067: Female Internet celebrity makes trouble, violent death! Overseas videos fermented (please)

"Little Red Book? I drip obediently, and this group of guys started to commit slutty again??? "

How could Zhou Shuyi not know what demons and monsters were inside, and if it wasn't for making money, she wouldn't want to post videos inside.

It's all a group of self-hilarious monsters, and mocks others for being poor.

It is entirely possible that this group of madmen will take advantage of this time to go to the country of Eagle Sauce.

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Shuyi opened the Xiaohongshu live broadcast room.

Inside are women dancing.

It is said that women have to rely on themselves, but they still rely on those LSP tips to live their lives.

I still remember that at station 13, there was a house dance that attracted men to give tips.

Nine out of ten people who scold men on V are prostitutes.

And then also sold on the Internet...

As a result, he was picked up by someone, and the one who cried on the Internet that the extranet was fake.....

As a result, her comment area is in the top ten brothers on the pitiful list.......

After all~

There are nine prostitutes, then the remaining top ten brothers on the list are embarrassed to open this mouth, and the result is that everyone is prostitutes, and only he is still licking.

Licking the dog in the true sense of the word........

After a few live broadcasts, I saw a woman dressed in bells and whistles doing a live broadcast on the streets of Eagle Sauce Country.

She was talking about how good the country of Eagle Sauce was and how safe the streets were.

It is also said that the air in Eagle Sauce Country is sweet.

Goose Haio is good, even water can be drunk directly, much stronger than Huaxia.........

"I'm a mother! Why is this woman so cheap! "

This made Zhou Shuyi disgusted, and his mouth was almost unable to find it, pointing to the woman in the video: "Does this woman know what she is talking about, and the air is sweet, my mother, hasn't this person ever breathed fresh air?" "

"It's really not okay, can't you go to the prairie and take a look?"

"What else is only drinking water, doesn't he know that the water in our country can also be drunk directly?" It's just that the pipes may be contaminated, so they have to boil and don't understand it at all..."

"What a brain wreck..."

[Good scolding! ] 】

[This is the Sister Zhou I like, appearance and voice coexist, and everything I say is what I want to hear~]

[Xiaohongshu wins this kind of brain damage, really watch one scold one...]


PDD's side is also paying attention to the movements on the Eagle Sauce Country side.

After watching Matthew's video, he also advised everyone seriously.


"There is a truth that people say, rich people are comfortable everywhere, poor people are bullied everywhere..."

"Don't believe those people who say how good it is abroad, he has a good life because he has money."

"What can you rely on when you go abroad, you can only ........"

PDD was talking, and a news popped up in the lower right corner.

It is also what happened in the country of Eagle Sauce.

At a glance, it is the precise delivery of big data, but it also arouses the curiosity of PDD.

"The Goose Ohio chemical tanker exploded, the gas drifted away, the surrounding residents evacuated as soon as possible, try to wear gas masks........ ~.."

"Shall I drop one!"

PDD was stunned: "What does this mean?" What does this mean, not the country that claims to be the best and most desirable in the world, how can there be such a chemical gas leakage! "

"This must not pollute the atmosphere and water of the entire region..."

"Do you know brother, tell me on the barrage how big the impact of this incident is."

[No matter what chemical gas leaks, it must be polluted locally, and if nothing else, the crops must not be eaten..]

[Not only crops, even water can't drink, can you imagine these days, if it rains, where the groundwater is polluted very badly.......]

[The leak is vinyl chloride, which is a carcinogen with a strong pungent odor, once leaked, it will cause serious harm to the human body, not only Goose Ohio, the entire eastern part of the Eagle Sauce Country, all under the shadow of cancer...]

"I'm dripping obedient~ Is it so terrifying? This is not to mention the people in the country of Eagle Sauce, even in Huaxia, I want to find a gas mask to bring with me..."

As PDD spoke, he really found an N95 mask from the ground.

Don't say whether you can prevent it.

At least a little peace of mind.

The barrage was discussing this matter, and suddenly a barrage flew over.

[Lying groove, is it really such a coincidence?] I just came over from Sister Zhou's live broadcast room, she was reading Little Red Book, and one of the anchors was shopping in Ehaio, and said that the air there was sweet, and she drank drinking water directly........】

[Lying groove, which god is this, is this ready to try all the contaminated things in Goose Ohio?] 】

[Hahaha, no, I'm going to see it too. ] 】


Zhou Shuyi was still scaring the woman, and suddenly saw a huge mushroom cloud soaring into the sky in the live broadcast screen.

This scene frightened her pupils dilated.

"Brother Moe, what's going on?"

"Someone threw an atomic bomb at the Eagle Sauce Country?"

[This hellish joke is strong enough, Sister Zhou has another one! ] 】

[What's the situation?] It feels like the end of the world. 】

[I just came back from the PDD live broadcast room, and the chemical gas leaked over there, and I was running! ] 】

After this barrage appeared, the barrage was eerily quiet for half a minute.

A maniacal laugh followed.

In the picture.

The woman was also squeezed by the people of the Eagle Sauce Country and could not find the north, and the mobile phone was dropped and could not be picked up.

The picture turns black.

Whether this woman will die at the feet of others is unknown.

But no one in the live broadcast room took pity on her, and even laughed.

[I really deserve it, everyone boycotts the Eagle Sauce Country at this time, it will be obvious to you.......]

[This is the disaster that God has sent, she deserves to bear it........]

[I laughed just now, I wasn't quite happy, and now I can't cry anymore.......]


On the evening of the same day, Xiaohongshu issued a statement.

[A certain female anchor was live broadcast in Eagle Sauce Country, because of her improper behavior, she was trampled to death. ] 】

[Now express my deep condolences.] 】

This life even blew up netizens.

[Lying groove, what is the leader of this little red book thinking in his head, can it be said that it is because of his inappropriate behavior? ] 】

[Hehe, who are the people in the Little Red Book?] Do you still hold up their leaders with normal brains? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[I estimate that their leaders are also people from the Eagle Sauce Country, otherwise they would not say everything to the Eagle Sauce Country. ] 】

[Does this count as spy?] I want to report........】


For the female anchor to die, no one pays attention, everyone is paying attention to the ass of the leader of Xiaohongshu, which side is crooked.

"You trash! Did I ask you to send a statement that was so? "

"I haven't started you for so many years, my brain has been eaten by dogs?!!!"

"Do you know that this statement of yours has moved the hole cards that we have carefully cultivated for many years to the bright side!! What if this is discovered by the national security!! "

The eagle sauce stationed in Huaxia was ambassadorial that ice pack head.

In the end, he has cultivated a group of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, obviously it is not a headwind drama, but a headwind.

It's hopeless........

The person in charge of Little Red Book nodded and bowed: "If I withdraw it now, and change another one, what do you say..."

"Then you go quickly! I still need to say this??? "

Ambassador Eagle Sauce hung up the phone, rubbed his temples, and punched the table.

"What a bunch of waste, all wine bags and rice bags!"

"I know that I am now on the cusp of the storm, but at this critical point, let the poisonous gas leak, why don't you die!!

Ambassador Eagle Sauce cursed.

Living in Huaxia for so many years, it has always been a smooth wind, and there are even women who give them hugs, and the life is dashing.

It's all changed now.

It's all because of those self-righteous guys who ruined it all!

After venting his anger, the ambassador of Eagle Sauce Country breathed a sigh of relief on the chair: "Okay, this matter is only fermented in China, and it has not affected other countries, otherwise it will really be a loss of adults!" "

The international voice will always be on the side of Eagle Sauce Country.

After all, people hold the microphone for speaking, as long as they are disobedient, they can shut you up at any time.

Therefore, generally what happens in their country will be minimized, and what happens in China will try to expand the impact.

Don't think it's useless.

Many countries learn about China through social media, and many countries' first perception of China is not good.

Don't think that people abroad are smiling at you, they just like you.

They just like your money.....

Of course.......

In some small countries around, they really like you.....

Love every part of your body.......

Before Ambassador Eagle Sauce could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone rang again.

This time it was a cross-border call from Eagle Sauce Country.

"What the hell are you doing! The news released on the social platform by Huaxia, why didn't you intercept it! "

"What news?" Master Eagle Sauce felt something wrong in his heart.

"What else news, news about our national prison! Are you a pig? Still staying in Huaxia for a long time, planning to stay, such a big thing, you don't react at all, what will I feed you for!! "

Listening to the scolding on the phone, Ambassador Eagle Sauce opened overseas social platforms.

The cover of the video with the most likes on YouTube.

Shin's eyes widened.

"Ward ?!!!"

The video above is a video uploaded by Huaxia Yangshi five hours ago.

About the private prison of Eagle Sauce Country.

It is the one that caused the vibration of Huaxia.

In just five hours, it has reached one million plays, six hundred thousand likes and 150,000 reviews!

"Fak Fak Fak Fak!! When exactly was it uploaded! How did I not hear from me at all!! "


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