Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Pangu Kaitian (1)

This is definitely the first time I've seen the campus music festival and the company's press conference.

Moreover, this conference is so special and so magical.

how to say?

The rock performance in front, and the opening and foreshadowing like the Western talk show, may be in the arms of young people.

However, for adults, it is a bit too impetuous.

However, if you apply the values ​​and behaviors of young people, it is not so unacceptable.

Anyway, it's an indescribable feeling.

As for the latter declaration about the Three Stone Company, it was quite popular and recognized by adults.

But it's the other way around, and young people think it's a bit too old-fashioned.

This is not just...

Has it been born?

It seems that everyone is pleased, and it seems a bit so imperfect.

When the five friends finished their declaration and stepped down, the reporters immediately gathered around, and various questions followed one after another, and the microphones were all stunned.

Therefore, Qi Lei was eager to be wise and pointed in a certain direction, "The next big news!!"

"How did you bring up such a prosperous son, please go interview a few dads!"

When the fathers heard it, their faces turned green.

Xu Wenliang turned around instinctively and wanted to hide, but Tang Chenggang grabbed Xu Wenliang's arm and pressed him there firmly.

When the reporters arrived in the blink of an eye, the microphone came up, Qi Guojun and Tang Chenggang stepped back without a trace, and Xu Wenliang was the first to bear the brunt.

Seeing Xu's father's face turned blue for a while, both nervous and speechless.

Suddenly, "Shangbei is a land of fish and rice. You can visit Shangbei for a walk and invest in tourism!"

"In addition, Shangbei's agricultural products can be bought in northern supermarkets in Beijing, Magic City and other places. Welcome everyone to taste the taste of our black soil!"


Can be considered to find the root.

The character of the old and the small: advertises as soon as they come up! ?

However, with just such a sentence, after the broadcast, Xu Wenliang's crisis of debriefing and reassignment became invisible.


Qi Lei and his friends have quietly fled, and joined Zhang Yang, Kou Zhongqi, and Coco Li and others. They watched from a distance and laughed.

"It's nice to have a father, you can still block it at a critical moment!"

Tang Xiaoyi is perverted, "Bet! Old Tang must also advertise."

No one bet with him, because it is for sure.

Who do you think Lei Qi learned from advertising in "Today's Statement"?

That year, Tang Ba Plastic Factory had just taken over, and Shangbei TV station was going to have a special program on laid-off resettlement.

As a result, Lao Tang Shengsheng turned into a large-scale advertising site, and all the plastic factory employees had to say, "Blu-ray film, that's a good film!"

Therefore, this has its roots.

"Where are you going?" Wu Xiaojian just asked when she saw the darkness in front of her.

Looking at it, Qi Lei suddenly collapsed, "I can't run this time."

Then you can't run away, Dong Beiguo, Liao Fanyi, Chen Xingfu, and Zhang Luchen, etc., staring at him murderously, each in a posture that can hold you.

Principal Dongda smiled, "Where are you going?"

Qi Lei had an idea, "I am looking for you!"

Dong Bei Guoxin said, this is almost the same!

"Let's go, explain to them quickly, otherwise these few people want to dissect you!"

This is the truth, Qi Lei’s crisis public relations can be called an atypical case.

What is an atypical case?

It's just an accident, everything is too abnormal.

However, Qi Lei has long been confident. This is worth studying.

Qi Lei knew that he couldn't escape today, and he had to give them an explanation.

I saw the silly dragon appearing just outside the field, "Silly dragon, come here!!"

Zhang Xianlong saw that the president and several professors were there, and ran over, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei, "Call all the young eagle class to the journalism classroom."

Zhang Xianlong, "..."

Qi Lei turned around and smiled at Dong Beiguo and the others, "One time solution, save me and them have to talk about it again."

A few old people don’t care if you talk or not, "Hurry up!"

The past few days have made them difficult to go wrong.

Otherwise, they can't be so anxious, mainly because they watched the whole process with their own eyes.

However, it was a bit too much if I didn't understand it in person.

The blow is a bit big.

After half an hour.

In the No. 2 classroom of the Department of Journalism, all the members of the Young Eagle Class at school were present, together with a group of old men, staring at Qi Lei with big eyes and small eyes.

Well, there are Zhang Yang, Coco Lee, Xu Xiaoqian and others who are irrelevant, as well as the five fathers who have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, to join in the fun.

Of course, even Zhou Xiaohan, who was staring at the festival, was pulled back.

At this moment, the singing and dancing of the music festival could still be heard faintly outside, but Liao Fanyi was a little impatient to wait.

"Can you start now?"

Qi Lei grinned, "Don't worry."

Looking at a few freshmen in the Young Eagles class, "I will talk about a few communication theories. It will be useful for a while."

"The first one, [Bipolar Communication] and [Opinion Leader]."

Liao Fanyi wants to vomit blood and is waiting. Are you here to talk about the basic theory?

Just about to stop it, Dong Beiguo said, "Yes, it's good!"

"Listen carefully to all the students' admonitions! Consolidate what you have learned."

Liao Fanyi rolled his eyes. You always want to find out first, right?

A few dads are nothing, it feels quite magical.

Guojun Qi knew that Qi Lei had been a counselor, but he had no idea about it, after all, he had never gone to college.

As a result, as soon as I saw it today, my son was able to teach others?

Therefore, the fathers listened very seriously.

Then the three views collapsed.

Yes, communication studies can easily collapse the three views, because many common sense "we think", but from an academic point of view, it is completely different.

For example, [Bipolar Communication], this is a basic concept of communication, whether it is a daily exam or a postgraduate entrance examination, an agenda setting and a bipolar communication are almost compulsory.

And its definition is to subvert the cognition of ordinary people.

That is:

Ordinary people think that they receive information directly from the media, that is, the media.

A piece of news was reported by the media, and I received it as soon as I saw it.

Actually, for most people, no!

As Qi Lei said to Liu Jixiang, "He didn't even figure out the flow of information dissemination."

The actual situation is: the information does not go directly from the medium to the audience, but through an "intermediary."

This intermediary is [opinion leader].

Not only can clearly understand the information of the interpretation medium, but also can convince the audience and the middleman who conveys the information.

That is: the audience of media opinion leaders.

For example, "The Flowing Years" ranks high on the monthly ticket list and the sales list. This is the starting point. The medium recommended this book to the book friends list and sent a message: "Good book! Hurry up!"

However, most book friends have doubts about the authenticity of the list, coupled with subjective factors, "I have the final say on whether it is good or not, and most of the bad books recommended by the starting point."

People trust their own judgments more than media recommendations.

In other words, most book friends do not trust the starting point and have to verify it themselves.

However, in the process of book friend verification, most people don't just click on the content to read it, which is too time-consuming.

The first reaction is to see whether it is an excellent product, how much honor it is, how much the out-of-the-loop index is, and how much the overall score is, and then what is the friend's evaluation.

Then these data, as well as a pertinent and objective post in the book review area, become the middleman.

These things are more convincing than the starting list. This is the [Opinion Leader].

[Bipolar Communication] believes that information is not transmitted from the media to the audience at all, but from one pole to the other.

That is, from [media] to [opinion leader], and then from [opinion leader] to [audience].

The most intuitive example is a lot of official media news, including Yang Ma, which ordinary people can't understand. Who met who, what documents were posted on it, after reading it for a long time, they didn't understand it.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that it was boring, which caused many people not to watch Yangma News.

In fact, even if it is reported in a popular and understandable way, the effect of dissemination is similar.

But don’t worry, Yang’s mom’s news will definitely reach you.

It is to be interpreted by opinion leaders, transformed into a situation that ordinary people can understand, and finally reach the audience.

Qi Lei briefly explained, "As for why there are opinion leaders? Why are opinion leaders better than direct communication? This involves [third-person theory], and I'll talk about it later."

"What is the third person theory?"

Kou Zhongqi is impatient, don't talk about it later, talk now!

What Liao Fanyi listens to is really annoying, can't you analyze the case for me first? Do I have to listen to the theoretical basis here?

When Kou Zhongqi asked, Liao Fanyi suddenly said, "President Dong is a good person."

Dong Beiguo was taken aback for a moment. He frowned and spoofed, "Stop flattering!"

Everyone immediately chuckled, which eased the atmosphere.

As a result, Qi Lei and Grandpa Chen understood what Liao Fanyi was doing when they heard Liao Fanyi's sentence.

The two exchanged glances immediately, and then got up and walked out of the classroom.

He stood at the door of the classroom and started talking, "President Dong is such a good person!"

Dong Beiguo raised his eyebrows in the room and suddenly felt that this flattery was more appealing?

A wordless smile, "You guys, what are you boasting about?"

It is no longer flattering, but defined as "boasting".

Everyone laughed again, and it was obvious that President Dong had a significantly different attitude towards Liao Fanyi from before.

Then, I saw Qi Lei and Grandpa Chen return to the classroom and share their hands with Liao Fanyi, "This is the third-person effect!"

Dong Beiguo: "..."

I don't understand! !

Others did not understand.

If you don’t understand it, you’ll get it right after you have said this little experiment.

Grandpa Chen simply helped Qi Lei in class, "Let’s put it this way, if the media is [the first person], the audience is [the second person]!"

"Dong Xiao, do you think that the most efficient channel for information dissemination is from the media to the audience? That is, from the first person to the second person?"

Dong Beiguo nodded, "That's for sure!"

Grandpa Chen, "No!"

Dong Beiguo, "No?"

"Yes! No!" Grandpa Chen said, "This is just an illusion, just like what is said in the bipolar communication."

"The fact is that when the second person [audience] receives information from the first person [media], they are always skeptical."

"Always think that I am the most sober, and other audiences are far from their own clear understanding and comprehensive understanding. Therefore, the influence of information must be that others are greater than themselves."

"In other words, only a small number of people (the second person) will get valid information from [the first person]."

At this time, Zhang Luchen spoke, "This is a psychological effect. The root is that people want to hear the truth, that is, true evaluation, but they want to be praised in the subconscious."

"So, when someone (the first person) praises you face to face, you (the second person) subconsciously wonder if this is the truth."

"Just like Teacher Liao praised the Board of Directors, the first reaction of the Board of Directors was that it was flattering, not the truth. However, the Board of Directors likes this kind of praise."

"So, when Qi Lei and Professor Chen (the third person) exclaimed, you believed it was the truth, because they made the evaluation without you being present."

"This is the [Third Person Theory], which not only satisfies the need to listen to the truth, but also satisfies the need to be praised."

"When applied to social communication, it is when the medium (the first person) spreads a message to you (the second person)."

"You will naturally doubt the motivation and authenticity of the first person, and even if you have already made a judgment on the information, there will be subconscious uncertainty about whether it is correct and whether it conforms to the group's cognition."

"At this time, a third person is needed to corroborate the first person's information and your judgment."

"This is also the reason why there will be another [bipolar communication], and it is also why the opinion leader becomes the middleman. Because the opinion leader is the [third person]!"

"It can meet the needs of truth and praise at the same time."

Everyone nodded. If Zhang Luchen directly talked about the theory, it would be ambiguous, but with the previous small experiment, it would be easier to understand.

It’s just that Dong Beiguo’s face is a little bit awkward, "I don’t want you to praise me!"

Everyone didn't say bad, just stiff mouth.

At this time, Zhang Luchen continued:

"[The third person]! It is the key to the left and right information orientation."

"To be more blunt, our daily information reception is actually controlled by [the third person]."

It is also an example of a starting point. Readers do not believe in the list, but have to get information about the books from the list, and then through a third person, decide whether to read it.

At this time, data and book reviews as a [third person] will influence the reader's orientation and judgment.

Are you not convinced?

What do I look at, what looks good. I call the shots, and others can't control it.

But in fact:

A book with beautiful data and a platinum author. The book reviews are all deeply analyzed and appreciated books. Before you start reading, you will leave your subconscious mind. Even if there are unsatisfactory places, you will think that these are individual paragraphs. There are surprises in this paragraph, after all, so many people say yes.

However, a book with bleak data, ordinary authors, book reviews are scolding, not to mention whether you will open it, even if you read it, you will wear colored glasses to read it, a bit of poison, "Sure enough, let's go."

The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, that is a small number of cases, most of the good things are really afraid of being buried deep.

(So, what about the monthly pass? What about the book reviews?)



As soon as Zhang Luchen's explanation came out, not only were the freshman students a little unacceptable, but even the lively Tang Chenggang and others were also a little taken aback.

"Can I ask a question?"

Tang Chenggang couldn't help it anymore, he had always thought that he was an independent person, after all, he was considered a successful person.

But now you tell me, I don’t have any opinion? Am I being swayed by a third person?

"This thing is not entirely true, is it? How does it feel... not very real?"

This time, Qi Lei said, "Dad Tang, do you remember the family dinner that led to your acquisition of the pharmaceutical factory?"

Tang Chenggang was stunned, "Remember?"

Qi Lei, "Pharmaceutical factories have licenses and prescriptions, plastic factories have no advantages in technology, and the processing of rice in the North. You already know this information. However, your habitual way of thinking allows you to filter all this information. Lost."

"Until, I helped you reconnect this information. After permuting and combining, you immediately made a completely different judgment from the original!"

Tang Chenggang: "..."

Qi Lei, "I am the third person."

Tang Chenggang: "!!!"

Qi Lei, "People cannot handle all information effectively, and people naturally pursue high efficiency."

"So, we could have handled most of the information arbitrarily, and everyone couldn't do without a third person!"

"Let's take you, Dad Tang, for example. In terms of business behavior, you can really exclude a third person, and it is difficult to be swayed by a third person. However, in other aspects, you can't be fully aware."

Tang Chenggang was a little dumbfounded, "this"

Zhang Luchen said at this time, "The highest state of human beings is the unity of knowledge and action! But to ask the ages, there are only two and a half."

"Most of us think that knowing ourselves is actually only a half-knowledge. In many cases, it's just responding to a third person's point of view."

"But..." comforted, "[Third Person Effect] As long as you know, you will be alert when you encounter information judgment problems in the future, and it is not easy to be thought of by a third person."

"This is the same as the science."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when he said this.

Well, everyone wants free will, and no one wants to be swayed by others.

Zhang Luchen looked at Qi Lei, "Let’s talk about the topic!"

"We can probably understand the abnormal performance of your statement today, and it satisfies the audience's [use and satisfaction]"

Seeing a few freshmen and laymen, they were all confused.

"For example, we have to eat every day. This is the use, the need for food."

"I want to eat meat tonight, but you only gave me a portion of stir-fried vegetables for dinner. I am not satisfied if I am not satisfied. However, if you want to give me a portion of meat, that is satisfaction."

"The same applies to information acquisition. What experience can I get from a celebrity?"

"It's nothing more than the power of role models, wealth and experience, and the entertainment of private gossip, that's all."

"However, in that issue today, Qi Lei gave the public more than just ordinary meat, but dragon meat!"

"It has greatly exceeded the public's expectations for use, and the satisfaction is stronger."

Zhang Luchen looked at Qi Lei, "But what we don't quite understand is that you arranged the [third person] who spoke for you?"

"Also, you have never responded positively to the beating incident, just for today?"

Seeing Qi Lei smiled, "Uncle Zhang, you are right, but not all right."

Zhang Luchen was startled, "How do you tell?"

Qi Lei, "First of all, I didn't find anyone to whitewash me. The posts on the Internet are all spontaneous."

"This is the active effectiveness of the third-person effect."



This time it was the turn of a bunch of elders who were stunned, "Active efficiency? Isn't the third-person effect active?"

Qi Lei, "When people are extremely curious and are isolated from their own judgment, they will actively seek a third person to corroborate."

"This kind of appeal will be extremely strong, so I will take the initiative to find a third person."

"This is a major feature of the third-person effect in the Internet age!"

Give the most intuitive example.

Now when you open the book review area, you will see some "trainee" readers, that is, readers who read pirated editions, and vomit a certain point in the book review area.

He is unwilling to spend a penny for reading, but in order to express his dissatisfaction and slander, he is willing to spend a few dollars to reach the threshold of speaking, and there are several more to span at no cost, but for speaking You can spend money, this is initiative.

Such a person cannot comment on piracy, nor can he see the various arguments in the book review area, so his opinions are extremely isolated, that is, he can't see the same kind, let alone find the same opinions to echo.

So... across thousands of mountains and rivers, you must also find a [third person].

In fact, this is why Qi Lei told Liu Jixiang that as soon as Wang Chen came out, he was determined to lose.

Originally Imagination was [the first person], it was just a source of information. However, Wang Chen jumped out and imagined that he became [the third person].

And being an opinion leader is very dangerous.

If you express your opinion, you have to withstand the judgment of the public. Are your opinions fair and will not stand the test of time?

Note that opinion leaders who can stand up whether they are major or minor issues are actually very few people who conform to popular thinking.

Most opinion leaders are dead.

When the image of Qi Lei's "Today's Statement" came out, the public began to be curious and suspicious, and then they would take the initiative to look for [the third person] with opposing views.

That is, the third person who is different from Imagination.

And this process must take place on the Internet, because Sanshi has a foundation in the domestic Internet.

Quite a few netizens go online through Sanshi Internet cafes, and more netizens are "Legend" players and beneficiaries of 30 game transactions. They have a natural affection for Sanshi.

If you have good feelings, you are unwilling to speculate about Sanshi and related people in the direction of evil.

Unless it is true, otherwise, this kind of appeal for good must have a catharsis, that is, a third person.

Those positive comments about Qi Lei, even if the stationmaster Ning and the classmates of the second middle school do not send them out, there will be others who will dig and display them.

Moreover, they will definitely be seen, they must become [opinion leaders], and they must be very popular.

To put it aside, this is actually the reason why the public knows must die.

Public knowledge can influence public opinion for a period of time, but opinions cannot stand the scrutiny of time and do not conform to the subjective judgment of most people. Therefore, they will actively seek out third-party opinion leaders to destroy public opinion.

Therefore, no one can run away and will be dug out sooner or later.

Bring in Imagination, Liu Jixiang, Wang Chen

This is why Qi Lei, who is cautious, doesn't respond, and doesn't beat the dog.

Don't worry, Wang Chen is dead, and Imagination is definitely a shit.

The public will dig them out by themselves, and the effect is better than Qi Lei's own response.

It hurts even more!

As for the current network influence is large enough, can it reverse traditional public opinion overnight?

This is the wrong logic of laymen. Information dissemination, in many specific cases, does not depend on the size of the medium.

An unknown tabloid in Hong Kong, as long as it explodes a heavyweight celebrity gossip, it will cover Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the mainland in an instant.

It has nothing to do with the size of the media. The media has a sense of smell, and the public is the inertia of interpersonal communication.

Yes, do you think that the media plays the most important role in the dissemination of information?

wrong! The media just exaggerated their status in communication.

In some cases, the role of the media is only the source of information, but not the main dissemination carrier.

The most important role in the communication process is actually [interpersonal communication], that is, the transmission of direct contact between people.

Imagine, "Food is more expensive than meat". Did you get the information from the media, or from bloggers, group chats, and face-to-face communication?

You can also imagine any hot news, how many hot news is obtained from the original media?

At this time, Qi Lei finished explaining, Liao Fanyi and the others finally let out a sigh of relief, and everything went through.

This is the active effect! I have had a headache for several days!

Grandpa Chen reacted immediately, "Xiao Liao, I plan to do a little bit on this topic, and study the initiative of the third-person effect, so don't touch it."

I puff! !

Liao Fanyi almost vomited blood, and he wanted to say this too, but the result was not as fast as Grandpa Chen.

A bitter expression, "The application of this theory is still worth studying. For example, the establishment of group values ​​has been directly communicated by the mainstream media in the past."

"However, if we follow this theory, should we change our communication strategy? The main thing is to let the public generate curiosity and self-judgment, and then actively look for a third person to corroborate, or just be a third person!"

"What will the effect be? Will it be much better than direct transmission."

Grandpa Chen laughed as soon as he heard it, "Thank you."

Liao Fanyi shared his thoughts and let Grandpa Chen study it.

Qi Lei

Qi Lei's eyes didn't come out.

Liao Fanyi is worthy of being a great man. In a few words, he has already explained some of the communication concepts of later generations of the Internet.

Internet communication in later generations means that [the third person] is more effective and more efficient than the source media.

For later generations of Internet celebrities and up owners, it is inevitable to follow the trend of reporting and chasing hot spots.

However, why did some people chase the fire, and some did not chase it?

Think about how to be a good [the third person]. Pay close attention to this point. Basically, you can't go wrong.

At this time, Liao Fanyi looked at Qi Lei, "Go ahead! Talk about today's statement, and the [use and satisfaction] you used today."

"Today's Statement" is Qi Lei's most sassy operation.

Liao Fanyi thought, is there any topic here?

However, the theory of using and satisfying it has been out for 60 years and has been thoroughly studied, and it is estimated that there is no research topic.

Therefore, Liao Fanyi is not very interested.

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei barked his teeth, "Haha."

Liao Fanyi wrinkled the media, "What are you laughing at?"

Qi Lei, "Well [Use and Satisfaction] is indeed the underlying logic, but this is not the purpose."

Liao Fanyi is stuck, is there something new?

Somewhat eagerly: "What is that?"

He only heard what Qi Lei said that he didn't listen to Dong, and some old scholars didn't understand, "My purpose is to lower my own evaluation."

"That is... to lower the rating."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned this time, pulling down?

Others can't wait to lift themselves high, as high as they can be, why do you want to pull it down?

You know, this is human nature.

No matter who it is, good people or bad people, they want to put themselves high, image, moral, and character. Especially businessmen, in order to build an image, but took pains.

But, Qi Lei is pulling down?

However, Qi Lei gave a meaningful smile, "It's not cold from the heights!"



Qi Lei, "Don't get me wrong, this height is not the same as everyone understands."

He said again, "Mu Lao is not here today. If he is, let him talk about resource allocation first."

Dong Beiguo said, "What resource allocation?"

Qi Lei, "In an economic theory, there is a concept called'advantageous resources, lagging allocation'."

"What's the meaning?"

Qi Lei, "Simply put, it is the best thing, which is often not given priority."



A few old scholars didn't have much reaction. Although they don't understand economics, there are too many things that subvert the Three Views. It's no surprise.

However, the young eagle class students are a little puzzled.

Good things are not used first? Why? Not logical?

Qi Lei, "I'll understand it by giving you an analogy."

Suddenly pointed at Zhou Xiaohan, Coco Lee, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao.

"Four Big Beauties"

When everyone heard it, they were speechless and not serious.

Qi Lei, "Seriously, what I said is serious!"

"These four big beauties, they must be the most popular in school, right?"

"But, I bet they are definitely not the most pursued."




Everyone was stunned again, the four girls also blushed a little.

"Qilei, the lagging allocation of advantageous resources is the reason."

"The most beautiful girl in the school, the most handsome boy, but there are few suitors. The girl with 80 points is the most popular among boys, that is, Kou Zhongqi."

"If you don't believe me, ask Kou Zhongqi, her suitors must be much more than those four."

It was exploded early for someone else, but Sister Kou was not ashamed at all, "This is true. I received more love letters in junior high school than Yang Xiao!"

I saw Qi Lei spread his hands, "That's the truth."

"It's so beautiful, the big guys think she is so good, they definitely look down on me."

This is like many older leftover men, leftover women, handsome guys and beautiful women, and the highest proportion of people with good conditions.

Everyone thinks that the rest should be in poor conditions. In fact, the rest is in better conditions.

why? Part of it cannot be ruled out that the vision is high and the delay is delayed. However, there are still quite a few, including those with high-sightedness, because they have fewer opportunities.

When someone talks about five episodes of love and gets married, they may only talk about two or even one.

"So, the best ones are often lagging because of their advantages."

Zhou Xiaohan stared at Li Cowen, "Is that right?"

Coco Lee, "You are single!"

Zhou Xiaohan gritted his teeth, "Go! You are a bachelor too!"

Coco Lee, "Are there many people chasing you?"

Zhou Xiaohan thought for a while, almost crying, "It's really been a long time since I confessed."

Coco Lee also thought for a while, "Except for Wang Mo in the freshman year, it seems so miserable that no one has left."

Yeah! This is the reason that Wang Mo like Ruchuan Feng has been defeated. Who would dare to step forward?

Qi Lei: "This is the lagging allocation of advantageous resources. In economics and game theory, there is no solution."

When Zhou Xiaohan heard those four, he was even more desperate.

Zhou Xiaohan, "Aren't we scrapping?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "So pitiful..."

Yang Xiao, "You are so pitiful, you have a master!"

Xu Xiaoqian stagnated, "Yes! That's okay."

The remaining three wanted to strangle her.

Liao Fanyi and the others didn't know that the four were about to fight, and they nodded to Qi Lei's explanation, and they all understood.

Suddenly said, "This is the scary advantage?"

This time it was Lei Qi's turn to be convinced, "How do you know this word?"

This is what he has compiled now.

Liao Fanyi was speechless, "Why don't I know? President Dong proposed it! I told us about it."

When Dong Beiguo heard this, his eyes instantly stared, "Cough cough cough! Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Keep coughing.

Qi Lei: "..."


Biting the bullet, "Yes! It's the word that Grandpa Dong came up with!"

When Dong Beiguo heard it, his old face was flushed, and he didn't know if it was embarrassing or confusing.

"Hi, what do you mention it for? It's yours."

Qi Lei has a black line on his forehead, "In short, the West believes that the advantages of scaring people are insoluble."

Qi Lei, "However, in our theory, this is not a problem."


The moments when the three sentenced to death aroused their fighting spirit and listened with ears upright.

Liao Fanyi and others raised their eyebrows, "How do you tell?"

Qi Lei, "The ancients have given us the answer long ago!"

"Tell us early, it's not cold from the heights!! So, don't stand higher."

"It's rare to be confused! Be stupid when you should be stupid."

"The wealth is not exposed! Pretend to be poor when you should pretend to be poor."

"Tang Bohu smiles a little bit Qiuxiang! Qiuxiang is a beautiful country, and it is also a superior resource. If she doesn't take the initiative to smile three times, Tang Bohu's youngest child will be too distracted, dare to step forward?"

Intentionally or unintentionally, he cast a glance at Xu Xiaoqian, "When a certain man didn't call his aunt, and a certain girl didn't make an appointment to go to a school, could it be done?"

Xu Xiaoqian: "!!!"

Scared to death!

Subconsciously pouted Xu Wenliang and Qi Guojun, the two fathers are here, how dare you?

Everyone was speechless, "What are you doing with this?"

Qi Lei barked his teeth, "Anyway, just put yourself down a little bit!!"

"Advantageous resources, it is necessary to find the configuration."

"When it comes to this matter, I have a wealth of several billions, and I have a deep background. How can I raise it?"

"Other wealthy people and celebrities are holding them, and they are all uplifted. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are superior resources, and they are the untouchable masters!"

"There is a natural sense of distance."

"Make yourself silly, be close to the people, be proactive!"

"Just like me, there are no shortages of young people's faults, it's kind of funny."

"This kind of distance is virtually smoothed out."

"I said, this time it's not crisis public relations, this time it's image shaping!"

"A young entrepreneur with no sense of distance is the final result I want!"

"It's called the leader to take the initiative!"

"Be more active than the backward, so as to get more resources and allocation."

"So it won't lag behind!"

Everyone: "!!!"

Zhou Xiaohan was stunned, "What do you mean? Let my old lady take the initiative to find a man?"

Coco Lee, "Dreaming! I won't do it!"

Yang Xiao, "If you don't do it, just do it!"

Xu Xiaoqian, "Then you take the initiative?"

Xiaoer, "Dreaming!"

Advantageous resources, active configuration.

In this era, there is no such concept.

Therefore, Liao Fanyi and the others couldn't figure it out, and in the end they could only boil down to [use and satisfaction].

In fact, public use and satisfaction are only prerequisites. How to transform this use experience and satisfaction into value is the concept of leading this era.

And the application in this area is actually very extensive in later generations.

Take, for example, the two big beauties in Xinjiang in the entertainment industry, "Gu" and "Di".

They are also top beauties, with average acting skills and equal resources. At the beginning, Di's resources may be even worse.

They are all beautiful enough to give people a sense of distance, but "Di"'s public relations team is definitely 10,000 times more professional than "Gu".

They set up a "Fat Di" for "Di", which is a disaster-free, proactive, self-destructive, and low-profile setting "Fat Di".

The final result is obvious to later generations.

For another example, Erma.

Before the collapse of the old horses, the ponies couldn't keep up with the old horses.

Two people are just two extremes. Xiao Ma is the image of a normal businessman, cold and meticulous, always the image of shirts, trousers, and gold-wire glasses.

The image management has reached its limit.

In fact, the world-famous Internet giants are basically the same model as Xiao Ma.

Look at the old horse again.

Why did Lao Ma go to make a movie? Doesn't his wisdom know that he has to be scolded if he shoots?

Have you seen the photos of the old horse rock on stage? Does Lao really think that's handsome?

A pair of cloth shoes, humorous and funny, coupled with the title of "Daddy Horse", a top rich man, makes you feel like he is not far from ordinary people.

Later generations will call this groundedness! In fact, a professional point is called "the leader must take the initiative."

Take the initiative to put yourself down from a high place and win the hearts of the people, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

For example, Lao Luo's jokes, Zuckerberg's gray t-shirts, Joe's gang leader's programmers, and Chuan Jianguo's cramping tweets.

Liu Jixiang is right to say that this world is carefully designed.

But some are unconscious and do not require design.

for example:

Wei Shen, who was in the fire of later generations...

Mr. Li Xiaowen, Academician of Cloth Shoes...

Mr. Wang Xiaocong, the monk of Harbin Engineering sweeping the floor...

Do you think that these great god-level talents are no different from ordinary people, and are more close to the people than the meticulous haircuts and suits and leather experts on TV? More respectable?

This is unconscious, not caring after pursuing a higher realm.

But some...

Do you really believe that someone who can be president is a mental illness?

Papa Ma doesn't really want to be your dad, just calling him a personal setting can bring him benefits.

Qi Lei looked at everyone, "I'm not showing something young, fearless, or humorous. I don't even want to create a character for myself."

"Set up, it's a shackle."

"I'm not even preaching the corporate culture of Three Stones to the society. Does a press conference just talk about it?"

"Bullshit!! This kind of press conference talks about company culture, there are 8,000 companies for every 10,000 company!"

"That is to spur Three Stone's internal, but also to block external curses!"

"Whoever scolds Sanshi again, whoever disagrees with the three sentences of entrepreneurs, can save me a little trouble."

"My real purpose is twofold."

"First, I am in danger. It is not the crisis brought by Liu Jixiang and Imagination, but that I have been on the neck since the beginning."

"Bill Gates founded Microsoft at the age of 20, and Jobs founded Apple at the age of 21."

"Now, an 18-year-old Chinese young man with a net worth of more than one billion yuan is still an Internet company."

"Without foreigners, Chinese people will put me on the names of Chinese Bill Gates and Chinese Jobs."

"This is so special, who will die, especially me!"

"How can I compare with those two? Those two are all about technology. I started from operations. Chinese Jobs doesn't understand technology? This is the biggest hidden danger."

"You have to start scolding for a few days, and you will be scolded to death sooner or later!"

"So, you have to draw a line, I am not Jobs, nor Bill Gates. I am me. I have an open personality and can do everything."

"You always think that I am building a framework, but in fact I am jumping out of [framework]. No framework is the best framework!"

"When I think of Qi Lei, I don't apply any framework, because he can do anything, it's not surprising."

"This is the best person setting! That is no person setting!"

"Second, maximize your own value."

"Businessmen now are too rigid."

"Rely on products to sell products, rely on advertising to gain attention"

"Rely on face! Face can do great things!"




Liao Fanyi was stupid at hearing them.

Tang Chenggang was also stupid.

This is so special that you can play with it.

I really don't understand, how does his head think so much, so far?

However, Qi Lei seems

Flowers? In later generations, these are basic operations.

Someone specifically went to see Rebs and said are tempting ok?

Some people listened to Yu Dazui bragging.

Some people regard Lao Luo's press conference as a cross talk conference.

There are also people who listen to the popular science of a postgraduate entrance examination and an extrajudicial fanatic.

what is this?

This is "the leader must take the initiative"!

Otherwise, the title of celebrity is of no value to you, but rather a bondage.

You have to put down your body and let people mention Qi Lei, he is the big boy next door, and he wins.


Tang Chenggang suddenly realized.

Rely on the face? Do things by face?

"Your purpose is"

"Pangu 2.0's press conference?"

Qi Lei grinned, "Dad Tang still knows me best."

After so much preparation, even Liu Jixiang didn’t immediately clean up him. He was wise and proactive.

So the effort is Pangu 2.0! !

That press conference is the main battlefield for practicing the corporate culture of Three Stones and testing the achievements of Lei Qi Lei's image.

At this time, Tang Chenggang frowned and thought for a long time, "It's just a press conference, how much more can you make? Can you still play with flowers?"


The limitations of the **** age!

Really can play with flowers! !


Thanks: [wrwee23] the leader of the reward.

Thanks: The leader of [Climbing Snail] for rewards.

91 alliance, the bosses are really awesome, thank you guys!

Make a fortune, make a fortune! !

There are still 9 Hundred Leagues, the old man is fighting! !

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