Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 88: Integration of resources

Rather than saying that Qi Lei is drawing a blueprint for Xu Wenliang, Guo Changcun, and Zheng Xiancheng, it is better to use Lao Qin as an excuse to tell these three people what he has seen and heard in later generations.


   Although the three of them heard about the courier and the supermarket, they were at a loss and did not know why. However, they are not ordinary ordinary people, and they still have their thinking and vision. As long as Qi Lei clarifies the joints, it is not incomprehensible.


   At this time, Xu Wenliang took the lead to ask, "What did your brother mean... express delivery like the post?"


   Qi Lei, "Yes!"


   Xu Wenliang furrowed his brows deeper, "Isn't this unrealistic? Not to mention that you won't be able to grab the postal business, just this must be an astronomical figure!"


   Qi Lei laughed, "Uncle Xu, my brother said, on the contrary, now is the easiest time to grab the postal business and also the time when the investment is minimal."




   This time even Guo Changcun and Zheng Xiancheng were stunned, "How do you tell?"


   Qi Lei, "First, the function of the post is coverage. No matter how remote the area, the post requires delivery. However, the consequence of this is slow!"


   The post of this era is simply outrageous. A letter can go for half a month or even longer if it is a bit slower.


   "As for private express companies, we don't need to consider the coverage rate in the early stage. We can run special lines in Beijing and the province first. After we have accumulated experience and customers, we will slowly expand outward."


   "As long as it is faster than the postal service, it will be able to grab customers."


  Well, it’s not a rush. Domestic express companies, to put it bluntly, just share the pressure on the postal service.


   Post is a functional state-owned enterprise. It does not pay attention to profitability. It surrenders high-profit areas to the younger brother, and it is the marginal area of ​​losing money.


   have a big heart!


   "Quick! As long as it is fast enough, you can take up a portion of the market."


   The three nodded, this is indeed a competitive force.


   Just Wen Qi Lei continued: "Secondly, the reason is that now is the time to invest the least, because just like the Northeast advantages mentioned before, many of our things are readily available."


   looked at Xu Wenliang, "Uncle Xu, think about it, the express delivery industry must be an industry that employs a lot of labor."


   "And this point, don't you need to talk more about it? We have 70% of laid-off workers. We don't need to recruit from the society at a single call. There are as many people as we want."


   "The biggest expense of the express delivery industry is actually the transportation of vehicles and outlets in various places."


   Well, when it comes to this, there is no need to talk about Qi Lei. Xu Wenliang subconsciously straightened his waist and suddenly realized.


   Vehicle? Outlets?


   This is really no shortage!


   As I said before, every unit in the Northeast has all the internal organs and the three productions are everywhere.


  Restaurants, shops, including transportation teams.


   This is really no joke, Shangbei City has its own transportation company.


   What kind of agricultural machinery factory, textile factory, gear factory, grain depot, fertilizer factory, etc., each unit has its own transportation team.


   Now that the factory is closed, all the natural transportation teams are lying down.




   That's more, the sales offices of each factory.


   What do you want to say about the most in the following townships? It is not a private store, but a sales office.


   The retail shops of the agricultural machinery factory and the self-operated shops of the textile factory have slightly changed these same idle shops. Xu Wenliang just makes a rough calculation. At least Shangbei and surrounding counties and cities above the township level are basically covered.


   At this time, Qi Lei said again: "Actually, there is another advantage that is not available elsewhere."


   The three of them are getting more interested, and they all have a clear sense of transparency, "What? Say it!"


   Qi Lei, "That is the agricultural pilot, the green channel opened by the state!"


   This is the key to going out.




   Xu Wenliang understands, the green channel, the special train to Beijing!


   When he was in Baihezi before, Qi Lei had mentioned the green channel with Deputy Chen, and this green channel was the first thing that Chen had implemented.


   The railway department specially granted Shangbei a special train, the purpose is to allow Shangbei's agricultural and sideline products to enter Beijing as quickly as possible.


   This is of course a good thing, but it's not a good thing from the current point of view.


  Because, ashamed!


The    special train was opened at the beginning of the year.


   That’s right, Xu Wenliang and Shang Bei’s officials pieced together to make up a train of finely packaged rice, dried goods, and a mess of products.


   includes some products produced by textile factories, agricultural machinery factories and other factories.


   And, at least half of it has to be pulled back.


   This is also one of the reasons why Xu Wenliang is eager to set up a development group and is eager to find investment.


   There are only channels, and it’s useless if you can’t sell things!


   "What do your relatives mean, you can use the green channel to ship the express delivery in the province?"


   Qi Lei shook his head, "This is not just as simple as shipping things out. If we start the express delivery industry, even if we do not focus on personal express delivery in the early stage, we will take the logistics and transshipment of bulk transactions."


   "As long as the special train runs, once every three days, or even once a day, then our high-quality vegetables, fruits, and fresh produce can reach the capital in more than ten hours. That is our advantage project!"


  All the things that grow on the black earth are precious. It's a pity that in this era, people in the Northeast have no business acumen, nor the ability to spread these time-sensitive commodities to the south.


   In fact, in this era, in addition to Shanhai Province, which has a complete thinking about the seasonal economy, other regions are still stuck in the mode of supply and demand economy.


   For example, vegetable farmers in Hebei profited from growing vegetables because of the large demand in Beijing and Tianjin.


   Longjiang’s grain and agricultural products are good, but they have to be rice, soybeans, corn and other mature and easy-to-storage grains. Vegetables can’t go out at all.


   Xu Wenliang understood thoroughly, and pondered for a long time, "You relatives... are not ordinary!"


   This idea is tantamount to opening up the horizon for officials in the Northeast.


   As Qi Lei said, in fact, the status quo in the Northeast is not all shortcomings, perhaps advantages.


  A ready-made transportation system, a store system, and a ready-made labor force.


  Moreover, these labors are not low-end labors who can only work hard. A factory has collapsed. From ordinary employees to accounting, financial, and management personnel, all of them are closed.


   can be reorganized and re-employed after taking it.


   Of course, some bureaucratic ideological problems have to be solved, but these can be solved in Xu Wenliang's eyes.


   could not help but look at the two leaders Guo and Zheng.


   smiled sincerely, "Two hall directors, this is a good idea! It's just that if you can do it, you have to save more help!"


   When the two heard it, they rolled their eyes.


   Zheng Xiancheng even smirked, and complained to Guo Changcun, "What do you think? Are these two people acting as a double for us again?"


   Guo Changcun pouted, "Well, like!"


   These are all convictions, no one can't doubt it.


   Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence? By the way, when the two of us were there, did you discuss this issue with the old and the young?


   can you help? How can I help? It is nothing more than borrowing from the province to pull some business for this unseen express delivery industry.


   Otherwise, if you are a newly established express delivery company, let alone the common people, even if they are officials who have never heard of it, how can you survive?


   Xu Wenliang made a good calculation, we have no business, there is one in the province!


  Agriculture and forestry transportation are mostly large-scale transactions, do you need logistics? give it to me? Let us live!


   Regarding this, Guo and Zheng just made fun of them, "Well, it's not a big problem."


   Transport is for anyone, but Xu Wenliang is still an attempt.


   If he can really integrate the various transportation teams in Shangbei into a courier company, it will be a model for other areas in Longjiang and provide reform experience.


   Moreover, the two of them actually heard it out, it was the relative of Qi Lei, not ordinary people.


   Can operate Maguire’s team, can it be an ordinary person?


   is to sell personal affection!


   Besides, you see Xu Wenliang's ecstatic posture. Who knows if he got angry with his son-in-law early in the morning, so he is acting for them here?


  Who knows if this is the meaning of the above, but it is not easy to come forward and say it through Weng's mouth!


   These are all bad things, and you have to cooperate if you need to cooperate.


   Guo Changcun thought for a while and said, "If you really want to try, we can reflect on it when we go back. Not only agriculture and forestry, but other transportation out of the province, as long as it is suitable, can be introduced to you."


   Xu Wenliang and Qi Lei looked at each other and smiled, both of them were pleasantly surprised.


   With this sentence, it's half the battle.


   heard that Guo Changcun said again, "But there is one thing, we must speak first!"


   "Don't do it, just ignore your own family. You must promote your experience, and then help a bunch of brothers in other regions."


   When Xu Wenliang heard it, he just wanted to nod and say, this is what it should be!


   But he didn't want to, Qi Lei grabbed a step, "Uncle Guo, why wait for success, I can help now!"


   Guo Changcun was startled, "What do you mean?"


   Qi Lei, "You think, how many vehicles are there for the transportation teams of the various units integrated by Shangbei?"


   Looking at Xu Wenliang, Xu Wenliang immediately understood, and replied: "There are only more than a hundred trucks? There are dozens of sections of iron wagons, and there are so many cars on the front."


   The small family base in the northeast is still very rich. Not to mention trucks, some war-ready units even have their own railways and trains.


   For example, the Forestry Bureau, and its own railway too!


   "Look at it!" Qi Lei spread his hands, "My Beige meant that if we did it, we could mobilize all places to do it together. After all, Shangbei only has much capacity!"

   "Furthermore, if Guangshang North goes out, it is not scaled up. It can be operated in a cooperative mode!"


   The express delivery industry is mainly the establishment of a network. If other places are also brought in, it is not a branch in Shangbei that is accurate to the township, and the entire Longjiang Province can be spread.


   Not only can the outbound business integrate more vehicles and deliver larger quantities of goods, even without outbound, can the personal express delivery business in the province be launched?


  Because the outlets are ready!


   Guo Changcun: "..."


   Zheng Xiancheng: "..."


   This is indeed an idea!


   It’s just that the two of them didn’t understand too much. Do you have too much appetite, or are you selfless in your heart?


   Such a big stall, can your little Shang Bei eat it?


   If you don’t want to eat it, don’t you make wedding dresses for others and grab your own business?


   But they didn't know that Qi Lei was actually on a temporary basis.


   Do you grab business? Not necessarily!


   The green channel is from Shangbei to Beijing, which is an advantage no one has.


   The express delivery business in the province is the best. Even if it can’t, Shangbei is also the main distribution center for the province.


   If the freight volume is large, the special train can travel once a day, or even twice a day.


   Then who has me fast? Who has my low transportation cost? Who has my timeliness?


  In this era, you are transporting by road and dispatching wagons. Who is more competitive in my green channel?


  Special train! From Shangbei to Beijing, 1000 kilometers, ten hours to enter Beijing, who can compare?


  Besides, other regions want to grab business in the express delivery industry, that is, crossing the river by feeling the stones. And Shang Bei, the rebirth Qi Lei, stood on the shoulders of his predecessors and drew a gourd. Can he fight it?


   Can't spell it!


   Qi Lei knows that SF Express, the earliest private express delivery company in China, started with a cooperative system.


   Until many years later, SF had no headquarters. SF Express operates independently in various regions, spreads out its outlets, and expands as a whole before it begins to integrate into the future SF Express.


   It is the same now. For example, Xu Wenliang named Shangbei Development Group North Group.


   Then Northern Express can first use the form of cooperation to develop foreign outlets, without participating in local operations, and only extract a small part of the profit from the profit.


   Everyone shares the network and develops together!


  Furthermore, the purpose of Northern Express is not just for profit, but to drive local agricultural and fresh products out! NS.


   There are so many profitable places.


   Qi Lei can use the insights of later generations to find Shang Bei a profit point.


   For example, there is no solution for fresh transportation and delivery.


   You said, let the packaging factory of the three fathers produce a wave of foam packaging boxes, is it possible to make some money?


   For another example, nowadays, small vacuum packaging equipment and heat-sealing equipment for airtight packaging have not been popularized yet. There are so many machinery factories in Shangbei, can they develop a wave?


   Can there be many business opportunities for packaging paper, plastic packaging bags, cardboard boxes, inflatable strips, and foamed paper for express delivery?


   These things that can be seen everywhere in later generations, laymen may not think of it, but can Qi Lei, who have seen them all, give Shang Bei some opportunities?


   is all business!




  Shangbei is a city with its own urban thinking, which is different from a company.


   This is like, the following generations, three links, one Dajia SF Express, and postal courier services are all enterprises, and they must consider the issue of competition.


   However, Wuhan doesn't think so much. No matter which express you are, I am a distribution center that must pass through the southwest. As long as the express delivery is in and out of Yunguichuan and Jinghu area, they must pass through me.


  How many job opportunities and business opportunities does a distribution center bring to Wuhan?


   Although Shangbei cannot reach the point of Wuhan, Shangbei also has its own geographical advantages.


   This is the gateway to Longjiang, as well as the green channel of the railway.


   If the distribution center is built a little bit north, it will be able to get the g1 expressway, which is the Jingha expressway.


   As long as the express delivery is done, the people and goods will come, and business opportunities will also come.


  Does Dong Zhanlin's bad money still have to be used for development?


   may not be!


   There are still some family backgrounds in the Northeast, but there is one missing person who has the perspective of later generations, and the way of thinking is different from the current people.


   These words, Qi Lei did not intend to talk to Guo Changcun and Zheng Xiancheng, but he can have a good chat with the old man after turning around.


   The main reason is that these two ministers have no ethics. In case you listen well, they will be cut off. Come on, you can't do this in the north, so let's come to the province!


   Where can I cry?


   Just tell them that they can cooperate.


   In short, this little boy’s "North Brother" does have something.


  , coupled with Beige’s mysterious identity, makes it more convincing. This matter can be studied in depth.


   Only, Qi Lei just said that there are two methods, express delivery and supermarket.


   Now that the express is almost done, what is the situation with the supermarket?


   At this time, Guo Changcun is more interested than Xu Wenliang, "You can tell me, what kind of doorway is that supermarket?"


He only heard Qi Lei said: "Supermarkets are actually very simple. Our agricultural products, including the output of surplus industries in the Northeast, were previously allocated by the state, but now there is no, or if the allocation is small, they lose their vitality. Good choice."


   "To be our own supermarket brand, specializing in our own products and brands."


   "While making money, you can also bring in business thinking. Isn't this multi-tasking?"


   "This..." The three of them looked at each other speechlessly, but they were not as excited as before. "


  The truth is such a truth, but it's not as simple as Beige said.


   Guo Changcun shook his head, "This...not very reliable!"


To Xu Wenliang, "You still think about express delivery. I think this is okay. It can not only reduce employment pressure, but also reintegrate the resources of various units. I will take the lead for you and the whole province. cooperate."


   Xu Wenliang nodded, "Yes, with the support of Guo Ting and Zheng Ting, I will be more confident."


   Zheng Xiancheng also said: "Support is right! If you have any difficulties, you can raise them, and if you can solve them, the province will help."


   sighed, "This agricultural pilot is not easy to get! In fact, the province also has high hopes, otherwise, we can't pay such attention to the issue of Monsanto."


   "Unfortunately, I still don't have the thoughtful thoughts above."


   "As for the supermarket..." With a wry smile, he glanced at Qi Lei, "Your relative, I still want to be simple!"


   "Hey eh eh!"


   Qi Lei can't listen anymore, why are you changing so fast? Just now, it was Xiao Tiantian, so why did Mrs. Niu in a blink of an eye?


   "Uncle Zheng, supermarkets are more important than express delivery!"


   Zheng Xiancheng, "What's the point? You don't understand, there are too many doorways, we can't play around."


   Guo Changcun also spoke, but he didn't take the shock as much as Zheng Xiancheng: "The idea is good, agricultural and sideline products, and excess production capacity, really need a terminal sales channel."


   "But, we open a supermarket by ourselves... this is unrealistic. If there is no competitiveness, we can't let our stuff go out!"


   "This is like, if you want to eat steamed buns, there is no need to grow wheat yourself!"


   Qi Lei: "..."


   Tucao in my heart, do you know what I want to say? Just come to a conclusion so early?


   At this time, Xu Wenliang explained: "The supermarket is not as simple as you think. Selling our products is even more unreliable."


   "Our things, firstly, there is no market; secondly, they are no better than the purchasing channels of those big supermarket groups."


   "There is no advantage in price. Why do ordinary people enter your supermarket and buy your products?"


   "Thirdly, supermarkets are not a new idea. Although Shangbei does not have them, there are already a lot of big supermarkets in Harbin. We can't compete with others!"


   "If it's just agricultural and sideline products, it's okay to say, but you can add light industry, ha ha, don't even think about it!"


   The light and heavy industries in the Northeast are all produced by the country for decades. The heavy industry is fine, but the light industry, that is, the manufacturing of daily necessities, is simply hard to describe.


   only occupies a little, good quality! As for other things, don’t mention it.


   Regardless of innovation or style trends, it basically still maintains the style of the 1960s and 1970s. Who buys it?


   but didn't want to, Qi Lei looked at the three of them, "This is not what you think!"




   The three of them frowned, "What's going on?"


   Qi Lei, "First, who said that this supermarket is going to be opened locally? Supermarkets are going to be opened in first-tier cities like Beijing and Tianjin."


   "Second, who said that supermarkets must compare prices?"


   The three of them don’t understand even more, "It’s not more than the price, so how can you be competitive?"


   However, Qi Lei started to ponder, and for a long time, he looked up at Xu Wenliang.


   "Uncle Xu, my Beige said, if you really want to do it, you might as well go to Xuchang, Henan."


   Xu Wenliang frowned, "Xuchang? Why?"


   Qi Lei, "There is a small tobacco and alcohol supermarket in Xuchang called'Pang Donglai'. You can check it out for yourself, and you will understand it after reading it."


   "Sometimes, it's really not necessarily the price to win!"






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  【Recommended ticket coin slot】


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