Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Where is the fairy? (1)

Dong Li is so depressed!

As an only child, he grew up spoiled and spoiled, and his rich family conditions gave him an inexplicable sense of superiority.

To put it bluntly, it's a bit too selfish. This is a common problem with many only-children born in the 1980s.

The only frustration during the growth period may come from the endless preaching and nagging of the parents.

Therefore, Dong Li eagerly wanted to leave the old guy and breathe in the free air of university.

However, after I came out, I found out, why is it different from what I imagined?

Since entering the capital, everything seems to be unsuccessful, and everyone is fighting against him.

Originally living in the dormitory made him very uncomfortable. If a house is not allowed to live, he will not be fresh for a day?

As a result, it was even more uncomfortable to share with Qi Lei in the same dormitory.

Yes, Dong Li hates Lei Qi, because of male instinct and many details.

For example, this guy’s house is bigger than his! This guy has a lot of friends around!

The most annoying thing is that this guy's parents seem to be more "sensible" than his old guy.

When I met each other that day, I was confident in my words and never said a bad thing about Qi Lei. Moreover, for things like being away from home, I am completely relieved and have no worries at all.

On the other hand, the couple of my own family can’t do without:

"Oh, my Xiaoli is young and naive!"

"Oh, so far away from home, what can I do!"

"Oh, he is not very bright, he will be deceived!"


Dong Li listened to one with two big heads.

What's the reason? Why is your old guy and mine not the same model? What a shame!

Especially now, with this situation, Dong Li is even more uncomfortable.

Dong Li, who has not been very gregarious since he was a child, has no friends.

He never thought that in college, there were other people showing up besides his parents. Not to mention cleaning, making the bed, this kind of treatment.

To be honest, he knew he didn't, and he didn't see others have it.

Seeing Qi Lei still have to be served by Coco Lee, I feel even more uncomfortable in my heart: I am so spoiled to be so spoiled?

Well, he doesn't want to admit that this is more of Qi Lei's friends. Even more reluctant to admit that this new roommate and him are two extremes.

He is withdrawn, but Qi Lei...

This grandson is "promiscuous"! !

Well, I think I’m so smart, that’s the word.

Besides, who is this long leg making the bed? relative? friend? Or... girlfriend?

Don’t you have a girlfriend? That man with short hair!

That girl, Dong Li was also very optimistic, but... Go back and think about it, Qi Lei's girlfriend? not good! The long one is not good! so ugly!

But, this is... so sweet and so sweet.

Dong Li has been lurking among the freshmen for the whole morning, and he didn't even find a goal. You actually have someone making the bed?

Okay, the above is the content that Dong Li was told by Zhou Xiaohan, and he could patch up his brain.

Thinking about so much, expression management is definitely not in place, and his mind flies out of the sky, holding a basin, neither working nor listening to the instructions of the seniors.

Zhou Xiaohan and Zhang Xianlong thought that Dong Li's child was quite honest, and when they said a few words, he shrank and regretted, and they were quite relieved.

As a result, in the blink of an eye you were in a trance?

An angry Zhou Xiaohan stomped his feet because of brain pain.

He grabbed the basin in Dong Li's hand, "Give it to me!"

Dong Li returned to his soul, "No need, no need! Senior sister, I am here!"

I saw Zhou Xiaohan's vicious look, "Believe! No! Pass! You!"

"Yes, myself!"

Dong Li's face collapsed, "Don't follow other people's words, you are also self-respecting!"


Zhou Xiaohan was convinced, and his self-esteem came out.

He grabbed a bag of washing powder from Qi Lei's cabinet, pulled it open and slammed half of the bag into the basin, and then stuffed it back viciously.

A word popped out, "What kind of weird work are you 418!?"

When Dong Li heard it, that's right, Qi Lei is a wonderful thing!

"Senior sister, what you said is right!"

Zhou Xiaohan: "???"

Lost, defeated! This child doesn't seem to have a good head.

Shut the cabinet door with a slam, can't you hide it if you can't provoke me?

Unfortunately, before turning around, Cocoon Lee, who was standing on the ladder, began to complain, "Can you put it a bit better, I just finished packing!"

Zhou Xiaohan immediately exploded and roared: "What does it matter?" Pointing at Qi Lei: "He has to make it like a pig nest in one day!"

I feel that the whole world is full of malice.

As a result, Dong Li added another sentence, "It makes sense!"

Zhou Xiaohan, "Shut up!"

Dong Li was aggrieved by her yelling, "People are helping you..."

Before he could finish talking, Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xue shouted out for Dong Li in unison: "Yes, myself!!!"

After roaring, I couldn't hold back a smile, it was too magical.

Zhou Xiaohan was also amused. Seeing Dong Li not crying or laughing, he reprimanded: "You are not allowed to speak dialects in Beiguang!"

Dong Li was puzzled, "Why? I like it!"

Do you care about this?

However, Qi Lei, who was hanging the mosquito net, explained to Zhou Xiaohan: "If the anchor tie is off the track, they will eat people."

Zhou Xiaohan was immediately excited, "Have you heard? This is a sensible person!"

But when I think it's wrong, why should I agree with Qi Lei?

"I bother!"

Chao Qi Lei is fierce, "You are not allowed to speak northeastern dialect!"

The lethality of the Tohoku dialect is greater than that of "de".

Qi Lei naturally knew about this and nodded sincerely.

"Hmm (ng)!"



Zhou Xiaohan squinted, on purpose, right?

"Will you give me another time?"

Qi Lei was serious and didn't mean to joke at all, "It's not (en)'s (ng) nasal sound, softly!"

"Does your language foundation fail?"

Zhou Xiaohan: "???"

"My old mother's Mandarin first-class class A!!!"

Qi Lei was shocked immediately, "Shouldn't that? The examiner fell asleep, right?"

"Your examiner just fell asleep?"

Qi Lei, "Since you are so confident, read it to me: um~~(ng)."

Zhou Xiaohan, "What pretend to be? Isn't it just ‘um’?"

The thieves standard read this time.

Qi Lei, "By the way, it's not bad at all!"

"Cut!" Zhou Xiaohan raised his chin proudly, which is rare to stop her? Pediatrics!

Qi Lei asked solemnly again: "So remember it? Abandoned school?"

Zhou Xiaohan blurted out: "Hmm!"

Zhang Xianlong: "..."

Wang Xue: "......"

Coco Lee: "..."

It's all right, you really have lost your studies.

Qi Lei: Yes!

Secretly called to get it done, there is no Dongbei accent that is not contagious.

After playing around, Qi Lei remembered something.

"By the way, I came to school a few days ago to see what you guys are busy talking about on the football field?"

He also changed the subject immediately, fearing that Zhou Xiaohan would be violent after the recollection.

It's still very useful, Zhang Xianlong heard, "Hey, you speak..."

I just wanted to say that it was about the music festival, but Zhou Xiaohan immediately stopped him, "Shut up!"

"No, nothing! Nothing!"

Qi Lei frowned, looking at you, it's not like nothing happened?

As everyone knows, when talking about the music festival, Zhou Xiaohan's little head is swiftly moving, and he didn't intend to let Qi Lei participate in this matter, knowing that it won't work!

Well, don't worry about hating Qi Lei, one thing they have a consensus on, that is:

This grandson is really capable, let him know about the festival, and then participate in it, then nothing will happen to Zhou Xiaohan, she doesn't want to be dominated by Qi Lei anymore.

Hold the basin quickly and go to work, "Clean up your bed!"

After Zhou Xiaohan went to work, Qi Lei asked Li Wenwen in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Of course Coco Lee can't hide from Qi Lei, "The music festival, the second."


Qi Lei understood it at a glance, and didn't mention it as soon as his eyes rolled.

As everyone knows, he is still afraid!

I have enough trouble, but I don't want to take work on him anymore.

And Zhou Xiaohan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qi Lei and Coco Li talked about other topics that were related to his hometown.

Zhou Xiaohan put a lot of energy into this music festival, and even people are tired and "deflated".

The main motivation is the desire to win. She has to let the school leaders, including herself, see.

She is no worse than Qi Lei, this festival will definitely surpass the previous one.

This proves that she is the best.

But I didn't want to. At this time, Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xue got together. They also knew Zhou Xiaohan's intentions, but there were different opinions.

Zhang Xianlong whispered: "Really not let him participate?"

For such a big event, of course, Beijing Guangxi has come up with a trump card lineup, and Qi have to admit that he is great.

"If he comes in, maybe there will be a turnaround."

Zhou Xiaohan frowned, "What's the turning point? What can he do with Li Changfa?"

After pondering for a moment, it seemed a little tempted, but finally denied the proposal, "Forget it!"

"If Li Changfa gets up again, I will ask Director Liao to file a complaint! If it doesn't work anymore, I will go to Old Dong! Is their logistics department deliberately choking their necks?"

When Zhang Xianlong heard this, he was a little anxious, "You should be careful, don't be impulsive! Don't forget, you are a student, even if you make trouble with Old Dong, you will suffer."

"Besides, if Old Dong can solve it, Li Changfa will not be so arrogant."

As the chairman of the student union, he still knows a little bit about school affairs. "After Wang Guanglin went in, he was also investigating Li Changfa's problems."

"It's just that Wang Guanglin did everything, and Wang Guanglin was also greedy for money. Li Changfa is just a deputy purchasing manager, basically nothing serious."

"The key thing is that now the logistics procurement depends on him, and Lao Yao waits for retirement, and he doesn't care at all."

"Don't say that the budget and equipment of the music festival are stuck with him, now the budgets of several colleges are stuck!"

"Old Dong has nothing to do with him, what are you mixing with?"

Zhou Xiaohan was anxious when he heard that, "That has to be! He doesn't pay, what should I do?"

The music festival has been around for two months, and the school didn't give a penny. It was completely relying on Zhou Xiaohan and the others to "use love to generate electricity."

There is one last month, and if you don't give me money, I really won't be able to play.

But it was Zhang Xianlong's mouth that was not something Zhou Xiaohan could get.

It involves the internal struggles of the Office of Procurement and Financial Management.

It is said that a new purchasing manager was arranged above, waiting for Li Changfa's wish to fail from the deputy to the normal position. It is strange that he can stop.

In this situation, let alone Zhou Xiaohan as a student, she is still too naive.

Seeing her unhappy, she took the initiative to change the subject, "What's so special, you can't kill Qi Lei for a big meal at noon?"

Zhou Xiaohan had a big heart, although he was not a silly eldest sister, but the jumper jumped quickly.

I didn't want those bad things anymore, and gave Qi Lei a ferocious look, "Must be killed!"

Then everyone started to discuss where to eat at noon.



Cleaning continued until noon.

In 418, it became the most peculiar scenery on the fourth floor of the man's bedroom. During the period, Zhou Xiaohan roared like a lioness.

It's not about admonishing Dongli, or scolding Zhang Xianlong.

Of course, the main goal is Reviver.

No way, this is definitely the most unjustified voluntary labor in their lives.

However, reluctant to return to reluctant, but the work at hand did not neglect at all, and Coco Lee did not agree?

With the concerted efforts of everyone, bed 418 is not just a new look, even the glass is wiped clean under the supervision of CoCo Co.

In the end, Qi Lei couldn't stand it anymore, "It's almost done, right? I can't bear to live in."

It's a pity that no one paid any attention to him, he was sulking!

Looking at the results of the morning, Wang Xue and Zhou Xiaohan cursed in their hearts: I didn't put such a lot of work in my own bedroom!

The key is...

If any handsome and cute schoolboy would recognize him, he actually gave Qi Lei a tolerance.


Finally, Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue became more and more deprived of their thoughts, and they finally broke out, almost snarling at CoCo Li almost in unison:

"Li Hanhan!!"

Coco Li looked at the bright and tidy 418 bed at this time and was satisfied, especially Qi Lei's bed, tidying up meticulously.

I was startled by the roar of the two of them, "What are you doing?"

I saw Zhou Xiaohan staring wide-eyed, and the upper eyelashes were about to connect to the eyebrows.

Pointing at Coco Li, "Why don't you pack my old lady's bedroom to this standard, the old lady will strip you off!"

Wang Xue was even more vigorous, "This semester's underwear is yours! Don't resist, you owe me!"

When Zhou Xiaohan heard it, oh roar? Not bad, why didn't I expect it?

"And mine!"




The nosebleeds of the male animals on the fourth floor almost didn't come out.

Between girls and girls... are they so fierce? As everyone knows, where is this? This gang of female wolves are more vigorous in private than this.

Zhang Xianlong didn't know where the magic touch came from, "Then what... do you want to help?"

Look at Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue, and look at Coco Li, and smiled, "Help can do it!"

Whether it’s stripping Cocoon Lee or washing his underwear, Chairman Zhang can barely accept it.





A group of little boys completely worshipped, an idol is an idol, and the chairman is the chairman! So smart!

Someone has instant enlightenment:

Oh fuck! This is the university! This is the taste of freedom!

Originally, Wang Xue and Zhou Xiaohan regretted it after they had finished talking.

I was a little embarrassed, but Zhang Xianlong came to say this and made the two of them amused.

I didn't see it, Chairman Zhang is not a good thing either!

Zhang Xianlong was about to vent his anger immediately.

But didn't want to, Qi Lei jumped out a sentence more ruthless than Zhang Xianlong.

"Li Hanhan, you step aside, I'll do it for you!"

Qi Lei likes to be passive, and it's not bad to be stripped.




Well, this is an expert.

Zhang Xianlong gave a thumbs up, "You are ruthless!"

When Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue reacted, the rags in their hands flew over.

"Go to **** you!"

There is one more thing in Qi Lei's original sin-a hooligan!

As for the other little boys on the fourth floor, they just had one idea at this time, confessing the names of Chairman Zhang and Qi Lei, and paying respects every once in a while, maybe it can be a little bit spiritual.

At this time, everyone understood another truth: university is just like that, death due to drought, and death due to waterlogging.


At noon, Qi Lei did not break his promise and invited everyone to dinner.

The only regret is that no one else has reported on Bed 418. With the exception of one Dong Li, Qi Lei has no chance to see what other roommates are.

Before going to dinner, Qi Lei knew in his heart that Dong Li was a kid with him, but he didn't take it seriously, so he still called him.

Dong Li wanted to go, "Senior sister is so pretty!"

However, I really didn't want to go to Qi Lei's dinner, so I refused decisively.

Be spineless! Resolutely not receive his small favors.

Qi Lei didn't force it, whether love will go or not.

Because I haven't applied for a meal card, I can't use the cafeteria to mess around, so I found a delicious and inexpensive restaurant outside the school.

Seven or eight people, seven or eighty yuan per meal.

Well, Zhou Xiaohan chose the place. After thinking about it all morning, he chose such a small restaurant. Nothing to do!

The main thing is that the students of this era are students after all, and their hearts are not so dark and their horizons are not so empty.

In their opinion, this kind of restaurant is already very high-end, enough to improve their lives.

After all, they are not Qi Lei and do not have to consider the issue of living expenses.

Zhou Xiaohan's monthly living expenses are only 600 yuan, which is quite a lot among students.

Zhang Xianlong only has four hundred yuan a month, so he has a good time.

There are no better restaurants, Qi Lei is also arrogant.

However, if it does go, it is not a question of expensiveness, but a question of character.

Perhaps this is the difference of the times!

Twenty years later, if any classmate, please eat a super meal, a meal in a high-end restaurant that costs 8,000 yuan, and it will be praised for a long time.

But in this era, if you come to eat a meal of hundreds of thousands of dollars... it is not necessarily a good reputation if you pass it back to the school.

Especially Beiguang now... is not as ostentatious as last year.


There was no story during the dinner, because Qi Lei still had a lot of things in the afternoon, so the food was a bit sloppy.

From entering the restaurant to exiting, it didn't arrive for an hour.

It made Zhou Xiaohan frantically complain, "No sincerity at all! Quite perfunctory!"

Regarding this, Qi himself felt that Zhou Xiaohan was right to complain, "Another day!"

"There is plenty of time another day, please have a good meal."

Zhou Xiaohan glanced at him scornfully.

Qi Lei, "..."

Seeing that Zhou Xiaohan stopped paying attention to him, he went to plot with Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xue.

They are now facing a very serious problem. They ran away in the morning, and the teachers in the department might be furious!

Go back now and wait to be scolded!

When he thought of this, Zhou Xiaohan felt a loss, and finally missed work for a long time, and returned to Qi Lei as a coolie.

"what should I do?"

Zhang Xianlong is obviously more courageous than Zhou Xiaohan.

Zhang Xianlong doesn't plan to go back.

"Fleeing for a long time is also scolded, and for one day, so..."

"let's talk tomorrow!"

Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue lit up, "So smart!"

"If you don't go, why are you going?"

Zhang Xianlong continued to think of a wise man, groaning, "I was tired all morning... and had a full meal, shouldn't it..."

As a result, Zhou Xiaohan understood right away, "Satisfied with warm thoughts?"

He immediately retreated with disgust: "Chairman Zhang, you are so mean! Your mind is too impure."

Zhang Xianlong was speechless as soon as he heard it, "Fairy Zhou, who is not pure?"

Staring at the eyeballs: "What do you think? I mean, I'm tired and sleepy, I want to go back to the bedroom for a nap!"

"Oh!" Zhou Xiaohan immediately shrank his neck, "So it turns out that's the case!"

Immediately happily: "Then I will go back to the dormitory too, take a bath, and take a nap!"

While speaking, he pulled up Wang Xue, and the girl surnamed Meng who was in bed 226 went away, but she didn't take Li Cowen with her.

He winked at Coco Coco Lee, "I won't disturb you, I'm full of warm thoughts**ha..."

The angry Li Coco wanted to silence, but Zhou Xiaohan chuckled and ran away.

When you are wrong with Qi Lei, you still don't forget to put up a ruthless sentence, "I'll clean up you another day!"


Qi Lei watched them leave in a daze, and said to his heart, why did he want to clean up me?

That's why Coco Lee asked with a serious face, "From the current situation, Zhang Xianlong and Zhou Xiaohan either fall in love with me, or they have enemies with Lao Tzu for jumping into a well with a child in their previous life."

"So, can you tell me what the **** is going on?"

From the beginning of the registration, Qi Lei felt wrong. Why did this group of people react so much?

In response, Coco Coco Lee couldn't laugh immediately, and the louder he laughed, so he simply squatted down.


"You're making a sheep into a tiger's mouth!"

Qi Lei, "???"

At the moment, Coco Lee explained to Qi Lei why the old students in Beiguang gritted their teeth at him, and why Zhou Xiaohan and Zhang Xianlong had such a big reaction.

"Let's put it this way, others won't mention it."

"Last semester, Zhou Xiaohan didn't have much class in various activities outside of school, as well as competitions."

"She is ready for all five subjects: language logic, communication, college language, English, and computer science."

"As a result, you came, and there was a fuss, and the old Dong was ruthless, hanging two subjects and not giving a diploma."

"Tsk tusk." Coco Lee slapped her mouth, recalling Zhou Xiaohan's tortured impersonal appearance last year.

"Oh, yes, there are papers! As a moderator, she is more than 5,000, ten thousand words more than others."

Qi Lei, "..."

Well, he didn't expect these at all.

"Is it so miserable?"

Coco Lee stood up, stretched her arms and waist with her hands on her back, and thought for a while, "It's miserable...I'm miserable."

However, Qi Lei pouted his lips without any guilt.

"Thank me for giving them a chance to experience."

He thought it was really because he had digged someone's ancestral grave in his previous life, or jumped into a well with Zhou Xiaohan's baby! So it's just such a thing?

"Little things!"

Coco Lee: "..."

Well, Qi Lei is still such an improper person.

The two walked into the school side by side, the summer sun, the dappled shadows of the trees, and the old school buildings, as well as the young men and women around them...

In such an atmosphere, it is difficult for people not to think about some ambiguous and youthful fantasies.

Coco Lee glanced at Qi Lei's profile and found that this guy had basically not changed for more than a year.

What is the age of sixteen, and what is the age of eighteen.

Somewhat in a daze, I remembered that in Qi Lei's yard that year, he separated himself from Er Baozi like a **** of war.

Thinking of him, wearing a white shirt, holding a guitar...makes her think this is very Baggio.

Thinking of the sock stand, he called himself stupid.

I remembered that he squatted on the podium, handing over school exam materials from various schools.

Remembering.... Before the Spring Festival that year, she jumped on Qi Lei's bed and put her hands and feet on the fire wall to keep warm.

The wall is hot, Qi Lei's smile is warmer.

Coco Lee suddenly discovered that the bits and pieces of the past have not become blurred with the passage of time, but have become clearer as if they were yesterday.


Coco Lee started to think again...

he came...

I came a year in advance, I shouldn't have come.

It's like being in a dream yesterday, but it appears in front of you alive today.

Even if you only get a little closer, you can feel the temperature and smell the good smell of him.

But he is here, why would a girl who is such a shrewd Xu Xiaoqian let him come again?

Should I forget the past, the taste...

Should I not hurt Xu Xiaoqian?

Thinking about...

Sister Hanhan is a bit lost again, Qi Lei is not hers, what meaning does she think these have?

Suddenly silly Jin came up again.

"By the way, let me tell you something!"

Qi Lei tilted his head to look at her, "What's the matter?"

When Coco Lee heard this, she was immediately anxious, "Speak Mandarin!"

"I finally got here, it doesn't smell like a big mess, don't let me go astray!"

Qi Lei, "Hmm! That's it?"

Coco Lee, "Of course not, there are other things that are very important!"

Qi Lei, "Say!"

But not wanting, Coco Coco Lee suddenly became silent.

I walked away for a long time, struggling several times...

Do you want to talk?

Be a brother! Like Yang Xiao and Tang Yi, "brothers of the opposite sex"!

I don't like you anymore! Don't worry about it, don't worry about Xu Xiaoqian.

But... I never said I like it?

Isn't it a bit of a silver-free three hundred taels here?

Speaking out, does he have a psychological burden?

so tangled.

Sister Hanhan started to replenish her brain again.

For a long time, it seemed that there was still no resolution to make, Qi Lei looked at her and felt tired.

"How go back and think again?"

When Li Coco was said by him, he looked at him straightforwardly, his expression stagnant.

For a long time, he said, "Okay!"


Qi Lei's head hurts.

Seeing Coco Coco Lee's signature smirk again, "I'll talk about it another day! Let's go, sister will take you to get the certificate!"

Qi Lei gritted his teeth, "Where is the finance department!"

What are you talking about?

It's uncomfortable to hang people.



The admission procedures for freshmen are quite cumbersome.

First of all, you have to pay the tuition and miscellaneous fees at the financial office. If you pay through the bank account, you must also get the receipt.

The main thing is this receipt voucher. Only when you take it, you can do the following things.

First, the school security office, hand in the residence permit.

In other words, starting today, Qi Lei is the collective household registration of Beiguang.

After getting the account, the next stop is the academic office to buy insurance.

It is the accident insurance and medical insurance for four years of university.

Later generations don’t know what kind of insurance, anyway, insurance is not mandatory in 2000, you can buy it or not.

However, this should be the insurance company's most conscientious policy. It's cheap, and it takes four years.

Originally, Qi Lei was prepared to buy insurance based on the principle of having the advantage and not being a fool, but it is not needed.

Because there is employee insurance!

From the academic department, the next stop is the academic affairs office, and the most important one is the academic affairs office.

Student ID, meal card, library card, etc., a lot of things.

Of course, in this era, there are many more impoverished families who cannot afford to go to university than in later generations.

Therefore, the process is different. As long as you take the poverty certificate issued by the street and file it at the school office first, you can skip the payment step and directly apply for enrollment and household registration.

There are no conditions, whether you can pay the tuition, whether it is a student loan, or other methods, these are all issues to be considered later.

Going to school first, the state is still in place.

In the afternoon, Coco Lee intends to help Qi Lei finish all these things.

The first stop is the Finance Department, in the comprehensive service hall next to the north gate.

When Coco Lee brought Qi Lei over, there was already a long line.

New students come to pay the fees, some are brought by old students. Of course, it is mostly boys and girls who have bad intentions.

The two were in line, chatting without a word, which attracted the new students and old students from the front and back to look over from time to time.

No way, Coco Lee is too eye-catching. Judging from the rate of return, this girl has been doing pretty well in a year.

As for Qi Lei, anyone who knows him can't wait to choke to death.


Where did the mountain cannon come from? Do you have to bring CoCo to go through the formalities? Very big man, not independent at all!

Coco Li asked Qi Lei casually at this time: "By the way, you come to Beiguang, what should Xu Xiaoqian do?"

Qi Lei felt that she was asking fresh, "What can I do, go to the third year of high school!"

Coco Lee was speechless, "Oh, no! I mean..."

Qi Lei, "You mean, is she rest assured? There are so many little fairies in Beiguang?"

Coco Lee, "What you said, I didn't mean that."

Qi Lei, "She has a big heart, I don't worry, it's that simple."


Coco Lee replied dullly, and said nothing more.

Lined up for half an hour, because Qi Lei’s tuition is bank transfer, so just get a receipt.

Li Wenwen's recovery speed is like knocking out the instant medicine. He came out of the financial department and pointed at Yuzhang, "The next stop, the security department!"

Bring Qi Lei to the security office to settle down.

This step is simple, no need to wait in line, just take the report card and tuition receipt, and hand in the hukou migration certificate.

However, when he arrived at the place and came to the window, Coco Coco found something was wrong again.

Qi Lei's process is different from when she first enrolled... why is it different?

Normally, just hand in the migration certificate and sign it.

However, the goods handed a migration certificate to the security department, and another certificate.

The registered eldest sister took a good look at Qi Lei, her expression was very strange.

Then, he pulled out his migration certificate separately and put it in a separate document bag. He handed Qi Lei another form for him to fill in.

Coco Lee glanced inadvertently, making him even more confused.

"Application Form for Employee Hukou Settlement"

What the hell?

After leaving the security office, Coco Lee was very curious, "What employee form did you fill out?"

Regarding Coco Lee's question, Qi Lei pursed his lips, "'s a bit complicated to say."

"Why... I will explain when I have time?"

One sentence or two is not clear.

Coco Lee frowned and suddenly realized that things were not so simple.

However, what Qi Lei said, "Okay!" I really didn't ask.

"Where is the next stop? The Academic Affairs Office? Or the Academic Affairs Office?"

The Office of Academic Affairs handles insurance, and the Office of Academic Affairs handles student cards.

Qi Lei pursed his lips again, "Well..."

"Where is the logistics office?"


Coco Lee was speechless again, "Why are you going to the logistics office? Then no student ID will be issued!"

Qi Lei, "Well, I won't apply for a student ID."

Coco Lee, "Don't do it!?"

Qi Lei, "Yes, don't do it."

"I do... work permit."

Coco Lee, "..."

Recalling the employee table just now, I found that my brain was not enough.

Simply sit on the steps at the entrance of the security office. After sitting down, I feel that it is not good enough. I looked at the big sun and moved a place with the shade of the tree.

I patted the location around me, "I think there is time now, let's talk about the work permit!"

Qi Lei had no choice but to sit down next to her and simply start from the insight model.

Finally, I talked about how his **** came and what was the purpose of the escort.

A full half an hour.

Coco Coco Lee from the beginning pretended to be calm, to the end with an open mouth.

" are not here to learn? You are here to teach my old lady to learn!?"

" are the manager of the logistics department now?"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "Probably... it can be understood that way."

"Depend on!"

Coco Lee raised his hand with a punch and hit Qi Lei on the shoulder, "You tease me, don't you!?"

What international joke? Irrational?

And Qi Lei just took it with a grin, hiding, teasing, "Ehhhhhhhh! Are there any rules? Dare to beat the teacher?"

The new students and old students in the distance looked in their eyes, but couldn't hear what was said and what was going on. This is anxious!

It's even worse, do you want to nodded? That's too much!

However, everyone did not notice. Not far away, a man in his thirties who deliberately hugged the Longines basic watch on his wrist with his trousers and leather shoes on his chest was also looking at Qi Lei not far away.

Moreover, with a hint of sneer.

Li Changfa has been standing here for more than half an hour. After the two young men sat down, they began to observe.

In fact, since Qi Lei entered the security office, Li Changfa, who was chatting with his colleagues in the household registration window, had already noticed him.

He came to the Security Department to deliver the budget report, and he fought back to redo it.

Originally, he didn't care about this matter. The report of the Security Office had to be financially reviewed before it could be in the hands of the purchaser.

However, recently he was fighting fiercely with Ma Hongyan, a clerk in the security department, and was delivered by the way.

And Ma Hongyan is the woman who just filled out Qi Lei's form.

When I saw Qi Lei's entry certificate, he immediately took a look at Li Changfa.

After Qi Lei filled out the form and went out, Ma Hongyan teased Li Chang and sent a few words, "Have you seen? Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!"

"Isn't this your little boss?"

"Ha, the young man looks very energetic!"

Although it was ridicule, it was very ear-piercing in Li Changfa's ears.

"Little boss..."

There have long been rumors that the Office of Purchasing and Financial Management will come to a new leader——

Eighteen years old! Northeast people.

Don't say you are 18 years old, it is 28 years old. The arrival of a new office manager in logistics is also a big news.

What's more, is such a magical new colleague? Eighteen... and it was directly airborne by the ministries and commissions!

This is the relationship above, and it is the kind that is hard to have friends and has an unfathomable background.

Otherwise, you can't explain how an 18-year-old young man who just went to university made his way to the sky and took the post of deputy director.

Not the background, what is it? It doesn't matter, what is it?

As soon as this news came out, it was of course the "Purchasing and Financial Management Office" that bore the brunt the most shocking and response.

This department is actually two parts, one is procurement, and the other is financial review.

The financial audit is independent of the financial department and is the department responsible for internal audit and cost accounting.

Saying big is not big, saying small is not small.

Because there is a high degree of overlap with procurement, so I merged into one office.

The deputy director in charge of financial review is managed by the office.

In other words: the head of this office is the purchasing manager, the next is a deputy director of audit and two deputy managers.

It is the logistics center, besides the integrated management office, the department with the most authority.

Wang Guanglin, the original purchasing manager, had been asked to accept bribes for the school's infrastructure projects, and he never decided on the new purchasing manager.

In theory, the purchasing office is temporarily managed by a deputy director and two deputy managers.

However, the deputy director of the financial audit, Zhao, is a lesbian, and the "government" addiction is not that big.

In line with the principle that nothing happens is a good thing, she never touches the purchase. Even her own audit work, she can push it.

Purchasing was a big hole anyway, and several died, she didn't want to fill the hole.

And Yao Guoyuan, another deputy purchasing manager, is in his sixties and is about to retire.

Anyone who has stayed in Guozi head units knows that this kind of old **** who is about to retire is the most difficult thing to do.

Yao Guoyuan is now a day of mixed thoughts, neither sinning nor causing trouble.

It's even harder to find him for things like taking advantage of it. In a state of cultivating immortals, wandering beyond the sky.

Only Li Changfa, young, wants to make progress.

In fact, Li Changfa is now the acting general manager of the purchasing office.

Moreover, both inside the office and colleagues in the logistics center know that once this wave of censorship has passed, Li Changfa will most likely be transferred from deputy to regular office, which is just short of the appointment above.

Purchasing manager work...Those who think do not dare to use it, and those who do not want to dare not do it. I really can't stand the temptation.

Li Changfa started from a buyer, and he had enough abilities. He would do whatever he wanted, and no one would grab this position with him.

What a thought, an eighteen-year-old man without hair fell from the sky!

Just say, what is Li Changfa's mood?

That psychological gap, don't mention it!

At this moment, watching the "little boss" sitting at the door of the security office flirting with the little girl, there was only a sneer left in my heart.

"Why three heads and six arms turned out to be a great mallet!"

I have imagined the appearance of a new manager countless times, and thought that he would be able to take the position at the age of eighteen. Maybe he was a mature and stable monster. I didn't expect it to be such a product!

Qi Lei naturally has to take it lightly.

However, Li Changfa is not so sloppy, and this picture alone is qualitative.

Anyway, it's not in a hurry, and there is nothing wrong with the "Procurement and Trial Office", so I just hugged my arms to watch the excitement.


Here, Coco Coco Lee had taken a long time to calm down and had to accept this fact.

Some people are destined to be excellent, surpass all people within the existing framework, and stand at the top.

And some people...excellent is no longer enough to describe, they are born to break your perception!

The mountain is piled up by him. When you climb to the top of the mountain and feel complacent, people are looking down at you in the atmosphere, looking stupid!

Qi Lei is obviously the latter.

"Don't spread it!"

Qi Lei smiled and looked at Coco Coco, as if he was climbing a mountain with you.

Very friendly...

"If I know everything, I won't be able to go to school!"

Coco Lee: "..."

"Are you still learning a fart? They are all leaders!"

Qi Lei, "Look, your consciousness is not high enough, right?"

There is nothing wrong with it, "Leadership is not the goal! To do what the leader should do, that is the goal."

Coco Lee, "..."

Did not understand!

Suddenly a question came to mind...

"You really want Xu Xiaoqian to come to Beiguang to go to school?"

Qi Lei, "What do you mean?"

A question mark in his forehead, "Why do you think of this?"

Coco Li, "Well, don't you become a teacher-student love? Betrayal!"

Qi Lei's face turned black, what kind of brain circuit is this special?

Stand up, "Lead the way, go to logistics!"

There was a joke in his eyes, "I heard an old man say that the people in the logistics office are very difficult to deal with, let's go see and see!"

Coco Lee bounced up, "go!"



The security office is on the side of the football field, next to the logistics property management center.

Qi Lei thought it was a few steps, but in fact, if it wasn't for Li Cowen to lead the way, he really couldn't find it.

Because the place he was going to was not the logistics center, but the logistics administration building, that is, the logistics management office.

It's over the North Gate, the building behind the Finance Department that I just visited.

If I knew that I would not go around this big circle, I would first go to the Logistics Management Office to join the job.

The two swayed and walked over there.

During the period, passing by Building No. 44, Liao Fanyi and Dong Beiguo of the Subject Construction Office on the second floor were smoking and relaxing by the window.

Still talking about Reviver!

Liao Fanyi watched Dong Beiguo's black circles have been dark these days, and he cared a little, "President Dong, I haven't rested well recently. You have to pay attention to your health!"

Dong Beiguo is not young, he is 65 years old.

As a result, Dong Beiguo took a big puff of cigarettes and was also a bachelor. "It's all that kid!"

Liao Fanyi was startled, "Has Qi Lei presented you with a problem again?"

After speaking, I was stunned.

Principal Dong only talked about that kid, why did I respond to him in the first place?

I only heard Dong Beiguo complaining, "He mentioned something about the Internet TV. I have been thinking about it for several nights, but I haven't figured it out thoroughly."

"No! I have to talk to him another day, don't you just fool me with a concept?"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

The two were chatting when they heard someone knock on the door. Before there was a response in the office, the people came in by pushing the door themselves.

When Liao Fanyi and Dong Beiguo saw it, they suddenly felt a sudden change in their hearts, and subconsciously greeted them, "Old man, why are you here?"

It was Chang Lanfang with white hair and a bad face.

In her eyes, Dong Beiguo is a junior, so naturally you are welcome.

There was a thoughtless sentence: "If you don't send it to me, I can only fetch the old lady by myself!"

Liao Fanyi was startled again, "Take it, what to take?"

Chang Lanfang was unhappy when he heard it, "Little Liao, what's your memory?"

"Didn't you say yes? Let the kid hand in the fifth stage paper to me! I have been waiting for months, and there is no sign of anything!"

"What's the matter? Is he enrolled today? Take me to find him!"

Liao Fanyi: "..."

Um! I haven't heard Qi Lei mention this matter, most of it didn't write it.

Because he knows that the kid is busy decorating the house recently, how can he have time to write a paper for you?

However, this cannot be said, the old lady Chang is not easy to provoke. If you say you didn't write, then this matter will never end.

Hurriedly said, "I don't know... I didn't see him."

"Yes, it hasn't been reported yet, right?"

"This bastard!" Mrs. Chang spread her hands, "Young people are not reliable in doing things!"

As he was talking, he glanced downstairs unintentionally.


That's not Qi Lei, who is it?

Downstairs, two young men and a woman walked side by side, and it was Qi Lei.

Chang Lanfang pushed the window open, "Little Qi Lei! Come up here for me!"

Qi Lei, this is beautiful, big summer, basking in the sun on the campus path, accompanied by the girl, talking and laughing...

Or on the way to become an official, how beautiful is this day?

As a result, the voice of the old lady Chang shocked Qi Lei.

Who is that? What about such a cripple?

Sweeping around, no one was found.

"Don't look for it! Here it is!"

Qi Lei looked up, "!!!"

Met the old lady Chang! If you are a jealous person, you can say that you are crippled, right?

"Then what! Grandma Chang... I'm going to school now, it's too late!"

"Talk another day!"

After speaking, just run away.

He really didn't write the paper, so what are you waiting for if you don't run?

To make Chang Lanfang angry, he knew at a glance that he didn't write, "You come back to me! Come back!"

Where's Qi Lei? Pulling on Coco Coco and running away, there was no sign in the blink of an eye.

When Dong Beiguo saw that he got into the complex building behind, he knew that he should have reported to the logistics office.

He said, waiting to see Qi Lei's excitement.

"Then what... Xiao Liao... You accompany Chang Lao. I have something to do. I'll be back when we finish."

After that, he went after Qi Lei.

Liao Fanyi took a look, you gave me this old evil star?

Sweep around, "Then what...Pang Lao? You chat with Chang Lao, I'll get some hot water!"

Think of Pang Qingfang, who is doing things honestly.

After speaking, he ran away without carrying a thermos.

Chang Lanfang: "...~"

Sit down to the next workstation, " one is reliable!"

"Yes!" Pang Qingfang echoed, "No one is reliable!"

He is the dean of the National People's Congress and he is transferred to Beijing and Guangzhou. He still has emotions!



On Qi Lei's side, after entering the administrative complex, he exhaled.

"Grandma's! I forgot to write a paper for the old lady Chang!

I didn't notice it, and there were three tails behind him.

Li Changfa came first, and Chang Lanfang was startled when Chang Lanfang showed up.

Although I don't know who Chang Lanfang is, she emerged from the Discipline Construction Office, and Li Changfa still knows.

This old lady has her own high popularity field.

Moreover, Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi are respectful and respectful next to him, and he is not blind. The relationship with this Reviver is not ordinary!

However, look at Qi Lei's flirtatious and squeaky way... I completely believe that this kid is nothing special, he is a little second-generation ancestor.

At this time, when Li Changfa saw Qi Lei entered the logistics, he knew that he was here to report.

So I stopped following, and went back to the office to wait.

After entering the office, he went gossiping with a few colleagues, "Guess what? I saw the little manager, and I will be there soon!"

"Look at it for yourself, laugh to death!"

After listening, everyone shook their heads and sneered.

Although there is no such great grievance as Li Changfa, but...

The trial office is handed over to an 18-year-old, and they all have to listen to this 18-year-old, and they have to have ideas as well.

What to do, wait for the little manager to come and give him another big gift by the way.


Behind Li Changfa is Dong Beiguo and then Liao Fanyi.

Dong Beiguo is watching the excitement, what an old naughty boy!

Liao Fanyi...

You can't watch Qi Lei's jokes!

He knows that the "procurement office" is now a mess, and Qi Lei will suffer.

At this time, Liao Fanyi caught up with Dong Beiguo and began to persuade.

"President Dong, you can do it! He can't handle it if he doesn't go out and pressure the place."

Dong Beiguo is not happy when he hears it, so what can I do to see the fun?

However, it's hard to say that I will just watch the excitement, so I have to perfunctory, "Look at it and say it again, look at it again!"

Don't say it, it really made him see the fun.


Qi Lei rushed into the complex in a panic, and happened to collide with a figure full of arms.

Zhou Xiaohan rubbed his forehead, and said to his heart, who? Not so long-eyed?

When I glanced at it, I didn't expect to meet this couple of dogs here, frowning immediately, "Why don't the ghosts go away?"

She came to the Interrogation Office to find someone to urge funding, and she ran into Qi Lei when she came down.

Coco Lee saw that it was her, and she was also curious, "Didn't you go back and feel it?"

Zhou Xiaohan, "Sister can't sleep! Come and try your luck."

"What if the grandsons of the trial office give money?"



Qi Lei and Coco Lee are a bit embarrassed.

Coco Lee remembers it correctly, the place Qi Lei is going to be the procurator, right?

Qi Lei is also speechless, is he so prestigious? They were all called grandchildren by a student.

And Zhou Xiaohan stared at Qi Lei and pulled CoCo Li's arm before he could let go.

"Roar!! Roar!"

Pointing to the junction of the two, he was taken aback, "What's the situation!?"

"Qi Lei, I know you are ruthless and unjust, you must love the new and dislike the old! But this is too fast, right? Let's go together!?"

When she screamed, the two separated like an electric shock.

Qi Lei, "Don't stop talking nonsense, just hiding from others!"

Zhou Xiaohan's eyes became rounder, "Still hiding!?"

Ambiguous smile: The soul of the eight seals burns: "What did you two do?"

Li Hanhan: "..."

Can't wait to find a seam to drill in.

In the chaos, thinking that Qi Lei also found a place anyway, he simply pulled Xiaohan last week and left.

"Walk around, go back to the bedroom and accompany me to sleep."

He gave Qi Lei a wink, meaning, you can report it yourself, you don't need me anyway.

And Zhou Xiaohan was so easy to send, being pulled by Coco Li, but pointing at Coco Coco’s hand, "Don't touch me with the hand that grabbed a man!"

Coco Lee wanted to strangle her, "Can you shut up?"

After leaving the complex, he looked serious, "Sister! Please, don't be kidding me!"

But it was Zhou Xiaohan who changed his previous bluffing and returned to normal. He glanced at Qi Lei who was flushed in the lobby of the complex and then said to Coco Li: "Silly? Don't you know who helped you?"

Coco Lee, "What can I do for you?"

Zhou Xiaohan: "Go! Go! If you don't take it for three months, my sister will look down on you!"

Coco Lee: "..."

Zhou Xiaohan's bluff didn't make Cocoon Li a little bit of joy, but he became nervous.

Coco Lee's stupid energy is not superficial, but in the bones, she is not so mindful.

Even Qi Lei's arrival, apart from instinctive surprises, did not give birth to any idea of ​​getting the moon first near the water, but it made Li Cowen a little nervous and uneasy.

The more others said so, the more guilty she felt.

Thinking of Xu Xiaoqian, staying in Shangbei alone.

I didn't want to sleep when I returned to the dormitory, and sat there for a long time. finally....

Li Hanhan felt that this could not be done, it was too boring, so I had to make it clear to Qi Lei!


Sister Hanhan was silly again, and she left a message to Xu Xiaoqian using qq.

"Xu Xiaoqian! Are you stupid? Why did you let him out!?"

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian, who had gone to self-study at night, sat in the Internet cafe for half an hour, but didn't want to understand.

What does Coco Lee mean?

Demonstration... or... temptation?

As everyone knows, sister Hanhan is really stupid, she really thinks so, she is anxious for Xu Xiaoqian!

Just the face of Qi Lei, the family, the level of excellence, plus he is still such an identity.

Countless little fairies would not mind having a "teacher-student relationship", and flies up like a fly.

If Qi Lei couldn't resist the temptation and parted with Xu Xiaoqian, how uncomfortable would she be?



There is one more chapter.

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