Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 19: People are not frivolous and in vain youth (3)

Qi Lei started, in fact, it makes sense.

The Three Stones Company is actually quite invincible now, a bit of righteousness, and the taste of evil.

The financial situation is good, the funds are sufficient, and the projects in operation have not been side-tracked or violated.

Not to mention paying taxes. The newspapers that I have to pay in recent years are not ambiguous at all, that is, I bought a little more car, which is a little tax deductible.

However, this amount of money is not worth mentioning when compared with the tax paid by Three Stones Company.

Therefore, if anyone wants to start with the operating conditions of the Three Stones Company and want to make something bad, he really thinks too much, and he can't fault it even if he is exhausted.

Then... play around? Those shameful gray tricks in shopping malls?

Even more unreliable. Many of the actions of Three Stones Company were registered with Lao Qin, and what they did was also beneficial to the development of the country.

This is the most stable backing. You are not afraid of shadows, and no one can take the Three Stones Company.

From the perspective of Three Stones, black and white can't be played.

After much deliberation, Qi Lei himself is left.

For a large company with a scale of several billions, the boss is an 18-year-old young man.

From the perspective of an outsider, this "boss" is the biggest breakthrough.

Eighteen years old seems to be an age full of loopholes. It is like facing an eighteen-year-old girl, there are a hundred ways to make her fall in love with flowers and cow dung.

However, for a 38-year-old woman, no matter how seasoned a love veteran is, it depends on fate and strength. Because there are no more poisons.

Now in the eyes of those people, Qi Lei should be a "little girl" with a new love and inexperienced life, and a young man full of loopholes.

Qi Lei thought about it, "Do it on me? How can I do it?" Knocked on the sap? defamation? To kill? Embarrassingly dark or...what the beauty does?

Then... interesting.

"What do you want?" Kou Zhongqi suddenly appeared behind her, with a fierce expression on her face.

"I've never seen you like this. I'll work for you. Just forget it as a shopkeeper. Don't you just serve me without some drinks?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he immediately became interested, and quickly said: "My brother and sister taught me the right thing, so I'm waiting for you! What do you want?"

Kou Zhongqi pondered for a moment, "What is expensive!"

Qi Lei, "Dele!"

He pulled up Chen Wenjie and went downstairs to purchase.

In this regard, Zhou Xiaohan was quite embarrassed, "Really let him go? As if we were trying to give him a drink."

Kou Zhongqi curled her lips, "Aren't you stupid? You don't want to see anything, doesn't he use you as a coolie?"

Shaking his arms, "It's okay! If you don't ask for a meal, Brother Shishi is not feeling well."

Well, as a younger brother and sister, Kou Zhongqi still knows Qi Lei.

As for Coco Coco Li and Jiang Yao, they didn't speak, and laughed, agreeing with Sister Kou's remarks.

Besides, Qi Lei is a rich second generation, rich, not bad.

Only when he turned around did he discover that something was wrong. The only male labor force fake foreign devil was abducted by Qi Lei.

This wave of losses!

When Qi Lei came back, it was already half an hour later.

418 The bed is fine and dustless.

A few girls were sitting in the dormitory playing games, and those who didn't know thought it was a female dormitory.

When leaving, it was Qi Lei and Chen Wenjie. When they came back, they brought Zhang Yang and Zong Baobao with them.

After entering, Zhang Yang started first before the female generals were bluffing.

"Wow, sisters are so diligent! Do you want to go upstairs and clean up our bedroom?"

Zong Baobao stopped doing it as soon as he heard it, "What are you talking about? You still use your surname Zhang as a reminder for this matter? Do you look down on the enlightenment of your sisters?"

Zhang Yang, "Yes, I'm stupid again."

Bowing to Li Wenwen and the others obediently, "Troublesome sisters, 533 upstairs, I live with Zong Baobao, so we can clean up."

Coco Lee and the others didn't bother to take care of these two.

I’ve never seen someone so familiar, and I’ve just met for the first time today, so I’ll clean up for you? The beauty of thinking!

I grabbed a drink from Qi Lei and drank it, sitting there chatting, and the topic was also something about the young eagle squad.

Here, except for Coco Lee and Zhang Yang, everyone else is from the Young Eagles class.

For this reason, Zhou Xiaohan also complained about Qi Lei, why not put Li Hanhan into the young eagle squad? Anyway, there are bonus points for beauty!

In fact, without Qi Lei's answer, Coco Lee jumped out by himself.

"You can pull it down! You Zhou Xiaocao is the lowest IQ, what am I going to do?"

Sister Hanhan still knows herself, the young eagle class is too high-end, it's not the place she should go.

She will do her host in a down-to-earth manner, one step at a time is good.

As for Zhang Yang...

Zhang Yang is more satisfied than Li Hanhan.

He went to a university for nothing, and it was his favorite animation school. It is very content to be able to paint, be able to share a dormitory with a good brother Zongbao, and Kou Zhongqi with him.

Zhang Yang is actually the most ordinary model of ordinary people, he has no ambitions, and he doesn't have that big mind.

Doing what he likes, making friends he likes, and living a good day with a smile is the greatest happiness for him.

Do you think, what can you say to someone whose life’s greatest regret is that they don’t know what “D” is like?

In Zhang Yang's own words, "My brother Niu X, my brother Niu X, I...suspected that the child is a **** Niu X."

"Then why do I want Niu X? It's enough for me to pretend Niu X."


On the 21st, Zhou Xiaohan did not participate in the activities of the young eagle class. She had a lot of things today.

Yesterday, when I was cleaning, I started construction on the music festival venue in the morning, and in the afternoon I will participate in an off-campus host with Coco Li.

And it won't work.

For one thing, the opposite is an old customer, a big company.

Secondly, Zhou Xiaocao became nervous again.

Zhou Xiaohan’s family is not a wealthy family. According to Li Hanhan, Zhou Xiaocao’s college living expenses are earned by himself, and only let the family support it when it’s impossible to tell.

For more than a month, I basically didn't run any off-campus activities, I had no money for a long time, and I had eaten Li Hanhan's food for several days.

This month the family sent it a little and it was all gone, and next month I am embarrassed to ask for anything and can only start work.

In the venue of the music festival, several temporary stages built with steel pipes began to stand up. Compared with the shabby scene of a few car lights and a box of goods in the first session, I don't know how high-end it is.

In the morning, after thinking about it, Zhou Xiaohan finally found Qi Lei.

"Hey! The host is out of your part. A handsome guy from Beijing Foreign Studies University has taken the pit."

"Then do you want to... sing two songs?"

Originally, Zhou Xiaohan didn't want Qi Lei to show his face, because he was too pushy and would conceal the girl's abilities.

However, she just thinks about the same reason as hers, she can't do it again at the last moment.

What she thinks now is that if Qi Lei takes the stage, Beiguang should be able to stand out.

After all, when several colleges and universities are put together, there must be a comparison. Beijing and Guangzhou are the organizers, let alone be left behind.

I have to admit that Qi Lei’s creative ability lies there. He sings that no one else has sung before and is very popular.

Regarding Zhou Xiaohan's proposal, Qi Lei thought for a while, and finally said: "Let's talk about it then!"

Zhou Xiaohan was a little annoyed when he heard it, you still served it!

"Cut...if you don't sing and pull it down, it seems like you can't do it without you!"

Qi Lei: "..."

Explained: "It's really not holding it. It is estimated that there will be something in those few days, and I may not be able to spare time. If you allow it, you can sing, and..."

"And what?"

Qi Lei, "And I promise Beiguang is the most beautiful boy, okay?"


Zhou Xiaohan responded casually and stopped asking questions.

If you don’t come, I’m asking you anyway, I have no time to ask you!

Mainly busy.

Zhou Xiaocai is really getting busy recently.

Music festivals and young eagle classes have to earn living expenses.

Sometimes I really envy families like Coco Li and Lei Qi.

Especially Qi Lei, how great is it that Dad is rich? It's not that you have money!

Not as good as me? This girl makes money by herself. Has he ever made any money?

cut! !


At noon, Qi Lei received a call from the aunt of the neighborhood committee of the North Campus of Power Construction.

"Little Qi'er? Waiting with home tonight. Tomorrow the boiler room is going to test the boiler, and today the heating pipe will be supplied with water."

"Don't blow up, the newly renovated home will make you soak!"

"Six o'clock to nine o'clock! Remember, someone has to stare."

The aunt of the neighborhood committee is very enthusiastic, just like telling her own children. Everyone knows that Qi Lei is a student and his parents are in the northeast.

Qi Lei, "Dele, don't worry, stare at it."

When the aunt heard this, she was very happy, "I am an obedient child!

The heating period of the electric power construction company is relatively early, and the heating has been started in mid-October, so the boiler and heating circuit must be checked and repaired in advance.

Qi Lei called Viagra again and asked him if he would be back at night.

Unfortunately, Viagra is going to the second-hand car market tomorrow. Peking University is relatively close, so I stay in a dormitory.

Ask Qi Lei what's the matter? Qi Lei said it was heating water.

When I heard Viagra, "Hey, stare at yourself!"

What a big deal he thought!

Then there is no way, Qi Lei can only go home and watch it at night.

I was poor with Viagra for a while, talking about his buying a car.

Viagra prefers Jetta, Qi Lei suggested that he get a small Xiali, saying that Xiali is more suitable for Viagra's temperament.

As a result, as soon as she hung up, Xu Xiaoqian called again.

She is eating with Yang Xiao and Tang Yi in the private room of the Internet cafe!

Qi Lei also looked for the cafeteria, and the two of them ate while talking on the phone, basically nothing serious.

Xu Xiaoqian talked about their holiday on October 1.

Qi Lei talked about the establishment of the young eagle class at the school, Li Hanhan's cleaning with the female players in the morning, Zhou Xiaohan's appointment of him on stage at the music festival, and the need to stare at Sheung Shui in the evening.

It's amazing.....

I used to think that the lives of rich people and those who control major events are busy with luxury cars and dinners, all in suits and ties, and everything is big business, big strategy, international people's livelihood, and so on.

But at that point, life is still trivial.

Talking on the phone with Xu Xiaoqian, there is nothing to force Guerman to operate, it is still around, "baozi", "washing hands" and other ambiguous little secrets, it is still the vulgarity of kissing me to the end.

Moreover, Qi Lei also showed what he has learned newly from Kou Zhongqi.

"It's okay to laugh more..."

Xu Xiaoqian sighed exaggeratedly, and sighed in a low voice, "Oh... some people are not around and can't laugh!"

Qi Lei, "That's too much laughter."

When Xu Xiaoqian heard it, she knew Qi Lei hadn't suffocated her fart, and asked, "Why do you say this all of a sudden? It's not normal to care!"

Qi Lei, "Because happiness creates sorrow."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Huh?"

With a question mark in my forehead, I didn't want to understand, "The extreme happiness produces sorrow? Qi Shitou, you actually expect me to "live sorrow"? You want to die, right?"

Qi Lei smirked, "Yes! I'm looking forward to you, Le Ji Sheng (cup)."

Xu Xiaoqian began to ponder, "The extreme happiness produces sorrow...the extreme happiness produces there any special meaning?"

Qi Lei, "Slowly figure it out!"

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang didn't know where he came up from, "Brother, what is the meaning of happiness and sorrow?"

Qi Lei's face turned dark, "Are you scary? Are you scary? What is the kid asking!?"

Zhang Yang refused to give up and said, "You are wrong! You are very wrong! Extremely happy....Sorrowful?"

Qi Lei was annoyed, and just finished eating. He packed his lunchbox and said, "You don't need to be promoted, your house is all ‘G’."

As soon as he said G, Zhang Yang immediately became acquainted.

"Oh fuck! Is it such a Le Ji Sheng Cup? How big is it? C or D?"

The movement was not small, drew strange eyes from all directions in the dining hall, and the embarrassed Qi Lei fled.

Zhang Yang chased after him, "Brother, you are not right!! How do you know that Sister Kou is G? Oh fuck! Brother studied it!?"

Qi Lei wanted to strangle him.

Is it special? You said it yourself, I will study your uncle!

Brackets: Past life! !



The days of jifeigou jumping did not end like this, because in the afternoon, the freshman military training went back to school.

Waiting for the military training to come back, Qi Lei is quite boring, and he is chatting with Coco Li!

She was about to go out with Zhou Xiaohan, Qi Lei checked the time, "Do you need me to send you off?"

Coco Li replied, "No, just take a taxi! This time the labor fee is very high, so it can be wasted."

Qi Lei didn't insist, and asked them what time they should return. It was too late to pick it up. And told her that the chances are running out. When Viagra's car is bought back, all the work will be Viagra's.

Li Cowen heard, "That's a pity, I'll be back at six or seven o'clock, so there is no need for your courtesy!"

Qi Lei smiled, "Then you have no chance with Big G in the future."

Coco Lee, "Cut! Who is so rare?"


After three o'clock, the military training was almost back, and Qi Lei went to the north gate to meet them.

When Peng Ye, Chuang Ge, Xiao Dongli and the others got off the bus, it was obvious that they were all blacked out.

The first thing to do when you get off the bus is to surround yourself and clean up Qi Lei and Chen Wenjie.

What's more, for the ecstatic who has been tortured in the past half month, Qi Lei is good, and enjoys the blessing at school.

As for Chen Wenjie, even though he had only returned two days earlier, in their eyes, he was also a traitor.

However, when I returned to the bedroom, I saw the spotless environment, as well as the coke, fruits, and snacks prepared by Qi boss, and immediately took another bite of "Brother Stone!" "Brother Stone is mighty!"

There is no morality at all.

Even the vigorous little Dong Li began to become slick.

Everyone drank Coke, gnawed chicken paws, turned on the computer, and reported the news of brother's return with the female netizen in the distance.

Bragging about the mountains, 418 suddenly returned to the previous two-force days.

This made Qi Lei a little dazed, he was almost schizophrenic.

For a while, I wondered how those domestic and foreign bigwigs calculated him, and for a while, I enjoyed the heartless college life...

Is this the life of people?

Do not!

This is the life of the gods!

Peng Ye talked about interesting things about military training.

For example, the girl squadron blocked the toilet in the barracks because of throwing aunt's towels. In a rage, the instructor pulled a half-night emergency assembly.

The gang of soldiers really didn’t give any face. They talked about the problem of aunt’s towels in front of the boys for half an hour. As a result, Peng’s head was full of aunt’s towels for a few days. Don't have auntie's towel in it.

For another example, the girls' barracks in the Department of Arts and Arts was on the first floor. One day, the windows of the water room were forgotten. When a fierce girl entered the water room, she took off the camouflage clothes. She was seen by a certain animal, and it was the night Chen Wenjie left.

I regret that the fake foreign devil is embarrassing, "You guys see the Tianer Literature and Art Department downstairs! I know that there is a big silly girl who has to show up, huh, missed it!"

Around the age of twenty, they are all experiential schools.

Every experience, no matter whether it is bitter or sweet, is always a laughing matter after the storm. And vividly, there is no shortage of listeners.

In the meantime, Brother Buy is going to the corridor to call his girlfriend. The IC phone is installed at the stairway. Calling during the military training is very troublesome. I can’t get the time for the collective release. I usually have to ask for leave from the instructor, just like being a thief.

Qi Lei handed him the phone directly, "Is it troublesome, isn't it?" Everyone was happy, and it would be boring if Brother Buy left.

Brother Mai is a bit embarrassed to pick up. These days, it's very expensive to call on a mobile phone.

Even Peng Ye said, "I know that your family is rich, but it's not the trick."

If you call Xinjiang, you don’t need to say anything about buying brother, ten minutes will cost more than ten yuan for the telephone bill.

Qi Lei said, "We just want to listen to the voice of my sister-in-law, right?"

As soon as he said that, everyone stopped insisting, and instead rushed to buy brother to call with his mobile phone! !

As a result, after talking on the phone for more than half an hour, my hands ran out of power. Buying brother answered shyly, and everyone was booing on the side and acting as a wingman. Especially Xiao Dong Li, 418 was just a bachelor, but he called my sister-in-law, just like his friend, so positive!

After hanging up, Brother Buy felt that it took a long time. "How much do you get? I'll give it to you."

Qi Lei waved his hand, "Don't talk about it, it's useless!"

Seeing that it was past five o'clock, Qi Lei greeted Dong Li to call him back to Jian Beiyuan. Dong Li also had to go home and stare.

Others should eat, sleep, and sleep. Brother Chuang went to find Shi Yinping, and took Yinping back to the bedroom to play on the computer just after eight o'clock.

Qi Lei and Chen Wenjie both entered the young eagle class, and the school gave each a dormitory computer.

Originally it was not used, he and Chen Wenjie both had computers.

But you're not welcome. If you are willing to match it, you deserve it? In this case, there were originally four computers in bed 418, plus two, just one man. Achieve 100% popularity.

For those who don't have a computer, Brother Chuang and Brother Buy are naturally very happy.

Brother Chuang just came back in the afternoon and brought his girlfriend over to show off in the evening...

Chen Wenjie has gone to the young eagle class, and after an appointment with someone to discuss the decoration matters after dinner.

Around half past eight, a ringtone came from Qi Lei's desk. Brother Chuang just remembered that in the afternoon, Brother bought the battery to fight, and Qi Lei just threw it on the table to charge it, and didn't take it when he left.

Brother Chuang was playing games with his daughter-in-law, and the phone kept ringing, "Master Peng, take it!" Master Peng didn't think much about this. Most of them belonged to Qi Lei's family.

When I picked it up, it was a Beijing number.

As soon as I answered it, on the other side of the phone... Zhou Xiaohan panicked and shouted, "Lei Qi...Help!"


Zhou Xiaohan and Coco Lee have encountered difficulties...

In the afternoon, the two people attended a sales commendation meeting of a large company. After the event, they had to return to school.

However, several sales leaders of that company said nothing to leave. We want to have a meal together.

This is a big customer. In addition to the sales department, such as the factory, technical department, general affairs, etc., this small year's activities have been given to Zhou Xiaohan.

It was difficult for the two to refuse, so they could only accept it reluctantly.

After all, it’s a bit disgusting to accompany such company leaders to have a meal, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

Just go and chant, after all, it is a well-known large company in China, and it is more formal even if you eat.

It's just on the way to the hotel.... The brokerage eldest sister suddenly reminded Zhou Xiaohan in a very concealed manner, "Hurry up as soon as you can get out of here!"

"Not at ease!"

Zhou Xiaohan panicked when he heard that, "Sister, don't scare me! Just have a meal?"

The broker hates that iron can't make steel, "Sister sees a lot! Doesn't you understand things better than you? Looking at those male salesmen, I didn't feel at ease at first sight!"

"Listen to me, run as long as you can! I always feel that these little supervisors are not quite right."

"I brought you out, sister can't let you suffer!"

Zhou Xiaohan was scared and silly at that time, Zhou Xiaocao went online!

In the car, he told CoCo Coun secretly.

Coco Lee was also a little confused, she had never encountered such a situation. , "We will say it's inconvenient to get off the car then... let's go first?"

As a result, when I got out of the car, several salesmen almost pushed them halfway, and brought them to the dinner table! You can't go if you want to go.

In the end, it was the big sister of the broker who was high-minded and secretly stuffed Zhou Xiaohan's cell phone, "Call someone to pick it up! When friends come, they won't dare to be presumptuous!"

So, Coco Lee's first thought was Qi Lei!


Peng Ye can't find Qi Lei now! When I heard Zhou Xiaohan's tone, I thought it was over!

Panicked, he called Dong Li's paging and contacted people who had a good relationship with Qi Lei to see if they knew where Qi Lei's home was.

The only person who could be found was Jiang Yao, who had eaten together before and stayed for paging. In the end, Dong Li didn't reply, but Jiang Yao did it very quickly. As soon as I heard that Coco Lee had an accident? Can't find Reviver yet?

"Do I know where his house is? Why don't you wait for a fart!? Go ahead and talk when you see someone!"

Jiang Yao is still sober, who knows when he can find Qi Lei? Let's talk about the people who saw Coco Li and Zhou Xiaohan first!

When Master Peng heard this, he could only do this. Now Xu Peng, Ahemat, Feng Chuang and Shi Yinping act now! Reunited with Jiang Yao, a total of five people drove a car and drove to a high-end restaurant near China World Trade Center.


In the taxi...

Brother Chuang and Lord Peng are still a little bit Liushenwuzhu, after all, they are still students. I just heard about this kind of thing, and they encountered it for the first time.

His face flushed a little, and his head was dull and silent.

Shi Yinping was also very nervous, clenching Feng Chuang's hand tightly, forgetting how hard he had exerted.

It was Jiang Yao, although his eyes were a little red, he was still calm.

She belongs to a typical old lady in the northeast, she usually drinks and drinks in a daze.

Encounter something... even more stunned!

As soon as the taxi stopped, Miss Jiang jumped off the co-driver and sat backward and said, "Pay!"

Then he killed him aggressively! !

When Lord Peng paid the fare in a hurry, everyone chased in, Jiang Yao was already in the private room.

Miss Jiang pushed away...

Murderous! !

"Yo! Minwen is looking for you!"

A few steps forward, pulled in front of the two girls!

I saw...

On Nuo Da's wine table, there were eight men sitting around them, just two women, Coco Li and Zhou Xiaohan.

At this time, Coco Coco Lee's face was flushed, her eyes straightened, and she didn't know how much she had drunk.

Zhou Xiaohan was crooked on Coco Coco's handrail, flushed and blurred. Even the body was already a little swayed. I guess I drank more than Coco Lee!

But even so, Zhou Xiaocao still stood in front of Coco Li, dealing with an old man who was persuading him to drink.

"Brother Li.... We have to go back to school soon, I'm really sorry..."

"Don't embarrass Minwen."

The old man called Li Ge, licked his yellow teeth, "Xiao won't give Li Ge face anymore."

"Don't talk about anything else, is Brother Li interesting enough for you? Imagine all the activities, when did I not look for you?"

"Didn't we find other hosts? Even we imagine that there are no such talents in the company!"

"The reason why I have been using you is that it is not easy for your students. It will increase your income a little bit."

"Why is it so disappointing to have a meal? No one wants to find you in the future."

"Yes, yes," Zhou Xiaohan shook, gritted his teeth and insisted: "We are not right, but Wen Wen really can't drink anymore..."

"So... can I do it for her?" He slapped the table, "Stop talking! Double it! Isn't it enough to save Brother Li?"

Talking, holding a wine glass, and going to pour it down with his eyes closed, Zhou Xiaohan's mind was stunned!

She knew that after this cup, she would be gone! But it doesn't work! ! Coco Lee was brought out by her!

If something happens, Zhou Xiaohan hangs herself!

Take a deep breath, a little bit like death!

It's just that the wine glass hasn't touched his lips, and a slender arm suddenly stretched out next to it, and the glass was straightened.

Take advantage of it! Stopped in front of Zhou Xiaohan with a smile: "We can't drink anymore, what are we doing?"

Zhou Xiaohan saw Jiang Yao, and his body collapsed immediately! The forehead knocked on Jiang Yao's back...

I'm drunk!

This is definitely Zhou Xiaohan's hardest time! It's not easy to survive now.

Brother Li, who was advising the wine, discovered that there were a lot of people in the box.

Pausing briefly on Jiang Yao's face, he looked behind her! Four students were found behind him, and there were no familiar faces.

After frowning briefly, he smiled contemptuously at Jiang Yao, "This little girl is..."

Seeing Jiang Yao barking her teeth, she handed Zhou Xiaohan's back into the hands of Brother Chuang and Ye Peng without a trace, and helped him to sit on the sofa aside.

With a smile: "Brother Li, come we are so embarrassed by our two little sisters."

Li Ge immediately said with a stern face, "Don't talk nonsense, you little girl! Who is embarrassed?"

Around the hands, a group of old men jokingly laughed, "It's just a normal meal."

"If you don't believe me, ask them two? But there is nothing inappropriate."

Jiang Yao gave him a white look, and to be honest, she knew that Zhou Xiaohan had to count on others to send a job to earn extra money. It's not good to rip off Zhou Xiaohan's face directly. Otherwise, just the character of Sister Jiang?

Early big ear scraping passed! She doesn't care how bad it is!

Hard to suppress anger, good talk. "Brother Li...we are all students, do you hold up your hands?"

Looking at Coco Coco Lee and Zhou Xiaohan who were already confused, "They really can't drink, so I will take her back."

When he said something, he would pull Zhou Xiaohan and Coco Li to leave.

Then of course Brother Li didn't do it, and sat down there, "I'm going to go like this...then we can't wash away even if we jump into the Yellow River."

Others also immediately chilled. Someone closed the box door without a trace!

Brother Li sneered, "Little really can't leave like this."

"Let's make this clear. If you let you go like this, it will spread out as if we bullied two female classmates and what happened to them."

Jiang Yao is very happy! I can’t care about Zhou Xiaohan’s extra money. "Then what do you want? Call the police?"


Brother Li choked for a moment, but he didn't expect the little girl to speak so aggressively.

Squinting his eyes, "Little are young, I am not as knowledgeable as you, you are not what you did!"

"Let's do can call your teacher, or a classmate who you can trust!"

While speaking, he took out his cell phone, "My phone can be used for you. Let's make it clear in person."

"We also want fame."

Jiang Yao frowned, a little speechless, just to make things difficult, right? I just won’t let go, right?

Still calling? Can this call be made? Can't fight!

The trustworthy Qi Lei can't find anyone!

Are you really looking for a teacher? Then don't think about going back to school tomorrow!

Staring at that surnamed Li! Jiang Yao was a little angry.

Don't let go, right? it is good! The old lady is not leaving yet!

Jiang Yao's vigor is coming up! No one can stop it!

"Okay! No need to call, we have a friend on the way, he will be there soon!"

Brother Li frowned when he heard it!

on the way? That's good! !

On Jiang Yao's side, he asked Brother Mai to hold Coco Li to the side.

"I understand what Li Ge means..."

"That is to say, someone will take us away..."

"Either... you have to finish this meal?"

After Li Ge heard it, "Of course it's best to finish this meal, don't worry!"

I was also afraid of Jiang Yao's thoughts, "Brother just wants to get back some face, so I definitely don't embarrass you. I really drank too much. Brother personally sends you back to school."

As he spoke, his eyes floated to the wine glass on the table. Means, you have to drink!

A few people take a look...

Hehe, Miss Jiang laughed...

Behind him, Brother Mai and Shi Yinping also touched their mouths unconsciously...


Jiang Yao gritted her teeth, in pain, as if she was afraid...and embarrassed.

"Waiter!! Bring up a chair!" As soon as these words came out, Mai Ge and Shi Yinping went forward and went to the table....

"How about.... add two more."

Brother Li was happy, "Okay! No problem!"

Glancing at Feng Chuang and Xu Peng, "You two lads, do you want to... together?"

Xu Peng and Feng Chuang saw that these three were sitting on it?

He grinned, "Thank you, big brother....No need."

Brother Li didn't give too much, "It's okay, you won't come if you don't come, and it won't be too late to come up later."

After finishing speaking, focus on Jiang Yao, "Little girl, what do you call it?"

Jiang Yao waved her hand, "It's useless to ask! You can't remember it for a while!"

Brother Li was startled! I didn't understand what it meant...but I didn't think about it so much. He didn't want to know if he didn't say it.

He smiled, "We are all running sales, but we don't just have to eat, we have to drink."

Jiang Yao, looked around... "Drinking?... Then I can't."

Brother Li, "It doesn't matter, just drink it!"

Jiang Yao blinked her big eyes, "Then I dare, how would you like to drink it?"

Brother Li handed forward the little wine glass of seven coins that Zhou Xiaohan had just put down... "Then..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yao said, "It's too young! Let's hurry up! The waiter can find us a big cup?"

Brother Li was stunned, and then laughed, "I don't understand the little girl... I'm getting drunk with a big cup!"

Jiang Yao suddenly cast a wink at Brother Li, "Get drunk fast... better isn't it?"

Brother Li: "..." I almost missed it!

Just Jiang Yao's little beauty, winking at you on the wine table...who can stand it.

He didn't come for beauty, otherwise he would have to make mistakes.

Shaking God, "Then...then...the big cup?"

"Go to the big cup!"

The hotel’s goblet, if you drink white wine... one or two and a half, three or two, or four or two, nearly half a catty.

There were three or two cups that came up. When I looked at the big cup, I counted the people on the table.

I looked at the four Moutai bottles on the table again...

"Waiter, four bottles of Moutai!"

Brother Li shivered! Staring at her eyes, she said to her heart that this little girl, do you know how much a bottle of Moutai is? But after all, he didn't hesitate, and motioned to the waiter, if she wants it, give it to her!

The wine came up, opened it... Jiang Yao started it herself, filled two cups, and pushed it in front of Brother Li.

"Come...Brother Li! Let's make a mistake first, let's respect you three first!"

"Three..." Li Ge's whole body is not good!

Haven't waited for him to speak! Jiang Yao raised her neck! It's done!

The scared brother Li did not stare out!

Did you drink like this?

Just thinking about it, Jiang Yao was full for the second time, looking at him with a cup of grinning!

Three-two cups, one cup is three thirds!

Brother Li looked at the big cup a little frustrated, and said to his heart that being young is really good! Daring is so big!

Git your teeth! drink! He is not without alcohol.

One cup dries up, and the fever starts from the throat to the stomach.

Before he could catch his breath, Jiang Yao, "The second one!"

Guru! !

Brother Li: "......"

Bite the bullet and follow...

"The third!"


Brother Li stopped playing.

Fuck! He has a quantity, but he doesn't drink like that! Who won't fall for such a drink?

But the little girl is watching you there! Brother Li has to drink if he doesn't drink.

I really pinched my nose and poured it down.

Jiang Yao, "Brother Li has a good drink! Come... I will toast you three more..."

"Don't!" Quickly waved his hand, Li Ge stared at his eyes: "You, you, you, you, are a contestant, right?!"

The tongue is a bit knotted! Jiang Yao was really confused.

Regarding this, Miss Jiang curled her lips, "Okay! Then you take it easy."

Tap the table! Eyeballs are round!


Great lords, look at me, I look at you...

To be honest, it was a bit scared. It's so scary!

But... it's just a little scared!

To be honest, Jiang Yao is a little bit too big, still too young!

After all, She Shi did not feel that she was invincible after drinking a class?

As everyone knows, which one is the straw bag on the wine table? No matter how bad it is, there is still half a catty of alcohol, otherwise what do you do for sales?

Besides, there are eight people on Manager Li's side! She has to pick eight each?

And there are still experts in it...

At this time, a 30-year-old Xie Dingman came from the side, smiling very kindly, "Little girl, our manager Li is a little tired."

"Should I have two drinks for him?"

"Okay!" Jiang Yao was full of vigor, always rejecting those who came, "I respect you three cups!"

The corner of Xie Ding's mouth twitched, and he had to sigh, this little girl is really a bit drunk, and only three cups with his mouth open!

But Xie Dingnan was not afraid, and really went three with Jiang Yao!

It's just that the tip of my nose is sweating other reaction.

He is really capable, and if he drinks normally, Jiang Yao is not necessarily an opponent.

It's a pity that Jiang Yao hasn't noticed yet, "Good drink!! Let's..."

The words didn't finish.... Brother Mai stretched out his hand behind him and took Jiang Yao directly behind him.

Jiang Yao who got in a trance, what are you doing? My mother is invincible!

It's a pity that Brother Mai didn't look at her at all, and handsome smiled at the salesmen, "The little girl is ignorant, so let him slow down?"

Your managers can slow down, so can we slow down too?

When Xie Dingnan listened, it didn't matter!

There are eight managers on their side! How do you slow down as you go! It's hard to say if you can't slow down.

Still smiling: " come?"

Buying brother laughed, "I'll do it..."

"The waiter.... four more bottles."




Manager Li's eyelids are a little twitchy! That's Maotai... But at this point, the distress has to be maintained.

I can only hope that the one on the road can hurry up!


Brother Mai and Xie Dingnan are not like Jiang Yao's drinking method, you have a long stream of water.

But no matter how long the water flows, it is still a big cup of twos and threes. When the sixth cup is reached, it is to dry the four new bottles to the end.

Xie Dingnan persuaded...

As a result, plus the fight with Jiang Yao, he walked nine cups! Only half an hour before and after nearly three catties of wine! Iron man can't stand it either.

Secondly, he found that the guy in front of him was really powerful, not screaming like Jiang Yao...

There is also a little sweat on the tip of the nose, everything is as usual!

Brother Go Mai picked up the seventh cup...Xie Dingnan stopped moving, "I'll be slow."

Brother Buying didn't force him, he still bared his teeth and smiled, "Next!"

The next one is a bit imaginary...

Xie Ding Lao Zhao is the best drink among them. Although I haven't counted the amount yet, I've gotten him out of it.


But once gritted his teeth, he knew the purpose of today! Bite the scalp too!

Besides, there are five or six people on their side, and the students on the opposite side can only fight this little boy and the previous girl.

I still don't believe it, can't take you down?

Wheel of War also dumbfounded a few little kids.

So, the next one, with the mentality of "sharing blood", fought two with Brother Mai...

Go straight to the table.

"The next one!"

Brother Mai drank eight cups!

Three and eight, twenty-four, two and a half catties, right? Almost there?

The next one, take a look...Go on! !

Fill this out, even if I complete the task!

It's a pity that the buyer wants the next one, but some people don't do it. Shi Yinping said, "Slow down, let me go!"

Brother Mai was stunned. He heard Brother Chuang say that Yinping's house is a wine shop, and there is a lot of money. But I don’t know how much to buy.

Somewhat uncertain, "Can you do it?"

Shi Yinping whispered sweetly, "Buy brother, don't worry."

Okay, Brother Mai no longer insists, "You...look at it, I worked hard, and I should still be able to drink another eight glasses."

This is for Shi Yinping to confess, let her watch, don't be aggressive.

Jiang Yao blushed and confessed to Yinping, "One catty! No problem!"

Manager Li, who pretended to be dead next to him, heard it! Almost never gave up!

He is strange! Are kids so fierce now? Is it still a human?

I began to pray in my heart, this new girl is not a huge mass...

Put all eight of them down, and you will have a lot of fun today!

Still calculating there!

There are five left on their side... one of them is good for drinking, one catty is no problem, the others are scum, half catty players!

Thanks to Lao Zhao, there should still be a catty...

I should still have half a catty to a catty.


Is it enough?


Then Manager Li was dumbfounded! Even Brother Mai and Jiang Yao are dumbfounded! Because Shi Yinping killed it all alone!

The last five! Go under the table!

Yinping just turned around and wiped her mouth...


Where is the next one?

The next ones have to be the slower Manager Li and Old Zhao Xie Ding.

The two looked left and right...

Manager Li suddenly tilted his head! I will slow down!

Xie Ding Lao Zhao had no choice but to bite the bullet! !

While clinking glasses with Yinping, while persuading...

"Girl.... Slow down, slow down."

"Ah! You can't drink like this! It hurts! You'll know when you get older!"

"It hurt Yun Zhongle!"

"Come, come.... Have an order! Have an order!!"

"Shun Shun..."

Yinping was baring her little white teeth, "It's okay, uncle... in our village..."

"Admitted to college, put a hundred banquets..."

"The whole village respects, and A-da doesn't talk about Karma."

Xieding Lao Zhao: "!!!"

wanna die!

Who are these people?

Eight people have never drunk three young people...

Finally, Lao Zhao poured it in the second It was considered to be out of standard, but there was no way, the wine gall was gone, and I couldn't drink it anymore.

Only Manager Li is a polished commander!

Bite the bullet! Fortunately, the door of the box was pushed open before it collapsed. Qi Lei arrived in time! !

Manager Li almost didn't cry! Seeing Qi Lei is better than seeing his son! The heart said: What do you do! Why did you come here?

He immediately slapped the table and changed his previous style: "Little girl film! Give me a drink! No one can leave without drinking!"

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei glanced at him contemptuously.

Huh! Is your acting good?

But there is no time to care about him...

For the first time, I looked at Coco Lee, Zhou Xiaohan, Jiang Yao Mai, and Yin Ping who were not awake....

Seeing the three of them blushing and cheering.

Look at other...

Table full of empty bottles of Moutai!


I puff! ! !

A mouthful of old blood came out!

Why is it all under the table?



There are four thousand words in the back, which have already been written. But.... I guess I must scold him to death.

Don't post it.

Tomorrow will be more frequent.

【Monthly Pass Coin Slot】

[Recommended ticket coin slot]

Thank you [Hu Lai Da Funny Mo] and [Little Eli Yi who likes to read] for the rewards! ! !

The boss is magnificent, the boss gets rich! ! The boss is so awesome!

73 Alliance! !

There are also two million rewards from [Bao Hijab Treasure], I’m not grateful for this.

As we've said before, don't reward the leader above, don't encourage it.

How nice is it for us to keep reading? When Cangshan needs it, he will brazenly ask what you want.

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