Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 39 Bacon Omelette

There was still a shooting task the next day, and under the watchful eyes of the tyrant of the crew, the party did not last long. It ended at about ten o'clock. Looking at the pair of siblings who left hand in hand, Carter Ace Na's eyes flickered back to the trailer.

This is the residence specially prepared by the crew for those who come to visit the class. After all, he is also a middle and high-level Disney, and the crew did not treat him badly, and prepared a separate luxury trailer residence for him.

After a brief wash, and leaning on the head of the bed, Carter Eisner remembered the scene at the bonfire party. Strictly speaking, he was a layman for music, but even so, he could see that Rui En? Jenkins has a very high musical literacy, and the two songs are so beautiful that even a layman can hear them.

Yes, his singing is childish, but boys and girls are different. After the inflection period, their voices will change significantly, not to mention, he will write lyrics and music himself!

What else do you have? Carter Eisner really wanted to ask the boy overnight, he kept surprising people and hitting people's nerves. Is he blessed by God? Or received a hug from Satan?

In fact, it is no wonder that he is so concerned. Disney does not only have a film subsidiary, but also a record subsidiary!

Hollywood Records, which was officially established on January 1 last year, is not even a start in the pop music industry. The few singers it signed are even more unknown. Although it is working with Disney TV to restore the Mickey Mouse Club, Only God knows whether such an unreliable plan will succeed.

There is no doubt that if the record company wants to open up the situation, it needs a heavyweight. In his eyes, Ryan Jenkins is very suitable. He can compose and compose lyrics. Although his singing skills are not enough, he can interpret two styles of songs. But it's easy and comfortable. Besides, after Home Alone, he never doubted his talent!

He even doubted that the boy's artistic talent and ability far exceeded everyone's estimates. He could see that Nicole Kidman and Pie Kingsley were not surprised at the party. Obviously, the other party has shown all of these in his usual life.

Of course, it's possible he overestimated the other's musical talent, but if things went as he imagined, the benefits would be self-evident.

You must know that the position of a touchstone executive is far from satisfying him. He wants to enter the high-level of the group company like his uncle Michael Eisner and seek greater development, and now is undoubtedly a good opportunity.


New Mexico is far warmer than California, and it doesn't feel any chill even in January. After a long shot of filming, Ryan walked over to a table with a lot of fun. Weapons, from the AK series to the M series automatic rifles are not lacking.

What caught his eye the most was the Gatling gun. It wasn't a prop, but a real guy. Unfortunately, there were no bullets, and because of his age, the props master was strictly guarding him. let him touch.

Hey, Stu, you're so stingy, I'm just looking at it, and there's no bullet on it! Ryan complained.

Ryan, James has said that you are strictly prohibited from touching real firearms. You don't want the crew to be sued by the Children's Association, right? The props engineer stopped him directly.

All right.

Ryan could only shrug his shoulders. Although the United States is a country full of guns and school shooting incidents are endless, there are strict regulations for minors to access firearms.

It's fine if it's in private, but it's a big problem if it's in public.

He walked over to the prop gun, picked up an M9 pistol, and followed the way on TV, and turned it in a dashing circle, causing Nicole, who came from the other side, to laugh dumbly.

Ryan, are you interested in firearms? Nicole asked.

It's okay, after all, every boy has a gun dream! He picked up another old-fashioned Colt, Nicole, do you want to try it.

Forget it. Nicole looked at Cameron who was roaring with emotion, Is James always like this?

It's more fierce than this. Ryan glared and opened his mouth, making a vicious face, He usually looks like this when he trains people, don't worry, every time he trains me, I will try to find a way to get it back. Come.

Carter Eisner and Pie Kingsley walked over while talking at this time, and they stopped their small argument after seeing Ryan and Nicole.

Ryan, did you really write those two songs last night? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just want to confirm. Carter touched his nose, as if embarrassed by his abrupt question.

It was created by me, but you should hear it. The latter is only half of the song. Ryan admitted it bluntly, otherwise, where to find the author of that song, it seems that she is still a little loli.

That's great! Carter smacked his palm. Ryan, I want to ask, have you studied music systematically? I think you have a lot of experience with guitar.

When I was in the orphanage, I learned guitar and violin from the students of the art college. Hearing Ryan's words, Carter was slightly disappointed, but the boy's next words lifted his spirits again, In the two years in London, Nicole has hired a lot of private music teachers for me, some of them are masters of the London Philharmonic, and I have studied with others in the Philharmonic for a while, but when I got back to Los Angeles, I practiced on my own.

Do you have any other instruments besides the guitar? Carter had the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking to the end.

Piano and violin are not bad, the rest can only be said to get started. Ryan gradually became enlightened, thinking that these people are too sensitive to smell, right? In fact, he also understands that the unfinished song at the end is just fine, but is really attractive.

Strictly speaking, this kind of song cannot be written by a child, but the memory of his orphanage can be pulled out at any time, and he also clearly stated that this is a song dedicated to Nicole.

Besides, since those unscrupulous media described him as a monster, they would be more optimistic about the monster. Could it be that the federal government will really arrest him in the National Academy of Sciences for slicing research? If this is the case, Einstein does not know how many times he was cut.

Well, maybe it will be sliced ​​after death, but since he is dead, I care about the flood!

Ryan, you're distracted. Nicole pinched his ear lightly.

Sorry. Ryan looked at Carter, who had obviously just finished speaking, Can you say it again? I'm lost.

It's okay. Anyway, it's not the first time I've encountered this kind of situation, and Carter is not surprised. Ryan, do you like music? Have you ever thought about making a record? Disney owns a Hollywood record company. If you can, go back to Can you stop by when you get to Los Angeles?

This. Ryan scratched his head and glanced at Nicole again. The other party gave him a look of making up his mind, so he had to shirk temporarily, You should know that I haven't changed my voice yet, so I have no plans for this for the time being. .

These are not problems. Carter shook his hand. We will provide some necessary guidance during the voice change period. You should know that if you are not careful during this period, your vocal cords will be hurt.

Let's talk about it when I get back to Los Angeles, after all, I can't get away from it now. After thinking about it, Ryan neither agreed nor refused.

Okay then. Carter looked at the busy set, and he also knew that it was impossible for the boy to make a decision right away, otherwise James Cameron would definitely blow him away, Ryan, if you want to be in the music In terms of development, please give priority to us? Although the Hollywood record company is just starting, it can't compare with the five major record companies, but it also has its own advantages.

That's no problem, after all, we had a great time working together in Home Alone. Ryan saw the assistant walking towards him and knew that he was about to have his shot, I'm going to shoot, Nicole, I think at noon Eat your bacon omelette.

Carter Eisner let out a sigh of relief. Although he didn't get a reply from the other party, it's good news that he didn't refuse. It shows that he really has a good impression of Disney. Now Hollywood is staring at his works and acting skills, and there is not much in this regard. People know that they have the first mover.

But so many people heard his singing last night, who knows if it will spread, and he must hurry up.

It seemed that after going back, he was going to see the tyrant uncle again.

The filming on the set was still in full swing. Nicole borrowed the crew's kitchen and made bacon omelettes with her own hands. Jinsili, who was standing on the other side, didn't know what to say.

Just because of Ryan's words, Nicole drove to a small town not too close to buy special bacon and the boy's favorite mountain egg. Originally, she also advised her to use the food provided by the crew. Well, who knew that Nicole Kidman made her speechless with a single word.

I need the freshest bacon and eggs. Ryan doesn't like olive oil very much. Don't you see, Pat, he's lost a lot of weight. It must be that the crew's food is not to his taste.

Heck! Pie Jinsley really wanted to cover her forehead. Ryan was indeed darker, but he had lost some weight. He was obviously stronger than the last time they came.

After being with the two of them for so long, how can they be friends who can talk to each other, Jinsili looked at the busy Nicole and decided to remind this smart Australian woman, Nicole, don't you think that you dote on Rui too much? Okay? This is good for his growth...

Pat, I know what you're worried about. Nicole smiled, but didn't stop what she was doing, We've been here for years, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, look at Ryan, Both mentally and physically, they are growing healthily, aren't they?

Thank you, SAMA

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