Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 25 Dragging

The school bell 'ding bell bell' rang, Ryan ran out of the classroom at a sprint speed of 100 meters. Before there was no one in the corridor, he quickly opened the locker, grabbed his schoolbag and rushed towards the school gate, as if behind A thousand monsters are chasing him.

These damned little devils are more difficult to deal with than reporters and paparazzi! Ryan's face was full of exhaustion, and it was clear that today's experience was not very pleasant.

After jumping on the off-road vehicle and closing the door, the boy finally let out a sigh of relief, took the juice prepared by the agent's lady, and drank a small half of the box.

What happened, Ryan? Kingsley asked curiously. You look tired.

Pat, don't mention it. The boy twitched the corners of his mouth, and seemed to recall the horror scene when he was surrounded by people today, Those little guys are so scary, until now I still think there are 10,000 crows croaking around my ears. .

Little guy? After the car drove up the avenue, Jinsley responded and said with a smile, Would you like me to say hello to the school?

Is it alright? The boy relaxed a lot after getting Jinsley's confirmation answer, That's great.

Back at the apartment, the boy threw away his schoolbag, slumped directly on the couch, leaned on Nicole's body, and put down the script in his hand, rubbed his forehead distressedly, and said to Jinsili said, Excuse me, Pat.

There's no need to be so polite between us. Besides, this is what I should do. Sitting on the sofa opposite, Jinsley noticed the script on the coffee table and asked, This is... Ryan's new writing. script?

Yes. Nicole nodded and pushed the script directly in front of Jinsley, A story about love, God knows what this little guy is thinking.

The black car stopped on the side of the road, Carter Eisner looked at Chris Columbus in the co-pilot, No phone appointment, no greeting, can we come here like this? God knows if they will. at home.

Have you seen those reporters, Carter? Chris pointed to the guys with cameras not far away, Since they're here, Nicole Kidman and Ryan Jenkins have at least one Individuals at home.

Well then, I think I must be crazy.

Is that really the case? Chris laughed, opened the car door and walked out first, Don't say you can't see the value of that storybook.

Ryan went back to his room and changed out of the ugly school uniform, and walked back to the living room to find out that a guest came to the door. One of the two men he didn't know and the other looked familiar.

Ryan, they're here for you. This is Carter Eisner, the head of the film department at Touchstone Pictures, and this is director Chris Columbus. Nicole gave a brief introduction.

Greeting the two of them, the boy sat next to Nicole, he finally remembered who the familiar person was, it was the director of the first two films of Little Witcher that he plagiarized, so interesting, he actually took the initiative to approach the door Come on, the inertia of the wheel of history is really huge.

Ryan, we're here because Chris and I have taken a fancy to a novel in your collection of stories. Carter Eisner said straight to the point.

Home Alone, Chris Columbus added, taking a book from his briefcase, the boy's storybook, I want to make it into a movie.

Is that so. Ryan squeezed his fingers, looking embarrassed.

Is there something wrong? Carter asked.

I'm adapting Home Alone into a script recently, and it's more than half finished. It's impossible to sell its adaptation rights. While the boy was talking, Nicole couldn't help rolling her eyes. This kid doesn't need to fight when he lies. draft.

Others don't know, doesn't she still know, Home Alone and the script she's working on were completed at the same time.

Carter and Chris looked at each other and laughed at the same time. They originally planned to let the boy write and adapt the story himself, but he didn't expect him to do it, which is really good news.

In fact, Ryan, we were originally going to invite you to write the adaptation yourself. This is a story you wrote. No one knows it better than you. After The Sixth Sense, I don't think many people will doubt that you wrote the script. The ability. Carter did not say another sentence in his heart, the second work of the super genius was a big boo when it was promoted.

After a whispered exchange with Chris, he added, Also, we'd like to invite you to play Kevin.

Ryan suddenly laughed. He thought that Chris Columbus was going to invite the son of his greedy friend. In that case, he would never sell him the adaptation rights, even if it was originally his work.

You know, this story is prepared by the boy for himself!

Okay. In this case, Ryan has nothing to say. I agree in principle. You can talk to Pat about the specific conditions.

Carter and Chris didn't say anything, but looked at Nicole Kidman again. After all, this kind of thing still needs the consent of the guardian.

Ryan's affairs, he can decide. Nicole's words made the two feel relieved.

This conversation should have ended here, but Carter glanced at the corner of the coffee table early, and in just a few seconds he confirmed that it must be a script, but he didn't know if it was the boy's new script or Nicole Kidman. Upcoming new play.

As a businessman, being cheeky is a must. He thought about it for a while, made a random excuse, pointed to the script on the coffee table and asked, Is this the script of Home Alone that has already been written, Ryan?

The faces of the people present were covered with black lines. This excuse is really bad!

No, that's a new script I wrote for Nicole. Ryan seemed indifferent, as if writing a script was as common as drinking water and eating.

Then... can you take a look?

Of course. The boy simply took the script and handed it over.

Carter Eisner originally thought that the script would be like The Sixth Sense or Home Alone, with a child playing the main role, but after flipping it for a while, the corners of his eyes couldn't stop jumping. A true love theme!

This... this is too surprising. After a long time, Carter closed the script, and several people chatting on the other side immediately looked at him.

Ryan... Carter didn't seem to know what to say.

I understand what you mean, Mr. Carter. Ryan explained casually, Does a ten-year-old know what love is? To be honest, I really don't know much. The only thing I know is from TV and movies. Come here, so this script is very tricky. It borrows from Jin Yumeng in many aspects, and this movie has been interspersed in it. At the end of the movie, the hero and heroine meet at the Empire State Building, also to make up for the one in Jinyumeng promise.

Very brilliant, very touching story. Carter sighed and looked at the boy with shining eyes, Ryan, how about handing this script to Touchstone Pictures?

The boy shrugged and glanced at Nicole Kidman, Sleepless in Seattle now belongs to Nicole. She has the final say on how to operate it.

To be honest, Nicole Kidman wasn't very suitable for this movie, she was too cool, compared to American sweethearts like Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts, in this romantic comedy There may be some flaws in her performance, but she also has her own advantages, such as her far better acting skills than her previous life, such as her tall figure and outstanding appearance.

Therefore, Ryan slightly modified the heroine according to Nicole's image and personal habits, and also used her as a blueprint to draw a lot of scene setting drafts. Anyway, Sleepless in Seattle is not a typical romantic comedy. , more of which are laughter and tears. With Nicole's acting skills in The Sixth Sense, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

As long as there are two movies with high box office and high reputation, Nicole can gain a firm foothold in Hollywood without having to hone her acting skills in those unknown movies like in her previous life, in order to get rid of her symbolic image of just Mrs. Cruise.

In short, don't worry, it's only 1990, if you want Nicole to reach the top indisputably, you must first get her enough qualifications.

Carter Eisner and Chris Columbus left the apartment laughing to get Home Alone despite having no deal with Nicole. Besides, the script hasn't been released yet, and they still have a chance not to ?

However, they would never have imagined that a time-consuming and laborious negotiation was waiting for them.

Pat, try to delay the negotiation with Touchstone, and don't agree to any of their conditions before The Sixth Sense is down. Ryan said after sending the two away.

Everyone is smart. Nicole and Jinsley just took a moment to understand, and they smiled brightly.

After entering June, with the holidays of various schools in the United States, the hottest summer war has kicked off. Although the number of theaters of The Sixth Sense has been reduced by nearly half, this film is still watched by many people. First, while the box office isn't as horrific as it was a few weeks ago, it's still growing steadily and consistently.

This movie made a lot of people shut their mouths, and no one thought that a family ethics film in a horror coat would get so many accolades and earn such a high box office. Sina's $20 million investment is not even a drop in the bucket.

Harvey Weinstein smiled brightly in an interview, It's a masterpiece, there's no doubt about it, David, Al, Nicole, and Ryan, did a great job. What? You? Say Ryan, that's right! The first time I met him, I knew he was a super genius, and no one can do better than him! Of course, we'll be working together next time, and it would be great if he could provide the script No one can guess what ideas will pop into his head.

The second is to send ~ ~ tickets! Favorites! Even if you smash it down~~

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