Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Dragon Slaying (5)

Early in the morning, Wang Zhendong was still sitting in the car, smoking one by one, worrying, savoring the endless suffering of the loser.


   At night, I was sitting next to a small stall on the side of the road again, and my brothers sang the joy of successful people to their heart's content.




   is a brand new starting point and a brand new journey for Wang Zhendong.


   He seemed to have regained the excitement of the years, as if he had returned to the age of twenty, and set off with his head high.


   Maybe life is so wonderful, **** and heaven are just day and night.


   However, what is unexpected is that the ups and downs between the days and nights not only meant a complete departure from Wang Zhendong's life trajectory, but it was also of great significance to several others.




   Brother Xiao Ma looked at Wang Zhendong, and thought: Brother Dong is standing up again!


   But he...


   have to wait!


   Wait for the grandson Qi Lei to let him out of the tiger!


   Yes, Brother Xiao Ma is about to go wrong! Self-confidence is bursting!


   I even feel a bit thirsty for a long knife...


   keep holding back, keep holding back!


   The career trajectory is completely different from the previous life, not only did not kill the fighting spirit of Brother Xiao Ma, but on the contrary, it has become more and more high! !


   Mom gave a bus, waiting for the master to come out...


   have to die for me! !


   Unfortunately, I can only think about it,


   Now I have to smash my mouth and look at Wang Zhendong, "Pharaoh, what do you feel?"


  Wang Zhendong wondered, "What does it feel like?"


   Brother Xiaoma, "Is it reluctant to give up Sina or are you eager to try Imagination? Is the angry stone dug a hole for you, or is it comfortable to jump?"


  Wang Zhendong understood at once, and smiled, seemingly indifferent, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that his expression expresses his mood vividly and vividly.


   The answer is already on his face.


   "To be honest..." Putting away the jokes before, a little heavy.


"When I was in the car in the morning, Shishi told me about this. I only regarded it as an alternative, at best it was a painful choice. In my heart, I still hope to get my Sina back, let alone a fantasy! I am willing to trade my life for it!"


   Everyone nodded, quite understanding Wang Zhendong's state of mind.


   He just heard him continue: "But, in the office, this grandson is going to make a's a bit of a good one."


   smiled a little embarrassedly, "Which boy doesn't dream? Who didn't tie his coat like a cloak, and the wooden stick jumped up and down for the sword?"


   "Anyone wants to be a hero... plus you know that." Pointing to Qi Lei, "This grandson is so foolish."


   When everyone heard this, they smiled and laughed again. It is recognized that Qi Lei can fool you, but it doesn't need to be mentioned. At this time, everyone seems to recall their own past...


   Xiao Ma shrank his neck and his face was red. It is estimated that not only did he play with him when he was a child, but he also did some embarrassing things.


  Wang Zhendong, "But even so, we are not to the point where we must do it."


   "But..." There was a pause, "Getting back the chairman of Sina, at that moment, it suddenly disappeared."


   Everyone stagnated, "Is it tasteless?"


   "Why is it tasteless?"


   Wang Zhendong smiled bitterly, "Yes, I have to wonder, why is it boring?"


   "I want to go public when I dilute the equity, and I must save Sina. I have my heart to be dismissed, and I have a career that can change my life..."


   "Why is it tasteless?"


   "Maybe... Sina can't give me passion, right?"


   Wang Zhendong laughed, "I am now looking forward to dreaming about a career."


   Everyone curled their lips, a little contrived?


   But, Pharaoh's expression can't be faked, he really is like a twenty-year-old boy, full of energy, even a little dazed.


The envy, jealousy and hatred of the little Ma who watched.


   "What are you doing?"


  The big green stick is in his hand, and he takes a sip.


   "It depends on luck if you can win the imagination!"


   When this statement came out, Wang Zhendong not only didn't find it unpleasant, but felt reasonable. He is now on the thief ship, but if the thief ship can't go, it's up to Lei Qi.


   couldn't help looking at him, "Stone, the so-called shame, how do you occupy Imagination Holdings?"


   This is actually the key issue, even more important than winning Hong Kong Imagination.


   Moreover, it is not only as simple as winning Imagination Holdings, but also to completely kick Liu Jixiang out.


   Anyway, Imagination was brought up by Liu Jixiang, no one can deny that. Imagine that from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, Liu Jixiang's shadow is deeply imprinted.


   If you don't invite him away, you still can't completely control this behemoth.


  This is like, the Institute of Computer Science and Technology is now the largest shareholder of Imagine, but the Institute of Computer Science and Technology has almost no sense of existence.


  Imagination is Liu Jixiang’s words, from managers to ordinary workers, they are all Liu Jixiang’s people.


   Will he give you his imagination so easily?


   Ding Lei said at this time: "To be fair, to grab someone's job is like killing a parent!"


   "Don't talk about Yangmou, it's like buying a majority of shares in Hong Kong Imagination. If Liu Jixiang knows about it, he will definitely meet you to death. What are you doing?"


   Qi Lei smiled, "Isn't this nonsense? If it's good, we won't have our turn to think about it!"


   Wang Zhendong looked at him, seemingly relaxed, "Do you have ideas?"


   Qi Lei nodded, "Yes!"


   After listening to Wang Zhendong, he was still not at ease, "I always feel not very optimistic."


   While talking, together with Xiao Ma and Ding Lei, they analyzed Qi Lei.


   "First, after all, you didn't get Hong Kong Imagination by proper means. With this alone, Liu Jixiang can make a big fuss."


   Ding Lei, "Second, let's take a look at the equity distribution of Imagine Holdings!"


  "[Institute of Computing Technology]: 36%


   [Employee Stock Ownership Meeting]: 35%


   [Fan Hai Holdings]: 29%"


   "This is only a superficial equity distribution. In fact, Zeng Shengting presides over the Institute of Planning."


   "In addition to his control over the shares of the Institute of Planning and Research, he also has personal shares in the employee shareholding meeting."


   "And not only him, but also his lover. And these are all Liu Jixiang helped him run."


   Xiao Ma immediately took the conversation, "That is to say, 36% of the Institute of Planning and Research, and 35% of the workers' assembly, Liu Jixiang stubbornly died."


   Wang Zhendong, "Not only these!"


   continued: "As far as I know, Lu Zhiqiang from Oceanwide Holdings is also from Liu Jixiang, and they belong to the same chamber of commerce."


   "Liu Jixiang can let Lu Zhiqiang in. The two of them don't know what a deal is going on privately. To put it bluntly, I don't know how many shares of Liu are in Panyang's 29%!"


   "This is a net, a big net that Liu Jixiang has been weaving for nearly 20 years, it can't be broken if you say it is broken."


   Ding Lei, "The things that are not broken are all things later. The question now is how do you cut in? There is not even a flaw!"


   The three of you started to sing badly with each other, so Qi Lei became more minded and didn't take it seriously.


   Sitting here for a different person can make these three brothers chatting down! !


   And it's not over yet, there are really no disadvantages, so he smiled and looked at Qi Lei, waiting for his answer.


   is actually watching him deflate.


   And Qi Lei...


   Qi Lei can only smile wryly.


  Don't talk about other things, even if you don't have confidence in yourself, just say how difficult it is to do it!


   Just like Wang Zhendong said, this is a big net that Liu Jixiang has been weaving for more than ten years. There is no flaw. How can you break it?


   But no matter how difficult it is to break, it has to be broken!


   Looking at everyone, he was relatively optimistic, "There is no unbreakable fortress in this world, it depends on whether you can find the right way!"








  Who knows how to say beautiful things.....! !


   Ding Lei was curious, "Talk, talk!"


   Qi Lei shook his head. He still likes to sell Guanzi, but if you don't put some dry goods, it's hard to stop these few people.


   Simply on the table, another beer bottle was placed on the sand table, "Liu Jixiang, Zeng Shengting and his wife, the Institute of Planning and Research, Imagine Employee Stock Ownership Conference, and Lu Zhiqiang of Pan Ocean Holdings."


   "This is what we can see at present, the main shareholding structure of Imagine Holdings."


   Everyone nodded and understood what Qi Lei meant. Wang Zhendong asked urgently, "Where do you want to start?"


   Ding Lei heard, "Does this still need to be thought of?"


   "The easiest thing to start, and the one that should be started, of course, is the Institute of Computing Technology!"


   Institute of Engineering and Technology has the most shares, and it is an official background! Qi Lei still has trust in the upper echelons. Isn't this the best focus?


   Ding Lei pointed to the bottle of the Institute of Computer Science and Technology, "Actually, in that case, there is really a way to win the Institute of Computer Science and Technology."


   "This guy Zeng Shengting, he also participated in the craze of Hong Kong Imagination, can you use this to make a fuss?"


   "As long as he is removed from the position of director of the Institute of Planning and Research, and another person goes up, you may take the shares of the Institute of Planning and Research."


   "Mastering the Institute of Planning and Research is not far from success..."


  Wang Zhendong nodded as he listened, but felt that something was wrong! But it is abruptly can't think of what's wrong!


   It's Qi Lei, he didn't save Ding Lei any face!


   are all brothers, what kind of face do you want to save?




   Ga! ?


   Ding Lei almost choked to death. "Well, what stupid?"


   Qi Lei couldn't laugh or cry, "If you think about it, is it really appropriate to take the Institute of Computer Science and Technology?"


   Ding Lei frowned and thought about it for a long time!


   suddenly realized, "Fuck! It's stupid!"


   Qi Lei, "Right!"


   Where is that stupid?


   is very simple...


   Liu Jixiang has been operating for twenty years, and only truly grasped the overall situation behind his back, turning his imagination from state-owned assets into his Liu Jixiang's appearance.


   Even so, Liu did not dare to really kick the Institute of Planning and Research! On the surface, the Institute is still the largest shareholder.


  Because it is state-owned! !


   If Qi Lei takes the equity of the Institute of Planning and Research, what will it be?


   Liu Jixiang didn't dare to wear the hat of embezzlement of state-owned assets on his head, so Qi Lei buckled it on himself when he went up?


   is not stupid what is it?


   When the time comes, no one will say what happened to Liu, but Qi Lei embezzled state assets!


   It is estimated that Liu Jixiang can wake up with a smile in his dreams!


  Thinking about these Ding Lei's annoyances for a while, "blame me, blame me, I don't think about the problem comprehensively!"


   Xiao Ma and Wang Zhendong didn’t bother to see him blame himself...


   "In that case, the shares of the Institute of Planning and Research are the most unmovable?"


   Qi Lei, "Why do you move him?"


   "For such a big national research institute, he can't let it go if he wants to run!"


  In the Liu era, the Imagination of the Institute of Computer Science and Technology is a decoration, but Qi Lei is different, he wants to engage in technology! The Institute of Planning and Research is very important. I really can’t let it run if I want to run!


  Wang Zhendong, looking at those wine bottles, "Then who else can you move? No one can move!?"


   Look, the remaining major shareholders are all related to Liu Jixiang, how did you move?


   saw Qi Lei smile and suddenly picked up the wine bottle representing Fan Yang Lu Zhiqiang.


   "I think... it is easier for him to start."


   Who does everyone listen to? Lu Zhiqiang? Rolling his eyes, "You can go sleepwalking!"


   The hardest thing to do is Lu Zhiqiang! An old ally of the Chacha Club, it's not a joke with you.


   Qi Lei didn't explain much about this, and he couldn't explain it.


   But he didn't say panic, a group of people analyzed and deconstructed it...


   The easiest point to break through is Lu Zhiqiang!


   "Drink the bar! These messy things, I'll talk about it later!"


   Everyone laughed, don’t mention it if you don’t mention it!


   It’s rare to get together, bragging is more enjoyable.


  Besides, the difficult situation of this matter is just to make fun of it. It really doesn't work to pour cold water on Qi Lei.


how to say?


  The personality of a person is born, but the fate of the day after tomorrow depends on the experience and precipitation.


   In the last time and space, all of you sitting here are just getting to the point of being a bigwig on the Internet.


   Other feelings, patterns, enthusiasm and so on, there is really no room for display. Has long been left behind.


   However, this time and space seems to be different, and the changes that Qi Lei has brought to everyone are a bit big.


  You remember that in the autumn two years ago, they still hid their skills for a game, and they stumbled and became friends.


   Qi Lei is the most special one of them.


   is just special...


   I remember the first time I met, whether Wang Zhendong or Ding Lei, including Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou, did not have much surprise and jealousy.


   After all, as Qi Lei himself said, they are all foxes for thousands of years!


   This is the confidence and pride cultivated by being at the top of the industry.


   But now?


   Unknowingly, Ding Lei discovered that Qi Lei was already an existence that he looked up to.


   Whether it is wealth, realm, or what he is doing at this moment, Ding Lei is shocked, envious, and even jealous!


   He seems to have opened a door for everyone, opening their eyes to them outside the door, can be here!


   I made money, so I can spend it like this, it's so exciting!


   This made Ding Lei wonder, what can I do? Netease really can only do a portal? Do you have a game?


   No, definitely not!


  NetEase actually has a bunch of advantages, such as data, such as audiences younger than Sina and Sohu, such as...


   It’s just that, from the previous point of view, Ding Lei or the company’s top executives are not invisible, but the business strategies that I think of are all projects with large investment and slow results.


  In all the Internet industries where economic interests are the core, they were naturally shot.


   Ding Lei never felt that there was anything wrong. They wanted the company to survive and benefit. Isn’t it normal to be killed?


   However, Qi Lei taught him to look at the problem in another way.


  Long-term investment not only brings back profits, but also more and more things.


   When I go back this time, Ding Lei also has to think carefully about what kind of road NetEase is going to take.




   Xiao Ma brother not to mention.


   As early as two years ago, Xiao Ma, who was not involved in the matter, was actually fooled by Qi Lei.


   What counter-attack ICQ, what to fight out... This grandson's instinct to deceive people and deceive people is extremely good.


   Xiao Ma agreed as soon as his head heated up, but when he turned his head to calm down, Xiao Ma actually regretted it a bit.


   made him tolerate for several days, and it was at the time when Penguin's greatest strength was developing, he had a guilty conscience.


   However, it is the same process as Ding Lei. Gradually, Xiao Ma watched Qi Lei walk all the way, how much money his grandson made, it was really bright!


   Gradually, Brother Xiao Ma is no longer uncertain, no longer confused and regretful, and no longer takes those words of Qi Lei as a spell to deceive ghosts.


   Now he wants to go out, want to make some noise.


   Xiao Ma also wants to chant the slogans of Chinese entrepreneurs under the spotlight of the media.


  嚓! ! It must be too good to have a better experience, right?


   Looking at Wang Zhendong, he was even more envious.


   "Come, come, drink!!! Don't get drunk or return!"


   Little Ma opened the envoy and held up the big green stick, "Don’t get drunk or go back!!"


   There are just these four words in the mouth, and the road is so melancholy, when can you reach me?


   Other people seem to have seen the mood of Brother Xiao Ma, not to mention breaking, and toasting together.


   Then, there seemed to be a tacit understanding, no one mentioned business topics, only Fengyue.


   After all, everyone knows very well, after tonight, there is blood and rain on Qi Lei's side, and Xiao Ma is waiting for him.


   And Ding Lei will also start a different NetEase, a different career and life.


   Everyone was drunk this night.


   talked about the most important sentence in Qi Lei's heart, "Let the fleeting years be colorful and the earth be light."




   The big guy is not serious, and he is not worse than the hooligans at all!


   A good sentence, a well-known saying that Qi Lei worships as his life goal.


   finally became: let the fleeting years have "color" and the earth have "light".


How many colors does    have?


  Wang Zhendong called his wife, and the other side was worried to death. The couple only talked on the phone in the morning and found out about his dismissal of the chairman.


   "Where are you? Go home early?"


   Wang Zhendong's head was swollen, "Wife, do you want **** or light?"




   After holding back for a long time, my heart said, is this letting me go?


   Thinking that he must be in a terrible mood now, then...


   "All! Come back!"


   Wang Zhendong: "!!!"


   suddenly realized something was wrong, "My wife, I was joking..."






   When he got home, Qi Lei also called home, calling his parents first.


   Guojun Qi asked, I didn't ask too much about going to the technology transfer company today, and let Qi Lei be the master alone.


   Guo Lihua is much more suspicious.


   It is strange to say that when I first learned that Qi Lei was working as a company, Guo Lihua was obviously less chatty during that time.


   It may be that I think my son is promising, and she doesn’t need her mother to stare.


   But, as time went by, Guo Lihua returned to her motherhood, and she kept talking when she called.


   Don’t wear less clothes, remember to eat regularly, etc., from washing your socks infrequently to don’t stuff your trash at home, it’s just trivial things anyway.


   Qi Lei said in reply that he had the urge to hang up, but he wanted to listen to his mother again.


   Then he called the old house.


   Tang Yi answered, "I'll be relieved in more than a month!"


   Yang Xiao yelled from behind, "When are you on vacation? Come back to coax the kids!"


   Qi Lei teased, "Why do you live in my house again? Your dad doesn't want you anymore?"


   Xiao'er is going to eat people, "My old man hurts me!"


   Later, Wu Ning grabbed the phone and asked about business, "Has Imagine Group got it?"


   Qi Lei, "I got it!"


   Wu Ning, "Then next step, can Uncle Liu let go?"


   Qi Lei, "It's hard to tell."


   Wu Ning, "Give you a suggestion, can you listen?"


   Qi Lei, "Study what you have learned well, make a fart proposal?"


   Opposite Wu Ning curled his lips, "I'm already stable, so don't worry about it."


   "Well then, tell me your suggestion."


   You want to say that Tang Xiaoyi said to give Qi Lei some suggestions. That's really unreliable. He can suggest Qi Lei to kill Liu Jixiang.


   But Wu Ning is different. Don't look at his young age now, but this guy does have a flash of inspiration.


   He only heard Wu Ning ponder for a while and said, "I think Liu's side is airtight, and you take the initiative to attack, rather than some clever means."


   Qi Lei couldn't help being solemn, this is true.


   "What do you mean?"


   Wu Ning, "Look at it, you want to enter Imagination Holdings. That is their home, his home court, and his advantage."


   "Why do you have to go in? Pull him into your area of ​​expertise, will he still be able to play with you by then?"


   Qi Lei thoughtfully, "I think about it..."


   Wu Ning is not in a hurry, "Well, call anytime."


   No nonsense when he finished speaking, he came up with a sentence, "You and Xu Xiaoqian will get bored!"


   Xixi Suosuo, the phone has been handed over to Xu Qian, and a lazy and ambiguous voice came from the other side: "Hey..."


   Qi Lei is a ghost, "I want light or color?"


  Xu Xiaoqian, "Go!"


   obviously rolled his eyes, "It's not serious!"


   Qi Lei chuckled, feeling that everyone in the living room opposite was gone, and his words were even more unscrupulous.


   At first, Xu Xiaoqian still resisted, but later, she even dared to start than Qi Lei.


   This girl doesn't lose to anyone who engages in pornography, but the premise is only Qi Lei.


   "How come back?"


   "There are light and colored ones too!"


   Qi Lei's nosebleeds are almost coming out, "You are waiting!"


   How can you stand this special?




   The next day, Qi Lei went to school, and as soon as he entered the school gate, he ran into Zhou Xiaocao and Coco Li.


how to say?


   They have activities today, so they are well dressed and a bit amazing.


   It's a pity that Brother Shishi didn't even look at them, he said hello at random and left.


   Zhou Xiaohan: "Come back!!"


   Qi Lei stopped and turned his head, looking at her questioningly, "Is something wrong?"


   Zhou Xiaocao was greatly traumatized psychologically, and the nature of Wo Liheng was undoubtedly exposed.


   "Classmate Qi Lei..." Zhou Xiaocounched his waist, "Although the two of us, one is your student and the other is your brother, we lack hormonal inducements."


   "But, anyhow, can you just look at your old lady?"


   praised himself up and down, "Did you not see these two beautiful girls?"


   Qi Lei followed her gaze and glanced around, "Not bad! What's wrong?"


   Zhou Xiaohan took it and joked loudly: "Your reaction makes me suspicious."


   Qi Lei reacted at once, "Oh's really good, and there is nothing wrong with the outfit. It is definitely a stately and generous kind."


   "Don't worry! The image of you two is absolutely fine, don't doubt it."


   Zhou Xiaohan: "......"


   "Counselor, you made a mistake!"


   Qi Lei, "???"


   Zhou Xiaohan, "Of course I don’t doubt our image!"


   screamed, "I doubt..." Suddenly the focus of his gaze shifted downward, "I suspect you are either an orientation problem or..."


   Qi Lei hurriedly turned to one side, "What are you talking about?"


  I'm great!


   did not show weakness, "It's mainly you two...Compare with my Xu Xiaoqian, tusk."


   "There is no color or light..."


   While speaking, he turned his head and back, stomping Zhou Xiaohan angrily.


   curled his mouth, "Xu Xiaoqian in your family?"


   "Where is the color and light? It's the firewood girl! Little kid!"


   Qi Lei, who had already walked some distance away, said without looking back, "I don't have good eyesight!"


   said Zhou Xiaohan was even more suspicious of life, and asked Coco Li, "Is Xu Xiaoqian really that?"


   Coco Lee thought for a while, "Which one?"


   Zhou Xiaohan has taken it, so I still have to think about it?


"You are great!"


   angrily left.


   Coco Lee reacted, "You are color and light! I think about it, you have to think about it..."


   Zhou Xiaohan: "!!!"


   "Li Hanhan, go to death! Forget it if you are stupid!"




   Qi Lei went into the Eagle Class classroom in the TV building.


   As a result, as soon as he entered the classroom, Shalong and Ma Chenyu looked at him, this grandson is here?


   Lifted up his **** and left, "There is still class, hurry up! I'm going to be late."


   Qi Lei took a look, "Don't rush away, hand in your paper."


   When the silly dragon heard that he had a dead heart, he knew that there was nothing good for this grandson to come to class.


   How can he have a paper to hand in?


   "Then what... Isn't Xiao Qi always busy?"


   Qi Lei laughed, "No? Besides, I can't forget no matter how busy receiving papers!"


   Silly Dragon: "..."


   finally surrendered, "not finished!"


   Qi Lei heard, "Oh, when can I finish writing?"


   The silly dragon's eye ball turned, "Three days! Three days will definitely be done."


   Qi Lei was very busy during this time, and basically didn't care about school affairs. This semester only came back ten days and a half months to report.


   He said that for three days, he actually calculated that Qi Lei had no time to spend with him.


   I mixed up today, and I will see you in half a month!


   Ma Chenyu heard the silly dragon say for three days, but his eyes didn't stare out, how can you have the courage?


   Ma Chenyu knows, and Shalong's thesis also listed an outline.


   Three more days? Thirteen days is almost the same!


   However, Ma Chenyu is not stupid, and he immediately understood the silly dragon's good intentions.


   immediately said: "I will do it in three days too! Three days can be done, there is only one mistake left."


   Qi Lei heard, "Okay..."


   "It happens that I have nothing to do these few days, and come to ask me whenever there is a problem."


   Ga! ! ?


   Shalong and Ma Chenyu almost didn't suffocate to death!


   "You, you, you, you, aren't you busy? No, no, no, don't you care about us?"


   Qi Lei grinned, "So what.....It's really not busy. I'm going on a business trip next week, just to make up for your missing papers these few days!"


   Silly Dragon: "I..."


   Ma Chenyu: "..."


   Why are you suddenly no longer busy?


   Business is gone? Didn't you make a lot of money?


All right....


   Qi Lei is really not busy! Imagine holdings is not a matter of one day or two, or it is not a question of when you want to start a war.


   But it needs an opportunity, this can only wait, it may be tomorrow, or it may wait for a few months.


   So, he really has plenty of time lately.


   even enough to take the initiative to apply for a business trip.


   Beiguang 2001 school exams and recommended assessment work has been fully launched.....


   Qi Lei and Dong Beiguo applied for a place, the first-line examination room in Shenzhen and foreign countries! Select the best news host talents for Beiguang! !


   Dong Beiguo was moved to learn that Qi Lei was so enthusiastic about his work!


   decided at the moment, "Get out! How far do you get away! How far do you want to go home, why is it so refreshing and refined?"


All right....


   Qi Lei applied to go to Longjiang Provincial School to take the first line!


The school entrance examination room of Beiguang Longjiang Province is located in... Shangbei No. 2 Middle No wonder Dong Beiguo cursed people. He originally wanted Qi Lei to go to Chongqing. The enrollment team is small, Qi Lei It's really useful to go.


   As a result, he only went to Longjiang. If you are anywhere else, please ask Gaoming!


   made Dong Beiguo seriously suspect that this kid was not weaned. Did he miss his mother?


   As everyone knows, the guess is half right.


Huh? Why is it half?


   (Don’t look, this is the car.)


   So Qi Lei spent a week at school staring at the essays, ready to go home!






   I can’t sit still... I really plan to take a three-day break, but if I think about it for three days, I guess I’ll be cold.


   Hurry up and change it to please the reader master.


  Thanks: [Book Friends 161017195925337] The leader of the game is rewarded!


  Thank you: [Layer missed the boy after all] for a reward!


   The boss is magnificent, the boss gets rich, gets rich.


   Can the boss join the group? The kind of serious group that can supervise codewords.


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