The shouts in the square got louder and louder, and reached the lounge. Ryan heard it, he felt his heart beating vigorously, his blood began to boil, and the calmness he was proud of was gradually replaced by excitement. A totally different feeling, with the Oscars, with the movie premiere, totally different!

Yes, what I want is this feeling, this dazzling feeling of standing in the middle of ten thousand people!

Ryan, it's almost time. John Burns came in with Pie Kingsley.

Ryan nodded and looked at the band on the other side, Guys, are you ready?

Yes! Four raised fists responded to him.

Come on then, this stage belongs to us only today! Ryan walked out first.

There is no host on stage, no reporter interviews, no camera footage, just music, music that resonates with everyone!

It's Ryan, Ryan is out.

In the cheers of fans, the flashing lights of reporters under the stage turned into a whole, and even the neon advertisements around Times Square were covered up.

The boy on the stage was wearing dark jeans, canvas shoes of the same color, and a light-colored long-sleeved shirt. His short light-brown hair stood up like his strong character. Although he was five feet five inches tall, although he had not yet shaken off the childishness of a child, But it showed a unique style.

The boy's left hand was raised above his head, and it was only a breath of time. The tsunami-like shouting from the mountains in the square disappeared, replaced by silence, a silence that could be heard even when a needle fell on the ground!

The boys and girls under the stage, young men and women, all held their breaths, they wanted to hear every word on the stage.

However, the boy on the stage didn't speak, and the raised hand snapped his fingers to the band behind, and the accompaniment tune rang out.

The tune was unusually unfamiliar, yet unusually pleasant, and they immediately realized that this was a new song on the album!

I won't make the mistakes I made before, I won't let my heart fill with pain again~ |

The sobbing voice is full of elasticity, just one line of lyrics, the eyes of people under the stage light up, after all, this is the first time Ryan Jenkins sings in public, and no one knew his live ability before. how.

He didn't let them down!

Because of you, I learned to stay in a safe place and not get hurt. Because of you, I try to trust others and live in peace with the people around me. Because of you, I feel attached to my heart!

The emotional outburst in the chorus is so sudden, yet so natural. Ryan's singing is full of penetrating power, and the strong voice reaches the sky. They heard the shocking accusation and the boy's strong appearance. Below, a heart full of attachment.

Who is the person you are attached to? Some people flashed a cold face in their minds.

This is a touching song, the conveying and calling of emotion, which easily touched their hearts.

When the music fell, the thunderous applause seemed to be able to overturn the sky. Before the applause fell, the call of 'Ryan' sounded again, and it only took a second to suppress the applause.

Turning off the microphone, Ryan let out a sigh of relief. He found that he was an excited player. The bigger the scene, the more excited he was. The more excited he was, the better he played. this is him The best singing one, even better than the version on the album by half a point.

Friends in New York! Friends in New York! Ryan turned on the microphone when the shouts were a little lower, and as his voice sounded, the scene returned to silence again, Oh oh... how are you?

Wow~ the audience shouted again.

Hello everyone, I'm Ryan Jenkins, the guy who sang he more than half a year ago! Welcome to Ryan Jenkins' first album release!

Amid the good-natured laughter, Ryan continued, The song just now was called, and it was made for the person I love the most. I hope you like it!

Earlier, I was sitting in the lounge and I heard your screams piercing the thick concrete walls, and then I told myself, what a great fan you have, God, their treble ratio You are stronger.

I stand on the stage with the best view, I can see everyone, you are the best! Ryan walked to the side of the stage, pointed to the bottom and said, The one on the left is the Savior's Posters, well, I looked screwed back then. Also, over here, oh god, you're holding up Harry Potter, and I think the record companies should be upset!

Fans and popularity need to be managed. Ryan's affinity naturally radiated out, and he made some innocuous jokes in exchange for a burst of cheers from the audience.

Ryan snapped his fingers to the back again, and the bass player played a fast-paced melody.

I know, for today, I have prepared for a long time, and you have prepared for a long time. He pointed to a huge and eye-catching comic version of Ryan, For example, the friends who made that poster, not a few days. Time, there is no way to draw such a picture, no doubt, you know that I can sketch. So, I can feel your enthusiasm for me!

Since you want to spend this unforgettable day with me, are you ready? Ryan pointed to the audience.


Ryan made a gesture to the audience, a staff member quickly brought up the electric guitar, and he made an OK gesture to the band, indicating that he wanted a rock version!

This occasion is not suitable for singing lyrical songs.

It'! Ryan plucked the strings, GO!

Completely different from the previous song, this is obviously a fast-paced rock, this song actually has nothing to do with CS, there are two versions of rock and lyrical, Ryan re-arranged the song, in keeping On the basis of a certain rock element, the style of the song tends to be more popular.

This is my life, this is not a song for the heartbroken, God will not shelter those who pray without faith, I don't want to be just one of the crowd, you will hear my heart, when I speak out loud Shout out, this is my life!

The fast-paced songs are full of tension, Ryan's vocals are subtly controlled on the edge of the broken sound, and the hoarse roar is fun and dripping, but it has a unique infectious color, and many people in the audience twisted with the music.

There are a lot of people with good sense of music, who also danced disco to the beat.

Wow~ Ryan gave a strange cry, interrupting the fading applause, and after waving to the audience, he said, Okay! Like all stories I write, there is always a protagonist in the story. Today's The protagonists are you, of course, me and my band, then... the last song,!

Ryan, a new song! We want to listen to a new song! the fans in the audience shouted.

This Johnson \u0026 Johnson advertisement theme song has long since spread throughout the streets with the broadcast of the advertisement. They don't know how many times they have heard it.

That's not good, it will be a breach of contract, you know? Ryan's eyes widened deliberately, and after the shouting from the audience rose again, he sighed and said, Okay, okay, who asked you to be As for today's protagonist, the direction of the story should be decided by the protagonist, and the new song lemon.Tree, I hope you will not be disappointed.

The relaxed and freehand accompaniment sounded, followed by Ryan's playful singing.

I'm sitting in this boring room, it's another rainy Sunday afternoon, I have nothing to do, I'm wasting my time... I'm overwhelmed, I don't know So, yesterday you painted me blue color, that blue sky, but all I see is a yellow lemon tree, and I turn my head, up and down, turn, turn, turn, and over and over, all I see is another lemon tree !

The cheerful rhythm, the jumping notes, and the naughty singing make people can't help but relax the tense nerves, and even the fatigue in the brain seems to have disappeared.

Three styles of songs, three different singing styles, excellent live performances, and a relaxed and freehand typhoon all show Ryan's strong personal charm. Even if he is still young, many young fans look into his eyes. , has begun to twinkle little stars.

Ryan ~ I love you! Such shouts came one after another.

Thank you, everyone, thank you! Facing the audience, Ryan waved his hands and walked to the stage.

Encore! Encore!

The shouts from the audience were still neat, but the voices were much lower. After all, this was the release of the new album. They naturally knew what the show would be next. Although there were thousands of people lining up at the entrance of the record store, they had to wait in line. There is always hope, isn't it?

Wow, Ryan is so handsome. Larry's eyes were full of little stars.

Ryan sings so well. He writes lyrics, composes and sings himself. It's amazing. I will also become a creative singer in the future!

Is he as good as you guys say? the other girl said with a pouted mouth.

You're not allowed to say that about Ryan. Kristin narrowed his eyes and looked at the crowd that began to spread around the stage. Didn't you say you could take us into the record store? Then let's go!

After speaking, she also grabbed the other's arm, for fear that she would run away.

Don't worry, I'll keep my word and I will never run away. The girl rolled her eyes, took the two idiots in her eyes, walked in a circle, and came to the side door of the record store.

What are you doing? A staff member stopped them at the door.

I'm Ryan's friend. I made an appointment yesterday.

The staff didn't mean to get out of the way at all. He had seen a lot of people pretending to be star friends, and the girl was helpless, so she had to continue, Could you please contact Ryan's manager Ms. Kingsley or bodyguard George?

The guy's eyes widened. Now that he knew the names of Ryan's agent and bodyguard, it didn't look like he was lying, so he quickly shouted into the walkie-talkie.

Soon, the high heels clacked, and Pai Kingsley walked to the door, looked at the girl and said, Nate, you're finally here, Ryan thought you weren't coming.

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