Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 212 Editing and Reviewing Department

Returning to Los Angeles from Rosario, Ryan didn't even return home and went straight to Burbank.

Although many of them are due to work, the main one is that Nicole is in the editing room of Jenkins Pictures, busy with the director of the post-production of Cry on the Island.

After several years of development, Jenkins Pictures is no longer the shell company it used to be. Although it still maintains the production model of split accounts and cooperation, it also has its own full-time staff. The office location was moved in last year. in a single-family three-story office building.

To be precise, this office building used to belong to Carlock Films, the company that made the Terminator series. In 1994, Carlock raised $100 million to shoot the movie Cut Throat Island that almost ended a genre. .

After the film was released last year, it only received less than 10 million US dollars at the box office and became a complete failure. Carlock Films, which was originally in the upper middle position, had no choice but to declare bankruptcy and find a next home.

Its helmer Mario Casa made a special trip to Australia to find Ryan under the introduction of James Cameron, so Jenkins Pictures completed the first acquisition since its birth, not only with professional personnel and equipment, It also has its own distribution channel.

In addition, Ryan's other plan is also in operation. As early as the beginning of the year, he asked Julie Stewart to send a job advertisement to the United States to recruit screenwriters!

That's right, it's hiring screenwriters!

No one knows better than Ryan that after entering the new century, Hollywood's commercial script creation will be completely reduced to an assembly line, and it will become the norm for a dozen or even dozens of screenwriters to jointly write the same movie script.

The most typical is the hugely successful Charlie's Angels 1. The script involved nearly 20 screenwriters and has been revised at least 30 times -- not including the number of times the boss, Drew Barrymore, revised it on the spot. ——Some screenwriters specialize in fighting, some screenwriters specialize in love, and some screenwriters specialize in dialogue, and they each perform their own duties. Successful completion of a typical popcorn script.

As Ryan said before, after entering the 1990s, almost all the plots were used up by commercial movies, even the hugely successful Titanic, the storyline is also nothing new, poor boy The episode with a rich girl has been around for decades, but it was only caught in the sinking of the Titanic, showing the brilliance of human nature in the shipwreck.

Even the Matrix, which is admittedly brilliantly creative, breaks it down and you'll find that most of the scenes are there. It's still the usual Hollywood tricks and bridges.

The bridges are still those bridges. Creativity and new ideas are the most scarce things in this era.

These are the things that Ryan lacks the most.

A person's energy is limited. Ryan can't sit in front of a notebook every day and write down all the movies he has watched. He needs a team. An excellent team of writers who turned his ideas and written outlines into a full script.

Ryan just needs to set up the frame template and let the rest of the people fill it with specific scenes and content until he is satisfied, and then he will only fill these people with those typical popcorn movies.

Of course, he still writes two or three scripts a year entirely himself, imbuing those classic films with a striking Ryan Jenkins-esque brand.

Walking into the office building belonging to Jenkins Pictures, Ryan waved to the front desk. Came directly to Julie? Stewart's office.

Hi, Julie. Just after greeting Julie Stewart, Ryan saw two children playing on the other side, Taylor, how did you come here?

Nicole brought me here. The blond curly hair plausibly said. You went to Mexico, Austin was sick again, and no one played with me, Nicole brought me here, at least Christine was here with me.

Hi, Ryan. Another little guy beckoned to him as if he had been rehearsing.

Hello, Christine. Beckoning to the tomboy, Ryan looked at Julis again, Where's Nicole? On the second floor?

In the editing room.

I'm going to see Nicole first, and I'll talk about other things later. Ryan had just walked out of the office when a clear shout came, Wait for me, I'm going too.

And I……

In the sound of footsteps, the two little guys followed, and then Taylor said proudly, Don't be afraid of her, Kristin, as long as Nicole is around, you can bully Ryan at will, you don't think bullying him is such a big deal. Are stars fun?

What if Nicole isn't there? Ryan glanced at her.

Ah... The little girl scratched her curly hair vigorously, and then showed a pleasing smile, Ryan, aren't we good friends?

Dear, so you know that we are friends.

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the editing room and made a gesture to shut up to the two little guys. These two people have been playing in the film company since they were young, so they naturally knew the rules and shut their mouths obediently.

Nicole was exchanging opinions with the director, as if she had a good heart. When Ryan opened the door and walked into the editing room, she turned her head and looked over, but didn't say anything. After passing a look, she was busy. started his own work.

Wait a minute! Ryan naturally understood what she meant, pulled the two children, and sat quietly on the side. After a few minutes, Nicole came over with a frown.

Didn't go home?

I don't have you at home. Ryan's voice could only be heard by a few people around him.

I don't have time to fool around with you, I still have a job. Looking at Ryan's tanned skin, the distress in Nicole's eyes was fleeting.

Just be busy, I have to go to the editorial department.

After Nicole left, Ryan looked to his side, You two, stay here honestly and don't make trouble.



Hearing two very different voices, Ryan shook his head, went downstairs to greet Julis, and went to the conference room of the editorial department.

There were more than ten men and women in the conference room. Ryan was at the top of the conference table, knocked on the table lightly, and said, The purpose of Jenkins Pictures' establishment of the editorial department must be understood by everyone before entering the company, I think Through your resume, you have a wealth of professional experience.

There are no so-called newcomers sitting here. Although they are not well-known, they are a group of screenwriters who have been in Hollywood for many years and have been unlucky.

Let's put it this way. Ryan stood up and took a few steps, You should know that I have a lot of ideas, but time has limited me to turn these ideas into words or pictures. I will provide you with detailed ideas and designs. Yes, you need to complete it.

You have been ups and downs in Hollywood for many years. You should know that with the development of the film industry today, it is difficult for many bridges to be innovative, and the biggest selling point of a script is often creativity. If it can perfectly match the originality and theme of the script, it will be considered an excellent script.”

I will provide you with good treatment...

Hearing Ryan say this, many people showed bright smiles, and the treatment provided by Jenkins Pictures is already the top level of ordinary screenwriters.

Also, anyone who has participated in the compilation of the script can sign in the screenwriter column. If someone can come up with innovative ideas and ideas, and they really have market value, I will introduce you to the film company. Future contracts When the term expires, if you want to change jobs, I can also personally write a letter of recommendation for you that matches your experience.

The eyes of these people all radiated light. The success of the signed script was made into a movie, which means a qualification, and a recommendation letter from Ryan Jenkins, which is equivalent to knocking on the key to the doors of various film companies.

They are all characters who have been in Hollywood for many years, and naturally know the weight of those words.

The carrot is thrown, and the stick is next.

I believe that you have all carefully read the signed confidentiality agreement. Any information I provide is limited to discussions within the editorial and review department, and not even a single letter may be passed on!

If someone really dared to violate the contract, Ryan wouldn't mind letting lawyer Wilson organize a team of lawyers to sue the other party into bankruptcy.

Okay, I believe in your professional ethics.

Ryan gestured to Julie's assistant, and she immediately sent them a copy of the material, which wasn't anything fancy, just an ordinary comic.

The man in black... someone muttered.

Although everyone's comics are somewhat different, they all have the same name - Men in Black - which was distributed along with the comics, as well as a script outline and main settings written by Ryan.

This comic was born a few years ago, and its reputation is not very big. Ryan has been getting its film adaptation rights for a long time. When he took back the film adaptation rights of Spider-Man from Sony Columbia, he almost made a deal.

I will leave your e-mail to you. If you have any questions, you can send me an email. After the script is completed and I have reviewed it, I will propose corresponding revisions.

This is the first time that Ryan has made preparations to modify the script dozens or even hundreds of times. After all, the two sides need to run in.

Julis, I'll leave it to you for the time being.

The brief meeting quickly dissipated, Ryan said to the head of the company after everyone else was gone.

No problem, Ryan.

In fact, after completing the acquisition of Carlock Films, most of the day-to-day administrative work was handed over to Mario Casar.

The once-ambitious producer, who suffered a major blow after the flop of Cutthroat Island, vowed not to be directly involved in filmmaking ever again.

By the way, Ryan, don't forget the premiere of Day of the Dead. Julius reminded that this was the highlight of the cooperation between Jenkins Pictures and Paramount Pictures.

Let's see the situation then, there may not be time.

Day of ** is naturally going to premiere on the day of **, when Ryan's vacation is over long ago. With James Cameron's character, filming will continue even if it is the ** day's holiday. ()

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