Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 292 FedEx

Among the famous female stars in Hollywood, there may be idiots, but the Spanish woman on the opposite side is definitely not among them. Ryan knows very well that Penelope Cruz is very good at seizing opportunities and is very good at using male stars to attract people's attention and climb up. woman.

As for the female stars who are most likely to spark with male partners when filming, how many people will believe this kind of nonsense?

In her previous life, every scandal of hers always caused a lot of uproar and became the hottest gossip, all of which can explain some problems.

If Penelope Cruz didn't do it on purpose, then there must be a team of agents who are good at hype behind her.

Counting today, Ryan has only met her for the second time. Although the hotness of Latin girls is indeed attractive, he does not want to be a stepping stone for others.

Besides, just what should Nicole and Natalie do in the future, he didn't come up with a good solution. If other scandals suddenly appeared, it would definitely be himself.

Sorry, Pepe. I have other things to do tonight.

Although the words were very euphemistic, Ryan's refusal was still firm. Although the voice of agitation in his heart kept clamoring, he still had a clear priority.

Then... okay. Penelope Cruz's face showed an irrepressible look of disappointment, she raised two fingers and gestured in her ear, I will call you. , Ryan.

Seeing the Spanish girl walking away in high heels, Ryan slowly exhaled. This woman is really beautiful. Among Hollywood stars, she is definitely first-class, especially her Latin style...

Damn it! Ryan patted his forehead, but it's only been a month, you can't help it?

All right. I should go to New York or Australia!

Closing the door, Ryan leaned against the seat tightly, his heart tumbling.

Back home, Lisa had already prepared dinner with someone, and Ryan sat at the dining table, still thinking about the two women, and everything was done. There's nothing to regret then, he never thought of himself as a moral person, let alone in Hollywood.

Compared with people of the same status in the circle, his private life is already very clean.

As long as they are looking for it, men can always find countless reasons for this. In Ryan's heart, Natalie is the long-cherished wish of the past life, and Nicole is the pursuit of this life.

The issue is,

After last year's North Hollywood incident. The two of them have already reached the point where they no longer speak to each other and only nod their heads to say hello. If they find out about each other's existence in the future, it will definitely be a huge storm. Will their client be killed by them?

Let's eat first, after all, this is an urgent task!

Although there are not many foods on the table that I like to eat. Ryan still forcibly stuffed it into his mouth. Since the official launch of The Rest of the Desert Island, he has been assisted by a nutritionist. A planned increase in weight in order to be more in line with the image of people before they land on the deserted island.

It is probably a physical problem. Although I eat a lot of high-calorie food every day, the speed of weight gain can only be described by turtle speed.

Pork floss, country-grilled ribs, butter sandwiches, creamy chocolate pie, etc. These are Ryan's current staples.

It's not just about gaining weight. According to the shooting plan sent by Robert Zemeckis, Ryan will soon lose the weight he has gained, or even become thinner...

In addition, he must learn to survive in the wild. At the very least, learn skills such as spearfishing and drilling wood for fire, as well as cooking food from local ingredients.

In addition to George, Ryan employs a wilderness survival specialist. Targeted training is one of the reasons why he is very busy during this time.

After returning to the room to take a shower, and busy with the work at hand, the landline bell that would ring on time every night rang again. Ryan picked up the phone. There was no accident. It was Nicole Kidd who was far away in Australia. Man.

Hi Nicole, did today's shoot go well?

Entering February, The Matrix officially launched on Warner Bros. studios in Australia.

God, what a horrible experience. Nicole's habitual complaint came from the receiver.

Oh, what happened? Ryan asked very cooperatively.

Not only did I fight in front of the camera, but I was also swaying in mid-air with a steel wire. My waist was about to break. Ryan could imagine that Nicole must be rubbing her slender waist at this time. Ryan, I'm a little regretful, this life could go on for nine months or more.

Dear, I will often go to Australia to visit classes, and you can fly back to Los Angeles when you are on vacation. Ryan naturally knew Nicole's thoughts.

OK then……

I'm preparing a new movie with Robert, and I'm going to audition for a supporting actress. After this time, I will definitely go to Australia. Ryan vowed.

I'll wait for you, dear.

Just after hanging up the landline, the mobile phone on the desk rang again. Ryan looked at the New York area number displayed on it and rubbed his forehead unconsciously.

Ryan, I just participated in the debate competition at Long Island High School and won the first place! Natalie said with uncontrollable excitement.

Although Natalie gradually became more sharp as she grew up, her competitive spirit did not diminish at all.

Wow, congratulations, Nat.

Is there any reward? Natalie can only say this when facing Ryan.

What do you want? Ryan asked cooperatively.

Let me think about it... The voice in the receiver gradually became longer, When we go on a trip around the world, you will pay for the whole process.

no problem.

That's it for now, I'm going to be busy, goodbye, Ryan.

Goodbye, Na...

Hearing the beeping sound, Ryan shook his head and smiled, Natalie was still Natalie, and it seemed that he would not make a change for anyone.

After receiving calls from the two closest people in a row, Ryan was in no mood to do anything else, sitting in front of the desk, thinking quietly about the future.


FedEx, one of the largest transportation and logistics groups in the United States and even the world, has its own global air and ground transportation network. It usually only takes one to two working days to quickly deliver time-critical shipments to ensure on-time delivery. reach the destination.

Inside the FedEx headquarters building in Memphis, Tennessee, several executives are sitting around a lavish conference room, clearly discussing something.

I think everyone should have read the movie script.

It's amazing that these executives are talking about the movie, FedEx, it's there from the beginning of the movie, and it runs through it until the end.

David, do you think about it again?

Someone persuaded the CEO, We can provide them with vehicles, personnel, venues, fleets, and many internal facilities for free, but the advertising fee of 25 million is too high.

There should be no problem with the price being lowered to 20 million US dollars. Another executive said at this time, I want to remind you that about 20 million US dollars, advertising in the prime time of the three major TV networks, how much does it cost? For a long time? Don't forget, this is Ryan Jenkins' movie! Or is it a movie he wrote and acted in himself! With his fame and appeal, how many people will be attracted to the theater? How many videotapes will be sold in the future and discs?

Many people nodded subconsciously. How many people in North America don't know the name of Ryan Jenkins? His movies are almost synonymous with big hits!

Think about it, everyone. The CEO named David said, Ryan Jenkins plays a FedEx employee in the movie. Although there is a plane crash, our company is completely in it. It's a positive image, maybe we can think about it differently, can $20 million get Ryan Jenkins to advertise for FedEx?

Everyone shook their heads in unison. The stock prices of Yahoo and Pixar are soaring, the value of Blizzard and Jenkins Pictures is constantly being re-evaluated, and Ryan Jenkins is getting richer and richer. If he doesn't want to, who can force one The super rich take on commercials?

Also, Jenkins Films not only contacted us, but also contacted the Air Express Company...

The meeting room gradually fell into silence, and after a few minutes, David Bronzeko made a decision, Officially start negotiations with Jenkins Films, this is a good opportunity to expand our market share!

The only problem in the negotiation is the price of advertising fees, and the rest of the conditions, such as assisting in filming and providing free vehicles and airports, are not a big problem in the eyes of FedEx.

In fact, after the New Year, Robert Zemeckis and Melanie Sloan started the preparatory work for the crew. They not only contacted several super-large express delivery companies, but also rented an island in Fiji as a main location.

Actors, props, funds and other aspects are gradually in place after entering February. The only thing that has not yet been decided is the partner.

In terms of movies, as in the past, Ryan accepted investment from Paramount and Warner Bros. After FedEx's intention to negotiate, the two parties quickly finalized specific cooperation conditions.

In fact, from another angle, the movie of the previous life is almost a promotional film of FedEx. In this regard, Ryan has not made too many changes. A company with a little courage will make a wise choice.

Although he really wanted to go to New York, Ryan knew that he had to do his best to prepare for this movie. This is a movie supported by one person. If there is a slight flaw, it will definitely be magnified countless times.

This time, he won the Best Actor nomination by virtue of public relations and influence, which will surely arouse many people's doubts. I always have a role that can convince most people, and this role is undoubtedly a very good opportunity. ()

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