Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 258 Go ahead, big ship

No matter how highly public opinion gives it, the primary criterion for measuring the success of a commercial film is always the box office. Otherwise, if a film is blown up by film critics and the audience does not buy it, the film company will still lose money or even go bankrupt.

In the hearts of people like Ryan, the reviews of film critics are good, just look at it, don't care too much, as long as the box office can achieve a breakthrough, most people will still look at you with admiration. What is the media of Ninety-Nine, he doesn't understand?

After the premiere, the crew has a full day of rest before embarking on an intensive promotional journey.

After breakfast, Nicole went to Jenkins Pictures to discuss the follow-up production of Eileen Brockovich with Steven Soderbergh, while Ryan sat at the desk and started the routine keyboard work .

At this time, he temporarily put aside the matter of Titanic. Under his leadership, from the quality to the promotion and marketing of this film, it can be regarded as the pinnacle of today. He believes that the box office will not disappoint himself.

Walking into this famous theater on Long Island and looking at the long queue in front of the ticket counter, Natalie could only smack herself. Although she never underestimated herself, she knew very well that the guy far away in Los Angeles was more appealing than I am too big.

Mom, this way.

Natalie pulled her mother, walked flexibly through the crowd, and walked towards the corresponding theater.

Nate, don't blame your dad, you know, this is not your movie, it's normal for him to have no interest. Mrs. Shelly sighed, she didn't want an irreconcilable conflict between her daughter and her husband.

I understand, Mom.

Although she ordered three movie tickets, her father refused to come to watch the movie. Natalie understood that her father did not like the entertainment industry. Ever since Ryan brought him into Hollywood, his father has always had a prejudice against him.

Forget it, I will move out in a few days, maybe the distance will really create beauty! Natalie couldn't help remembering what Ryan had said.

Nate. Why are you distracted. The movie is about to start.

Mrs. Shelly pulled her daughter who was sitting next to her, and Natalie smiled apologetically, Mom, Ryan said that Titanic will be the pinnacle of commercial movies.

Really? Then let's see what Ryan took three years to make.

When the movie went on for an hour and forty-five minutes, Natalie, who had been watching with frowning, finally moved.

Oh, God! The sight of the sinking ship shocked her.

Then, Natalie found that the people around her were worse than her, and many people covered their mouths. By the time Ryan and the woman fell into the water, many girls had tears in their eyes.

No...don't. Why...why did the script written by Ryan let himself die!

Their love is so touching, God, why can't I meet such a boy.

There were obviously crying voices in the screening room, and there were words that suppressed the crying, I want to watch it again! No... watch it twice, Ryan didn't lie to us. Titanic is amazing!

Looking at the familiar faces that disappeared into the sea, Natalie covered her mouth even though she knew it was just a movie scene. This scene reminded her of the events at the end of February. Ryan was like Jack protecting Ruth. , do everything in your power to protect yourself, even if you pay...

Nate! Mother suddenly handed over the tissue.


It was only then that Natalie found out, unknowingly. Tears had flowed down his cheeks.

Watching her daughter wipe away her tears, Mrs. Shelly gently rubbed her curly hair. Although her daughter is smart and precocious, she is a genius, but as a mother, how can she not see her mind, especially when she came back from Los Angeles last time. back.

Is it really suitable for two people with distinct personalities and many differences between them? Mrs. Shelly was a little worried.

Quick, quick, go to the ticket office and ask if there are any tickets for the next show...

The movie subtitles just came up, and many people rushed out without even listening to the theme song. Natalie looked around, and the screening room was more than half empty in an instant.

Let's go, Mom. She wasn't interested in listening, either. The soundtrack Ryan had already been mailed.

Putting on her hat and sunglasses, she walked out of the screening hall and passed the ticket office. Natalie glanced at her disappointed face. 》Today's tickets are sold out!

He did it again! Natalie scratched her curly hair, and suddenly realized that she used this 'again' too many times and too often.

Wait, Mom. Just after walking out of the film industry, Natalie remembered that she should buy some peripherals, which can be regarded as support for him, Let's go to the boutique over there.

As soon as she entered the boutique, Natalie saw a lot of people crowded here, picking goods, waiting for payment, and preparing to leave. Most of these people have one thing in common, holding Titanic peripherals in their hands.

There are too many people, Nate. Mrs. Shelly frowned, and there were a large number of people who entered with them, many of whom did not buy tickets at the theater, so they had to buy some surrounding audiences first.

Let's go, mother.

Natalie pulled her hat, it was full of Ryan's fans, once she was recognized, it would be quite troublesome, I'd better go back and call Ryan and ask him to mail a few copies of everything.

There are so many people! This is Natalie's biggest impression after going through theaters and boutiques.

After leaving the theater, Gene rubbed his sore nose and sighed forcefully. Although he had imagined and overestimated enough in advance, he had no words to describe the brilliance of the movie. It is also indescribable with the great sea epic.

Gene, I hate Ryan so much now! Suddenly, the red-eyed female partner spoke up.

Why? Gene was very strange, her girlfriend was Ryan's hardcore.

Why did he let his character die, why did he leave behind a love full of regrets...

Okay! Gene touched the ticket in his pocket. If you're not going to continue reading...

What? The female companion almost jumped up as if her hair had exploded, Who said I didn't watch it, I couldn't help but watch it ten times!

Alright alright……

Gene raised his hands. These words are not unfamiliar, and they have been heard many times after the movie screening.

At the beginning of the lights, sitting on the boss chair in the office, David Greene sips coffee comfortably. Titanic has already landed in North America, and the sale of peripheral products has also kicked off. Every three hours, the following The store will count the latest sales situation to adjust the supply reserve.

He has just received a report from his assistant. The sales statistics during the day have been released. Although it is not as popular as Jurassic Park, it has reached the peak of the sales of movie peripheral products in four years. If the movie can be like Jurassic Park Luoji Park continues to be popular for three to four weeks, and the inventory in the warehouse will definitely be sold out.

Maybe after this time, their sales outlets can expand beyond Greater Los Angeles? David Greene looked at the numbers and knew that this was another chance to make a fortune.

It was close to midnight, and the luxury office on the top floor of the Disney building was brightly lit. Michael Eisner slowly buttoned the phone, frowning tightly.

Although he attended the premiere of the movie last night and thought it was a masterpiece, he always had a little illusion. After all, if the movie suffered from Waterloo, it was the beginning of the disintegration of Ryan Jenkins' alliance of interests. The opportunity to start, don't have to be as constrained as you are now, you can only use some useless in-game rules.

The call came from a high-level executive at Miramax, who told him the approximate first-day box office. Even though it was still early today, 99% of the theaters of Titanic were released, not only today's box office. Tickets are gone, even two or three days later.

Such a situation, Michael? Eisner can not help but think of a name - Jurassic Park!

How similar is the trend of Titanic right now to when Jurassic Park was released?

If the film directed and starred by Ryan Jenkins once again achieves a box office of more than one billion dollars, then Warners, Paramount and 20th Century Fox and Jenkins will definitely form an unbreakable alliance of interests. What can they use to deal with it? he?

Do you really want to let that Italian go over his **** and old bottom?

The opening day box office could top $22 million! Michael Eisner frowned, a figure that exceeds the first-week box office of most movies!

The most important thing is that Titanic is so popular that more theaters have joined the screening sequence. By the weekend, the screening theaters are likely to be close to 4,000.

It was close to midnight. Nicole sat cross-legged beside Ryan. Under the short and thin clothes, her beautiful figure was fully exposed. Unfortunately, the guy who didn't understand the style was all on the phone.

If possible, Nicole really wants to turn off the mobile phone and unplug all the phone lines in the house. Tomorrow the two will be temporarily separated. Is the last night of a happy life spent in the ringing of the phone?

However, she could only sigh. The people who called Ryan at this time were all big Hollywood figures, such as Shirley Lansing, the director of Paramount Pictures, and even Summer Redstone. Media giants, they have only one purpose - congratulations!

That's right! Although the movie was only released for one day, the popularity of Titanic shocked the entire industry, especially the partners of Jenkins Films. The common interests brought common joy.

Will the movie really hit Ryan's estimated box office?

Even though she is full of confidence in Ryan, Nicole still has some doubts when she thinks of that terrifying number. ()

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