Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 285 Eight Trigrams and Party

Just yesterday, Ryan Jenkins, who was about to turn eighteen years old, moved into Jack Warner Manor and officially announced his death. This superstar, who is famous all over the United States and even the world, sent a party to many Hollywood celebrities. The invitation seems to want to use this method to witness his adulthood, the only pity is that the luxurious manor that covers an area of ​​nearly ten acres still lacks a hostess...

Even in this busy entertainment season, the news of Ryan's move has occupied an important position in the entertainment page, and the person who was dubbed the number one genius in the United States has finally become an adult.

The tabloids will naturally not miss this opportunity to publish relevant reports, but the way they attract attention makes people dazzled.

Since Ryan Jenkins moved out of the home he shared with Nicole Kidman in such a hurry, there must have been an irreconcilable conflict between the two, and the more than ten years of friendship between the two is about to end...

In early December, Nicole Kidman had been in Australia for a very long time. According to people familiar with the matter, she held a family-only wedding with her secret boyfriend. Because she did not ask Ryan in advance, this was the case. Caused the two to turn against each other...

Under the leadership of people with a heart, these entertainment gossips, which can only be talked about after dinner, occupy the pages of many tabloids.

However, the California Free Press took a different approach and used other methods to arouse heated discussions among gossip people, and even attracted some casinos in Las Vegas to open corresponding markets.

Who will be the mistress of Jenkins Manor?

That's the catchy headline, and next to the comment are several pictures of the actress.

Everyone knows that Ryan has no public girlfriend so far. There are many actresses who have friends with him. Who is the most hopeful to enter Jenkins Manor?

Drew Barrymore. There was an affair with Ryan when he was young, and now he has just experienced a failed marriage. It is said that the two have a very good personal relationship. Drew's flower film industry can rise, and Ryan's support has played a key role.

Penelope Cruz. The Spanish movie star who has just signed an actor contract with Marvel Studios, although he has known Ryan for a short time, has publicly praised Ryan as the most attractive man in Hollywood and the most attractive man in every woman. The ideal dream lover.

Charlize Theron, an actress from South Africa, has risen rapidly in recent years. The films she starred in are deeply imprinted by Ryan Jenkins. The two have had private dinners and watched football several times. Some people even claimed to watch them. I have been to Ryan in and out of Miss Charlize's villa, although they only admit to being friends, maybe they have an underground affair.

Natalie Portman,

As we all know, Miss Natalie is Ryan's best friend. The two have been in a relationship for nearly ten years. They are also the closest person to Ryan except Nicole Kidman. In theory, the two are most likely to become boyfriend and girlfriend, even if they quarreled from childhood to adulthood.

The California Free Press has listed more than a dozen candidates. Either a female star who has had an intersection with Ryan, a celebrity who has been in and out of public places together, or even a few USC female students, regardless of the authenticity of the content, in short, it has an eye-catching effect.

This can be called the biggest gossip scandal before the new year, and the current California Free Press is out of stock. It was printed twice in a row in one day, and the impact was quite sensational. Not only was the public discussing it, but even many people in the circle started to gossip.

All right! Gossip or something is something that people all over the world love to hear.

Ryan didn't care too much. He had so much to do before the new year that he didn't have time to pay attention to the tabloids.

Although the party is handed over to a professional company, the invited guests need to be sure, and the heavyweight has to call him personally.

On the last day of 1997, a large number of reporters and paparazzi gathered in front of this luxurious manor in Beverly Hills. Although they could not enter it, they placed equipment at the door early. The number of more than 100 people almost made it here. Turned into a ceremony for a small award.

Everyone knows that Ryan Jenkins is throwing a big party tonight, attended by Hollywood stars and celebrities, as well as the rich upstarts in it and the media industry, as well as those who rarely show up for the second generation and the rich second generation.

Can have such appeal, bring these people together, in addition to the top Hollywood bigwigs and the giants of the media companies, in the younger generation, none other than Ryan Jenkins.

The only thing that made the media and reporters dissatisfied was that there was no red carpet in front of the manor, and the cars of the most famous people drove directly into the manor. Fortunately, the gate of the manor was open, and a telephoto camera could vaguely capture it. some situations.

Some reporters rented nearby villas early and wanted to take advantage of the height to get some exclusives. Unfortunately, the high fence and the dense evergreen trees behind the fence almost completely blocked the view, making these guys want to climb The wall goes inside.

This can only be thought about, not to mention the intensive security personnel employed in the manor, the identity of the manor owner alone makes many people feel scruples. This is a country that belongs to capital. When wealth accumulates to a certain stage, then It represents a powerful force and influence.

Ryan Jenkins isn't just a superstar, they know it better than anyone.

The Tom Hanks family, the George Lucas family, the Spielberg family, the Weinstein brothers, the Shirley Lansing family, the Schwarzenegger family, the James Cameron family, the mighty Aussie gang.....

And the female stars listed in the gossip newspapers are almost all present.

God, we should rent a helicopter and fly to the sky to shoot! The reporters gathered at the door shouted while the film was being changed.

Trust me, if you can't fly above the manor, you will be warned. A reporter pointed to the faintly visible bodyguards, They must be happy to shoot you down with a gun.

Although these jokes made everyone laugh constantly, they understood that for those super rich people, some things are tacit, and if they really want to go too far, the newspaper will only use the people who are sloppy to pay for it.

Hey, John, I heard your boss was invited too, won't you come in with him?

When I'm promoted to editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times, I'll be eligible to go in. John Bennet shrugged indifferently.

His boss, Mick Taylor, the entertainment editor of the Los Angeles Times, was also invited.

At the same time, Mick Taylor got out of the car and walked towards the spacious garden under the guidance of the waiter. There was still some distance away, and there was a faint sound of soothing music played by the band.

As one of the heavyweight editors of the Los Angeles Times, he is also a well-informed figure. Walking in this famous mansion at this time, he can't help but feel a little envious and yearning. After all, mansions, cars and beauties, It is the pursuit of all men in this circle.

Jack Warner Manor... No, it should be called Jenkins Manor now. He dared not say that it was the top mansion in Beverly Hills, but it was one of the top mansions.

After greeting the host, Mick Taylor started his own communication. There were too many celebrities present, including his counterparts, such as the editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, Tina Brown, and the two had a few conversations. , Some things need not be said, and everyone knows that they are supporters of Ryan Jenkins.

This has nothing to do with positions, but only about interests. In the past and in the future, the media they belong to can obtain too many benefits from each other.

People in Hollywood circles are basically acquaintances. For Mick Taylor, an entertainment media practitioner, those upstarts in the IT industry can attract his attention.

Yahoo's Jerry Yang, one of the Internet heroes who created the it myth, and Ryan Jenkins are the first two major shareholders of Yahoo. The stocks in their hands have made them two upstarts in the rich circle.

That seems to be Alan Adhan, president of Blizzard Entertainment. It is said that Blizzard has sold more than 2 million copies of Warcraft 2 and Diablo this year alone, which has swept the entire game industry. Some time ago , The Vidivan Group from France wanted to buy them and made an offer of up to $500 million, but failed to do so.

Who would have thought that Ryan Jenkins, who has invested millions of dollars in game studios, could bring such rich returns.

And Pixar, he saw several core members of Pixar, exchanging opinions with Chris Wedge of Blue Sky Studio. These two ugly ducklings have completely transformed into white swans in recent years, and will soon soar into the sky.

Even the two souls of Marvel Comics, Avi Arad and Stan Lee, came over from New York. Although Marvel has not turned a profit, they have started a series of big moves, especially the superhero movie plan they announced. , quite eye-catching.

Then, he saw Ryan Jenkins, the manager of several foundations, Scott Swift, the manager of the management team, Pie Kingsley, and the core members of Jenkins Pictures, Julie Stewart and Mela. Ni? Sloan and so on.

These originally unknown people, after meeting Ryan Jenkins, became well-known people in the circle without exception. Not only did they have a lot of resources in their hands, they also had a lot of money. Some of them even became famous people. billionaire.

Those who can benefit themselves are not to be feared, but those who can benefit the entire team are terrifying. Mick Taylor has a wealth of experience and understands that those who know how to share are the ones who are welcomed. Common interests are the most important thing to maintain team cohesion. link.

Those who wanted to poach the core members of Ryan Jenkins' team all suffered failure. After all, there are several people in North America who can bring such rich benefits to members of their own camp like him.

A brown-haired girl passed in front of him and walked towards where Ryan Jenkins was. Mick Taylor's eyes turned away unconsciously, and his heart of gossip rose. ()

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