Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Pangu Kaitian (3)

Coming out of the big classroom, the five friends, as well as Zhang Yang, followed Qi Lei and kept silent.

In fact, Three Stone Company was so smooth, even if it was a bit of a twist, Qi Lei had to dissolve it lightly.

People like Tang Xiaoyi always felt that it was just fun!

Brother is just such a good X, playing with him, he made hundreds of millions of net worth.

Oh, a 17-year-old kid, no matter how mature he is, where can he mature?

But today, when Qi Lei and a few teachers talked about how difficult Pangu 2.0 was, Tang Xiaoyi understood for the first time how much pressure this grandson had put on.

Then, Tang Xiaoyi was a little upset, why couldn't he help at all?

Among the four, Xu Xiaoqian and Wu Xiaojian really understand how difficult it is for Qi Lei.

Therefore, they would rather not continue to spend a year with Qi Lei and enjoy a heartless life, but also to go out.

Xu Xiaoqian knew that Qi Lei's purpose was to go out.

Therefore, she must first understand the outside world and learn to think about problems in an outside way of thinking, so that she can help him.

And Wu Xiaojian, he knows his position better. Moreover, Wu Xiaojian actually thinks farther and more carefully than Xu Xiaoqian.

Regardless of Wu Ning and Tang Yi, they seem to be heartless, but in fact, in private, Wu Ning's mind has not stopped. He has been thinking about these two questions:

Is Qi Lei still able to walk?

Can the blueprint drawn by him and Xiao Ma be realized?

Wu Ning knows that as Qi Lei does more things in China, and the deeper the layout with Lao Qin and the future level, the more difficult it will be for him to go out.

If you are just a simple businessman, that's okay.

However, you are a scholar, and there will always be clues when you are close to Lao Qin.

No one is a fool, and will let you and Xiao Ma go to stir up the situation, rob people's market, and disrupt their culture?

After all, grandfathers are all knowledgeable, and their fathers are not weak, so Wu Xiaojian's vision is actually not low.

A bold and outrageous idea slowly took shape in Wu Xiaojian's heart

At this moment, Dong Beiguo followed out of the large classroom and called Qi Lei.

"Wait a minute, let's talk!"

Qi Lei looked at the behavior of President Dong Da, and knew that he had come up with an idea.

Let everyone go to the football stadium to watch the show first, and he and Dong Beiguo chatted in the corridor of the news building.

In fact, Dong Beiguo is also enthusiastic and hopes that Lei Qi Lei's Pangu 2.0 can succeed.

"It's really difficult, how about looking for help from above?"

Dong Beiguo knew a lot of things outsiders didn't know, Qi Lei had a close relationship with him, and it was no secret to him.

"Let the above publicize it for you, it really doesn't work, call for it."

"After all, it is a domestic system, our own things, this entry point is still good."

When Qi Lei heard, "Don't! Don't!"

I knew that the President of Dongda had to come up with an idea again.

Dong Beiguo was puzzled, "Why?"

Qi Lei didn't know what to say.

What do you say about this stuff? It is tantamount to binding the agenda. If the promotion is given above, it must be linked to patriotism.

Wouldn't it become the HW for later generations? And it's HW who jumped into the hole by himself.

Qi Lei is not that stupid. The agenda is set too high, which is not a good thing.

Twenty years later, such a high level of national self-confidence will be scolded, let alone this era?

"Don't worry about it when you are old, I have my own ideas."

Dong Beiguo frowned, "After all, your power alone is limited!"

I thought about it for a while: "It's okay if you don't do this, I'm just talking nonsense, after all, I'm not professional about this stuff."

"You are like this, you discuss with Xiao Liao and the others, I will call Mu Zhengming over again, and you will think about it together. There are so many people and powerful!"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "In the evening, there is a plan adjustment meeting within the company. I will ask them to come here and let Teacher Liao listen to them, okay?"

Otherwise, Dong Beiguo will not give up.

When Dong Beiguo heard this, "Okay!"

As a result, Dong Beiguo almost called all the senior professors from Jeonbuk-Guang.

Not only the media direction, but also advertising, humanities, and even international relations.

In Dong Beiguo's words, "Give me a little bit of effort. If you succeed in doing this for such a large company, wouldn't you have enough research funding?"

In fact, scientific research funding is a guise. Old Dong, a man from the Northwest, is still very simple, so he wants to help, but I am embarrassed to say directly.

After dismissing the principal of Dong University, Qi Lei didn't go to meet up with his friends. Seeing that the time was approaching noon, he drove into the car and went to the airport to pick up people.

The last internal inspection of Pangu 2.0 was completed yesterday.

In fact, it was completed a long time ago, but Nan Lao was worried, called Jia Taofang back, and arranged two more self-checks.

It shows how nervous the old man is.

Therefore, Lao Nan, as well as Uncle Geng, brought the Sanshi team to Beijing today.

As for Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao, they actually arrived a week earlier, but they were also nervous, and they had to set up the conference venue, contact the media, etc. There were a lot of things, and they didn't incorporate Qi Lei's actions.

When the plane landed a little closer, Qi Lei picked up Lao Nan and Uncle Geng, and asked Zhang Jian and Wang Yong to take the technical team back to the hotel, while the three returned to Beiguang.

Old Nan is still a little bit reluctant, "Isn't the plan adjusted at the China Resources Hotel? Why did it change to Beiguang?"

"Little Rock, I'll tell you, you can't be so distracted, why don't you have any strength to be secure?"

The more I talked, the greater the movement, "How can I change the place? Can it work!?"

There is not much space in the car, Qi Lei’s eardrum is aching, and he complains. At this age, his lung capacity is not small!

Just like coaxing a child, "inhale"

"Exhale! Exhale"



"Is it better?"

Old Nan: ""

After doing it twice, it was really calm.

However, it was about to explode soon, "You are fooling here."

Qi Lei immediately explained, "President Beiguang wants to organize a group of media scholars to help us make plans."

Old Nan stopped for a moment, his eyes rounded, and then he relaxed after a long while, "This is pretty good."

Well, in fact, Lao Nan is not entangled in changing places, he is nervous.

how to say?

Nan Guanghong is a heavyweight in the domestic electronic computer industry. When he was thinking about it, he clamored to make a system and build his own system, but Liu Jixiang was squeezed out.

Now the system is finally made, but no one knows if it can be made.

It's done, then Nan Guanghong exhales.

No, it's still a joke than being squeezed out by Liu Jixiang.

Explain what?

It shows that Liu Jixiang's decision is correct and far-sighted. The domestic system is indeed not feasible.

Old Nan really couldn't bear this blow.

So, don't look at how old Nan has been working hard in the past two years, and it's time to be tested, the old man is a little fragile again, he really can't afford to lose at this age.

Qi Lei also knew that the old man was under a lot of pressure, so he glanced at Uncle Geng from the rearview mirror, meaning that you are always persuading you?

But he didn't want to. Not only did Uncle Geng refuse to persuade him, he also added fuel and jealousy.

"Why do you persuade him? You let him get entangled? This time I get entangled, and I will definitely get used to it next time."

Nan Guanghong said, "Next time? I will retire after I finish this time!!"

Yes, Nan Guanghong was superstitious for a while, and vowed to God that as long as you make the system go smoothly this time, then I will retire and I won't bother you again.

Qi Lei wants to have fun, who would believe it?

It can only be said that the pressure is indeed a bit high.

Holding the steering wheel, he sprinted on the airport highway.

Aloudly comforted: "Don't worry! I don't have any other skills, and I am engaged in communication. Don't you know my skills?"

These words really made Old Nan feel at ease, "This is true."

Three Stones company today may not be perfect in other aspects, but the marketing strategy, every step is not wrong, this is the credit of Lei Qi.

Including insight into models, Mr. Nan has also heard a lot.

Suddenly I remembered something, "I heard Zhang Nan say, what agenda setting did you do in the second middle school, and all the professors in Beijing and Guangzhou were completely taken aback!"

"Then what agenda are you going to set up this time?"

Qi Lei smiled and said to his heart, which is so simple?

In the insight model, the social relations are simplified, mainly to reflect the problem.

The real world is countless times more complicated, so how can it be so easy to set an agenda?

Moreover, agenda setting is a basic concept. Even if an agenda is set, there are deeper applications and logic. It does not mean that the purpose can be achieved with an agenda.

So, take Pangu 2.0 as an example. Setting the agenda is just the basis, and a more in-depth communication method is needed.

Ambiguously said: "Anyway, you can always take care of the technology, and I will do the rest!"

Nan Guanghong immediately felt more relieved.

In fact, the most comfortable thing to do with technology is that you don’t need to worry about the rest of the things.

Qi Lei is lucky to have such a boss.

However, this idea didn't last long. The car entered Beiguang and before it stopped, Zhou Xiaohan and Tang Xiaoyi stopped Qi Lei.

As soon as the flame was turned off, Tang Xiaoyi pulled Qi Lei up, "Go, we have to return!"

Qi Lei stared, "Go back to your uncle's field?"

Zhou Xiaohan, "The mid-tone zoomed in. If you don't return, you will be stepped on!"

Qi Lei asked for a moment, "What's the matter?"

But seeing Wu Xiaojian bitterly, "They are so playful, please be an expert!"

Qi Lei looked at Yang Xiao, "You go up and kill them, don't you get it?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao'er had a bitter face, "Is this really extinguished?"

Qi Lei, "So arrogant? You can't watch enough?"

Xiaoer, "They brought'Baojia Street No. 43' here."

"I puff!!"

Qi Lei took a mouthful of blood and blurted out, "Master Wang is here?"

Tang Xiaoyi said, "Yes! It was the one with the surname Wang who killed him!"

"I will kill you uncle!" Qi Lei was speechless, and couldn't hold back, "That's half the sky of Chinese rock!"

Well, this sentence is a joke.

"Go! Take a look!"

While speaking, he and his friends rushed to the music festival venue aggressively, throwing Nan Lao into the wind and messing.

Suddenly there was no bottom in my heart again, "This is an unreliable bastard! When is the time, do you still care about this place?"

Well, I have to sing, dance, and live it up at any time!

43 Baojia Street is actually the address of the Central Conservatory of Music.

In 1994, a few midrange students made a team leader and used the address of the midrange as the name, which is "No. 43 Baojia Street."

The lead singer is Master Wang, who has sung "Little Bird" and "Good Night, Beijing".

In this era when the music is down and the band is even less viable, except for a few bands such as Yuquan and Horizon, it should be No. 43, Baojia Street.

The key is that Master Wang has just signed Warner and released his solo album "Flower Fire".

Not to mention the popularity, but it is also quite popular.

The alto grandson invited them out, and they simply didn't talk about martial arts.

And, more importantly, Tang Xiaoyi and Yang Xiao actually liked "No. 43 Baojia Street", and they also liked Master Wang who only wore leather pants, didn't talk about dreams, and was so angry.

As a result, you came so out?

Can't beat it!

However, he won in the end.

How did you win? There were two options at the time:

The first one, of course, is to use magic to defeat magic.

Qi Lei almost came to the stage and shouted "Brave Heart", "Existence" or something, let you see if the old Master Wang, ten or twenty years later, can defeat the current Master Wang.

However, this is Tang Xiaoyi's style of doing things.

If it was changed to Tang Yi Chuan-through, this grandson would definitely lose him, and he would be **** off Master Wang.

But Qi Lei, forget it, cut off the way to survive!

Therefore, Qi Lei chose the second one.

Therefore, when the night fell and the music festival reached its climax, the stage on the Beiguang side exploded.

It happened that Huazi in the capital, Yuquan and Zero in the sky, all appeared on stage one after another.

It was thought that there was no big news, but reporters who collected music festival news copied it again.

So there is a superstar finale?

I don't know at all!

After asking, I found out that Qi Lei had invited it temporarily.

The reporters had to put another label on Qi Lei, rich and self-willed!

Well, it didn't actually cost much.

Wah Tsai had cooperated with Sanshi before, and the trailer for "Legend" was shot by him. He was also very good at being a human being when he called.

"My honor, college student music should be supported, and money will be hands-free."

Yuquan and Lingdian only charged a small fee for appearance.

Old Master Wang who beat him wanted to cry.

I can only say sorry to the middle school boys and girls, "I can't beat it!"

Jin Zhuoya yelled angrily, "The rich don't have a good thing!!"

It's a pity that it's useless to call. She thinks that Beiguang fouls, at least because they let a few outsiders come on stage first, but after all, Qi Lei is the lead singer and there is nothing wrong with it.

Nationalities University and Second Foreign Studies are also invited professional electro-acoustic bands. According to her, they are all fouls.

However, it would be too much for you to pull back those who have graduated for several years, so you can't blame Qi Lei for using contacts.

Generally speaking, the festival is smooth and successful, and its scale and influence are much larger than the first one.

Whether it was Qi Lei's press conference, the stage at No. 43 Baojia Street, and the appearance of the superstar later, no matter how internally argued, they were all brilliant.

At the same time that the music festival ended, reports from major media were also released, instantly setting off another wave of public opinion.

The Beijing Evening News, with the title "An Unruly Person", emphatically reported the appearance of Qi Lei and several small partners, as well as the Sanshi company cultural declaration.

"Innovation! Be a role model!"

"Five young people have stood on the stage of the times in a way that ordinary people can't imagine."

"Under the rhetoric, what is hidden is the restless and fearless soul!"

"No one knows whether the future of Three Stones Company is as magnificent as they say, but no one doubts."

"They are ready to shock everyone's jaws again!"

"Newsweek": "Are the times too young, or are we too old?" 》

"Qilei stood on the stage and unscrupulously warned the older generations to be their role models, not foils."

"Such arrogance can only be possessed by young people! But I don't think this is the arrogance and ignorance of young people, on the contrary, it is the vitality and lofty ambition of young people!"

"They are here, their time is here!"

Longjiang TV, "News Night Voyage".

"Laughing crazy, but also shocked and stupid."

"On the stage, we can see that not only are there cross talks in Beijing and Tianjin, we also have a funny king in Longjiang!"

"Five young people who have gone out of Harbin have expressed their ambitions to the society in their own way!"

"Innovation!!! Be a role model!"

"Come on! Young man! Three stones!"

"I look forward to you becoming a role model for Longjiang Enterprises and a bridgehead for innovation!"

"October 3rd, at eight o'clock tomorrow evening, what surprises will Three Stones and these young people bring us?"

"This station will broadcast the "Pangu 2.0 Press Conference" live, and we look forward to your watching."

Longjiang Station’s report wandered between deadly boasting and boasting. After all, it is a local company, and the evaluation is absolutely biased.

As a TV media, Longjiang TV is also the only TV station that broadcasts live broadcasts of the conference.

For this reason, the leaders of the station have been arguing for a long time whether or not to broadcast live, which feels a bit overwhelming.

It’s enough to increase the coverage at that time. Do you want to broadcast it?

However, in the end decided to take a gamble.

Well, it was actually Taili who communicated with Sanshi Company, and Sanshi’s reply was:

If you want to reach the top ratings, just broadcast it

Among the many traditional media, the most important is a national newspaper with the prefix of the country.

"The Demeanor of the Times"

"A vibrant college student music festival, showing the demeanor of young people in the new era."

"An unexpected declaration shows the rationality of entrepreneurs in the new era!"

"The country is strong because of you, the society is improved because of you, and the people are rich because of you!!"

"If all Chinese people have this aspiration, the future can be expected!"

The online media also did not miss this news feast.

Sina: "Dried Beautiful"

"I'm especially curious. Isn't Imagine Liu always ready to make needles? Is he already drafting a PR copy."

"Especially curious, what kind of audio-visual enjoyment Mr. Qi will bring to the press conference tomorrow night."

"This site will do a full text live broadcast of the conference site, so stay tuned."

NetEase: "The Little Qi Who Lives by His Mouth Has Killed Crazy Again"

The online media is relatively casual, and all of them are headline parties.

"After "Today's Statement", Mr. Qi of Three Stone Company once again showed the netizens what it means to be top eloquence."

"Talking and laughing, killing is invisible!"

"Just don't respond, just think about it, so that you can't come up and swallow this breath!"

"Actually, the majority of netizens already have the answer."

"On the one hand, it is to make bold words, to be an example, to be responsible, and to be the three stones of innovation."

"The other side haha"

"I can give you some popular science first, how did Academician Nan Guanghong choose the newly established Sanshi as the research and development platform."

"Lao Nan was driven out by Imagination!"

"The old man advocates the line of technology, industry and trade, and vigorously engages in research and development, while Liu is dedicated to being a second-door dealer."

"In short, justice is in the hearts of the people, and those who insult others humiliate themselves!"

“It’s no more obvious who now has more structure and who is more representative of Chinese companies in the new era.”

"Imagine that you should really think deeply, where is your conscience!?"

"Now, everyone can look forward to tomorrow's Pangu 2.0 conference."

"The humiliation of Nan Lao Xie being expelled, and his ambition to try his courage, he grinds his sword in two years, and I don't know how to deal with himself after Pangu opened the sky."

Obviously, it can be seen that the reporting direction of traditional media is still based on spirit and events. Even if there is subjective appreciation, it is all about facts and the news itself.

The online media is different, focusing on contradictions, how to come at will, how to attract eyeballs, and a posture of watching lively and not busying things.

Of course, there are also traces of injustice for Qi Lei.

The comments from netizens are even more exciting and varied.

"The song is so good! I'll make an album, I will definitely buy it."

"The song is so good! Release the album, Mr. Liu will definitely not buy it."

"The song is so nice! Let's make a new song called "Imagination Stupid""

"The song is so nice! Go write a poem, boil beans and burn douqi"

"Hey! I'm not in love anymore! Why are you so anxious to have a girlfriend when you're only eighteen? I can't see what is good about that short-haired man."

"Upstairs is a woman"

"Reply to the upstairs upstairs: everywhere is so rich, talented, and handsome, are you angry?"

"Sister Xiaoer is always a god!"

However, there is one point that everyone can reach a consensus, and that is:

The appearance of "Today's Statement" and the music festival not only caused the public to reverse Qi Lei's views, but also generated great curiosity and demand for this completely new celebrity.

Naturally, I began to look forward to the next appearance, and what kind of surprises it will bring to everyone.

And the next appearance

Of course it is the Pangu 2.0 press conference on October 3rd

Liu Jixiang is also looking at the overwhelming reports on the Internet and traditional media. It is no longer as simple as sitting on pins and needles.

He realized that this would be a huge crisis for Imagination.

If it is not handled properly, Imagine's public image that has been maintained for many years will collapse.

After thinking hard for a long time, Liu Jixiang finally decided on a crisis public relations strategy.

That is, find someone to hold back the pot!

What a simple matter, I called Wang Chen back overnight, "Wang Chen, the attitude of the media is very dangerous now!"

When Wang Chen heard, "President Liu, don't worry, I was prepared!"

Liu Ji raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Wang Chen, "The whole thing was done by Li Fangda and his sales team. As long as we cut the relationship with Li Fangda, the media's attention would naturally not burn to the imagination itself. Let Li Fangda bear the consequences!"

The so-called cutting relationship and bearing the consequences are all nice to say, but in fact it is to let Li Fangda take the blame.

Liu Jixiang was stunned, and said to his heart, not bad, so let's keep you!

After pondering for a moment, "Then do it first!"

Wang Chen was overjoyed immediately, "I will prepare a press release now."

Liu Jixiang, "No! It's already very serious this time, let me do it!"

This time it was Wang Chen's turn to be stunned, "Then listen to Mr. Liu!"

So, early the next morning, Imagine issued a statement to the media.

Liu Jixiang personally came forward: "Imagine and I realize that recently public opinion has doubts about certain public events."

"In this regard, I myself will not express any views or opinions for the time being, and will conduct a self-examination within the company."

"As for why Mr. Qi beat people, since Mr. Qi doesn't want to cause public attention, as an elder, I should give an explanation to the public and Mr. Xiao Qi."

"If you find that it is indeed the unclean method used by the people inside Imagination, I, Liu Jixiang, will never tolerate it!"

"Check it out!"

Regardless of other things, just looking at Liu Jixiang's attitude, that really has nothing to say.

Very correct and determined. As a result, the public unconsciously believe that even if there is any shameful operation, Liu himself should be unaware.

Then wait for the result?

For the imaginative wind reviews, it has indeed been restored.

However, these Qi Lei didn't have the time to take care of it. Last night, he worked with the senior officials of Three Stones Company and a group of old scholars from Beijing and Guangzhou to fine-tune the conference plan.

Of course, Qi Lei has the final say on how to control the general direction. He has his own routine and rhythm, and he adjusts the details.

At this point, Reviver cannot be optimal.

So, in the first half of the night, Qi Lei and everyone explained his direction and strategy. In the second half of the night, a group of big guys buckled one word, one word, and one sentence, striving for the accuracy and error-free transmission of information.

At this time, Qi Lei was asleep, until after five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xiaoqian had to wake him up.

Go downstairs to the living room and take a look. Okay, five fathers, Lao Nan, Uncle Geng, Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao, and little friends are all there! !

Qi Lei got embarrassed, "It's all here!"

Qi Guojun wanted to kick him up.

The heart is so big, he slept for a day!

Do you want to call him? I am afraid that it will affect my rest, and my state is not good at night. Don't call it? You must not go to the meeting place earlier? Shouldn't the content become familiar again?

He was fine, Xu Xiaoqian didn't call, he could sleep until the beginning.

Folding his brows, "wash up quickly and go to the meeting place."

Qi Lei scratched the head of the chicken nest, "Oh."

I went to the bathroom to wash my hair, brush my teeth, and simply grab a random hairstyle.

Then, I changed into the "costume" I was going to wear tonight, and went out with everyone.

It was six o'clock at this time, and to be honest, the reporter went earlier than his protagonist.

When he arrived in Beiguang, Qi Lei asked his father and everyone to go to the auditorium first, while he went to the subject office. Liao Fanyi and the others were waiting here.

When I saw Qi Lei, he said the same thing, "How did you get up?"

Qi Lei was puzzled, "Did you get up early?"

Liao Fanyi rolled his eyes, they didn't sleep, they were more nervous than Qi Lei!

Because they heard Qi Lei's press conference plan yesterday, they couldn't get down.

That is to say, there is no time to change it, otherwise they will not let Qi Lei take the risk and use the current conference plan.

Including the latter to help him adjust the details, it is also passive, and there is really no time to change the plan.

However, in their opinion, the current plan is simply looking for death! !

how to say?

In fact, the marketing strategy of a product is the same as the nature of news dissemination, and both have standard procedures.

It's like, whether you study advertising or marketing in college, you have to learn a little bit of communication concepts.

After all, it's all about the dissemination of information.

It's like doing a show. The show that the layman sees seems to be the starry sky, chaotic.

However, from a professional point of view, the theme of each program is hierarchical, and it must be cut from several dimensions to guide the audience's thinking.

Yes, although the TV media cannot achieve interactive communication, a good program must lead the audience's thoughts to achieve high-dimensional interaction of common thinking.

Moreover, no matter what the program is, the ultimate goal is to resonate with the audience, and even speak for the audience.

Only programs that meet these elements are good programs.

The product launch is actually the same as doing a show.

It's just that the theme and purpose are to give a voice to the product, so that consumers can feel the advantages of the product, and ignore the shortcomings of the product is the ultimate goal.

Therefore, there is also a standard process, which is also progressive in several levels, deconstructing products in several dimensions, and finally achieves the purpose of letting consumers pay the bill.

Take Pangu 2.0 as an example. The biggest selling point is free and open source.

The structure of the entire conference, every sentence and every message conveyed is to serve this biggest selling point.

The shortcomings, that is, the technology is not as good as windows, which should be hidden from the audience.

The ultimate goal is to let consumers remember that it is free and ignore shortcomings.

This is good marketing, right?

But Qi Lei, he turned the whole thing around.

In the words of Liao Fanyi, "The aunt who makes egg-filled pie at the school gate is much better than you, a good communication person!"

"Let's go! Hurry up to the venue, we will accompany you!"

Qi Lei was puzzled, "Why do you stay with me? I'm not a kid anymore."

As a result, Grandpa Chen said, "If you change your mind, we can make another plan for you on the spot."

Qi Lei, ""

Grandpa Chen thinks this is a shame! A group of media giants put together such a press conference?


In this way, everyone went to the Beiguang Auditorium.

Before reaching the place, Liao Fanyi was taken aback.

Because it can't be squeezed through.

The Beiguang Auditorium is an old building at the southeast corner of the school, which is somewhat similar to the layout of the old cinema in the 1980s and 1990s.

There is a large stage directly in front, and under the table are two floors of seats on the first floor and the second floor.

The venue is still very large, and a product launch conference is more than enough.

But it's full!

Hundreds of media reporters plus seats, plus the students and people who came to see the excitement in Beiguang and the society, not only had no place to sit in the auditorium, but also no place to stand, and many reporters couldn't get in.

This is the result of Dong Beiguo forcibly expelling some students from Beiguang.

Liao Fanyi is silly, this is a product launch?

As everyone knows, apart from the media, who the audience cares about your products? They are here to listen to cross talk.

After finally squeezing into the backstage, I saw that President Dong's eyes were red and his head was sweating profusely.

"What does the security department eat? How can I get so many people in?"

The Chief Security Officer was wronged too!

We can manage the students in our school, but those from outside the school don't listen to you at all. That's really just squeezing students in!

Moreover, it's only past 6 o'clock now.

Liao Fanyi, "Why are there so many people?"

Not only are people eating melons, but there are more reporters than he expected.

Moreover, what the **** is the microphone with the interview cards of "Entertainment Express", "Star Exposure", and "Bagua Weekly"?

What is Yuji doing too?

Oh, and "Popular Film".

The editor and reporter of "Military Friend"? ? ?

"Boys and Girls" magazine? ?

"School Director, why are these all coming in?"

Dong Beiguo's mind was dumbfounded, and he stared at him, "Department Chief Defense, get me here!!"

The Chief of Defense wanted to die, so what did he do?

"Boom out for me!!"

As a result, Qi Lei quickly stopped, "Don't!!! Keep it!!!"

Liao Fanyi was speechless, "What are you keeping this for?"

These are all invalid media. To put it bluntly, in the field of communication, there is a term called [media literacy].

Just like going to a sports channel to broadcast financial news, the media literacy of a sports channel is dominated by sports audiences, and the media literacy of financial news is not enough.

As far as product launches are concerned, these entertainment media and youth magazines belong to a group with insufficient [media literacy] and are not helpful to product marketing.

This is invalid media.

Qi Lei said, "It's useful when you come!"

Liao Fanyi glared, "What about the reporter who didn't come in? Then there is CCTV and local satellite TV!"

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei said again, "It's better not to come in!"

Liao Fanyi: ""

Looking at each other with Grandpa Chen, both eyes were horrified.

How do you feel about him

Want to play a new way again?

Don't talk anymore, go for it yourself, and see what you can get out of it.

The time came to eight o'clock.

There were still many reporters who didn't come to the venue, some had already given up, and they just reported outside the venue.

The title is: "I am looking forward to coming to the press conference, but I didn't squeeze in."

"Give up, the camera is too fat, leading to obvious disadvantages"

"Is it a press conference or a star chasing scene? 》

Of course, there are those who make fun of themselves, and there are also those who are dissatisfied because they can't get in.

"Organization! Three stone company system press conference, a mess! 》

However, this kind of thing can't make any waves, it has become a foil for big news.

A press conference, the reporter didn't squeeze in. Isn't it fun?

It also shows how hot the scene is

The situation in the venue is a different scene. Everyone looks forward to the very technologically arranged stage and the concise four large characters Pangu Kaitian on the background projection!

Good heavens!

This is a bit big, and many reporters have even used their imagination.

If the Pangu system is messed up, even if it is not so satisfactory, then the next manuscript will have an entry point.

Bragging, it turned out to be smashed!

It's another breaking news.

At the same time, in the Longjiang Station Building in Northeast Harbin, the leaders of the station, as well as the personnel responsible for the live broadcast, do not know the specific ratings at the moment, but

Director: "It should not be low."

Deputy Director, "Sampling survey, anyway, it's a bit fake."

Yes, so high that they can't believe it.

So far, I still don’t understand. How can a company boss who can talk about jokes and a system launch conference with a less optimistic outlook, how can so many people watch it?

As everyone knows, they are not sure about the specific ratings, but the text live broadcast on Sina is sometimes real.

Netease's Ding Lei looked at the data sent by Wang Zhendong, and his intestines were regretful.

"Hey! Pharaoh's bet is right!"

Call Xiao Ma, "Do you know the data on Lao Wang?"

Brother Xiao Ma, "I don't know! But, shouldn't it be low?"

Ding Lei, "Do you regret it? You should also do a text live broadcast."

Brother Xiao Ma, "Pharaoh is going to be listed, this wave of heat is very important to him, let him!"

What Wang Zhendong has been busy recently is putting Sina on the market.

But Ding Lei grinned, "You are really magnificent! However, Lao Wang just sent me the data, would you like to hear it?"

Little Ma, "how much?"

Ding Lei, "It hasn't started yet, six million people are watching online!"

"How much!?" Xiao Ma's tune changed.

The phone was quiet for a while, "Hey!! Regret it."

Six million! This is the age when China's Internet has just started and there is no data fraud.

Six million is a pretty scary number, so scary that almost the entire network is watching live texts.

As for what is text live broadcast?

In this era, the network transmission rate has not yet reached the demand for audio-visual live broadcast, so text live broadcast is available.

Sina Sports' live broadcast of the NBA and the five major leagues will continue until ten years later.

Similar to the chat room mode, the host is on-site and gives a text description of the implementation.

Just such a crude, original text broadcast that six million people watched?

Then, how many viewers does the live broadcast of Longjiang Satellite TV have?

Liu Jixiang is also one of the audience!

At this time, Liu Jixiang was sitting on the sofa at home, the TV FM was fixed on Longjiang TV, and his expression was not good or bad.

From a personal emotional point of view, he hopes that the press conference is unsuccessful and it is better to have an accident.

Qi Lei really caused him too much trouble.

Moreover, once it succeeds, Imagination and Liu Jixiang will immediately become a laughing stock.

He personally drove away at Nan Guanghong and gave it to Sanshi.

If the system is successfully released, Liu Jixiang dare not think about how the major media will mock him tomorrow.

However, from a professional point of view, Liu Jixiang is also very clear that the possibility of success is slim.

Still the same sentence, how can the things developed in two years be compared with the two decades of Microsoft's precipitation?

Users are not fools, they will make sensible choices.

Of course, Liu Jixiang knows that Qi Lei has an upper-level background and is also known as a domestically produced system. If he plays the patriotic card and policy intervention, he may be successful.

However, it is still a lot of trouble.

In short, Liu Jixiang is still stable, it depends on how Qi Lei is tossing.

To be honest, he is also very curious, what new tricks this kid who has never played cards according to common sense will make?

Qi Lei is pinching time here, and he is ready to take the stage.

However, before taking the stage, he received a call from Old Qin.

Old Qin's tone is relatively relaxed. Before, he was worried that Qi Lei could not handle the previous public relations crisis himself. Now it seems that he said that he doesn't need to help, that is, he has absolute confidence.

At this time, I called, "How about? Can you help me this time?"

Qi Lei said, "No need!"

Old Qin, ""

There was a moment of silence, "No need? It's hard for you to break through."

Qi Lei thought for a while, "I don't need it for now." He grinned, "I will handle it by myself first. I really can't open the situation before I beg you."

Old Qin was startled, "I really can't open the situation, please?"

The previous Qi Lei never said that, indicating that he himself was not sure at all.

"All right, don't force it."

Qi Lei, "Hang up."

Hang up the phone, give it to Xu Xiaoqian, and Coco Lee will let him try the wheat.

Qi Lei, "One, two, three, four, five."

The headphone heard a response from the sound studio, "No problem."

Qi Lei, "Go!"

After speaking, strode to the front of the stage from behind the scenes.

The auditorium, which was still a bit chaotic, fell silent.

The flashes one after another, countless microphones and lenses are aimed at the stage.

Everyone is waiting for Qi Lei to start, that is, "Welcome friends from all walks of life to the press conference" set, this is an international practice.

The live broadcast of Longjiang Satellite TV also showed Lei Qi to the stage.

The host also lowered his voice, "Now we see that Mr. Qi Lei, the founder of Three Stones Company, has come to the center of the stage, and the press conference will begin immediately."

The viewers in front of the TV and the netizens in the Sina text live broadcast room also held their breath, hoping that "General Manager Xiao Qi" will quickly finish the polite words of international conventions so that he can start to formally talk about the jokes.

I saw Qi Lei, dressed casually, with a teleprompter in his hand, and scanned the audience.

"Loss!" Two clear words spread out from the chest wheat.

Everyone was taken aback, "What's the loss?"

Qi Lei, "I knew so many people a long time ago, so I should have collected tickets."

I puff! ! !

The audience in front of the TV sprayed directly.

Then I was overjoyed, and I didn't disappoint everyone. There was no international practice, no opening remarks, and I went directly to the subject.

Qi Lei, "Everyone is big, the press conference planning is still young and lacks profiteer brains."

what! !

A low laugh came from off the court.

Suddenly realized that it was so wrong, and for such a strange person as President Xiao Qi, he could not engage in any international practice.

Sure enough, Qi Lei looked back and looked at the four characters "Pangu Kaitian".

"It's a bit big, huh?"

Offstage: ""

Qi Lei, "Hold it up! Product releases, international practice, allow bragging."

Offstage: ""

In front of the TV and in the text broadcast room, how can the audience feel so comfortable?

This is common sense that everyone knows. It's normal for Wang Po to sell melons and boast.

However, when the melon seller said it, it felt different.


Qi Lei, "Pangu system version 0 is released."

"This is the purpose of today's meeting"

"Let’s briefly introduce it, domestically produced, two-year research and development, investment of more than 20 million, the academician Nan Guanghong presided over, more than 200 outstanding practitioners participated, the whole man operating system."

"It's over."

Offstage: ""



Okay, everyone thinks it's too perfunctory, right?

As a result, Qi Lei spread his hands, "Actually, technically there is nothing to say."

"I was going to brag about it, but the conferences of our friends are all blue screens, so we can rest assured and just talk about it casually."

"They all have blue screens, why are we afraid, right?"


The audience sprayed again, and Microsoft did indeed have a blue screen at the press conference.

Let Qi Lei say that, well, that's what it is.

Just Wen Qilei continued: "Moreover, don't worry, Pangu 2.0 will not blue screen 100%."

Just when everyone thought he was going to brag about it for a while, Qi Lei said, "Because we designed the crash to be a gray screen, never blue!"

Hahahahahaha! !

This should be the biggest wave of laughter today, and the live laughs can be heard in the live broadcast.

The description of the text live broadcast room was, "Everyone laughed at the scene. Xiao Qi said that the Pangu system will never have a blue screen because the design has become a gray screen of crash."

However, Qi Lei hasn't finished yet, so he continues to play stubbornly, "Given our experience, friends and businessmen can also brag about it, and never blue screen!"

"Then change the crash to a green screen."

Offstage: ""

This grandson is so bad that he ridiculed Microsoft in place.

But don’t say anything, let him say that, in fact, everyone subconsciously accepts a fact, that is:

Whether it's Pangu or Windows, there are blue screens of death, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

Maybe young people in later generations don’t understand, is the blue screen normal?

Tell you clearly, normal! !

In 98 and 95 before win2000, the blue screen of death is just like playing, it belongs to daily life.

This scepticism is over, Qi Lei never gave a positive explanation or evaluation of Pangu's technology from beginning to end.

Continued: "Someone asked, what is the meaning of Sanshi's begging to build the system? Isn't it good for windows?"

"Someone asked again, do you want to borrow Pangu to make a lot of money?"

"Is the Pangu system going to become a major profit increase point for Three Stones in the future?"

"You kid Qi Lei won't be China's Bill Gates, right?"

I saw Qi Lei pull his face, "Make a dime? If the system doesn't make money, just make friends."

Offstage: ""


The first time I heard that doing business does not compete for money, but makes friends. However, it's funny.

Qi Lei, "Don't believe it? Guess if you don't believe it, how much is the genuine installation of the Pangu system?"

Someone actually responded.

Qi Lei turned his ear to listen, "How much? 100 yuan?"

"The Windows home version is sold for more than 400 yuan, I'm worth 100 yuan? Who do you look down on?"

Someone answered again.

"What is it? I don't want to give it 100 yuan?"

"alright, you win!"

I paced back and forth on the stage, and suddenly pointed to the projection screen behind him, "It's not a sell-off, the installed price of the Pangu system is."

"0 yuan!"

Following Qi Lei's words, the big screen instantly changed.

0 yuan! The two characters are extremely clear! !

With a buzzing sound, the venue instantly fryed the pan.

0 yuan! !

Many people don't realize what the concept of 0 yuan is.

You know, just as Qi Lei said, the installed home version of windows is more than 400 RMB.

Idea, this is just a home version!

Windows also has an enterprise version, a service version, and many other professional versions.

And those prices start at tens of thousands of dollars.

It's not a joke. This is why everyone speculates that the system will become a major strategic increase point for Three Stones.

What's more, as Qi Lei said, many people predict that Qi Lei is the reason why he wants to be China's Bill Gates.

Sanshi wants to be China's Microsoft!

But what is going on when you come up with a 0 yuan?

Beta offer? Big promotion?

Liu Jixiang in front of the TV also missed his heartbeat, "0 yuan! Crazy? How about showing love?"

However, more horror is yet to come.

Qi Lei, "Yes, you are not mistaken, don't 398, don't 298, or even 98!"

"We are 0 yuan free!"

"Moreover, don't think this is a big promotion, Sanshi Company is serious!"

"Here, on behalf of Three Stone Company, I will officially announce it."

"Pangu system is free forever, and open source code to everyone free of charge."

"Zero yuan is forever!"




There was a sound of air-conditioning in front of the TV, and Liu Jixiang almost went crazy.

What are you doing?

It's not that free frightened him. He is a businessman. If he doesn't understand, there must be a reason for free here.

What he didn't understand was that Qi Lei exploded so easily with such a big selling point?

Only a few minutes before the conference? You will talk about a lot more later, which will dilute the attention paid to the selling point of free.

From the perspective of product promotion, this is unreasonable! !

Qi Lei is out of standard now

Seeing Qi Lei on the TV in a daze, he really couldn't figure it out.

I saw him still teasing a reporter friend, "Is it copied? This news is strong enough, isn't it?"

"I bet that the headlines of all the media tomorrow will be"

"Youshang's positive film system has reduced the price from 400 yuan to 40 yuan"

"Business users and server users don't worry, Pangu hasn't made something you can use yet."

"But it doesn't matter if you don't use Pangu when the time comes, because the Friends Chamber of Commerce will reduce the price, right?"

"Don't thank me! It's all about making friends, right?"

Offstage: ""

In front of the TV: "!!!"

What kind of routine is this?

Can't understand at all.

Qi Lei is still in the upper stage of the stage, "Don't be afraid of cheap but not good products. Three Stones will fix 4% of the profit every year as the follow-up research and development fund of the Pangu system. Therefore, it is worse than friends, and it is also much worse."

"Why there is no applause? Isn't this friend's friendship real?"

Only then did the audience react with thunderous applause.

In the Sina live broadcast room, the host took the opportunity to insert a piece of personal understanding.

"Microsoft has always been in a monopoly position, so the genuine price is very expensive."

"The home version is often hundreds of thousands, and the enterprise version and service version are even more outrageous. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people are asking for prices."

"It's all right now. If Pangu can break a blood path, it will have to force Microsoft to cut prices to protect the market."

"So, regardless of whether the Pangu system can be recognized by users, each of our computer users is a beneficiary!"

The conference site.

Qi Lei, "I said a lot of things I didn't ask, it's time to get into the main topic, right?"

Pointing to the big screen, "Formally praise the Pangu system."

"The first feature is multi-school and personalized experience."

Everyone followed the direction he pointed and looked at the projection screen, and they saw that the screen had been transformed into a computer boot screen.


Whether it's the reporters on the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they can't help but whisper, "This"

Qi Lei, "This is a Pangu interface theme Tai Chi blindly designed by Sanshi Company!"

I saw that from the boot animation to the jump to the desktop, it is a completely different experience from windows.

The thick water and ink grid, the interweaving and fusion of black and white.

There is no Tai Chi diagram, but there is a symbiosis of yin and yang.

Even the taskbar feels like a random stroke of ink and wash, and the whiteness and sharpness of the pen are clearly visible.

In the eyes of everyone who is accustomed to seeing the dull windows icons, whether it is icons or other details, they are full of sincerity and refreshing.

Moreover, everyone found a detail in the demo animation.

All text displays, system files, etc., are in Chinese.

At this time, Qi Lei said, "Our own system must be understood by everyone, right?"

"It's not correct for those who are tall in English."

Seeing everyone, I still took a closer look, "Is it a bit too monotonous?"

"It's okay. Pangu is a modular design. If you don't like Tai Chi, you can change it."

As soon as the screen turned, the style changed drastically, "This is a modern and fashionable interface theme."

Turn again, "This is the theme of Dynasty style."

"Of course"

The screen turned again, "This is the penguin style designed by Penguin itself, and the martial arts style designed by Kingsoft Software."

"However, the advertisements of these two companies are too strong, I personally don't like it, so please judge!"

"You said to yourself, is the theme of Tai Chi the best?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't like it at all."

"One of the biggest features of the Pangu system is personalization. We have set up a player creation platform where users can design their own theme and style according to their own preferences and daily habits."

"Not only the appearance, but also the function."

"It's designed so that it is not only comfortable for you to use, but you can also upload the theme platform."

The screen turned again, to the developer platform of the Pangu system.

"Here, users can upload their own themes, or they can buy other people's themes.

Looking at the reporters in the audience and the audience in front of the TV, "Pangu may not be the best to use, but it must be the most fashionable and personalized!"

"This is the personality that young people should have. The same use of Pangu, we are different, right?"

The next topic, Qi Lei is talking about adaptation.

"There is no way to adapt to this area. At present, most of the domestic software is foreign. The professional software is old and we are not authorized by others."

"However, it can only be said to be enough."

"At least domestic counterparts, and some companies that Sanshi can contact with, are still very supportive."

"At present, all the games, office software, PowerWord, etc. of Penguin and Kingsoft have been adapted for instant messaging software."

"Only the anti-virus software Lei Fu Di does not adapt it. In other words, Pangu currently does not have anti-virus software."

The stage is stagnant and there is no anti-virus software? What are you doing?

Qi Lei, "Don't worry, I told Mr. Lei the same, why don't you give me anti-virus software? Want me to die?"

"Lei Fudie said, you fart!"

"You have a new system, and hackers don't know where your door opens. What anti-virus software do you want? Where does the virus come from?"

"When I think about it, that's right, a layman."

The audience couldn't help but laugh again, which can also explain some problems.

That is, Pangu is now very safe, but it has become an advantage. Secondly, Kingsoft's drug tyrants can adapt at any time.

Qi Lei, "Fitting Jinshan, and all the members of East Street 17 are also very helpful. At present, 100% of the online games on East Street 17 and 80% of the single-player games on sale have been adapted."

"Including classic games from international companies such as Blizzard, EA, and Ubisoft."

Qi Lei told the truth, "In short, Pangu can now meet the basic needs of users."

"Go to the Internet, play a game, chat for a while, simply do a job or something, no problem."

"Only young people and non-professional software practitioners with these needs can access the Internet without barriers."

"Of course, if there were only these, like everyone else, then Pangu would be dead, right?"

"The Pangu 2.0 system really makes Sanshi Company satisfied and proud. In fact, it is"


Everyone was surprised again, "What is web2.0?"

But Qi Lei grinned, "I made it up."

Everyone, ""

Qi Lei suddenly became serious, combined with screencasting, "Many people don't know what the web means."

"In fact, it is the general term for the Internet."

"So, you can also call the Internet 2.0 era."

"So what is the Internet 2.0 era?"

"Three Stones Company defines it like this:"

"The Internet 1.0 era is now."

"The current Internet feature is that professional media practitioners create content, and ordinary users, or netizens, play the role of disseminators and audiences of content."

"The Internet is an extension of traditional social and traditional media."

"However, Sanshi Company believes that such an Internet is imprisoned and cannot show its charm, and it will inevitably be eliminated!"

"So, we envisioned an Internet in the 2.0 era."

"The content is no longer dominated by the media, but you!"

One finger off the stage.

"Every one of you! is the creator of content!"

"User-led, content-generated Internet product model!"

"That is, Fuxi browser and navigation blog network!"




Everyone was at a loss.

Liu Jixiang in front of the TV was even more stupid.

If you follow the normal product release logic and process, this conference is not like a system conference.

Because the finale is actually a browser and website?

What kind of plane are you running?

Isn't he pushing the system? Instead of pushing the website?

Keep watching.

Reviver really seems to be the final introduction, the most detailed introduction to browsers and websites.

To put it simply, navigation blog is a concept that came out a few years ago in foreign countries, and there are also corresponding websites abroad.

It is a platform for netizens to post personal logs on the Internet and fill in content, nothing special.

It's just that Sanshi has made some adjustments to foreign blog networks and added some fresh elements.

For example, the upload of pictures and videos, etc., introduces the concept of fans, and adds rankings, hot search lists, and so on.

This website not only can log in to Pangu, but also can log in to the ie browser under the windows system.

The Fuxi browser is a browser dedicated to the web2.0 era proposed by Qi Lei.

In general, it is easier and more convenient to upload pictures and videos with this browser.

The smoothness of browsing videos and pictures is higher, and some details have been adjusted accordingly.

For example, you can associate QQ, associate friends, and introduce the concept of registered users.

Users can register for a browser account. After that, as long as you log in to your browser account on any computer, you can immediately obtain the personal information cached in the browser server.

Such as favorites, personalized settings, historical browsing records, and so on.

You know, these IE browsers are not available.

Moreover, various operations have also been optimized, which seems to be more experience than IE.

It’s just that you sell the system? Doing these is a personality dress, and it's a browser. What are you doing?

The audience in front of the TV also did not understand, and watched the entire press conference.

The first reaction: Not in vain, Xiao Qi, as always, does not disappoint, and laughs constantly.

Second, the blog is great!

Because Qi Lei showed his personal blog in the beta version on the spot, the content is some daily life, people want to pay attention and understand.

After all, in this era, celebrity privacy is still very attractive.

Third, the personality dress is indeed very personal, fresher than the dull windows.


The fourth is the Pangu system itself, and it seems that I don’t know anything, whether the performance is good or not, I don’t say anything about it.

As Liao Fanyi and others were worried before, the subject was not clear, and they all forgot about free.

At the end of the press conference, Liao Fanyi and others in the background could not say good or bad.

When Qi Lei came down, Liao Fanyi couldn't help asking, "If your theory is wrong, it's done."

Qi Lei looked calm, "The theory should not be wrong."

"I'm just worried."

"worry about what?"

Qi Lei, "Even if it achieves the extreme, the installation effect will not be achieved in the gap is too big!"

Liao Fanyi: ""

Yes, the gap is too big!

It's not that Qi Lei doesn't want to talk about the advantages of Pangu, but apart from what he said, compared with windows, there is no advantage.

There is still a long way to go, and the reborn can't go against the sky. It all depends on whether this first step can go on! .

Thanks to the leader of [Snow Ridge Romance] for the reward.

Thank you [Nara Shuo] for your reward, and wish you a happy birthday! ! !

The bosses are magnificent, the bosses are rich, thank you for your support.

95 league!

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