Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 23 Los Angeles and New York

Just like Harvey Weinstein said, Ryan's life has changed dramatically in a short period of time. Although the taste of overnight fame is complacent, it also brings countless troubles. Paparazzi has become a compulsory subject for boys.

Three weeks after the release of The Sixth Sense, Alien Publishing took advantage of this fiery wave to launch the second book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

The original manuscript of this novel was given to the publishing house by Jinsili a long time ago. The reason why it is still pressed is to let the first book ferment for a longer time. There is no doubt that the publishing house has chosen the best time, one week. After that, the novel successfully appeared on the bestseller list.

Ryan, the publishing house has called several times to ask when the third part will be completed? Sent Kimsley to the apartment specifically, apparently in a hurry by the publishing house.

After the release of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, even the sales of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone have increased rapidly. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just the beginning of a whole series, and the magic wand wielding The little wizard also gradually exerted his power, which caused a lot of repercussions in Britain and the United States, especially in the United Kingdom, after all, the scene in the novel is in the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Although many people say sourly that this is just the whims of an eccentric boy, it is just a simple children's book, but it can't stop the rising sales and more and more widespread influence.

Of course, Ryan is not in a hurry to launch the third volume, he intends to press the completed manuscript for a while, after all, his age is a big issue.

The boy is a little troubled now, of course not because of the paparazzi under the apartment, but because of some small problems between him and Natalie who are far away in New York.

Since the Los Angeles Times published the report, Natalie has not replied to a letter for more than half a month. Even when he called, it was her parents who answered the phone. For this reason, Mr. Avner and Mrs. Shelley had both asked on the phone if they had had a fight.

quarrel? They quarreled almost every time they wrote and called. Ryan actually didn't have too many ideas, but the feeling of being friends with his favorite star in his previous life and watching her grow step by step is really wonderful.

In fact, from Natalie's past words, the boy could guess that a smart and precocious child like her was not popular among her peers, and the fact was as he guessed. Tully hardly had any friends.

And such a girl with her own pride and ambition suddenly finds that her only friend is standing in a place where she can only look up. The kind of blow and loss can be imagined.

Well, the awkward little loli, I don't care about you as much. Ryan looked at the time, picked up the handset, and dialed New York.

Walking into the house, Natalie took off her schoolbag and threw it on the sofa, but her face was full of unhappiness and unhappiness, as if she wanted to quarrel with people at any time.


Looking at the letter in her hand, Natalie had the urge to crumple it up and throw it into the trash, but after hesitating for a while, she opened the envelope habitually.

Familiar handwriting, familiar tone and style of writing, just like the four books she bought specially, but the letter is less sharp than before, and more sincere apologies.

Although she was still a little embarrassed, after reading the letter, Natalie still had a smile on the corner of her mouth.

She could completely imagine how the nasty guy was careful when he wrote the letter.

snort! I still overwhelm you! There is a little more pride in the girl's heart.

The phone in the living room rang at this time, and her parents were not at home, so Natalie had to put down the letter and answered the phone.

Hello, this is Hershler.

Na... Nat? The person over the phone seemed hesitant and a little unsure.

Ryan! Natalie subconsciously wanted to drop the phone.

Wait, Nat.

Is there something wrong? Natalie's words were clearly thorny.

I'm sorry, Nat... Natalie interrupted without waiting for the other side to finish, Ryan, did you know that children who lie will have longer noses!

Well, if it makes you happy, then I'll be Pinocchio, Your Royal Highness Snow White! Not being able to raise the bar openly, Ryan simply launched a counterattack in secret.

Humph! Although Natalie snorted coldly, her eyes curled up. It was the first time that the guy on the opposite side was soft on her.

Nate, are you still here?


I know some things shouldn't be hidden from you, but I have an agreement with Harvey Weinstein of Miramax Pictures, and there are some things I can't control myself... Obviously, Ryan began to open his eyes again Talking nonsense, put most of the responsibility on the publishing house and film company, You know, Nat, you are my only friend, and I don't want any unhappiness between us.

Okay, Ryan, forget about it this time. If there's another time, I won't take care of you. Listening to the boy's words, Natalie suddenly remembered the report about Ryan's life in the newspaper. The age can't imagine the life of the orphanage and the orphan, but I still feel that I should not treat him like this.

I promise, Nat, if you ask.

In any case, this chapter is over, and after habitually stabbing each other for a few more words, Natalie asked about the boy's current situation.

Don't mention it, I can only stay at home now, the school has taken a long vacation, and those crazy paparazzi are stuck under the apartment, not to mention me and Nicole, even the neighbors have been harassed by them many times.

That's the price of fame! Natalie quipped.

But when I got on the big screen, a lot of people were praising my acting skills. The boy naturally started to fight back.

That's because they haven't seen me yet, Ryan Jenkins, just wait and see, one day I'll surpass you! Before she knew it, Natalie got on her feet again.

Then I'll wait and see, dear Nate. The voice over there was completely triumphant, Even if you surpass me in acting, it's impossible to write so many stories.

Story? Ryan, you have such a thick skin. I have read those four books, but they are all children's books. Natalie was very dissatisfied.

Really? Do you think the sixth sense is also a children's book? The boy on the phone was just so pissed off.

Ryan, are you good at writing stories and scripts? Natalie gritted her teeth.

That's of course, in fact, after shooting the sixth sense, I completed two more scripts. The opposite is completely showing off.

Okay, Ryan, don't forget, you have deceived me twice. Natalie snapped her hat back habitually, In order to make up for the psychological damage you have caused me, you must write me a letter in the future. Hundreds of scripts!

One... one hundred?

Hearing the surprised voice coming from the opposite side, Natalie finally felt the pleasure of succeeding in the prank, and after saying goodbye in a hurry, she hung up the phone.

Just then, the door slammed open, and it turned out that Mrs. Shelly had returned home.

Nate, is there anything to be happy about? You haven't laughed so happily in a long time. Mrs. Shelly noticed the letter on the coffee table, A letter from Ryan? It looks like you are reconciled?

Yes, Mom. There's nothing between us, it's just that we have different views on certain issues. Natalie hurriedly put away the letter, put on her schoolbag, and prepared to go back to the room, Mom, I'll go back to the room first. already.

Mrs. Shelly sighed. She never thought that her daughter's only friend, the boy who had been to their house, could achieve such an astonishing result.

Back in her own little world, Natalie habitually took a look around the photos hanging on the wall. These are the photos of her learning dance and performing in the troupe, but compared to dance, she Still prefer acting.

Although she will only be nine years old in more than a month, she knows that she is different from other children. She knows that she has ambitions, and she also knows what she likes and wants, so she has been working hard for it. For this, she School holidays are also used to attend drama camps.

Shaking her head and dispelling the thoughts in her mind, she couldn't help thinking of the boy far away in Los Angeles, the boy who was only one year older than her. The acting skills shown in The Sixth Sense made her stunned, in all fairness. , she thinks it is no exaggeration to say that his performance in it is the best child star.

If it were me, I could... well! She admitted that she was really awkward and unhappy during this time. First, because her only friend had concealed so many things, and second, she was jealous!

Who doesn't want to be the center of attention, who doesn't want to be the darling of the media, and who doesn't want to be a shining star!

There will always be opportunities! Natalie told herself in her heart, Ryan, just wait and see, I will surpass you soon!

Hearing the beeping and disconnecting sound from the phone, Ryan scratched the back of his head. For some reason, as long as a pair got on Natalie, he couldn't help arguing with her, and he would show off triumphantly. Like a proud little peacock.

One hundred scripts! The boy rolled his eyes, of course, he knew Natalie was joking at him, but a hundred scripts were difficult, ten would be fine.

Recalling the only meeting, Natalie is obviously much thinner than she remembered. If she appears in that movie now, age will become a more sensitive topic than her previous life, so let's wait a few years.

Luc Besson is already quite famous now. It seems that he should ask Jinsley to find his address. He must write the script before him and send it to France by mail!

Um! This is definitely a great idea! The unscrupulous boy showed a bright smile.

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