Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 2 A Mermaid named Nicole

The outside world is very exciting, and the outside world is very helpless. Ryan has no money and has been locked up for more than half a month. No matter how he looks, he looks like a little homeless person. After being repeatedly refused to use the public phone by the convenience store owner, he Simply dead thinking of contacting a lawyer immediately.

He didn't know anything about Los Angeles, and could only identify the direction by the sun. Hesitating and helpless, the boy embarked on the only road he remembered, the road leading to the Avenue of Stars!

It doesn't matter if you don't have money to make a phone call, you can ask the police for help.

Perhaps his luck ran out when he escaped from the orphanage, and until he entered the Avenue of Stars, he never met an old beautiful police uncle.

what should I do? Standing on the Avenue of Stars, the boy shrank his shoulders, and the well-dressed pedestrian saw him as if he had encountered the god of plague, flashing far and wide.

Under his feet was a terrazzo pavement with brass stars inlaid on it. Although the names on the stars were very unfamiliar, he knew very well that they were traces left by giant stars.

For his goal and for his future, Ryan gritted his teeth and stopped in front of a beautiful girl.

Ma'am, can you do me a favor?

The boy raised his head bravely, and the moment he saw the girl's appearance, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart, X, is the thief God playing with me!

The girl's height is close to six feet, which is about 180 cm in metric system. She looks tall and slender. Her fair skin is comparable to the freshest milk, and her long curly hair is a rare golden red, which is cold and compelling. The scent is exceptional.

This woman is very beautiful and very attractive. She is younger and more beautiful than all the photos and movie scenes that Ryan has seen in her previous life, but why did Nicole Kidman appear in Hollywood in 1987? Could it be that his weak butterfly wings can actually affect Australia?

Not long after Nicole Kidman came to Los Angeles, she has gained considerable popularity in Australia. Like most Australian actors, after achieving success in their home country, they often go to Hollywood to seek greater development space.

What's more, just last year, her mother died of a recurrence of cancer, and then her father died of excessive sadness. Nicole simply left this sad place, bought a property in Beverly Hills, and planned to move the center of her career to the United States. Come.

For Hollywood, she is a newcomer after all. Although she will not start from scratch, the audition for several consecutive auditions has not been very smooth. She was upset and had to go out shopping to relieve her depressed mood.

Before I knew it, I came to the Avenue of Stars and looked at the stars. Nicole was a little envious and a little jealous. She knew what kind of ambition and ability she had, and she was very sure that in a prominent position on the Avenue of Stars, It will leave behind its own star.

Just when Nicole was thinking about something on her mind, a boy at most six or seven years old suddenly stopped in front of her and asked for her help.

The boy was a little thin, his long light brown hair covered his head like a unkempt bird's nest, and the clothes on his body were tattered. He looked like a little homeless man, but his sky blue eyes were as bright as sapphire sapphires, staring at her closely. , which also revealed confusion and sadness, as if the whole world had abandoned him, and she was his only hope.

Just after experiencing the separation of life and death from her family, Nicole was at the softest time in her heart. Her eyes met the boy's. Not only did her heart turn into cotton, but her soul trembled, as if she came to Los Angeles and walked on This Avenue of Stars is for this casual encounter between the two.

There was still confusion in Ryan's eyes, but he quickly made up his mind. He didn't expect that he just threw a net and caught a mermaid named Nicole. If the information in his previous life was correct, she was a very Women who like children, why not take advantage of them?

Nicole didn't know what she was thinking, so she agreed to the boy's request in a confused way, took him into a public phone booth, and watched him make a call.

From the boy's phone call, she knew that he was an orphan, and that the director of the orphanage wanted to harm him, so she managed to escape from the orphanage after a lot of thought, and was asking for the help of a lawyer.

The thin boy reluctantly told his miserable life experience, all of which touched the softest part of Nicole's heart. After the boy finished the phone call, she suddenly said, Maybe I can provide you with some help!


After sending Lawyer Wilson out of the house, Nicole Kidman stroked her white and smooth forehead and sat down on the sofa, her face filled with haggard and exhaustion that could not be concealed.

It's finally over!

In order to get Ryan's custody, the lawsuit lasted for several months, not only consumed a lot of her time and energy, but also exhausted all her savings.

Nicole looked at the boy sitting next to him. Although he was a bit eccentric, he was smart and sensible. After getting along for a while, she fell in love with him. Worth it, isn't it?

Seeing her haggard face, Ryan was a little moved. He was not a bastard without a conscience. For this lawsuit, in order to form a strong enough legal team, Nicole not only sold the villa she just bought, but also sold car.

Even in order to get custody as soon as possible, she also applied for American citizenship. Fortunately, she was born in Hawaii and has a certain reputation, so she didn't spend too much effort.

Even so, she still owes Wilson a considerable amount of attorney fees.

Taking the boy gently into her arms, Nicole squeezed his still thin body and said distressedly, Ryan, we will be left with the two of us in the future, and I will definitely make you fat.

Pudgy white? The boy bowed his head on Nicole's soft chest, inhaled the intoxicating aroma, and said in a muffled voice, Are you raising pigs?

Nicole kissed the boy's forehead lightly, and then giggled, sighing that the boy's mind was so sensitive that he even used this method to make her happy.

However, thinking about increasingly tight expenses and an invitation from London, Nicole decides to ask the boy's opinion.

Ryan, do you want to live in London for a while?


I was invited by a troupe to perform in a stage play. I have a villa over there. This apartment can only be sold.

Ryan understands that Nicole is in a dire financial situation and desperately needs a job.

The stage play can hone Nicole's acting skills, and living in the UK can also target British fiction! Ryan's mind turned a hundred and eighty turns in an instant, and he rolled his eyes in Nicole's arms, but thinking of everything the other party had paid for him, he finally made up his mind.

Nicole, wait for me, I have something to show you.

Ryan ran into his room in three steps and two steps, and quickly took out a book and a New York Times supplement from the bedside table of the children's bed, returned to the living room, and handed them over.

Opening the book page, Nicole was taken aback. In the title page of the book, there was a cash check, and the number on it was two... two hundred thousand dollars? Where did the money come from? Could it be a fake check?

Nicole Kidman narrowed his eyes slightly. Obviously, this guy must be hiding some secret from her. He felt a little unhappy when he thought about his dedication to him, and he even kept a hand.

I'm sorry, Nicole, you know, the environment I grew up in... The boy knew in his heart that no matter who it was, there would inevitably be bumps.

Nicole couldn't help feeling soft, stroked the boy's face lightly, and said, Alright then, give me an explanation.

Listening to the boy's story, Nicole's mouth grew bigger and bigger, but she didn't expect that she would get back a super genius!

Half a month later, the glamorous girl and the eccentric boy set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Great Britain. Nicole firmly refused the money. After consulting with Wilson's lawyer, he opened a new personal account in Citibank for him, and Wilson. The lawyer also agreed to Nican's request that the property be used as a mortgage to pay off the arrears later.

Their new home in London is located in Kensington. It is an independent two-storey English-style villa. On the roof terrace, you can see Kensington Palace, Princess Diana's palace, from a distance.

In the following time, Nicole ignored Ryan's strong protest and sent him to school. The poor child entered the elementary school for the second time, and the classroom became his studio of plagiarism.

At the strong request of the boy, Nicole hired a tutor for him. In addition to learning Chinese and French, Ryan began to study professional vocal music. Although the style of the Philharmonic Master is far from popular music, many things, It is often the master who leads the door to practice in person, and his talent in music is excellent enough, and he even thinks that the power that brought him back to life seems to be a pop music fan!

When it was rainy in London and there were rare sunny days, the two sat under a tree in the courtyard, Nicole flipped through the script of the stage play, and Ryan flipped through Nicole's photo album.

These are photos from the last two years, most of which were taken by Nicole in Los Angeles. The Walk of Fame, Universal Studios, the Chinese Theater, and the Holy Citizen Auditorium are everywhere in the photo album. Ryan can't help but think of her previous life. He kept asking, Nicole, do you really want to go to Hollywood to develop?

Yeah! Only there can I become a world-class movie star and realize my dream. Nicole didn't care who she was talking to, Maybe I can get an Oscar in the future!

The boy sighed lightly, he and she were a perfect match, and both set their goals at that Vanity Fair.

All right! Miss Nicole Kidman, as someone who repays you with gratitude, as someone who liked you in a previous life, I will definitely help you become the center of attention, and try my best to make you stand on the stage of the highest honor earlier and more!

Also, I will never let that creampie break your heart again!

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