Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 18 A New Year

The figure of the 1980s disappeared suddenly, and the footsteps of the 1990s came quietly. Ryan Jenkins is ten years old. It is a pity that he knew that he must have been born in 1980, but he did not know the specific birthday. , which is a very sad thing.

After entering 1990, many important things happened in the world. For example, the situation in the Middle East suddenly became tense. The hanging ghost president seemed to set off the powder keg. For example, the Red Empire opened the end of the sunset mode, and it was about to end. For example, the upheaval in Eastern Europe Unstoppable, another huge market is about to open its doors to Hollywood movies.

However, all this has nothing to do with him. The most joyous thing for Ryan entering the new year is that it is finally a long vacation, and he doesn't have to go to that damn school anymore.

After filming The Sixth Sense and returning to school, Ryan passed the test with ease, but Nicole was a prophecy. Just a week later, she was invited to the school by the principal, and the old principal listed He was guilty of Ryan Chase, not listening, not communicating with others, not respecting the teacher, always doing his own thing, never telling others what he did and so on.

If the old principal was proficient in Chinese, he would definitely use one word to describe the boy's guilt - too many to list!

Miss Kidman, as a guardian, we hope you can have a good talk with Ryan Jenkins. These were the heartfelt words of the old principal at that time.

How could Nicole not know these old problems with boys, after all, when she was in London, she was often invited to school by the headmaster, but what troubled her was that she really didn't know how to solve it, all of Ryan's grades were A. In addition to the likes of whimsical and occasional behaviors, no matter what aspect, it is the best among children of the same age or even higher.

Sometimes, she wondered if she should let Ryan drop out of school and hire a special tutor for him, but thinking that boys don't like socializing with peers at all, doing so would only make him more withdrawn, and she would Quickly strangle this thought.

Dear Nate, congratulations on being on the stage of the community theater again, it's a pity that you are far away in New York, and I can't go there to see you perform. In your last letter, I disagree with your views on art. , In my opinion, all art forms exist as entertainment before they become art. Art that cannot be accepted by the public, no matter how rigorous, profound and meaningful, will only go on the road of extinction. Development proves it all, and if I can, I'd really like to have a face-to-face debate with you...

After returning to Los Angeles from Philadelphia, the boy and Natalie communicated almost once a week. Although they would encourage each other, they were more of a debate or a barrage. Especially in art, the two have almost the same views. It's a world of difference, and each letter will write its own point of view, so as to refute the other side.

Stuffing the letter into the envelope and sealing it, Ryan heard the door slam, and it must be Nicole who was out to shoot the commercial.

Hey Nicole, you look tired. Would you like something to drink? Juice or coffee?

Walking into the living room, the boy saw tiredness written all over Nicole's face, and took the initiative to walk into the kitchen.

Juice is fine, I don't dare to let you make coffee, otherwise the neighbors will definitely complain!

Hearing Nicole's words, the boy's face was covered with black lines. Just after the new year, he finally found his worst talent, and it was about cooking. The only time he took the initiative to make coffee, he almost threw the whole kitchen. fried.

Okay. The boy poured two glasses of strawberry juice and put them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.


How did you get your lunch done? Nicole went to Malibu today and didn't come back at noon.

Order takeaway, Mr. Zhou's restaurant!

After all, Brother Atang is also very interesting. If it weren't for him, the boy wouldn't know that there is such a Chinese restaurant that tastes quite authentic.

Speaking of Tom, he still didn't give up on Nicole. He had an appointment with her again after Christmas. Unfortunately, Ryan answered the phone. The unscrupulous boy didn't let him dove any more, just asked him a question. How does it feel to wash your face with chili water, Mr. Tom Cruise hung up the phone.

Nicole, I made a new song today, would you like to listen to it?

With the passage of time, the level of the boy's composition has improved very quickly. Although he has not changed his voice, his voice is much more mature than before, and the songs he sing are much more pleasant. The surrounding neighbors rarely come to the door, even Many people feel that listening to him sing is a kind of enjoyment.

Which naturally includes Miss Nicole? Kidman.

He took out the handmade wooden guitar from the room and sat on the high chair. The boy plucked the strings, and the ding-dong music started.

This is a very simple piece, the style is biased towards popular country ballads. After a short prelude, the boy's slightly immature singing sounded, Life is like climbing, the road ahead is always full of obstacles, People who never give up, run forward with their heads held high until they reach the highest and most beautiful place...

The lyrics are not long and a little simple, but they are full of inspirational flavors. With the bright rhythm, they give people a positive feeling.

How do you feel, Nicole? The boy looked at the glamorous girl expectantly.

Ryan, you surprise me more and more. Although he was almost numb to the boy's performance over the years, Nicole Kidman couldn't help sighing, I know a little bit about music. , Although this song is simple, it already has a level that can be produced!

Wow, it looks like I'm really a genius! This time the image of the big red monkey did not appear.

Ryan, what I want to say is that you have learned a lot, and human energy is limited. Do you still want to be a singer in the future?

Why not? The boy spread his hands, made a natural expression, and said before Nicole spoke again, Nicole, I understand what you mean, I know the truth that you can't chew too much. , don't worry, I have enough time and energy.

Don't worry? In the past month, I have been invited to the school three times by the principal of St. John's Primary School. How can you rest assured?

Life is like this, you can't do everything, you have to give up what you want to gain, what's more, for a child, time is really precious, and he can't waste the most precious things on those things that are almost useless. Meaningful learning?

Yes, maybe in the near future, or after entering middle school, he must take a certain amount of time to study to avoid his grades being too ugly, but it is definitely not elementary school.

Compared with the terrible cramming education that he experienced in his previous life, elementary school education in the United States is too easy. Strictly speaking, it is more like enlightenment education. These simple knowledge, even the American history that Ryan didn't know in his previous life, is very easy. After reading the textbook once, it is easy to cope with it.

During the holiday, Ryan had more time to complete the two unfinished scripts, but don't worry now, as he said to Nicole Kidman, everything will wait for The Sixth Sense will be said after the release.

The boy always believed that even if David Fincher was in charge of a film director for the first time, and his debut was several years earlier than his previous life, he might not be as good as the director Asan, not to mention that Harvey Weinstein, as a producer, In the past life, the vision was notoriously poisonous. As long as the two of them did not have cramps in their heads, the movie would not be too bad even if it was not as good as the previous life.

What's more, this subject is extremely rare now, and it accurately reflects the focus of American mainstream society - family!

A week later, the boy went to Miramax's studio in Burbank to dub, of course, just a few clips for the film that was in post-production.

Wow, David, are you editing? The boy looked at the pile of equipment in the room, including the film setter, and asked David Finch, who was supervising.

Yeah, Ryan.

Then what do these machines do?

Ryan, like Ben 100,000 why, caught Mr. Director and threw a lot of questions. After David Fincher answered, his throat started to smoke.

Compared with shooting, the post-production of a movie is also time-consuming and labor-intensive, and even more cumbersome. If it is a sci-fi movie with a big scene, it will be even more troublesome.

Speaking of which, David Fincher doesn't have much power in post-production. Harvey Weinstein has to decide on the edited samples. No way, this is Hollywood, this is not Hong Kong, and the director is not that big. that power.

The producer system prevails in Hollywood. Unless a big director is also a producer, it is difficult to obtain the final editing rights. It is even more impossible for a new director in the film industry like David Fincher to have such power.

Harvey, when will the movie be released?

When meeting Harvey Weinstein, Ryan asked curiously.

Of course, the sooner the better. We've known each other for almost half a year, and Harvey Weinstein has gradually figured out how to get along with boys. When he talks about business with you, don't treat him as a child, otherwise It will definitely be brought into the pit. It is now scheduled for early April, depending on the progress of post-production.

Ryan pinched his little chin. In his opinion, this movie is best arranged in the summer season, but he is only the screenwriter and starring of the movie, and he is not stupid enough to distinguish his identity and weight. Just shut your mouth.

Besides, the release in April is not without its advantages. There are almost no heavyweight movies in this schedule, and it is possible to sign a long-term contract with the theater chain to extend the show time. As long as the box office can reach the bottom line in his heart, it will be enough.

Ryan remembered the seemingly child's play contract he signed with Nicole and Miramax. If the movie can really live up to his expectations, I wonder if Harvey Weinstein will be with Jinsi. Li negotiators fired.

(There is still a chapter before midnight, and I received a signing text message in the background. . . )

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