Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 239 Cracks

Nicole Kidman got out of the car, and under the protection of several bodyguards, walked towards the building of the University of California School of Medicine with a serious face. The reporter paparazzi gathered around, like flies that smelled blood. Surrounded by them, microphones and small tape recorders were handed in front of her.

Miss Kidman, it is said that Mr. Jenkins was involved in this exchange of fire. How is his injury...

Is his life in danger?

Someone photographed Ryan's Land Rover with dozens of bullet holes. Did he get shot?

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has been slow to act in this incident. How would you rate...

It is said that Ryan is in the same car as Miss Natalie Portman. What is their relationship?

Originally, Nicole kept her head down, her face was gloomy and dripping with water. When she heard the name Natalie Portman, she raised her head subconsciously, her pale blue eyes clearly flashing with anger.

When she saw the live broadcast from the TV and received a call from Pie Jinsley, she almost didn't faint, but she was lucky to confirm that Ryan was not injured, and then she came over with a calm mind.

Strictly speaking, this was completely an accident. No one would have thought that those two rampant gangsters would dare to shoot out with hundreds of police officers in the street, and also wrapped their most beloved people in, almost causing her to collapse. situation...

She was worried at first, then angry, angry at the incompetence of the Los Angeles police, angry that Ryan had given George a leave without authorization, and angry Natalie's call in the morning.

Yes! It was an accident and coincidence!

But without that call in the morning, without Natalie Portman's request, Ryan would not have gone to North Hollywood and would not have gone through such a precarious situation.

She almost lost her love!

Where is Ryan Jenkins now?

Walking into the building, Nicole asked coldly. A police staff member had been waiting here for a long time. At this time, she hurried over, Please come this way. Miss Kidman.

Rest assured, Miss Kidman, Mr. Jenkins and Miss Portman have been examined by doctors and are not injured, the man explained as he walked.

They are not fools. If these rich and famous people make unfavorable remarks because of this matter, the Los Angeles police will definitely be under even greater pressure.

So much the better.

Walking to a separate lounge, Nicole pushed open the door directly, and when she saw the person sitting on the chair drinking coffee, she completely put her heart down.

Then, her eyes condensed into sharp arrows. Natalie Portman snuggled tightly beside Ryan. He doesn't appear to have recovered from the shock of the shooting.


Ryan naturally saw Nicole. While happy, I felt a little guilty, I'm sorry, I made you worry.

The Australian girl walked up to him in a few steps, and Ryan stood up unconsciously. The next moment, the body was wrapped into a warm and familiar embrace.

Honey, you scared me.

Hearing this sentence, Ryan clearly felt Nicole's body trembling, so he gently stroked her back and comforted her in a low voice, Relax, Nicole, I'm not injured, not even a piece of skin is scratched.

God. You know what, Ryan, when I heard the news...

As Nicole spoke, she brushed her hands over his sturdy body, as if that's all there was to it. To confirm that her Ryan is really not injured.


George on the other side coughed suddenly.

Okay, Nicole. Ryan gently pushed Nicole, and the two separated.

Let's go home, Ryan.

Nicole picked up Ryan and waved to Pie Kingsley on the other side. Just as she was about to leave, the police staff reminded, Miss Kidman, we suggest that it is best for Mr. Jenkins and Portman. Miss has a psychiatric consultation.

I will think about it.

Jinsili had already completed the relevant procedures, and the hospital agreed that they drove the car to the front of the building to avoid the harassment of those reporters. Ryan and others broke out of the siege of the media and quickly returned home.

It's just that everyone didn't notice that from the hospital to Beverly Hills, Nicole didn't say a word to Natalie.

Nate, I've asked Pat to contact Mrs. Shelley, and your mother will come to Los Angeles soon to bring you back to New York! This was the only thing Nicole said to Natalie after returning to Beverly Hills. talk.

Sorry, Nicole, if it wasn't for me... Natalie was very smart and had already sensed Nicole's attitude.

Pat, please take Nat back to the hotel.

Okay then, goodbye, Ryan, and Nicole. Natalie didn't say anything else, got up to say goodbye, but her brown eyes flickered.

Nate, don't think about it, it's over. Ryan gently rubbed her curly hair, I'll come and see you later.


Natalie nodded first, then hugged Ryan tightly, Sorry.

It's just an accident, stop thinking about it, okay.

Ryan is not worried that Natalie will leave a shadow. After all, he has known her for many years and knows enough about her. Don't forget to call Scarlett and let her dove this time.

Sitting on the single sofa, Nicole quietly watched Ryan send Natalie out of the villa. If she might have thought too much before, she clearly felt threatened now.

Frankly speaking, these two people became close friends under their own gaze. Because of Ryan's relationship, she and Natalie got along very happily at the beginning, and she also liked this smart and precocious girl very much. That time in Poland, her senses about her changed.

That's when the opponent's conflict with the racists nearly put Ryan in danger, and since then, she has been a little bit out of the New York girl.

And this time, because she took Ryan to visit Scarlett, she almost became the target of the robbers.

Yes! For the past few years, Ryan has been protecting her, and Nicole is convinced that if anyone dares to hurt herself, Ryan will definitely send him to hell.

Similarly, if anyone dares to hurt Ryan directly or indirectly, that is her Nicole Kidman's worst enemy!

Besides, in this world, apart from himself, the person who knows Ryan the most and has the closest relationship with him is this Jewish girl from Long Island, New York.

Perhaps others didn't notice that Natalie looked at Ryan in the same way that she looked at him at first.

Friendship? Friendship between men and women is often the foundation of love!

Nicole admits that since Natalie was last in LA, she's been ostracizing her, and now that she doesn't like her at all, it's best to stop Ryan from interacting with her if possible.

Suddenly, Nicole regretted, why did she go to New York in 1989? Why do you think that Ryan has a friend of the same age, which will be beneficial to his growth?

Take precautions before they happen! Nicole remembered a Chinese word that Ryan often muttered when he was considering the benefits and losses.

After living together for so many years, Nicole asked herself absolutely the most important position in Ryan's heart, but this circle is so complicated, and there are so many temptations, and the split between men and women is happening almost all the time. , she didn't want the two of them to go down this road in the future.

At the same time, Natalie sat silently in Pie Kingsley's car, her brown eyes flickering, she sensed Nicole Kidman's rejection of her, although she guessed it was related to this incident , but felt that there were other factors involved.

In fact, Natalie had this feeling the last time she came to Los Angeles, but after all, the other party was Ryan's only relative, so she couldn't say much.

My best friend is Ryan Jenkins, not Nicole Kidman, so I'll have less contact in the future. Natalie quickly had an idea. Anyway, she and Nicole Kidman hadn't seen each other a few times in recent years.

When Ryan moves out in the future, she will just be a familiar stranger.

After seeing Natalie away, Ryan rubbed his forehead, walked back to the living room, and sat beside Nicole.

Sorry, Nicole, for worrying you.

Ryan, if there is another next time, I swear, I will definitely send you to Australia! Nicole understood that her words didn't carry much weight. Don't worry about me, okay, dear?

I promise!

There was only George in the living room, Ryan had no scruples, pulled over Nicole's pretty face and kissed her white forehead forcefully.

Also, don't go out the last few days...

Nicole... At this point, Ryan suddenly remembered and asked, Are you angering Nat?

He knew very well that Nicole was never a good-natured person, her tenderness and coquettishness were just displayed in front of him,

If it wasn't for her, would you go to North Hollywood? Nicole's heart was full of resentment.

It's just an accident and a coincidence. Ryan didn't want to see two people closest to him conflict, don't be angry, okay?

Angry? Nicole's face darkened, Why didn't you bring George?


George. Nicole gestured to the other side.

I understand, Nicole. George nodded cooperatively.

Is the security company that Ryan invested in opened? Nicole thought of another thing.

Blackwater? Yes.

You are too few by yourself, so find two more bodyguards. Nicole didn't give Ryan a chance to speak at all, and made a direct decision, In the future, you will protect Ryan closely, let the other two people follow at any time, and , I remember you have a legal license to hold a gun? I will let Pat apply to the relevant agency to equip you with guns.

Is this a bit of a fuss? Ryan persuaded, but in exchange for Nicole's glare, Shut up, Ryan!

Okay, okay. Ryan raised his hand and reasoned with the angry woman, which was definitely the most stupid behavior. George, let your former colleagues find some female bodyguards.

This incident also allowed Ryan to see the law and order in the United States. He didn't want Nicole and Natalie to have any accidents. ()

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