Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 237 100,000 Urgent

At the end of February, Natalie came to the West Coast, and on February 27th, Ryan took her to Lucasfilm to audition for Padmé Amidala.

The Long Island girl entered the dressing room, and Ryan, led by George Lucas, visited Lucasfilm.

Because Lucasfilm is far away from Los Angeles, Ryan came here for the first time. After a rough turn, he and George Lucas entered the prop warehouse, which was full of preparations for Star Wars Prequel. props.

Wow, this is r2d2. Ryan first saw the famous robot, and then found the little green-skinned old man next to him, This is Master Yoda.

George, it's really enviable here.

These are props carefully prepared by Industrial Light and Magic, and Ryan is very interested, Does the Jedi Knight have a laser sword?

This is it.

George Lucas took a plastic rapier from the shelf and handed it to Ryan. It's a standard weapon for Jedi knights with a fluorescent layer applied during filming and post-processing with special effects.

Ryan took it in his hand, waved it a few times, and immediately lost interest, the props are just props.

Soon, Lucas' assistant came over, and Natalie had dressed up and was waiting for him, the director and producer.

is it okay?

Going to the audition room, Ryan pointed to the door and asked Lucas.


George Lucas nodded, opened the door and walked in first.

Ryan followed closely and almost laughed when he saw Natalie dressed up.

At this time, the Long Island girl had her hair pulled up high, with a wig on it, and two red dots on her snow-white face with thick foundation. The robe she wears is indescribably complicated, and it is the Japanese geisha makeup that has been complained about by countless people in her previous life.

This look is as ugly as it gets! Ryan can only be so emotional.

Sit aside. Ryan didn't say a word, quietly watching Natalie cooperate with George Lucas. In fact, there are some things that he does not need to say, the two sides also have a tacit understanding, as long as the effect of Natalie's audition is above the standard line, this role will belong to her 100%.

After about half an hour,

Lucas wrapped up the audition and asked Natalie some more questions about the script and the character. These are not difficult for smart girls.

The only problem is that the timing of the movie's start and the performance of Annie Diaries are somewhat conflicting, but these are small problems, and Lucas can completely postpone the role of Amidala. Shoot the other characters first.

Okay, Miss Natalie...

George, just call me Nat.

Well, Nat, you did a great job. George Lucas sent Ryan and Natalie out of Lucasfilm.

Although George? Lucas did not make it clear. In fact, this role has no suspense.

Want to go around San Francisco?

After starting the car, Ryan asked Natalie in the co-pilot.

Let's go back to Los Angeles. Natalie's brows were frowning. After the car drove out of downtown San Francisco, she said, I want to go back to rest early. Go see Scarlett early tomorrow morning.

Scarlett is in a bad mood. When I was on the phone with her the other day, I kept crying. You can go and see her. After all, you are her best friend.

Speaking of Scarlett Johansson, Ryan could only shake his head. It is difficult for outsiders to help with this kind of family dispute.

His father is too much! Natalie snorted.

Honey, this is Hollywood, and few men can stand the temptation. Ryan said a recognized fact.

Just some time ago, Mr. Johnson took the initiative to divorce Melanie Sloan and put himself in the arms of his new love. Although he left most of his assets, including the villa in North Hollywood, to his ex-wife, he still gave the family, especially a few. Children do great harm.

What about you, Ryan? Natalie stared at him brightly. I've heard people say that there are many girls in Hollywood who dream of becoming famous overnight, looking for your personal contact information everywhere.

Why don't I know?

This is not a good topic, Ryan simply pretended to be confused.

The two returned to Los Angeles in a conversation where they sometimes joked and sometimes stabbed each other.

Nate, the law and order in Los Angeles is not very good recently. Don't leave the hotel at night. Ryan specifically instructed before Natalie got off the bus.

Hmm~ Natalie waved to him, Ryan, don't forget to come pick me up early tomorrow morning.

no problem.

The law and order in Los Angeles has been bad enough recently, and the two gunmen have robbed a cash truck again, and they are said to have powerful automatic firepower.

Ryan has heard people say that the police in Los Angeles applied to carry automatic weapons on the streets, but were rejected by the state government.

These guys are crazy! Don't they know that the Constitution gives citizens the right to legally own guns, which is used by people to commit suicide?

Of course, this is purely Ryan's boring idea.

It was the last day of February. Ryan got up a little late because he wrote the script late last night. When he got down to the second floor, Nicole had finished breakfast and was sitting in the living room studying the script.

Morning, Nicole.

Ryan threw the coat on the sofa beside Nicole and walked into the restaurant.

Ryan, breakfast is in the incubator.

Nicole put her coat on the sofa, reminding the guy who entered the restaurant.

Got it, Nicole.

Just listening to the mumbled voice, Nicole also knew that Ryan had found breakfast, and just as she turned her attention to the script, the phone rang in her jacket.

Taking out the phone, Nicole pressed the answer button. This was not the first time she answered the phone for him.

Ryan, where have you been? The voice was very familiar.


Ah, good morning, Nicole.

Is something wrong, Nate? Nicole's brows furrowed. Ryan is having breakfast.

It's nothing. The voice on the other side hesitated, but continued, I made an appointment with Ryan yesterday and asked him to take me to North Hollywood to visit Scarlett. I want to ask him when he will arrive at the hotel.

Nicole thought about it. Then he said, Wait a moment, Ryan will leave after breakfast.

Okay then. Goodbye, Nicole.

Golden red eyebrows twisted together. There was an eyebrow knot on the white and smooth forehead, and then Nicole felt a slender finger touch the center of the eyebrow, and it was easy to smooth the eyebrow.

What happened, Nicole? The person who came over was naturally Ryan.

Nate's call, urging you to pick her up at the hotel. Nicole shoved the phone into Ryan's hand.

Picking up Natalie from the Four Seasons Hotel, Ryan drove the Land Rover straight to North Hollywood, and it didn't take long to arrive near Laurel Valley. As long as you cross Laurel Valley Avenue, it is the residential area where Scarlett Johansson's house is located.

Have you contacted Scarlett? Ryan asked Natalie while waiting for the signal to change.

Yeah, I can hear it on the phone. She's very sad. Natalie adjusted her seat belt and seemed uncomfortable. The broken family hurts children her age the most.

Well. Ryan nodded in agreement.

As Natalie said, if Scarlett Johansson was a few years younger or older. The impact of her parents' divorce on her will not be as great as it was later.

Mr. Johnson is going too far...

Okay, Nate, this is someone else's private matter, and we shouldn't interfere.

I understand. Ryan. Natalie seemed to be still angry with her friend. Men who abandon their wives and daughters should be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Come on, Nate, if it's what you said, at least hundreds of thousands of men in the United States will be humanely destroyed. Ryan started the car and drove into Laurel Valley Avenue.

It was just after nine o'clock, and Laurel Valley was a busy commercial area. There were so many vehicles coming and going, and the speed of the vehicles could not be raised at all.

Should there be a traffic jam?

Although the probability of traffic jams in North Hollywood is small, it is not that it has not happened.

That only God knows.

Natalie looked around and saw an empty parking lot on the left of the car and a white rectangular building dozens of feet away on the right.

This is the Los Angeles branch of Bank of America.

The car in front stopped, and Ryan had to step on the brakes and just stopped near the entrance of Bank of America.

It is said that you owe a large debt to the bank? Speaking of the bank, Natalie remembered what Ryan had mentioned in the letter.

It's only a few hundred million dollars, and it will be paid off soon. Ryan didn't care about that debt at all.

I'm still waiting for you to become a tramp after going bankrupt. Natalie stuck out her tongue playfully.

I'm unlucky are you happy, Nat?

Ryan was just about to rub Natalie's curly hair when suddenly a red and blue light came into view. A patrol car of the Los Angeles police came towards him, turned from the side road outside the fence, and turned to the sign of the Bank of America. white building.

Shouldn't there be a bank robbery? Ryan shook his head, just as he was about to clear his mind, when suddenly all the information about the two bank robbers jumped out during this period of time.

Nate, what time is it? Ryan asked with a frown.


Be specific.

February 28, 1997, nine-twenty! Natalie replied, albeit oddly.

That strong sense of sight flooded Ryan's heart again. Although the memory reminded him that something great happened today, he was not a computer after all, and he couldn't think of a physical event for a while.

Bank of America! Laurel Valley Avenue! White rectangular building! The police car...and two robbers!

When these symbols floated past Ryan's eyes one by one, the title of a documentary film appeared - 100,000 Hot!

In his previous life, he watched this documentary once on TV and on the Internet. He was not particularly impressed, and now he finally understands why.


Bah! Bah...

The sound of automatic rifles coming from the Bank of America interrupted Ryan.


Thank you Immortal cadres, 0773, Zangkong Yumu, Natsu Ignier, Jiang Zuoqingfeng, Lone Soul Yeying and other friends for their rewards, thank you! ()

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