Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 23: People are not frivolous and vain youth (7).

   is at the same time as the opening of the Information Industry Seminar.

   On the other side of the capital, Imagine Sales Director Wang Chen is standing flatly in the president's office room. Liu Jixiang in front of him does not pay attention to him, but takes the call leisurely.

   "Mr. Hunter, don't worry, Imagine is a reputable company."

   "Since we have agreed to Microsoft, we will not do anything against Microsoft in terms of system pre-installation. Besides, we have a contract."

   "Thank you again for your efforts in system authorization and imagination."

   "This time we can reach a strategic cooperation intention with Microsoft, which makes us look forward to future cooperation even more."

   Just yesterday, Imagine has signed a strategic cooperation contract with Microsoft.

   Microsoft will provide Imagine with a three-year system pre-installation contract. The authorization price is very attractive.

   Of course, Liu Jixiang is very sober. In the past, Microsoft would not throw an olive branch to a Chinese company.

   Because you have no choice, a penny is indispensable.

   But, it’s different now. Three Stone's Pangu 2.0 seems to pop up suddenly. It not only completed the first phase of testing, but also received state-level support, which worries Microsoft.

   They have implemented a laissez-faire piracy strategy in China for many years, and they are not afraid of any challenges from their peers.

   However, it is different now, the state support, it is very likely that they have done so many years of hard work to burn.

   Therefore, now I have to put down my posture and lower the pre-installed price of Imagine’s system.

   This decision is not sloppy. Microsoft has investigated the market in China in detail and the public's acceptance of the system price.

   If the cooperation with Imagine goes well, and if the Pangu 2.0 of Three Stones Company is indeed competitive.

   Then, Microsoft will expand the scope of preferential treatment to all of China and even all of Asia, and implement a low-cost installation strategy.

   There is no other way. When Pangu 1.0 came out, Microsoft got the test version and did a detailed evaluation and evaluation.

   The result is: Although there is still a big gap with the windows system, it cannot be ignored, and it is already a rival.

   In this regard, the biggest winner is of course Liu Jixiang and Imagine.

   You should know that in the past, Imagine computers had to pay more than 100 million license fees to Microsoft every year with windows pre-installed.

   And now, the cost is only less than 10 million RMB.

   Can he be upset?

   While chatting with Hunter, he secretly smiled in his heart, in fact...Three Stones company is also very good with such a system, at least imagine the benefits.

   It's a pity that Liu Jixiang will never thank the Three Stones Company. On the contrary, he still wants to suppress the Three Stones Company.

   "Don't worry, we are already taking action regarding the Three Stone Company. And, just today. Ten minutes later, the next round of business public relations will officially begin."

   "Don't worry, this time, I won't understate it as I did a few days ago. Just wait and see the results."

   Hanging up, Liu Jixiang looked at Wang Chen.

   I saw Wang Chen with a smiling face, "Mr. Liu, the press conference is ready, and reporters from all walks of life are here."

   "Look at you..."

   means, do you start now or do you prepare again?

   Liu Jixiang didn't answer in a hurry, but looked at Wang Chen without focusing.

   No one knows what he is thinking.

   Actually, Liu Jixiang is reviewing the cooperation with Microsoft, and at the same time, he is also thinking about the conversation with Qi Lei that day.

   To be honest, Liu Jixiang has never underestimated this young man.

   Since two years ago, Liu Jixiang has seen ambition and hostility from Qi Lei in the air.

   Later, when he learned that Nan Guanghong joined the Three Stone Company almost at the speed of light, and resolutely gave up everything in the capital and went to the northeast.

   Liu Jixiang looked at the boy even more.

   Until a few days ago, he and Qi Lei had a head-on confrontation for the first time. To be honest, Liu Jixiang went with a begging mentality.

   If Qi Lei nodded at the time and was willing to let the Liu family integrate into the Three Stone Company, Liu Jixiang would not sign any strategic cooperation with Microsoft. He would prefer Three Stone.

   But, despite this meeting, Liu Jixiang's posture was very low, and he was naturally half short.

   However, there are not many people who can make him speechless, Qi Lei counts as one.

   At this time, Liu Jixiang went through every word Qi Lei had said in his heart, and couldn't help but look at Wang Chen.

   Qi Lei said, he wants to deal with Wang Chen. If Imagine does not give up on Wang Chen, then he must deal with Imagine.

  The struggle of loyalty among young people.

   Then, how does he deal with it?

   Is he capable of dealing with it? How does Chang want to accept the move?

   pondered for a long time, and suddenly said: "Wang Chen, how many years have you been in the company?"

   When Wang Chen heard this, he smiled and said, "Since the Hong Kong company, I have followed you."

   Liu Jixiang, "Yes! It's been ten years, right?"

   Wang Chen, "I have it."

   Liu Jixiang, "Oh, I have been too busy these years, I forgot that you are still outside the board of directors."

   Wang Chen was startled, his face flushed instantly.

   "Mr. Liu..."

   Liu Jixiang, "You are the veteran of the company, you should be thinking of you when you transfer shares, my negligence!"

   Wang Chen, "Whatever Mr. Liu said, I will be content with your words."

   Liu Jixiang shook his head, "No way, it's time."

   The words are not explained, but the meaning is clear.

   Suddenly, he pushed the press release on the table forward, "I will not go to the press conference."

   "It's always my old face, and reporters are bothered to look at it. Go ahead and behave!"

  Wang Chen: "!!!"

   Wang Chen was almost crying.

   I just said those who entered the board of directors, and handed over such an important news conference to him. The fool also knew that the big luck was coming! Mr. Liu is going to promote him formally.

   solemnly accepted the press release, "President Liu, don't worry, he will not insult his life!"

   Liu Ji smiled, "Well, let's go."


   With excitement and shaking hands, Wang Chen walked into the press conference at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

   The reporters from all walks of life immediately took a sprint with a long gun.

   As the largest PC manufacturer in China, both the founder Liu Jixiang and Imagine itself have considerable public attention.

   So, even though all reporters don't know what kind of news Chang wants to throw out for today's temporary press conference, the sense of expectation is full.

   Seeing Wang Chen stepping onto the speaking stage, all of them became energetic, waiting for the imaginative blockbuster news.

   And Wang Chen didn't keep everyone waiting, adjusted his breathing, and scanned the press release.

   Then he raised his head and showed a formulaic smile.

   "I think all journalists must be very curious and imagine what kind of news will be released today."

   "Then I won't sell it. According to the usual practice, I will read out an imaginative official statement first, and then it is time for questioning."

   looked down at the press release again, making the scene quiet.


   "In view of what happened on September 21, 2000, the senior management of Three Stone Network Technology Co., Ltd. insulted and beat up our sales manager Li Fangda."

   "Our management, cum: Imagine Group Shareholder Management Meeting, after careful discussion, decided as follows:"

   "Temporarily terminate all business dealings with Sanshi Company, and stop performing this year's PC host supply contract."

   "We also made formal representations to Sanshi Company and the management involved, hoping that the other party will face the law, face equal and human rights, bear corresponding legal responsibilities, and apologize to Mr. Li Fangda!"

look up.

   "Every employee of Imagine Group! We are a member of our big family, and we do not allow them to be harmed in any way!"

   "Even if you have more money! No matter how powerful! No matter how powerful you are, you are an imaginative partner! We don't allow this to happen!"

   "Please remember! The your strongest backing!"

"thank you all!"

   There was a buzzing sound, and the reporters below immediately talked about it.

  The first reaction was: Three Stones! ! Three Stone Company?

   That is the domestic Internet giant, the most popular company at the moment, and Imagine has a trouble?

   Because of what? What happened on the 21st?

  Well, the Beijing News is a newspaper after all, so coverage is the same, so many people don’t even know what’s going on.

   Besides, Wang Chen didn't make it clear either! A certain executive? Which executive?

   They remember that the old man at Sanshi Company was always a handsome boy named Qi Guodong, and the sales director was a beautiful woman named Zhou Tao.

   There is another Nan Guanghong, the others are really unclear? ! !

  Wang Chen looked at it, saw the discussion, and smiled secretly, "Okay, here is the question time."

With a boom, almost all reporters raised their hands.

   Wang Chen ordered one casually, "Please ask questions."

  Reporter, "Excuse me, Mr. Wang, what are the specific things?"

   Wang Chenyi said righteously, "For details, please refer to the Beijing News, the front page of the 24th. Next."

  Reporter, "Is this imaginative statement meant to completely cut off cooperation with Three Stones?"

  Wang Chen, "Before Three Stone Company makes a sincere apology, you can understand this. Next one."

  Reporter, "Would it be convenient for Mr. Wang to disclose the information of the senior management of Sanshi Company?"

   Wang Chen smiled, "For some special reasons, it is not convenient for me to disclose, sorry!"


   "Which executive from Three Stones Company?" became the biggest question at the Imagination conference.

   But, it’s okay. The seeds of doubt have already been planted. When people see that 18-year-old face, which is not a blurry photo, naturally they will have more questions, "18-year-old executive?"

   Then, without thinking about the end, countless reporters will dig deeper and find out everything.

   Including, that person is Qi Lei, his real identity is the actual controlling shareholder of Three Stones, etc.

   And all of this, it was only a few hours later.

   It’s only in the afternoon, whether it’s the reporters who have hands and eyes open to the sky, or imaginatively and deliberately leaking the news to some people...

   In short, as the afternoon approached the evening, almost at the same time, the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, and all media channels almost found the truth.

   On the 21st, the three-stone executive who slapped the Imagination Manager, named Qi Lei, was the actual controlling shareholder of the first domestic Internet giant-Three-Stone Company!

   soul man!

   A super rich man with billions of wealth!

   And these are not the most important...

  The important thing is that he is only eighteen years old!

   Besides, I am now eighteen years old!

   When he founded Sanshi Company, he was only sixteen years old.

   This is definitely the hottest financial news this year, and no media is willing to miss this once-in-a-lifetime news.

   So, on the afternoon of the 27th, the media exploded, overwhelming.

   Of course, it will be accompanied by the 21st beating incident like solving the case and solving the problem, and the news point is even more sufficient.

   The public likes hunting for oddities and the story of juvenile fame, and the public prefers the bizarre exposure after juvenile fame.

   Two things are combined, the effect is definitely one plus one is greater than two!

   It's just that the media doesn't care whether such exposure is positive or negative.

   "Young President-From Legend to Daddy"


   "Fame at the age of eighteen-the drunken gold fan behind the miracle"


   "Genius, rich, dude, tyrannical! ! Seeing Essence from Phenomenon


   "Who gave him the confidence to be violent?" Who gave him the power to amass wealth again? 》


   "Three Stone Company-Playboy's Big Toy"


   "Have you played the legend? See the real master behind the legend! 》

   Various and messy headlines irritate the public's attention.

   Almost overnight, the name Qi Lei, and the photos of the big G hitting the Jetta, embracing the beauty, etc., are scattered in everyone's field of vision.

   Public opinion exploded instantly! !

   Especially the Internet is the most popular. After all, the traditional media cannot comment or express the opinions of ordinary people.

  Among them, the main thing is verbal abuse.

   said everything, "I think the supervisory department should step in, check the three stones, there must be some tricks."


   "Upstairs is naive, for such a big company, the boss behind the scenes is not something ordinary people can touch, and the investigation is also in vain."


   "This world is getting crazier and crazier. My old lady is still gnawing at her twenties. Tell me that eighteen-year-olds are worth billions?"


   "No wonder it's so arrogant. If you hit someone, you hit someone. If you hit a Jetta, you hit it. It turns out that people say it's not bad money."


   "It's good to have money, hug left and right... It's good to have money, big G opens the way."


   "I'm really convinced, this kind of irrelevant thing, I can actually make up. Check this Lei Qi Lei his father, his family, it is estimated that the bigger boss is still behind!"

   No one can connect an eighteen-year-old second generation ancestor with a large company worth billions.

   This is not logical!

  People are still willing to trust the information they know.

   Beyond cognition, I can't accept it at all.


   Anyway, when Imagine holding the press conference, Qi Lei didn't know that he had been exploded, and he was still pretending to be transparent in the small auditorium!

   To be honest, the meeting is so boring.

   One morning, it was all kinds of leaders' speeches and guiding spirit.

   Finally, it was Liao Fanyi’s turn to talk about the future of telecommunications from the perspective of social science.

   The result is still playing the piano against the cows, mainly those corporate executives and technical masters who are a little dismissive.

   This is a technical matter, what is your social science blending?

   But, what makes Qi Lei even more speechless is that it is impossible for him to be transparent.

   Look, the participants are not the top domestic scholars, or the top leaders of major telecom operators.

  Besides Beijing and Guangzhou, there are also professors from the University of Science and Technology of China and other universities.

  Except for the leaders, academics are the basic exercises in senior positions.

   If you don't bring a certain industry association, the chairperson of the research group, I am embarrassed to say hello to people.

  Associate professor level, you can't get in at all.

   Liao Fanyi is the youngest one besides Qi Lei.

When    took the stage to speak, the big guys underneath frowned, "Where did you come from? So young?"

   Not to mention, Qi Lei is an eighteen-year-old kid.

   Sit in the middle of the boss, as conspicuously as possible, just like an adult bringing a child to a meeting.

  As soon as the morning meeting is over, many people passing by Qi Lei have to ask, "My kid, who did you come with?"

   "Kid, what are you doing here?"

   Qi Lei, who listened to me, wanted to die, so what! No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak.

  In the afternoon, it's more interesting.

  Leader exits, and another seminar on the future of the industry will be held on the business direction.

   The expert group holds a technical meeting here. Today and tomorrow, this is the process.

   Get together again the day after tomorrow, and make a concluding statement.

   There are a bunch of old professors left, and the atmosphere is relaxed, and they all start to make jokes about Qi Lei.

   "Kid, don't you say a few words?"

   "Children, let’s express your opinion! The future belongs to you young people, you have more say!"

   In response, Qi Lei grinned and ran on me?

   Can I be run easily?

   "Forget it! If I speak, I'm afraid there will be nothing wrong with everyone."


   Everyone is really out of temper, this little boy, his tone is not small.

   Someone replied, "Then you still sit down, don't talk about us unemployed."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   mother! Scolded Grandpa Dong a hundred times.

   In the afternoon, Qi Lei finally received a call from Qi Guodong.

   "Broken! Something happened!"

   Qi Lei ran to the conference hall to make an external phone, and he heard Qi Guodong yelling, "Imagine the thunder!"

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Hey, it's a burst!"

   "What's going on, speak slowly."

   Qi Guodong recounted the story of the Imagination Conference, anxiously.

"How to do how to do!?"

   Qi Lei is very calm here, "Do nothing, wait for them to do it themselves!"


   Qi Guodong was shocked, "Wait, wait!"

   Qi Lei, "Wait! It's not hot yet!"

   hung up the phone, went back and continued to pretend to be transparent.

   But it's just such a little quiet and peaceful time.


   After the afternoon meeting, Liao Fanyi was a little tired when he returned home.

   After dinner, I didn't want to move. After taking a shower, he crooked on the sofa in a daze.

   The wife is doing housework in the kitchen, and the daughter is sitting on the ground, holding the doll and playing with her by herself.

   This kind of life is plain, but it is full of warmth.

   The TV is on, and I don’t care which channel it is. It broadcasts financial news.

   Then, I heard the host’s voice on the TV, "Eighteen-year-old billionaire, business giant..."

   Liao Fanyi frowned and looked at the TV, with a wry smile in his heart, is now the financial news also starting to look for gimmicks?

   "Eighteen-year-old business..."

   Just thought of this, a photo appeared on TV.

   Liao Fanyi shouted, "What the hell!!!"

   bounced directly, and the whole person became energetic.

   That photo...It's Reviver!


   Dong Beiguo is more boring than Liao Fanyi.

   Finally, I went home early. I put on the autumn clothes that had been worn for more than ten years and printed the words "Beijing-Guangzhou Workers Athletic Meeting Award" and soaked in a large tea jar with broken jasmine flowers.

   Lie down on the recliner, turn on the radio, and hum Sha Jiabang. Grandpa Dong's ultimate enjoyment is just for this.

   Even so, he still has to think about the school, there is no way, he can't let it go.

   Especially about Qi Lei, "It's impossible to bully my students, you have to find it!"

   "Help him get it back...the five million can you get it back?"

   was thinking, the evening news on the radio was broadcasting the imaginative statement.

   "Imagine Group, held a press conference this morning to completely terminate the business cooperation with Sanshi Company."

  Severed business dealings with Sanshi Company, Grandpa Dong didn't care at all.

   He is still thinking, 21st... Isn’t the 21st the day Qi Lei had an accident?

   Imagine...The new batch of computers that came to the school are just imaginative, right? It seems to be a dedicated machine, where is it?

   can't remember.


   "It is reported that the cause of the conflict was that on the evening of the 21st, a three-stone company's executives and Imagine Group employees had a physical conflict, which turned into a violent incident."

   "The three-stone company executive who directed this conflict is Qi Lei, the largest natural person shareholder of the three-stone company. He is currently studying at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute and is a freshman in the 00 class."

   "Eighteen years old! According to people familiar with the matter, Qi Lei owns 55% of the shares of Three Stones and has a net worth of more than 3 billion RMB."

   "Our station reporter has rushed to Beiguang as soon as possible. For the specific situation, please listen to the report sent by our reporter from the Beiguang site..."

   Dong Beiguo is listening.

   "This news is nonsense. An 18-year-old kid named Qi Lei, also the founder of Three Stones..."

   "Returning wealth..."

   Grandpa Dong suddenly froze, and then the old man bounced up.

   "Three hundred million!?" The tune has changed, and I will stay there for a full minute.

   "Old, old old wife.....Hurry up! Hurry up! Jiuxin pill.....or it won't work!"

   Master Dong is really dying, my heart is cramping.

   screamed, how does this make me clean? I can't take it anymore.


   Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu have been battling Zhou Xiaohan in the past two days, and the music festival will begin in a few days.

   Back to the dormitory, it was already past eight.

  When he left the south gate, the silly dragon was rather strange, "What day is it today? Why are there so many reporters at the door?"

   The South Gate has been besieged.

   I watched the excitement for a while, and saw it, some of them were reading the manuscript with the microphone in front of the camera.

   "Our reporter sent a report on the spot. As you can see, Beiguang has gathered many colleagues."

   "Everyone wants to interview this young entrepreneur for the first time and get first-hand information."

   Silly Dragon and Malaysia were even more confused, "What's the mess?"

   "Someone in Beiguang has started a business? What is it? Have you started an aircraft carrier? What excites you like this?"

   didn't have much interest, mainly because he was too tired, and hurried back to the bedroom.

   As soon as I arrived in the bedroom, I received a call from a high school classmate, and I didn’t contact him for several years.

   The other party suddenly remembered to call Shalong, and Shalong was quite happy.

   After chatting for a long time, the other side asked tentatively, "By the way, Brother Long, is there a guy named Qi Lei in your school?"

   The silly dragon immediately lost his good mood, "What do you mention him for? The enemy of life!"

   across, "Huh? Have a holiday with him?"

   Silly Dragon, "That's not true! It's just a freshman, it's just like being hung up, I'm confused as my instructor!"

   The opposite seemed to agree, "Hehe, it's really broken."

   Silly Dragon puzzled, "How do you know him?"

   Opposite, "Aren't you watching the news?"

   The silly dragon was startled, "What news?"

   Opposite, "Damn!! The owner of Three Stone Company, his net worth is billions! Don't you know?"


   Shalong took off the phone.

   Just him?

   Like a second B every day, how many, billions?

   "Are you kidding me!?"

   As for Ma Chenyu...

   staring at the computer, the whole person is not good.

   In front of me is a post on the Tianya forum, "Legendary No. 1 Big Brother-Qi Lei"

   The first sentence of the post is that Malaysia can't stand it.

   "Don't doubt, he is the true leader of "Legend", because "Legend" belongs to him!"

   After reading the post, Ma Chenyu wants to die.

  This Reviver is definitely not the Reviver I know!


   Shang North.

   Liu Zhuofu and Luo Yan were in the office, staring at the Longjiang Evening News.

   The above mentioned an 18-year-old kid named Qi Lei, the founder of Three Stone Company.

   Moreover, the Longjiang Evening News published in detail the resume of this business prodigy and billionaire.

   used to be a student in Class 24 of Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, now studying in Beiguang.

   "Yes... is it our Reviver, right?"

   Liu Zhuo is a little rich and can't believe it, "Impossible?"

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhuofu got up and went out of the office, and Luo Meili also subconsciously followed out.

   The two arrived in Class 14, and everyone was studying at night.

   Liu Zhuofu glanced at the class, he was looking for Xu Qian.

   He knows the bad things about the two children, but he doesn't bother to reveal it, so it doesn't affect his study.

   But Xu Xiaoqian is not here.

   No way, Liu Zhuofu beckoned to Yang Xiao.

   called her out, "Recently...has any contact with Qi Lei?"

   Xiao Yang didn’t know why Lao Liu asked this, “Yes, I was online yesterday. Teacher, are you doing something?”

   Liu Zhuofu looked a little awkward, "It's okay, it's just guys come close, do you all know about him?"

   Xiaoer, "There shouldn’t be anyone you don’t know, right?"

   Old Liu, "Then...the three-stone company in Harbin..."

   "Oh!" Xiaoer understood, "You said this!"

  Old Liu Yi was stagnant, Luo Meili couldn't help it anymore, "He really drove Three Stones?"

   Yang Xiao proudly raised an eyebrow, and said to her heart that sooner or later it will be exposed, so let her be refreshed first!

   "Hi!!" An indifferent posture, "It doesn't count as what he built."


   When these words came out, Lao Liu and Luo Meili were relieved instead.

   As a result, Yang Xiao's next sentence was a bit horrified, "To be precise, we built it together."


   Old Liu roared, and the whole corridor on the third floor could be heard.

   Knowing that he had lost his temper, he adjusted quickly, and shouted, "You guys!? Together!?"

   Yang Xiao, "Yeah! He is shameless and has a big head. In fact, we built it together."

   "I still have 5% of the shares!"

   "Hundred..." Old Liu can't do it, not at all.

   Yang Xiao came, "It's not much money, just two to three billion."



  Life is so magical. Lao Liu didn't want to teach anymore, and couldn't continue teaching.

   There is a net worth of two or three hundred million in my class?

   mentality collapsed.


   The five fathers also got together at this time, and the room was filled with smoke.

   Tang Chenggang one by one, smoking a cigarette.

   Wu Lianshan seldom smokes, so I ordered it today.

   Even Qi Guojun, Xu Wenliang, and Yang Chengjun have clipped one.

  The human smell is like smoke...

   It's not a taste to be called one in my heart.

   Tang Chenggang, "The old man called in the afternoon and made a mockery of me as a father."

   Qi Guojun, "it should be ridiculed, the old one has never done the small, shameful!"

   Xu Wenliang, "You are content! The province called in the afternoon and asked me to take over all the work at hand. Tomorrow, I will go to the province to report on my work and report on the financial situation of the family."

  Yang Chengjun, "What's the entanglement? It's good."

   He wants to understand, lie flat, stop struggling, and gnaw.


   At the same time, Zhou Lei, who skipped classes and surfed the Internet, didn’t sleep at this night. She felt that she had missed...

   I missed the biggest opportunity of my life.

   The little boy she once looked down upon is now an existence that can't even be seen at a glance.

   Viagra drove his newly bought Po Jetta through the traffic of the capital. He was hysterical while he throttled to the bottom:

   "Fuck you uncle!!! I am a god!!! I am a god!!! I said this grandson has business!"

   "Fuck you, uncle....Why is this big...the big one is a bit too big!?"

   "Fuck you uncle..."

   "The mentality collapsed!"

   Guan Xiaobei sat in a daze in the dormitory, his roommate brother asked him what's wrong, Xiaobei said, "I have a brother who is said to be a billionaire. Do you think this is reliable?"

   roommate, "Unreliable, you wake up."

  Yu Yangyang was in Hainan, and while running to the bedroom, he shouted, "Lei Qi, you are the most stingy boss in the world!!!"

   "I'm so rich, I'll give my sister fifty yuan a day's salary? I'm in a loss!"

   Cao Xiaoxi, call Guan Xiaobei the first time, "If you don't have a net worth of billions, don't think about getting along with your mother!"

   Guan Xiaobei didn't cry to death, "Aren't the requirements too high?"

   Cao Xiaoxi, "I don't care! I want you to have billions!"

   "Can you make less?"

"How many?"

   "Dozens of dollars?"



  418 sleep.

   Peng Ye dignifiedly shut down the computer, got up, squeezed Chuang Ge, Mai Ge, Dong Li behind him, solemnly came to Qi Lei's bed.

   bowed solemnly to the empty bed and desk three times.

   Brother Chuang puzzled, "What are you doing?"

  Master Peng, "I will pay a respect first."

   said, folded his hands together, "Criminals and sins, the boss forgive..."

   "I will never throw pig's head in your drawer again."

   "You bless me to get rich, don't get too much!"

   "It's okay to have two zeros less than you!!"

   Speaking of this, Lord Peng cried, "Fuck you uncle! Are you still a human? 3 billion? You won't be as fast as you rob the bank!!"

   Dong Li did a good job, clasping his hands together, "Brother...I was wrong and I won't fight anymore."

   "You slay the dragon for me!"

   "Fuck! You make me a lot of money!"


   Qi Lei, at this time, just after dinner with Li Hanhan, Zhang Yang, Kou Zhongqi, and Zong Baobao, he was swaying back!

When    exploded, it would explode, Qi Lei didn't take it seriously.

   As a result, when I walked downstairs to the girl, Li Hanhan and Sister Kou hadn’t separated yet, and Zhou Xiaocao was rushing out.

   "Lei Qi!! You stop me!"

   The whole girls building came over, Qi Lei looked at her aggressively, "Little fat girl, what are you going to do!?"

   I saw Zhou Xiao pouting, rushing up at the same pace that his six relatives did not recognize, and digging his pocket when he came up.

   Take out Qi Lei's pocket! !

   Qi Lei was dumbfounded, "What the **** are you doing?"

   Zhou Xiaocao, "Give me back!"

   Qi Lei, "What are you going to do?"

   Zhou Xiao gritted his teeth, "Two, one hundred, one yuan!"

   "My one month's meal money! You pay me back!"

   Qi Lei, stared, "You gave it all, and did you bring back what you asked for?"

   Zhou Xiaocao: "Two hundred yuan!! Give it back to me!"

   "You are billions, not less than two hundred, right?"

   Qi Lei, "..."

other people,"?????"

   Sister Kou narrowed her eyes, "What's the matter?"

   Qi Lei's face blushed, "This is a bit of a nonsense story, do you want to hear it?"

   Five minutes later, Coco Lee was completely dumbfounded, "Three Stone Company...Yours!?"

   Kou Zhongqi stared angrily, "Yeah!!! You dare to hide it from us!?"

   Baby Zong sighed up to the sky, "Daddy! Let's go and play, I'm looking for a meal ticket!"

   Zhang Yang is the most affordable, holding Qi Lei's hand, "Brother..."

   "Buy me a big G, I will be a scumbag!"



   No matter what the outside evaluation is, whether it is verbal abuse or slander, at least the people around you will never think about how the money comes, whether it is clean or not? Is this young wizard true material, or is it a mere manifestation?

   Their most real feeling is:

   "That's my brother!"

   This feeling is so wonderful.

   looked at Zhang Yang, who was pulling his arm to be a big G.

   Looking at Zhang Ya Wu Claw, Zhou Xiaocao wanted to deduct two hundred yuan.

   looked at Hehe smirkly, as if there were billions of her own Li Hanhan.

   Looking at the thunderbolt in the blue sky, still perverted and contrived, but the indifferent eldest sister Kou and Zong Baobao were revealed from the bones.

   Qi Lei was suddenly very lucky, fortunate to have such a group of friends, and fortunate that he did not miss it after all.

   Yes, maybe this is the best time!

   Maybe he wants to drag it on, and the mood that bursts out at the age of twenty and twenty-five is wrong.

   Now that it bursts out, Qi Lei not only won't miss anything, but has experienced the joys of life that the past and present, and even those who are born again, do not experience layer by layer.

   That is: At the age of eighteen, even if his wealth has become a figure, in everyone's eyes, he is still a teenager.

   If it burst out when you were twenty, would everyone still be like this? How many are as fearless as they are now?

   How about twenty-five years old?

  Perhaps he really waited until he was twenty-five years old. What he saw were not these pure and a little overly smiling faces, but rather calm blessings and compliments.


very nice!

   As Liao Fanyi said, Qi Lei started the game for the second time. While adventurous, he also experienced the excitement that others would not experience.

   was stinking, the phone rang.

   Qi Lei picked up, and immediately came the hysterical shouts of Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian, and Yang Xiao.

   "What's so special, I only mentioned you, nothing is wrong with us!?"

   "Would you like to point your face!? Can you be honest? Give me a name!?"

   "Yeah yah yah! I don't care! You have to find the stone to make it up for us, and the old lady has to show the limelight too!"

   Qi Lei listened, his eardrums hurt, but his smile became stronger.

   said lightly: "Small things, I owe you a shiny debut."

   There was instant silence on the other Suddenly!

   Xu Xiaoqian screamed, "and me..."

   "Not only do I want to make my debut, I also want to be romantic!!"

   "Lei Qi! You have never been romantic with me."

   Qi Lei, "Okay."

   There was no answer from Xu Xiaoqian in the microphone, but a collective complaint from a group of animals.

   Tang Xiaoyi, "You two are enough! How romantic is it?"

   Wu Xiaojian, "Xu Qian, you really... are getting more and more rampant!"

   Yang Xiao, "Xu Xiaoqian! Qi Lei said, show affection, die soon! You have to pay attention."

   Xu Xiaoqian, "I'm happy! Hey."



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   Thanks to the leaders of [Heart Broken I Wind Chime] and [Book Friends 20170305214516450] for their rewards! !

   Boss atmosphere! The boss gets rich! thank you! !

   78 leagues, immediately worth three-star glory, not far from Baimeng, I really appreciate your support.

thank you all! !

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