Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 184: The birth of a discipline (2)

Coming back from the office in the main building, as soon as Qi Lei arrived in the classroom, Jiang Yao appeared in front of the fourteenth class and waved to Qi Lei aggressively.

"come out!"

   Qi Lei frowned, got up to welcome out, very vigilant, "What are you going to do? Are you busy!"

  Ms. Jiang Yao rolled her eyes, suddenly a little bit groaned, "I can't find you if it's okay? How can I say it's an old partner~~!"

   I'll take it! !

   Qi Lei jumped back into the door step by step, ran back to his seat, "It's okay, you really don't find me!"

   Based on his understanding of Jiang Yao, the more she said that, the more important it was.

   And, counting the days, she should also come over.

   directly sat back in his seat and turned a blind eye to Jiang Yao at the door. Isn't he fragrant if he immersed himself in the question?

   After a while, Xu Xiaoqian who was beside him stabbed him, Qi Lei, "What are you doing!?"

   Xu Xiaoqian pointed to the door, Jiang Yao was still standing there, showing signs of soaring anger.

   "Don't pay attention to her!"

   Xu Xiaoqian smiled and left it alone.

   And Jiang Yao... can she be embarrassed by hiding in the class? The famous fierce girl in high school is not called for nothing.

   "Can't you get out?"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   "It won't come out, right?"

  Ms. Jiang stared, went straight into the classroom and came to the front row of Qi Lei.

   Yang Xiao very cooperatively gave up his seat, "Sister, please sit down!"

   Jiang Yao raised her eyebrows towards Xiaoer, "I know more and more that I feel sorry for people."

   Okay, she still has the thought to tease Yang Xiao.

   leaned back on the chair, leaned on Qi Lei's table, looked straight at him, and looked at Qi Lei.

   "Sister, are you okay after all!?"

   Jiang Yao, "Yes! There must be!"

   "Then say something!"

   Jiang Yao: "You don't know why you ask? What else can I do when I find you? Chasing you?"

   As a result, Qi Lei immediately turned to Xu Xiaoqian, bent his arm and handed it to Xu Xiaoqian, "Come on! Let's be kind and let her give up."

   Xu Xiaoqian raised her hand and gave Qi Lei, "Don't make trouble!"

   smiled at Jiang Yao, "Sister Xiao Yao, if you have anything to tell him, I will help you make him succumb!"

   Jiang Yao immediately crossed, "Hey~~Ah! Why is it so painful!!"

   After the trouble, he changed his face instantly, facing Qi Lei sternly, "You can watch the broadcasting room for a few days!"

   As soon as this remark came out, Qi Lei said heartily, this is indeed the case!

   twitched his nose, and said, "What does the broadcasting room have to do with me? No!"

   Jiang Yao was speechless, "You're still angry! It's not, it's not! Good, just stare at it for a few days, okay?"

   But, Qi Lei didn't make any money, still staring, "I really can't give this face, who is giving me face again?"

   saw Jiang Yao grimacing, "There is really no one, this face can be given."

   Qi Lei, "Don't come to this set, you let Zhang Jiazhi come to me!"

   Jiang Yao: "......"

   Well, it's not that Qi Lei didn't give Jiang Yao face, but... he was expelled from the school radio station.

   That’s right, it’s not that he was dismissed, or that he was too busy to take care of it, but that he was seriously expelled, and the keys to the broadcasting room and the style room were taken back to him.

   The Zhang Jiazhi in his mouth is the head teacher of the special class.

   A teacher Zhang Nan Gaoxin invited from Beijing to teach Mandarin and broadcast host, he expelled Qi Lei.

   This is still last year!

   And, speaking of it, Qi Lei dug a hole for himself.

   Last year, didn't he go to Beijing to pretend to be 13? Had a concert and had a good night. Didn’t it donate money to Beiguang to repair the gate?

   As a result, I don't know what the leaders of Beijing Guangxi think, and even after slapped my face, I show my tolerance.

   What's even more exaggerated is that Qi Lei didn't know what their logic was, but because Qi Lei remembered that Shangbei No. 2 Middle School had come, he got a place for the No. 2 Middle School.

   It’s too bad!

   Is it so generous? It’s not your way to be so magnanimous?

   dare to give my old mother-in-law this kind of opportunity? She can turn Beiguang into Ge You!

   And Zhang Nan did exactly that. He invited a professional broadcast teacher to Beijing to come back, so he could make good use of this opportunity to be a guide.

   The person invited back is Zhang Jiazhi, a "bear boy" in his twenties, Zhang child.

   Well, that's what Qi Lei calls him anyway.

  Isn't the thief a thing? He held a chicken feather as an arrow, and when he got to the second middle school, he did two things.

   The first is to pick people; the second is to occupy the radio station.

   Needless to say, Zhang Nan will not let go of such a good publicity opportunity.

   Beiguang’s **** is so showy! Not only did the Second Middle School know about this, all Shangbei knew about it.

  Zhang Jiazhi first selected a few talented students from the second middle school who were interested in taking the news, and then ran to the township middle school below to cast a net, and when he saw a good seedling, he asked people, do you want to send Beiguang? Do you want to be a host?

  This is so special...a bunch of children from a small place, who haven't even been to the county town a few times. Tell him about the key universities? The key university in Beijing? Or as a host? Where can you stand this temptation?

   Naturally, the headmasters of several township middle schools went to the Education Bureau to file a complaint.

   This young teacher who can be a thief was registered with Cheng Jianguo.

   did let him pick a lot of good students.

   In short, there are 20 or 30, high school, high school two, and high school three. They are assigned to the special class for three academic years and they are all under his control.

   Then, the second thing Zhang Jiazhi did was to occupy the broadcasting room.

   There is nothing to say about it.

   Jiangyao is very interested in going to Beiguang. She and Li Hanhan are also in touch, and she is planning to go to Beiguang as well, so she would be willing to go to Beijing.

   Other major broadcast students in senior high school, as well as students interested in journalism, are naturally longing for it.

   So, the radio station became their best practice place.

   When Zhang Jiazhi came last year, he marginalized Lei Qi.

   "What are you doing in the broadcasting room as a student? I don't need you anymore. Give the newcomers a chance and go back!"

  I'm so angry with Qi Lei, I have been in charge of the radio station for more than a year, playing songs to the whole school every day, guaranteeing exercises between classes, and hosting large-scale activities. Is this laid off?

   Besides, do laid-off workers still have to do ideological work? Dismissed me so stiffly?

   As a result, even more speechless is still to come.

   After all, it was not expelled at that time. At most, Qi Lei had to surrender the chairing position and leave opportunities for special talents. From time to time, Qi Lei had to go to the broadcast room to help.

   Except for Jiang Yao, the newcomers don't even know how to turn on the machine. If Jiang Yao is not there, they will be caught blind.

   But, if you say you go, go there? Do what you should do and leave it alone?

   But, Qi Lei doesn't.

   After all, he studied journalism in his previous life and has been a campus host for such a long time. It is impossible for Qi Lei not to pretend or show off his skills in front of the newcomers.

   He is just like that, sometimes more sober than anyone else in the world, but he can look at people. Sometimes... overzealously again.

   Listening to these newcomers, it is indeed a torment to read the radio manuscript in Mandarin with a very strong smell of stubble.

   Every time he encounters, Qi Lei will give some pointers and teach some skills, including some knowledge about learning journalism, learning hosting, and tips for dealing with broadcast exams.

   As a result, Zhang Jiazhi ran into him...

   The matter is here, but it's actually nothing.

   If you change someone else, you have to thank Qi Lei, after all, all the things Qi Lei said are useful and useful!

   But when I reach this person like Zhang Jiazhi, it doesn't work.

   He is a bit...a bit conceited, careful, narrow-minded, ignorant of good and evil, dog bites Lu Dongbin, so kind to be a donkey liver and lungs, and so mentally retarded! ! stupid! ! I'm sick! ! No brains!

   Cough cough, pull it far.

   In short, Zhang Jiazhi was very unhappy to see Qi Lei pointing the country there.

   That point in my heart...shadow, inferiority complex, hesitation, desire for control, two-hundred-five temperament, silly instinct...

   Cough cough, pulling away again.

   Anyway, what are you a sophomore kid in charge of blindly? Who is responsible for the wrong teaching?

   Besides, it won’t work if you teach well! ?

   After teaching, what do you want my head teacher to do?

   It exploded at that time.

how to say? This person has a certain level of professionalism, (just a little, otherwise he won't go to high school as a teacher, instead of working on a certain radio or television station.) But there are indeed flaws in being a person.

   is conceited, careful, narrow...

   ahem! !

   Qi Lei is kind, even if he says it wrong, or does not conform to your teaching philosophy, he will not get angry.

   But he doesn't, he despises Tu Lao Maoer in this small place.

   So he scolded Qi Lei and fired him.

   also specifically found Lao Dong and Lao Crane, and Lei Qi was not allowed to enter the broadcasting room.

   Although Lao Dong and Lao Crane are also a bit wronged for Lei Qi, what can they say? After all, he is a teacher, knowing that Qi Lei is wronged, he has to take care of the overall situation.


   Then I really fired!

   At that time, Qi Lei was angry, that is, there were too many things before and after him. He was busy with "Legend" and confessed matters. I didn't have time to care about him, and ended up leaving an "overnight hatred".


   This person is childish! conceited! ! Be careful! ! narrow......

   You are waiting, sooner or later you have to find the place.

   Since then, Qi Lei has given Zhang Jiazhi a nickname, "Zhang Xiaozi".

   Twenty-six-seven-year-old bear child!

   Completely enmity, there is you without me!

   Now you think of asking me to manage the radio station for you?

   "Don't go! I won't go after killing me! Or you let Zhang Jiazhi come to me!"

   Jiang Yao was speechless, "What do you do with his general knowledge? He is a teacher after all. Besides, if you don't go, the radio station will be closed!"

   Entering April, the school exams for various media colleges have begun again, including the internal audit of the students admitted by Beijing and Guangzhou.

   Those who were in the third year of high school, Zhang Jiazhi was a school who had taken the exam.

   On the one hand, you can’t put Baoquan on the guard; on the other hand, it is also to give them some opportunities for actual combat.

   It’s also good to go around the exam room. You can not only feel the atmosphere of the exam, but also see the difference in level with the candidates from other places in Longjiang Province.

   I have to say that in addition to being a bad person, Zhang’s child is still very experienced and capable in this regard.

   It’s just that once they leave, the broadcasting station has to stop. Although there are students from Zhang Jiazhi in the second and first grades of high school, the broadcasting studio has been practicing in the third year of high school in the past six months.

   Let's put it this way, you have to add a recitation of children's poems between classes, which will torture the whole school.

   There is no chance in the second and first year of high school. If you have the level and don't understand the equipment, you can only come to Qi Lei for a few days.

   "Don't go!" Qi Lei continued to carry it.

   made Jiang Yao anxious, his face suddenly darkened, "It can't cure you, can you? Are you going to go!?"

   Qi Lei's heart sank, and suddenly felt a bit bad, but face is still important, "No, don't go!!!"

   So Jiang Yao suddenly changed his face again, a shy and weak forehead, pulling Qi Lei's clothes corner and shaking from side to side, paralyzed there, like a sick quail.



   Qi Lei stared at Xu Xiaoqian's eyes, drilled straight to Xu Xiaoqian's side, it was so scary!

   "Sister, can I go? Get your magical powers soon!"

   The cold sweat came down, subconsciously looked back at Xu Xiaoqian.

   As a result, I saw the whole class smiling and watching him being tortured by Jiang Yao, including Xu Xiaoqian.

   Jiangyao is just like that, she is very relaxed with people she knows, and everyone knows that she can't take it seriously.

   However, Qi Lei is really afraid of this, he eats soft or hard.

   Before he turned his head back, Jiang Yao changed his face again and patted Qi Lei's shoulder vigorously, "I know you are the most interesting! Go, don't forget the exercises between classes!"



   Jiang Yao just bounced away, leaving Qi Lei messy in the wind.

   Finally, Qi Lei cast his anger on Xu Xiaoqian, "Why don't you stop her? How scary!"

   Xu Xiaoqian hasn't smiled enough yet, "Me? Can I stop her?"

   Jiang Yao is the only one who can eat the second and second generations of male gods to death. Who can cure her?


   Let’s talk about Jiang Yao's side, back to the senior high school specialty class, Zhang Jiazhi is also there.

   When I saw Jiang Yao, he immediately asked, "How about it? Did the hapless kid agree?"

   Jiang Yao raised his chin happily, "It's done!"

   "Huh." Zhang Jiazhi let out a sigh of relief. He was actually quite afraid that Qi Lei would prevent him from coming to the stage.

   But it was only a moment, and he shook again at a few special broadcasters in the class, "Hurry up, let's go to Chuanyin's examination room in the afternoon and get acquainted with the atmosphere."

   "Tomorrow, the teacher from Beiguang will come to school, so you have to give me a face!"

   Everyone who said this was even more nervous, Jiang Yao was even more floppy.

   "Teacher Zhang, why is Beiguang's test center set up here? Is this unscientific?"

   Yes, this year's Beijing Guangxi school test center in Longjiang Province is located in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, and the test time is April 7th.

   And tomorrow, the teachers and staff of Beiguang will be stationed in the school.

   This is really not very scientific!

   You need to know that a provincial school test center must be in the provincial capital, and it must be a certain university. After all, the venue and space are much larger.

   is like Chuanyin, the test site is at the Normal University.

   The biography of Zhejiang is in Hei University, Zhengzhou Business School is in Longjiang Business School and so on.

   has never run to a high school to set up a test center, and it is still a small county.

   Regarding this, Zhang Jiazhi was quite contented, "This is your teacher and I have a lot of face! Understand?"

   explained with a smile: "The person in charge of the Longjiang invigilation this year happened to be the journalism lecturer in my university. He is now the head of the Department of Political Journalism, and he is an authority in the international academic world!"

   "I heard that I was in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, plus that No. 2 Middle School was the transportation base for Beijing and Guangzhou, so I thought twice and set the test center directly in No. 2 Middle School."

   "You guys have fun and catch up with good luck!"

   Everyone was stunned, "Dean of the department? Or an academic expert? What a great look!"

   Jiang Yao couldn't help giving Zhang Jiazhi a thumbs up, "Lao Zhang, you are really awesome!"

   In this regard, Comrade Zhang Xiaozi was very helpful, smiled and made a deep gesture, "Take the test well, don't disappoint the teacher's painstaking efforts."

   After that, he walked out of the classroom with his hands behind his back, what was called a beauty in my heart!

  Because he knows better than anyone else, the test center is located in the school, which has an incalculable effect on students' psychology.

   In fact, whether it is a school exam or a recommended review, the importance of on-site performance is self-evident. The environment has a great effect on the psychology of candidates.

   Taking an exam in a familiar environment, this is simply cheating.

   Actually, Zhang Jiazhi himself couldn't understand why Beiguang gave such a big face this time?

   Ms. Liao... I still emphasize love and righteousness, I haven't forgotten myself as a student!



   During the breaktime exercises, Kid Zhang was supposed to go to the broadcast room routinely, but today he can’t.

   When he came, Qi Lei took over, and there was no need for him to go there.

   Secondly, he had to take his students to Harbin City to take the afternoon Chuanyin School exam, and he didn't have that idle time.

   The minibus hired by the school, sent the test in a special car, and then received it back together, also shows that the second high school attaches great importance to it.

   At this time, the car is downstairs, and all the candidates in the special class who took the school exam have already boarded the car, and just waited for him to leave as soon as he arrived.

   But, the kid Zhang didn't rush down.

   He is a bit conceited... Be careful... narrow-minded... Don't know good or bad! Dog bites Lu Dongbin! ! It's so kind to be a donkey's liver and lungs! Also loves to show off.

   The whole school is running laps, but he and his students can get on the minibus and go out in a big way.

  Don’t say anything else, it’s so stylish!

   After grinding for a while, everyone outside was gathering one by one, Jiang Yao also went upstairs and called him, only then was he going downstairs.

   Just before getting into the car, Kid Zhang couldn't bear it anymore. Qi Lei was enjoying it on the radio!

   There is a difference between winter and summer exercises in Northeast School.

   In summer, like the South, I do radio gymnastics.

   In winter, I changed to laps. The whole school lined up in class, walked around the big playground, and ran around.

   It doesn't matter when it's the beginning of the spring. If you can't enter the big playground, you just circle the corridor.

   When the usual special class class took over the broadcasting room, Zhang Xiaozi would take this opportunity to let Jiang Yao and the others take turns to recite the announcement script.

   From "Man Jiang Hong" to the CC manuscripts of the news network, the tortured school is very uncomfortable anyway.

   Now it's Lei Qi's turn... This grandson is sick!

   "One, two, one!"

   "One, two, one!"

   "One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four!"

   "Maintain the formation of the ninth class of the third grade!"

   "What does the Sports Committee of Class One and Sixteen of High School do? Do you want to take the exam for Fangyang University?"

   "The minibus in front of the main building should move faster, the small split in front of the car, which class of classmates!? Don't get in the way!"


   Zhang Jiazhi wants to vomit blood, which class is he still in? Classmate? That's me! I am a teacher! ! Deliberately, right?

   But he said he was a classmate, so you just didn't hire him.

   Make Zhang so childish, so I want to rush to kill him!

   But, this is not over yet!

   It's on the broadcast again, and it's still Qi Lei's long-lost, unbeatable, and extremely sweet voice.

   "According to the practice of special class, do I have to read a piece of broadcast?"

   "Then I'll also have a paragraph? How about the brothers and sisters in the special class?"




   This time, Zhang Jiazhi is not the only one. The old crane wants to go up and pull him off.

  What's the special thing? It's been almost half a year, is he still holding grudges?

   So, you can't let this little bunny gain power, otherwise he will have to get you some moths.

   As for Qi Lei, he is completely hilarious.

   Damn, fire me?

   perverted into the microphone, "Then I have a paragraph too!"

   "A simple short draft with a hundred words."

   The child downstairs raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "A short draft of a hundred words? Then you show off? You don't want to come to tongue twisters? But it's not level."

   After Qi Lei finished laying the groundwork, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

   cleared his throat:

"Abdu Saramu. Abdurexiti and Abdulheman. Abdul Tiliwaldi came to Sekziairi, Gamma Tielike Township, Akto County, Akto County, Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Ke Village, visited the villager Aihamati Toheti Abu Lizi and his wife Buwei Zuo and Rema Maati Yiming."

   "I puff!!"

"Puff puff!!"

"Puff puff!!

When    was read this paragraph, the whole school was distracted by him.

   How bad is this grandson!

   The old crane couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed upstairs when he turned back.

   After a while, there was a roar of the old crane on the radio, and then...the radio was silent.

   Zhang Jiazhi: "......"

   is very smooth!

   But, you are too...

   Be careful, narrow-minded, and mentally retarded! ! stupid! ! I'm sick! ! No brains!

   Then...then his face hurts a little.

   In order to cover up the embarrassment, he shouted at the few people who had already gotten in the car, "Have you heard? It's almost the same to reach this level!"

   Jiang Yao is speechless, what a mess!

   Before she could spit out, Zhang’s child got into the minibus, and disappeared after a while.

   He is gone, Qi Lei has nowhere to enjoy himself.

   When the exercises were over and the classes were brought back, Qi Lei rubbed his **** and came down from the fourth floor, and walked across from the class he brought back.

   Everyone only heard him muttering:

   "I'm so old, I'm not too young!"

   caused everyone to laugh, and felt that the school was full of fun.



  Chuanyin’s school exam is not difficult, and with the professional guidance of Zhang’s children, those in the second middle school performed well in the exam.

   Jiangyao is even more outstanding. Anyway, if she wants to go to Chuanyin, she can leave the cultural class as long as there is a point.

   These days, the selection criteria of various colleges and universities are still relatively large.

   Back at school, Zhang Jiazhi asked them to go back to class for self-study, while he went back to the office to prepare to meet the station in Beiguang tomorrow.

   At the same time, Liao Fanyi, who is far away in the capital, is also preparing to go to Longjiang by plane tomorrow morning.

   Yes, he personally led the team on this trip to the school exam in Longjiang Province.

   It's just that the purpose of this trip is not just for school exams.

   Suddenly, the phone at home rang, and Liao Fanyi picked it up. It was the principal of Beiguang who asked him to go to the office.

   Liao Fanyi didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried out and went to the principal's office.

   The headmaster of Beiguang first poured hot water for Liao Fanyi, and then he started talking about business.

   "How's it? Are all the luggage packed?"

   Liao Fanyi nodded.

   The principal then handed out a list, "This is a list of accompanying persons for this trip except for our school exam staff."

   Liao Fanyi looked at it and couldn't help frowning, "This..."

   There is a long list on the list, and there are some thunderous names among them.

for example:

  Deputy director of the School of International Relations, National People's University.

  The deputy director of the Department of Psychology of Beijing Normal University.

   and professors in several departments of Beijing and Guangzhou Mass Media, Sociology, and International Politics.

   "Principal, is this unnecessary?"

   Liao Fanyi was a little bit dumbfounded, and after reading the list again, it was indeed these great people.

   This can be said to be the top lineup of political science, mass psychology, mass media, sociology, and journalism in China.

   It is not too much for these people to organize a domestic summit forum, but now they have to go to the Northeast collectively to find...

   Go find that bastard?

   explained to the principal: "This trip is just to get an understanding of the situation. There is no need to mobilize the teacher in this way."

   the principal smiled wryly, "This is not what I meant, my face is not so great, please use these great abilities."

   "This is led by the JY Department and the News CB General Administration, and it is also the team of your digital media research center in the future."

   Liao Fanyi: "!!!"

   blurted out, "This... these people are all transferred to me?"

   a little dazed! In other words, even more confused.

   To be honest, he was not sober from start to finish in this matter. He didn't know what was going on, and suddenly a concept of digital media emerged.

   The principal talked to him and asked him what he thought of digital media.

   What can Liao Fanyi think? It was the first time he heard this word.

   Then, suddenly another "man above" appeared to talk to him, and asked him to take the lead in doing this.

   This has nothing to do with the subject that Liao Fanyi originally studied.

digital media?

  Digital media, are you looking for someone who does technology? Why are you looking for me as a journalist theory?

   Now that so many people have been stuffed for him, Liao Fanyi is even more confused.

  He didn’t even know what the so-called digital media wanted political science, mass psychology, and mass media scholars to do? Does it matter?

   Okay, until now, he still can't find a definition for the four words "mathematics media" even if it is a marginal one.

   This is also the reason his department head intervened in recruiting students and wanted to go to the Northeast.

  Because the "person above" told him that the concept still had an answer, he had to go to the northeast.

   It is not difficult to see that this is a great effort from the top to mobilize various talents to form this new subject research base.

is this necessary?

   Liao Fanyi doesn’t know, maybe it’s really only in the northeast to get the answer.

  At this time, the principal also comforted: "Don't have any burdens on you! The above attention is paid, it must be some insights from the above, and even related to the country's future development of supporting projects."

   "Just do it with confidence. Of course it is good to achieve results. If you can't achieve results, then it means that this research direction is not feasible, and the above will give up."

  Well, the principal of Beiguang actually doesn't know what digital media is, let alone the meaning.

   "Okay!" Liao Fanyi could only respond.

   However, he still doesn't understand, digital media? This direction is too general.

What does    contain?

  What are you going to study?

   What is the significance of establishing this discipline?

   The answers to all these are in the Northeast, all in the person recommended to him by the person who claims to be Lao Qin.

   Someone he knew, but was extremely strange.

   "Heh." Thinking of this, Liao Fanyi smiled self-deprecatingly, "Qi Lei...Why is this evildoer still lingering?"



   Liao Fanyi and his party arrived in Harbin the next morning.

   The northern part of April is still a bit colder than Beijing.

   The group did not stop in Harbin, and rushed to Shangbei without stopping.

   The staff in charge of admissions at Beiguang did not understand the move of setting up the test center in Shangbei.

   While looking at the scenery outside the car window, from the bustling city of Harbin to the chaos of the suburbs, it finally turned into a desolate, many people were even speechless.

   Since the establishment of Beiguang school, there has never been a test center in such a remote place.

   The young teacher at the Admissions Office couldn’t help being curious, “Director Liao, what on earth do you think of the school? Why is it Shang Bei?”

   Liao Fanyi looked at him and smiled, and finally shook his head.

   To be honest, he can't tell.

   I can’t tell everyone that they went to Shangbei to meet a child who was under 18 years old, right?

   can't tell them that they are looking for him with such a large group of people because he knows a subject better than us?

   is ridiculous!

   Besides, Liao Fanyi doesn't know exactly how much Qi Lei knows and how much help he can provide.

   I stopped talking to young teachers, and turned around to talk to a few scholars from the National People's Congress and Beijing Normal University.

   "Director Pang, the National People's Congress has always been well informed. Tell me, what does that kid know?"

   Pang Qingfang raised his eyebrows and smiled, then just shook his head.

   After a long time, "I do know more than you know, but it is definitely limited!"


  As soon as this statement came out, not only Liao Fanyi, Zhang Luchen of the Beijing Normal University, and several other people also became energetic, staring at Pang Qingfang, waiting for him to solve his doubts.

   only heard Pang Qingfang said: "It is said that someone above discovered a very special media phenomenon, and then consulted the person who created this media phenomenon."

   "As a result, that person put forward a very advanced media theory, and also suggested in-depth research on the above and the creation of disciplines."

   "What do you say about this matter? If ordinary people bring it up, they won't pay much attention to it. However, it seems that the person has a bit of energy and is a respected old man."

   "So the above paid attention to it. At the beginning, a group of scholars from the National People's Congress and the Party School were organized and discussed and found that there is indeed a need for research."

   spread his hands, "So, don't everyone get together?"

   Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but still wondering, "But, what does it have to do with going to Shangbei?"

   Pang Qingfang curled his lips, "Then I don't know, I can only ask Xiao Liao."

   Don't think that Liao Fanyi is the nominal leader, but in fact, everyone sitting is the youngest and the youngest.

   Regarding Pang Qingfang's question, Liao Fanyi also answered truthfully.

   "When I talked to me, I recommended this Qi Lei. It is said that he is very talented in journalism and has many advanced ideas. This subject is the first to be verified by him."

   Old Qin did not tell Liao Fanyi what Qi Lei had put forward in this subject, and played down his role out of the willingness to protect Qi Lei.

   After listening to it is all clear, but it is even more confused.

  Is a child who is still dissatisfied with eighteen, such a god?

   Pang Qingfang smiled bitterly and shook his head. If you want to say that a young genius in physics and mathematics, he believes and has seen many.

   But, the genius of politics and journalism?

   Is there a genius in this?

   He is skeptical anyway.

   The car swayed on Huangtu Road for three hours and finally arrived at Shangbei.

   Zhang Nan naturally did not dare to neglect the fact that Beiguang set up the test center in the second middle school, and greeted him personally.

   When I arrived in Shangbei, I went to the hotel to settle down and rest at the government guest house.

   When I met Zhang Nan, Liao Fanyi or Pang Qingfang, the first sentence was, "What kind of kid is Qi Lei in your school?"

   Okay, so curious.

   However, Zhang Nan asked in a daze.

   "Qi, Qi Lei? Didn't you come to the school to take the exam? Ask him why?"




   Thank you [It’s bamboo] for the reward, mine! ! It seems that I told you that it is 6 o'clock four times...

   Thank you, the boss is rich, the boss is blessed.

   Thank you [Nan Kelan] [Conquer the Aegean Sea] for the reward.

   The boss stays young forever! !

   Xiaonanke rejuvenates!

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