Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 186: The path connecting the present and the future (1)

The future is almost a magical era for people 20 years ago.

   People in 2000 can't imagine that just a hand-held mobile phone can manipulate the world, obtain all information, and even take charge of people's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

   It is even more incomprehensible, why the Internet era, which has been defined since the birth of the Internet in 1989, can subvert people's traditional cognition ten years later.

   Therefore, although Qi Lei's statement is reasonable and well-founded, a group of old scholars with an average age of 40 or 50 years old and famous in their respective academic fields can hardly be impressed by the 17-year-old in front of him.

   Look, this is the difficulty and inefficiency of transmitting information.

   Liao Fanyi, as a young man in his early thirties, thinks he is advancing with the times, but there are still many doubts.

   "Lei Qi, I have to admit that your analysis is logical and forward-looking. However, there is a big problem."

   Qi Lei only smiled, he knew where the problem Liao Fanyi was talking about.

   "You mean the speed of the Internet and the limitations of home networks?"

   Liao Fanyi nodded, "Yes!"

   This is indeed the problem Liao Fanyi said.

   "Even if the situation you said may happen, the two-way information transmission and divergent media model may become a reality in the future. But, what about time? How long is this future, have you thought about it?"

   smiled bitterly: "Before we came, we also did some homework. Even though the Internet is now booming in China, there is an indisputable fact that we are still in the infancy stage. It is not difficult to predict that we will be in the infancy stage for a long time!"

   "We now only have more than 20 million Internet users, and quite a few of them belong to Internet cafe users. The popularity of home computers is still far away."

   "This is a very real problem. Our country is not so rich, and the people are not so rich. Tens of thousands of computers are still luxury goods."

   "Under these conditions, is it a bit too ambitious to talk about the issue of network information after popularization?"

   "Of course, I don't mean that it cannot be forward-looking. It is necessary to do some preventive research. However, this forward-looking is also scoped."

   "Even if we predict the state of the new media 20 years from now, it makes sense."

   "But what if it's thirty or fifty years?"

   "I think the social form that you mentioned is popular among everyone, everyone is an information source, and all media is too far away. We will do it now, and it has no value."

   said Qi Lei gave a wry smile.

   still twenty years? Fifty years? You too underestimate China and the world too! !

   However, there is no alternative.

   Qi Lei can never tell Liao Fanyi that in only three or four years, electronic originals will usher in a cliff-like cost reduction, and the price of home computers will get lower and lower.

   He can't even say that after seven years, Apple and Android will officially enter the mobile Internet era.

   After fifteen years, a thousand-yuan smartphone, if calculated according to the current purchasing power, will cost 100 to 150 yuan, which is the price of a Walkman in 2000.

   Unfortunately, these are all messages that cannot be conveyed, and no one believes them.

  Even if Qi Lei took out the big data of Three Stones, it would not be convincing.

  Because the data of any Internet company cannot foresee the explosive development in the future, let alone those "laymen" who have no knowledge of the Internet industry.

   Even people in the industry such as Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong cannot accept the speed of Internet update iteration in Qi Lei's mind.

   Yes, let alone them, even the governments of later generations did not expect the information age, such an era.

  So that the establishment and research of some online media-related disciplines were relatively late, and everyone did not respond.

   However, Western countries have a natural advantage in this regard.

   As soon as I started, people’s Internet development was earlier than that in China, and the accumulated experience in this area cannot be compared.

  Secondly, the application of media studies under the democratic thinking of Western countries is partly interoperable with Internet media thinking. The method they later used on the motherland was the dark side of the bipartisan elections that they had played for hundreds of years.

   Smearing, reversing right and wrong, psychological warfare, public opinion warfare, digging for illicit material to cause stumbling, weakening attention, cultural blockade, etc.

   Even if you have seen it again and again, you still can’t even understand.

   To tell the truth, you can’t understand if you want to take hostages by gangsters; you can’t understand even if you talk about the indispensable XJ cotton. You can’t understand when you stare at you and say that the new crown came from you.

   While begging for your help, I have to pit you on the other side, and I can't understand it.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, this is shameless. How can a country be so shameless?

   However, academics are nothing trivial. They are all driven by logic and interests, and they need to be studied.

   The stalk of "500,000 walking" was once popular in later generations, so the question is, why did the 500,000 walking appear?

   There are indeed 500,000 of them, but quite a few of them have nothing to do with 500,000. It is really the "tap water" of brain damage.

What causes it?

   is cultural penetration, losing from the media level.

   I lost for a long, long time, and after reacting, I was still passive.

   Including later generations of film and television dramas, why are there so many illogical clips?

   I won’t talk about the drama. In some urban dramas, you can live in a mansion with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan.

   Is it really the brain damage of the screenwriter and director?

no! From the perspective of economics and media studies, this is inherently logical, and it is a profitable business.

  From an angle that ordinary people can't see, we suffer a lot, and it is a big loss.

   Although foreign countries started relatively late in this field, the development is not slow at all for various reasons.

   But in China, it’s not working anymore. It’s already slow to respond, and it’s starting from scratch. It doesn’t matter how much cultural or political losses have been suffered. How much crime has been suffered just for the guidance and struggle of public opinion?

   However, these things still cannot be directly expressed in this era, no one will believe it, and no one understands it.

   Because in the eyes of these authorities engaged in journalism, international relations, and sociology, Qi Lei is also an "outer."

  The words make sense, but they are not realistic.

   Is the Internet popular? my country is in and has been in the position of developing China for a long time. There is still a huge gap between my country and developed countries.

   This sentence is not a joke in this era, it is deeply rooted.

   Don't say that the next 20 years will be the process of China's rise to the stage of a great power and a powerful country. Even if Qi Lei told them, two years later, we successfully bid for the Olympics.

   These old men have to think, are you kid too confident? We are not so good yet.

   At this time, Qi Lei lowered his head and was silent. He was thinking, thinking that even if there is a little hope to convince Liao Fanyi, this is not something after thirty-five years.

   However, Qi Lei gave up in the end, it was completely impossible.


   Then change the way! !

   raised his head and took a deep breath, "Professor Liao, Professor Pang, and Professor Zhang, I can't prove how fast the information exploded."

  As soon as these words came out, Liao Fanyi and others all looked at each other, suddenly a little relaxed! ?

   Yes, easy!

   In this subject, they have no bottom, no bottom on the value of research, and no bottom on what to study.

   Even if the top support strongly, but the more the top support, the greater the pressure on them.

   And now, Qi Lei said what he was waking up, he couldn't prove it, it was like taking off the burden on everyone's shoulders.

   You can’t prove that, from their professional point of view, the research is a waste of time, so you don’t need to research, go back to each house, and find your own mother.

   Isn't that good?

   Of course I have to breathe a sigh of relief.


   But unexpectedly, Qi Lei turned around and almost missed everyone's old waist.

   Pushing the paper bag in his hand to everyone, Qi Lei was extremely solemn under everyone's stunned eyes.

   "But, I can prove that this's too late to do it anytime!"




   Liao Fanyi filled his head with question marks, grabbed the file bag and opened it.


   Then I was dumbfounded.

   There is a thick copy in the file bag.


   Passed the copy to Pang Qingfang. Pang Qingfang was also stunned and read a short paragraph, "This...what is this? The kid plays house?"

   Zhang Luchen also leaned over to Pang Qingfang at this time, and when he looked down, his tone changed.

   "Is this a model?"

   Qi Lei nodded, "Yes! It's a model, but it's not a playhouse."

   "This is a large-scale social simulation experiment with more than 5000 people participating, spending millions, and lasting from half a month to a month!"



   Everyone is even more confused, social simulation? You are going crazy!

  Is there such a similar experiment abroad? Is there a precedent? Have you considered the humanitarian consequences?

   One is not good, this is something big!

   fool around!

   "I don't agree!" Zhang Luchen snatched the copy from Pang Qingfang and threw it directly on the table, "This is too sloppy!"

   He just glanced at it roughly, but he already had a conclusion.

   is not because of how bad the content of the experiment is, but as long as it involves human issues, one must be cautious.

   A social simulation of more than 5,000 people? What are you going to simulate? It’s not that you, a seventeen-year-old kid, just take out a few sheets of paper.

   "I also think we need to be cautious."

   Pang Qingfang was not as excited as Zhang Luchen, so he took the copy back and looked at it carefully.

   It is written in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School for Senior One and Senior Two, a total of 77 classes with more than 5,100 students, and a half-month social simulation experiment.

   The content of the simulation, for the time being, there is no clue, but it is indeed a bit huge, and there is no precedent at home and abroad.

   And Zhang Luchen’s worries are justified. Social simulations use people to experiment.

   Whether you are changing any basic condition in any small ecosystem, as long as there is a difference from the real world, it will inevitably have an impact on the people in it.

   Some effects can be restored, some are irreversible.

   It was really hasty to ask a teenager to set up an experiment with 5,000 people.

   However, what Zhang Luchen didn't expect was that Qi Lei didn't resist, and nodded and admitted, "It's really sloppy."

   "But, it doesn't matter, you can take it back and study it carefully. Then. Then decide whether to do it or not."

   "You can also put forward some amendments from a professional point of view, I just provide ideas."




   Qi Lei's gentle reaction caught everyone by surprise. He was so intense just now, and suddenly cooperated again, which was really a bit abnormal.

   Zhang Luchen suddenly became a little curious, "Qi Lei, if we have read it and discussed it, will we still disagree?"

   I saw Qi Lei show a bright and innocent smile, "I will convince you."

In the tone of   , there is sincerity and firmness.

   This answer shocked Zhang Luchen, and he started to be confused again, what kind of psychology is this kid?

   Actually, Qi Lei's psychology is very simple.

   First, this experiment must be done!

   This is the best way he can think of to transmit information, and can show the future intuitively to everyone.

  Second, we should do it, but he is not a god, and he does not understand the harm and taboos of such large-scale social experiments.

   Therefore, let professional people do professional things and don't do what they are not good at.

   He only proposed a framework and an idea, and left the rest to professional people to do it and let them perfect it.

   At this time, everything that should be said is finished, Qi Lei doesn't need to stay anymore, he also needs to leave some space for a few old scholars.

   just before leaving, remind everyone, "Speaking of which, everyone is more professional than me, but please trust my logical ability. An experiment will definitely not let you down!"

   After speaking, Qi Lei turned around to leave.

   But, he walked to the door and paused, then turned back.

   Greeting everyone's puzzled eyes, Qi Lei said, "In order to give you more confidence in me, I can say one more thing."

   "What?" Pang Qingfang was puzzled.

   Qi Lei, "The reason why the above trusts me is because the thing I helped solve is related to the Yugoslavia League."

   After finishing speaking, Qi Lei walked away without looking back.




   The heads of these people in the room buzzed, their eyes were staring, and they couldn't look away from the door of the meeting.

   Especially Pang Qingfang, don’t forget, he studies international relations.

   Yugoslavia incident? Has something to do with him?




   This night, a few people almost stayed up all night, sitting together, studying the social experiment copy of Qi Lei from beginning to end.

   Liao Fanyi’s 0.8 Zhongnanhai is not enough, just imagine what it looks like in the room!

   And the final conclusion is even more headache, that is... even more in the mist.

   Yes, Qi Lei is not a professional after all, so his copy only summarizes the process of the experiment, there is no experimental expectation, and there is no false result.

   is just a process, a process that makes people confused.

   However, judging from the literal description on the copy, this experiment does not show any human harm at present.

   belongs to the kind that does it and does it, and if it fails, there will be no social consequences.

   So the question is, should I do it or not?

   It was past three o'clock in the middle of the night, and Liao Fanyi was still holding the copy, "We can estimate from a professional point of view, what experimental results does he want?"

   Zhang Luchen said: "I really don't see anything special right now!" Pointing to two of the links, "Ordinarily, these two small projects are a bit more powerful."

   "For example, this simulation of the embezzlement of public property. And this, does he actually want to tamper with history? Mark Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang as negative images."

   "But, his qualifications are too harsh, right?"

   "It is almost impossible to succeed!"

   "What should I do?" Pang Qinghua lost his patience, "Do it or not?"

   Liao Fan thought twice, "Or... do it!"

   Liao Fanyi is the one who has the most contact with Qi Lei. Although his position on the matter itself is the same as everyone else, he always feels that Qi Lei has something.


   Zhang Luchen stared at him, "You can think about it. Judging from these pieces of paper, the basic funding will be 2 million!"

   "Not counting the supporting staff and other costs. Besides, there is no international precedent for this kind of large-scale experiment!"

   "Really do it?"

   Everyone was silent for a while, and suddenly a professor of journalism in Beijing and Guangzhou asked Pang Qingfang.

   "Director Pang, what happened when Qi Lei said about the Yugoslav League incident? He was involved? What was he involved in?"

   Pang Qingfang was lost in thought by these words.

   After a long time, suddenly he patted his thigh, "Done!"

   looked up at the crowd, "I do know something about that, but I can't say it, confidential!"

   "I want to see what result this kid can give us!"

   As a researcher on international relations, Pang Qingfang does know a lot.

   Before that happened last year, domestic experts and scholars had a discussion on it.

  The preset scene is almost exactly the same as the one that happened later, and a series of countermeasures to be implemented later have been formulated in advance.

   Several old guys in the group at the time, including Pang Qingfang, were still curious about how suddenly the ridiculous idea of ​​bombing the embassy came up.

   And the reply above is: a rehearsal from a strategic master.

   Pang Qingfang was very curious at the time, one? It's not the related research group, and it's not the collective wisdom of any department, it's one! ?

   That one... is a god!

   "Done! Think of it as a precedent!"

   There has not been such a large-scale social model experiment in China, and it is just as filling the gaps and accumulating experience without losing money.

   Early in the morning, a few people came to the second middle school again.

   At this time, Qi Lei is still doing crazy questions in the class!

   When he learned that he agreed to do this experiment, he let out a long sigh.

   Liao Fanyi, "We have discussed it. You came up with this idea, so let's try it together?"

   Qi Lei smiled immediately, "We are not enough."

   "Oh?" Liao Fan was puzzled, "What else do you need? I'll apply for it above."

   Qi Lei groaned, "I need a real-time statistics team. Today, it is processing 5000 times 3 times 5 feedback information in real time."

   Liao Fanyi thought about it, and was shocked, "A day is seventy-five thousand?"

   Unexpectedly, Qi Lei shook his head, "It may not be enough, just count as 100,000!"

   Pang Qingfang stared, "How many people are there!?"

   Qi Lei, "The statistics team of two hundred people is almost the same."




   However, Qi Lei hasn't finished yet, "I also want an economist, the kind of absolute authority."



   "A legal team! It must also be authoritative and provide legal advice at any time."




   "A team of historians who are familiar with Chinese and foreign history."



   Everyone is a little numb, what else do you want? Have you ever called you high-ranking officials, ministers, or something?

   Liao Fanyi told the truth, "It's a bit difficult."

   They are just the foundation of a new discipline, they don't have so much power, and they don't have so much face.

   "We can only try to discuss these with the above, whether we can get them, we are not sure."

   As a result, "Forget it!" Qi Lei said, "Don't worry about this, I will find a way."


   What can you do?

   As everyone knows, Qi Lei turned around and went to find the phone.

   was the first to call Lin Wanxiao, "Uncle Lin, come on?"

   Lin Wanxiao wanted to scold his mother, "Get out!"

   Qi Lei, "Speaking seriously! Are you here? Bring your team over."

   Me... Am I still leading the team?

   Why does Lin Wanxiao want to strangle him so much?

   resisted the anger, "Okay! Before we go, can we settle the lawyer's fee first?"

   Qi Lei, "How important is it to me! When you come, I will tie it for you!"


   "And what?"

   "Also, it's a good thing this time! The chance to show your face is up to you."

   After finishing speaking, Qi Lei hung up the phone, and Lin Wanxiao he got a little bit up again.

  What's the matter? You are so clear! ?

   After pondering Duantian, should I trust him again?

   And Qi Lei hung up the call with Lin Wanxiao, and called Lao Qin, "Lao Bei, they agreed, you can bring someone over!"

   Old Qin frowned, "Really agree?"


   "Well then, we will arrive tomorrow!"

   On this matter, Qi Lei had passed through Lao Qin's ditch before, but Lao Qin was not sure.

  First, is there any need to do it?

  Second, is there any social harm.

   Qi Lei can’t say anything, he does have the ability, but he is also a bear kid.

   Therefore, Lao Qin is waiting, waiting for professionals such as Liao Fanyi and Pang Qingfang to make a final decision.

   This is also the reason why Qi Lei whispered last night. These "old guys" didn't nod their heads. Old Qin really didn't listen to him!

   After all, no one knows what this experiment represents. It never occurred to me how far-reaching the experiment was named "Insight Model" after the world.

   And Qi Lei... also through this experiment, the first efficient transmission of information to 2000.

   "That's right!" Before hanging up, Qi Lei said to Old Qin again, "You don't need to bring the legal team, I found one myself."

   When Old Qin heard this, he was speechless, and said with a smile: "Boy, you are really a thief. You don't want to go empty! You have to make some good for yourself every time!"

   "If this experiment is completed, you will be the founder of a national-level research unit. Are you still not satisfied? Give you the small group of people to make capital?"

   Qi Lei heard, "Eh eh!? Let's make it clear that you forced me the founder!"

   "My original intention was to put up a student status under Liao Fanyi, but I didn't want to show this face."

   Old Qin smiled this time, "It's all the same, it's all the same."

   is indeed forced to him.

   Mainly, he knows that Qi Lei seems to have the intention of studying abroad, so he has to find a rope to tie it up if he is afraid that he will run away.

   Putting down the phone, Qi Lei went to Liao Fanyi, "It's done, I will be in place tomorrow."


   Liao Fanyi is not calm this time, what is the background of this kid? The energy is not small! If it's done, it will be done?

   looked at each other with Pang Qingzhu and Zhang Luchen, all smiles wryly.

  Until now, they have not realized that they are no longer verifying the feasibility of a subject, but are witnessing the birth of a university subject.

   In the next few decades, the domestic leading position in network media science and research directions will all be in the next experiment!



  Lao Qin is Shangbei who arrived on April 4th.

   brought a statistical team of 200 people, as well as experts in economics and history.

   For this, the construction work of the new school building of No. 2 Middle School has been postponed.

   Originally, at the beginning of April, the engineering team was about to enter the site and start demolishing the two old school buildings in the west and south. Now it has been temporarily requisitioned to become the office of the experimental team.

   I have to say that Lao Qin has gotten used to it. So far, Qi Lei has not let him down.

   So, although he didn't know the purpose of this social experiment, Lao Qin's intuition told him that it was worth looking forward to!


  Lin Wanxiao arrived in Shangbei on the morning of the 5th. The plane got off at Harbin in the middle of the night on the 4th. It did not stop and was directly sent back to Shangbei by a car from the Three Stone Company.

   Besides, I came by myself and made a chicken thief.

   Qi Lei asked him to bring a group, but Lin Wanxiao didn't take it, so he didn't want Qi Lei to dominate again for nothing.

   was still complaining on the way here, what happened to my stay in Harbin for one night? It's scorching, what's the matter? Are you going to break the lawsuit?

   But when I got to Shangbei, I was dumbfounded.

   You think, go to the No. 2 Middle School and West Campus to take a look at the statistics team, logistics support, and various expert teams. There are three or four hundred people!

  Especially the core staff, the last is the level of the department head, and there are piles of doctoral supervisors.

   Except for these scholars, Lao Qin's group of people are still at the beginning of the country. Can Lin Wanxiao not be confused?

   After clarifying the situation, he stared at Qi Lei, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   Qi Lei chuckled, "I said it would be boring!"

   To make Lin Wanxiao angry, he immediately called Shenzhen, "No matter what you think of, you will be in place by noon tomorrow."

During   , Qi Lei also reminded him, "Call a few reliable ones."


  Because Lao Qin had already prepared, as soon as the personnel were in place, he could start work.

  The experiment also officially started on April 6, and entered the first phase.

   The content is very simple:

   Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is the experimental site. Except for the preparations for the third year, there are 41 classes in the first year and 31 classes in the second year except for classes 1, 2, 14, 16, 17, and 5.

   A total of 72 classes, unified mobilization.

   From April 7th, the school has adopted a closed class system, that is, the door is locked at the beginning of the morning self-study and until the end of the evening self-study. Each student can receive a token voucher of 10 yuan per day.

   Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as some goods, can only be purchased at the school with tokens.

   During the experiment, students are not allowed to use RMB for food and related commodities.

   The school’s small shopping department, surrounding private cafeterias, and restaurants are all closed.

   Okay, it doesn’t work if it’s not closed, all the meals have been ordered by the second middle school.

   More than 5,000 students, as well as the staff’s three meals guarantee work! With this item alone, the surrounding canteens have been turned around.

   There are many types of meals purchased with tokens.

  [Guaranteed Meal]...

   5 cents of white rice, no food, starving...

  【Normal meal】...

   2.5 yuan box lunch, normal standard, two meat and two vegetarian.

   There are also good ones.

  【Luxury meal】

   A portion of 5 yuan is quite generous.

   There is better...

  【Luxury meal】

   10 yuan a piece, western-style hamburger set meal, or steak, pizza.

   These things are not in the north, and they are all transported by the experimental group from Harbin.

   Breakfast is relatively cheap, and there are several grades.

   Guaranteed meals, ordinary meals, luxurious meals and luxurious meals.

   The cheapest one is three cents for a big steamed bun, and the expensive one is ten yuan bacon and egg tarts.

  There are also many products. All the products in the commissary in the Second Middle School can be purchased with tokens, and many items that were not originally available are added.

   Such as comic books, brand-name stationery, precious stickers, posters and the like.

   However, the price is very expensive.

how to say?

   The living cost of ten yuan a day is not too high in this era, but it is definitely not low.

   Even if three meals a day are [normal] standard, breakfast is 1.5 yuan, and lunch and two vegetarian lunches are eaten at lunch and evening, and the cost is only 6.5 yuan, leaving 3.5 yuan a day.

  The experimental group made a promise to all students. During the experiment, all the goods obtained belong to the individual, and the final balance of tokens is also exchanged for RMB.

   is regarded as the welfare of participating in the experiment.


   In addition, the 72 classes participating in the experiment have 20 minutes of questionnaire time each morning, noon, and evening. It is to fill in the opinions and suggestions of some questions normally, and express personal opinions.

   When the time comes, the staff of the experimental group will go to each class and give each person an envelope and a special paper.

   Just write your opinions on special paper, put it in an envelope and hand it in.

   is anonymous throughout.

   Detailed classification statistics are then derived from statistics to obtain data.

   Another thing is that for three experimental periods a day, the [two blackboards] of each class are requisitioned.

   classroom [front blackboard], used to copy the contents of the experiment.

  【Back blackboard】, it is to select all the excellent suggestions of all staff to copy and post, and rotate it from time to time.

   And the right to choose the students' opinions is not the staff, but...after that, we will talk about it.

   is basically that simple, without any difficulty at all, and basically does not affect the normal learning progress.

   For students, it’s fun to have both money and free meals, so why not do it?

  Moreover, another advantage of this era is that students don’t have so many ideas and they are very obedient.

Teacher    also made repeated orders and made five applications, and must abide by the experimental rules, which everyone recognizes.

   Early in the morning on the 7th, each person really gave out 10 yuan tokens and really bought breakfast.

   Basically everyone is following the crowd. There are more than two to five thousand people high and high. Almost all of them are normal breakfasts of 1.5 yuan. Steamed buns, tofu naoer, fried dough sticks, and soy milk are delicious.

   Everyone is not stupid, the basic food is set at 6.5 yuan per day. Save a little, and find something at the canteen at the end, or have a good meal.

   Hamburg steak or something, many people have not eaten it, it is impossible to eat every meal, too expensive.

   On the expropriated [front blackboard], there is indeed something written on it, but nothing special.

   Four vertical lines were drawn on the blackboard, dividing the blackboard into five parts, and each part wrote one item, a total of five.

  【1】. Product price list: Breakfast: *******

   [2]. News: The second class of high school made full use of the experimental rules, decided to implement a collective distribution system, jointly manage the wealth of the whole class, and set up the "Second Class Two Co., Ltd.", and elected class leader Song Xiaole as the general manager of the company.

   [3]. News: There are rumors that Qi Lei’s monthly test results were copied, and it is currently impossible to verify whether it is true.

   [4]. Cold knowledge of the world: Japan is the most developed country in Asia, with a per capita GDP of 38,500 US dollars.

  【5】. Historical test site: Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang.....

   Overall, it's novel and fun.

   Especially the second and third articles.

   "Senior Sophomore Second Class Co., Ltd.? It sounds a bit tall."

   and "Qi Lei Yuekao was copied..."

   "Haha!! I hope it is true!"

   "That grandson should be thrown back."

   As for the other three, it's not very interesting.

   Two knowledge points, one is purely a price list.

   At the beginning of routine business, filling out opinions and suggestions, everyone is also quite satisfactory.

  Because the rules of the experimental group are very loose, if you don’t want to express an opinion, you can fill in "Nothing to say".

   Therefore, almost everyone's questionnaire is based on "nothing to say".

   Occasionally, people who express opinions on "Second Class Co., Ltd." are also ridicule.

   For example, Song Xiaole can also be a manager? How bad is his math?

  The person with the most opinions is Qi Lei, after all, he is a celebrity.

   Most of them don't believe it, Qi Shitou still has something, a few ridicules, and a few slanders.

   Yes, even though everyone knows that it is impossible, Qi Lei does not offend people. It's not that there are people who open their eyes and tell lies.

   is not named anyway, right?

   The noon questionnaire is basically the same, which is an extension of the five questions in the morning.

   For example, the second class of high school and second class Co., Ltd. achieved profitability, and class wealth increased by 10%.

   For example, Qi Lei intends to hit the top five in the class.

   The following three are still changing the soup without changing the medicine. They talked about Yue Fei's deeds and talked about the cold knowledge of the Japanese Kingdom.

   The price list has also been replaced with lunch.

   Everyone is less enthusiastic than commenting on these five things, and it’s nothing more than gossip!

   is like:

   There is no such thing as the first class, the second class, the fourteenth, the sixteenth, and the seventeenth class!

   These five classes didn't receive any money in the morning, and there was no free food. It was really pitiful, and some people even seemed to be gloating.

   However, what the 72 classes don't know is that the five classes on the third floor of the old dormitory building are much more powerful than them.

  The reason why these five classes are not available is because these five classes have special tasks and play completely different roles.


   At this time, Qi Lei, as well as the economist that Lao Qin had brought with him, swaggered into the class.

   Li Mo and Qian Hongjun both looked at Qi Lei vigilantly. This guy had an grudge and a bet with everyone.

   In response, Qi Lei grinned, "Don't be nervous, I'm here to give you benefits."



   Qi Lei is not nonsense, "Your class, the position in this experiment is the most special."

   Qian Hongjun, "How special?"

   Qi Lei, "Because you have all the benefits!"

   said directly: "Your class does not have a fixed token salary, that is to say, no money is issued."

   "However, all meals and merchandise in the school are counted as the sales of your class!"

"What the hell!?"

   There are a total of eight people in a class, and they are all confused, "Count the sales of our class?"

   Qi Lei grinned, "How is it? How am I to you?"

   Li Mo squinted at him, "What are you doing badly?"

   Qi Lei, "It's really not a trick. Your class must make the most money, there is no one!"

   announced the rules, "1.5 yuan for [normal breakfast], 2.5 yuan for [normal] lunch and dinner, you will get a commission of 1 cent for each serving."

   Qian Hongjun stared when he heard it, "How about playing? Just give it one point!?"

   Qi Lei was speechless, "Will you settle the accounts?"

   "You earn 1 point for one serving, and 3 points for three meals! More than 5,000 in the first and second year of high school, that's more than 150 yuan."

   "Eight of you are divided, each of which is nearly 20 yuan a day, and this is still under-counted."

   "Oh." Qian Hongjun narrowed his neck, it was almost the same.

   And Qi Lei hasn't finished yet, "50 cents for the lowest meal does not make money, 5 cents for a premium meal, 5 cents for a premium meal, 10 yuan for a luxurious meal, 1 yuan!"

   "So, the more expensive the meal you sell, the more you earn. It's not a dream to earn more than 10,000 a day!"

  Eight people's eyes are red. If you say so...really...really sent!

   Qi Lei, "The commodities are the same, I won't list them one by one, and I will send you a price list later."

   "Also, don't be afraid you can't do business!"

   pointed to the economist next to him, "He will give you the most professional guidance and teach you how to make money. In the past half month, your class has no class, so I will do this!"

   "Oh go." The crowd exclaimed, "Is there any good thing?"

"There's more!" Qi Lei said, "The 72 classes, one-fifth of the [front blackboard], that is, the column of the price list, is at your disposal. Advertising, what about it, whatever you want. But, Class 14 has the right to amend it. In other words, your advertisements may not be sent out."

   "[Back blackboard] You, Class 2, Class 16, and Class 17 have the right to choose public opinion to post, and Class 14 cannot interfere. You can decide who to post and what content."

   After speaking, Qi Lei left.

  The economist followed Qi Lei and stood at the door of the class, frowning and asking Liao Fanyi, "Do these eight people have any requirements? How can they be guided?"

   But Qi Lei spoke, "Yes!!"

   Say four words, "Consumerism."

   The man understood immediately, "I also think this is the best way!"

   Qi Lei, "Looking back, I will help you with some ideas, and I promise to make the first class profitable!"

   entered the second class, Qi Lei brought a lawyer under Lin Wanxiao this time.

   directly announced the rules of the second class, "The second class of high school second class limited company, the basic property you deserve today is 560 yuan, and this money is for unified control."

   "The welfare is that the company's income increases by 10% every day. In other words, today is 10 yuan per person, tomorrow is 11, and the day after tomorrow is 12.1 yuan."

   "However, the equity distribution must be based on the script, and Song Xiaole, as the general manager of the company, holds 51% of the shares."


   Class 2 almost exploded, "Why!?"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Only he is the general manager!"

   Even Song Xiaole is going crazy, "Fuck! Qi Lei, what are you doing to me!?"

   Qi Lei didn't say much, but said to Song Xiaole: "In half an hour, come see me for a meeting."

   pointed to the lawyer next to him, "If you feel that the equity distribution is unreasonable, you can find a lawyer. He will give you professional advice and help you in a lawsuit!"

   "Also, Song Xiaole, one-fifth of the [front and back blackboards] in each class is under your control."

Notice! ! It is Song Xiaole alone, not like the first class, going to the whole class!

   This is a bit interesting.


   After coming out of Class 2, Qi Lei passed Class 14 and entered Class 16.

   Here, two public communication teachers from Beijing and Guangzhou are already there, "The task of your class is very simple."

   "The country of Japan is your motherland. You have to make more than 5000 classmates of Second High School fall in love with this country and realize the strength of your motherland."

   Sixteenth class crowd: "I'm going to special!"

   Qi Lei doesn't care about everyone's feelings, "Don't care, it's all assumptions. And no one knows about this except your class. These teachers will guide you professionally."

   "At the end of the experiment, there will be a questionnaire survey. If the favorability of the country reaches 80% or more, each person will be rewarded with 500 yuan."

   "90%...1000 yuan!"


   Class 16: "..."

   Wang Xueliang couldn't hold back, "What about 100%?"

   Qi Lei glared at him, "100%? You just leave me as far away as you can, you can't give money to a fool!"

  噗! ! !

   The whole class laughed.

   Wang Xueliang also made a big blush.

   Well, he also knows that 100% is not realistic, how much people hate the Japanese country!

   Qi Lei also reminded them, "[Front and back blackboard] One-fifth, the front blackboard class 14 has the right to decide, but the back blackboard does not."

   "Be smart, don't be too brainless, let Class 14 kill you!"

   Class 16 glared, who do you look down on?

   is not unacceptable, after all, they are all fake, role-playing?


  From Class 16 to Class 17, Qi Lei was not in a hurry to send a task this time, but was a little tangled.

   "Explain in advance that I have no grudges with the seventeenth class, so... don't hate me, your class's mission..."

   Guo Zhiyong over there, and the seventeenth class all have their eyes straight, "Qilei, don't you harm us?"

   Qi Lei, "The task of your class is to erase Qi Jiguang and Yue Fei from the textbook!"




   The seventeenth class is stunned.

   Qi Lei, "The experiment is over, the questionnaire survey, as long as more than 50% of people agree to delete these two historical figures, you will win."

   Class 17: "......"

   And Qi Lei pointed to the row of people behind him, "There are historians, mass media, psychology, and all kinds of talents. They will help you complete this task."

   "Like the first, second, and sixteenth class, your class also has the use of [front and back blackboards], and the fourteenth class has the right to modify it."

   In the end, it was Class 14.

   The fourteenth class has the simplest and easiest task, which is to maintain justice and ensure fairness. As long as the experiment ends in a stable state, Class 14 will win.

   72 classes, the ownership of the front blackboard belongs to class 14.

   Any news released by other classes, Class 14 has the right to make comments and amendments, but there are standards.

  Even, you can block any company's speech and make it blank.

   Every day, the contents published on the first, second, sixteenth, and seventeenth should also be sent to class fourteen first, and after review, they will be copied on the blackboards of each class by the fourteenth class people.

   There are only two restrictions on Class 14:

   One is that the back blackboard has no control at all.

  The other is that the fourteenth class does not know what the ultimate goal of the other four classes is.

   For example, I don’t know that the task of the first class is to make money, and I don’t know consumerism.

   I don’t know that the second class’s equity distribution has been internally disputed.

   I don’t know that Class Sixteen is a Japanese native.

   don’t even know, the seventeenth class wants to erase the mark of the hero.

   But this is not a big deal. The basic goal of Class 14 is justice and fairness to maintain the normal operation of the game.

   This is also the reason why Liao Fanyi and the others are not optimistic about this experiment.

   The fourteenth class has too much power. The life and death are in their hands. There is no room for others to play. The high probability is that the experiment will start and end, and there will be no tricks.

   These are all the rules and restrictions.

   Then, the experimental group no longer intervened, but Qi Lei was not included because he was also a member of the model.

   Moreover, only the experimental group knows that within the rules of the game, Qi Lei has a mysterious right, but no one knows what he wants this right to do.

   In short, let the simulation society develop on its own, and finally look at the statistical results.

   It’s just that they don’t know ~ can build this model, Qi Lei won.

   He opened a time channel, linking the present and the future, and successfully simulated a set of information systems similar to the future.

   72 [Front Blackboard] is traditional media, and [Post Blackboard] is the online media for later generations.

  The first group is capital and businessmen.

   Class 2 is a social model.

   Class 16 and Class 17 are the focus of public opinion wars.

   The fourteenth class is actually the official media.

   All parties competed in these 72 classes.

   The [view envelope] in everyone's hand is a mobile phone, which is both an information outlet and an information portal.

  With this model, coupled with twenty years of memory, the information that Qi Lei can convey is huge, enough to subvert the Three Views.

   He can let the network environment in twenty years be staged ahead of schedule.



   Thanks to the leader of [Looking at the World] when you wake up from the big dream!

   The boss is atmospheric, cute, and invincible. Good luck!

  Thank you [Siyue Twilight] for the 15,000 reward, the boss is rich! !


   didn't go to see it!

   Let's talk about it after the eleventh holiday, just to finish this paragraph.

   Can I help you?

  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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