and director will be his. With the mango's urinary nature, there will be nothing wrong with Sanshi.

If it is light, the whole show is completely mangoed, and there is no shadow of Sanshi’s production.

More importantly, he might even change the theme script for you, and change it to something he thinks has a larger audience.

It is really possible.

Well, let Qi Lei guess it right, Mango Terrace really thinks so.

If they come in, they will certainly have a certain right to speak, so what are they going to do in the countryside?

Thirty million has been spent. Let's go to the Maldives. Isn't it okay to get a seaside villa?

That is the longing life.

In the end, Qi Lei personally called the deputy director of the Mango Channel who was in charge of purchasing, and tactfully refused his kindness.

Only said, "You also know that I am majoring in media, and I just practice my hands and pat and play."

"How about? Let's wait to see the film before we talk?"

The deputy director Gong on the other side laughed when he heard it, "Oh, that's a pity!"

"Let's not talk about the show, I personally really want to cooperate with President Xiao Qi!"

"Moreover, it happens that our Mango TV also has a similar program plan. Look, if we cooperate, wouldn't it be just right?"

When Qi Lei heard this, his face turned black immediately.

He said with joy, "Good thing! Let's do it together, just to push up this wave of outdoor variety shows, maybe it can lead the trend!"

Deputy Director Gong, "No, no, no, if Xiao Qi really wants to try it on his own, how can Mango Stand do the same thing as Xiao Qi? Isn't this a malicious competition?"

"President Xiao Qi, don't worry. Let's let go of our project first. Let's talk about it later, give way to President Xiao Qi!"

Qi Lei, "Then...I thank you!"

The words are very open and polite, but this passage has to be listened to.

Deputy Director Gong meant, "If you don't cooperate, then I will also make a similar program."

The meaning of Qi Lei’s words is, "You come here, I have money! See which of us can afford to pay, and be a beacon to the industry."

Deputy Director Gong, "Then if you are willing to be a beacon, you should do it first, and I will learn to copy."

Qi Lei, "I bought a watch last year!"

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei didn't take it seriously.

Copy if you want, he is really not afraid.

Because I have never done a variety show, but I have money!

At this moment, Qi Lei was in the capital with a fat man sitting in front of him.

Bare his teeth, "Director Wang, would you like to make a price?"

The fat guy on the opposite side turned black, and said to his heart, have I been reduced to the role of a variety show director? Humiliating status!

But... rubbed his face, he gave too much.

Gritting his teeth, "stretch a slap, five million!"

Qi Lei, "Sign the contract tomorrow."


Fatty Wang is stunned, let me squeeze my lungs! No, won't you make a rebate?

He was embarrassed for the price.

Immediately laughed, "Xiao Qi is always generous! But..."

Xin said, I'll take the initiative to drop a half-million yuan, won't I be taken advantage of by passing it out?

As a result, Qi Lei stretched out two fingers, "Two seasons!"

"Two...two seasons?"

I lost it! However, two seasons are two seasons, which is okay!

Fatty Wang said, "Okay, it's a deal! Xiao Qi always bring the desk book!"

Qi Lei, "There is no script, only an outline."

Fatty Wang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "No notebook? I like it!"

Those directors in Hong Kong are good at this. Not to mention variety shows, movies can be edited on set.



At this point, the basic framework for the first season of "Longing for Life" has been completed.

Location: Mufu Village, Enshi.

Production team: Hong Kong group plus Beijing Canton Art, editing, choreographer, and art instructor team.

Director: Fatty Wang.

Help the team: Young Eagle Banzhong.

Total investment budget: 30 million.

Guests: Zhang Guorong, Mei Yanfang, Qi Lei, Yang Xiaoer.

Yes, except for Xiaoer, Qi Lei personally went into battle. Just like him, don't use it for nothing.

At the end of July, Qi Lei, Tang Xiaoyi, Xu Xiaoqian, and Yang Xiao brought the young eagle class to the residential construction site in Enshi.

Wu Ning did not come, and some of the procedures for going abroad were still unfinished.

Besides, he has to leave in October, when the show is over, and the friends can catch up and send him off.

Tang Xiaoyi and Xu Xiaoqian stayed at home and stayed okay, so they came to join in the fun and had a little shooting mission.

When he arrived at the place, he said, "Hey!" Tang Xiaoyi was a little sour, "Or...I won't go to school now? This place is so cool!"

Everyone in the Young Eagle squad was also a bit strange, Zhou Xiao murmured divinely, "Come here! I feel like it’s coming! This is what the Young Eagle squad should have!"

The dwelling is a stilted building of the Tujia nationality, located on the bank of the Qingjiang River.

Because Mufu has not yet been developed like later generations, there are few modern farmhouses scattered around the riverside A bend of clear water stretches under your feet, and on the opposite side of the river is the hundred miles of Mufu Grand Canyon. The gallery, the verdant peak.

At this time, the sky was a little gloomy, but it was the most beautiful scenery, with clouds and mist rising like a fairyland.

Xu Xiaoqian dropped Qi Lei's arm and inhaled the sweet air, "There is such a smell of yearning for life!"



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Boss atmosphere! The boss is making a fortune!

Someone has commented, the old man's performance is not to make the intestines knotted, to make the fat intestines pile up...

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