054 punches kill Satan, angrily rebuke the deputy warden, and set fire to a poppy field (please)

Satan glanced out of the field.

The one-eyed dragon stood there eating dragon fruit, and the purple-red juice flowed all over him, and his face was full of anger.

"This bastard, wait for this matter to be over, find an opportunity to take revenge on you........"

Satan does not dare to be distracted, this guy in front of him is a monster, and a little distraction is death.

The sun is blazing.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't move for a long time, he couldn't bear it anymore and stabbed it with his backhand.

Seeing Su Chen dodging sideways, the dagger was circled in his hand, and his forehand hooked to his neck.

If you don't slide once, you can skate twice.

If it doesn't work twice, it's three times.

He didn't believe that he couldn't break Su Chen's defenses.

But how could Su Chen be his wish, the same trick was not only useless for Saint Seiya, but even if it was of little use to Su Chen.

Seeing the dagger coming, his right hand turned into a dragon's claw and grabbed Satan's wrist.

Seeing that the other party still wanted to retract, this time the finger was strong.

"Broken !! by me"

Click!! ~

In the dexterous poisonous tongue, but also afraid of the eagle of the sky.

Broken claws!


"My hand is broken..."

Satan's eyes were red, his snow-white skin was flushed red, and the Satan demons on his body were more agile.

At this moment, his hand was shaking in the air like noodles.

He and Su Chen both understood.

Now below the wrist, only a piece of skin remains, and there is not the slightest bone in it.

"This is all the !! you forced me"

Satan's attack does not have a move, but only has one purpose, that is, to kill the guy in front of him.

Rage increases strength and speed, but decreases IQ.

Such an attack could not touch Su Chen's clothes at all, but at the moment when Su Chen dodged sideways, Satan's smile stood out.

"Give me !! death"

The back cover of the dagger suddenly opened, and a large wave of glass dust was scattered by Satan on Su Chen's eyes.

Dodge yourself with the trend.

"Hahaha, hahaha, yellow-skinned monkey, now I know how powerful your white grandfather is!"

"Wasn't it quite arrogant just now?"

"Come on! Kill me!! "


Satan laughed wildly next to him.

Seeing this, the surrounding inmates were very worried.

"This bastard, engage in sneak attacks."

"Forgot to tell Su Chen that the people of the Satan Sect are all shady villains, and they must be guarded against it..."

"It's too late now..."

"Su Chen, are you all right?!"

"Wang Baegg, you have the ability to fight fairly!!


They kept cursing here, and the one-eyed dragon on the other side threw the dragon fruit and laughed happily.

"Hahahaha, eyes are one of the most vulnerable places, even if you can apologize for physical exercise, as long as you don't blink, eyes are your weakness..."

"Su Chen, 187 has the ability to continue to fight!"

"I'd love to see how you won this killing, hahaha!!"

The deputy prison director once used this small method to rectify an unknown number of disobedient prisoners.

Almost never missed.

Just as he was proud, the situation in the field made him laugh anymore.

"What's going on! How is Su Chen okay!! "

Inside the venue.

Satan was still laughing maniacally, and victory seemed to be at hand, but he never expected it.

Su Chen, who should have been blind in both eyes, was standing there unharmed at the moment, without any injury in his eyes.

"Impossible, this can't be !!"

"Even if you can't get in, you can't defend against so many glass powder!!!"

"What kind of monster are you!!?"

Satan is inept and furious.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a human, someone who is about to kill you..."

Su Chen said in his heart that he wiped his eyes,

There is a film here, which can hardly be seen without looking closely, this is a transparent eye made of 100g of ruyi iron that Su Chen obtained last time he killed someone.

[Ruyi iron: changes form according to the mind, its hardness is ten times that of ordinary iron, and its defense power is a hundred times that of ordinary iron...]

A pair of eyes as thin as cicada wings only cost less than 1g, and the remaining 99.5g were all protected in the lower vulva.

This position belongs to the knife and gun, but it will hurt when hit.

It must be protected.

Seeing that the other party had no will to fight, Su Chen would not show mercy to his subordinates.

Punch the other person with a straight punch.

The sonic boom that was all shot in the air, just the air that drove it, burst Satan's head, and blood sprayed everywhere.

"Huh?! Satan!!!! "

The deputy warden grabbed the iron door and looked at all this with great anger: "I originally thought that it was quite powerful to be able to dominate in prison, but I didn't expect it to be a garbage!" What a mistake on you!! "

When the prison guards saw Satan dead, they did not dare to hold them one by one, so that the other prisoners rushed over.

"Su Chen, you are too powerful!"

"Four big forces in the prison, now one is dead, you will be the king here in the future!"

"Su Chen, I want to mess with you!!"

"Take me with you!!"


The people around cheered heartily, wanting Su Chen to take them to live in prison.

But Su Chen understood.

He has his name in both the warden and the deputy warden, and those who are with him will definitely not end well.

Let's just say the one who hangs on the cross.

I have never seen a single sword practitioner, and because the other party is also from Huaxia, he was caught as bait.

Su Chen came to the bottom of the cross and held it with both hands.

Use your arms hard.

The people around also wanted to come up to help, but Su Chen refused.

This cross, two pieces of wood together weighed a ton, and the others came to add to the mess.

The arms are protruding.

The cross was slowly pulled out of the ground, controlling the direction and force, allowing it to fall slowly.

This scene made the people around him marvel even more at Su Chen's strength.

Even if these people could not look at the Huaxia people before, now facing the people on the cross, they can only hurry to find water and save the people.

Now this prison, only by following Su Chen can we live better.

"Ahem, ahem! ~"

The people on the cross drank water and woke up, looked at the people around them, and shrank back in fear.

"What are you afraid of."

"It's really angry to watch, if it weren't for you, how could Satan pull Su Chen out to fight..."

"It was Su Chen who saved you, they are all Huaxia people, don't be afraid..."


The people around them were talking and talking, and the people who got up also understood.

Seeing Su Chen, he cried out excitedly.

"Abba, Abba..."

"Deaf and dumb..."

【Name:Li Along】

[Crime: Eating Overlord Meal]

[Sentence: 5 years]

"Overlord Meal..."

Su Chen's eyes were cold.

The old horse will forget it, drunk driving on the road, being caught is a crime deserved.

But this overlord meal.

Obviously, it is not a crime that can be imprisoned, but it appears here, if it is not targeted by this group of Wang Baeggs, I really can't think of any other reason.

"Wang Baegg, deputy warden! Are the Huaxia people here all framed by you! "

"You tell me!"

Su Chen was angry for the first time, and strode to the Fu prison warden, and there was an iron fence between the two.

A terrifying aura gushed out from Su Chen's body.

System talent: sweep away evil and eliminate evil.

There is a 40% suppression of all underworld and evil forces.

Su Chen had never opened the momentum suppression, and today was the first time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He was really angry.

The deputy warden's eyes when he looked at Su Chen did not seem to be looking at a person, but a fierce beast!

A descending tiger that has not eaten for a long time!

A terrifying dragon circling around nine turns!!

This terrifying momentum scared him back one after another, and he wanted to retreat even after hitting the wall.

The soles of the feet are moistened.

"I... I...... I don't know, the people here are all found by the warden, and they have nothing to do with me!! "

The deputy warden did not know why, and directly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Tell the origin of these Chinese people.

It is a private prison, and the prisoners here are treated as free coolies by the warden and work sixteen hours a day.

There are thousands of people here, and they bring tens of billions of dollars to the warden every year, which is much stronger than the listed companies outside, and no one can strike...

Some people say that the bosses in the country are capitalists, that is, they have never seen real bloodsucking capitalists.

"In that case, then you will give me death!"

Su Chen grabbed the fence with both hands, intending to rush over and slaughter the deputy warden.

Next second.


The wall next to it was knocked down by a huge force, and a giant appeared in front of Su Chen with a bare upper body.

Rubble slipped over him.

The muscles on the arms are even more dusty playing inside.

This look made Su Chen think of an anime character, the black gold in One-Punch Man.

The two are quite similar...

"Black bear, you're here, fast (bjeg)... Hurry up and beat this guy to death for me!!! "

The deputy warden pointed at Su Chen with the hook of his right hand, and roared out with great anger.

The black bear looked at Su Chen, and his black and white eyes were full of anger: "Is it that you killed the black cat and the big black elephant?" "

This black man is as strong as a black bear.

"That's me, what's wrong? Do you also want to join them and have a companion on Huangquan Road? Su Chen squinted, the talent of sweeping away evil treated this chimpanzee, and the effect was even more flocked.

At this moment, Su Chen's image in the eyes of the black bear was no longer a young man of one meter eighty-five, but a giant five meters tall!

Whether it is body shape or oppression, he is far from being the opposite.

But the more so, the more excited he was.

"I heard that you are very powerful, I have not met an opponent for a long time in this prison, if you can beat me, their business will be over..."

"If you lose, leave this life to me..."

Before Su Chen could speak, the deputy warden on the side shouted out first: "Black bear, this right to shoot you, I let you kill him!" "

"Now, immediately, immediately, !!!immediately, immediately, now

The black bear didn't speak, just looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen took a deep look at him, and at this moment, Along, who was still lying on the ground, ran over and pulled Su Chen to shake his head.

Waving your hand all the time.

This is signaling him not to be impulsive...

Su Chen's heart softened and he looked at the black bear.

"Not interested..."

Leaving with Li Along, he did not forget to glance back at the deputy warden before leaving: "You wait well in the office, I will definitely take your dog's life!! "

Deputy warden: "..."

Looking at Su Chen's back as he left, he sweated coldly.

For the first time, this coercion was seen in people other than the warden.

"No, I have to get the warden back, otherwise I'll die..."

Su Chen took Li Along to wander around the prison.

This guy is not in the same district as him, no wonder he hasn't seen it much before.

Su Chen didn't use sign language, and he couldn't understand what the other party was gesturing, but they were all fellow villagers, even if they couldn't understand it, they were very happy to chat.

Wait until you're ready to leave.

Li Along twisted and pinched and pulled out a few leaves from his pocket.


"The leaves ... For me? "

Su Chen took the leaf over and felt that the shape was a little wrong.


"Big Smoke???"

Su Chen's eyes twisted, and his mind flashed that Huaxia was invaded by these things.

Broke the backbones of countless people.

Not to mention that the anti-drug police in Huaxia every year is the profession with the highest mortality rate, even if it is so in the entertainment industry, there are all kinds of business bigwigs, celebrities still think that this kind of thing is right.

"Something harmful! Where did these come from!! "

"Aaaaa ~"

Li Along pointed to the west, where he lived.

Su Chen nodded: "You go back, don't say anything about this matter, just don't know, just fine, if you still see other Huaxia people, let them cover their noses by sprinkling some water on the quilt in the evening, I'll give the people here something fun..."

Li Along looked at Su Chen's eyes and knew what he was going to do.

Holding his hand and shaking his head.

But Su Chen insisted on doing it, and he couldn't stop it, so he could only follow Su Chen's words, sprinkle some water on the quilt in the evening, and cover his nose to sleep.

In the dead of night.

Su Chen sneaked out of the cell and came to the place pointed by Li Along.

Take a look here.

There are three plastic greenhouses, three large warehouses, and more than 2,000 square meters.

It's full of poppies!

"Wang Baegg, no wonder it can bring tens of billions of profits to the warden every year, it turns out that this profit comes from here!!

Su Chen found gasoline and lit all three greenhouses with a torch.

The fire quickly enveloped the entire warehouse, and all the inventory inside was burned.

"Burn, burn, the smoke here is enough for you to smoke for a while!!"

Looking at the firelight in the sky, Su Chen's heart was extremely happy.

The crowd spread quickly, and the flames illuminated the entire prison.

The prisoners in the cell came out to see the bustle.

"There are people in the west to prevent fire."

"The fire is so big!"

"The prison guards have gone to put out the fire!"

"Great, we have a chance to escape!!"

"Follow the fire, we have a chance to run!!"


Follow the fire prevention and leave the prison.

This belief instilled everyone's brains, and at this time, I don't know whether it was Poppy's illusion or too excited, and they took torches and burned things everywhere.

At this moment, their faces are not much better than the zero yuan purchase outside.

Fire splattered.

The mob is on the move.

The whole prison is in chaos.

In the office of the Deputy Warden, prison guards come in and out to report to him on the situation outside.

"Report to the deputy warden, the fire in the west warehouse is too big to extinguish at all!"

"Fei whatever, even if you can't extinguish, you have to give me a pounce!" Otherwise, if you count one of you, you will have to accompany me to the burial!! "

The deputy warden has never been so angry, this time his life is related, can't let them waste time anymore, seeing that he is still stunned in place, angry and stomps on the spot: "You hurry up!" What are you waiting for here!! "


The prison guard ran to the door, bumped into another person, and continued to complete his business.

And the one who came in, stood up straight and reported.

"Report to the deputy warden, all the prisoners in the cell have run away, and they are all lighting fire to the house outside..."

"What? None of them can run! "

The deputy warden spun around and shouted at him: "Make an announcement, give them ten minutes to return to the cell, otherwise they will activate Plan Zero!!! "

"Plan Zero?"

The prison guards were shocked.

There are many plans in prisons, and the smaller the number, the more serious the problem of response.

Plan Zero is equivalent to the demon slaughter order of the One Piece world, indiscriminate strafing, as long as the people outside, all are killed, and no one is left.

This is the response to prison explosions.

"Yes! I don't joke with them, as long as I don't go back, kill them all!! "

The prison guard nodded and rushed to carry out the order.

Without waiting for a moment, a prison guard ran in, stroked his hat, and said nervously: "Report to the deputy warden, the warden will return from Xia Weiyi's vacation tomorrow..."

The deputy prison director was shocked.

"What?!! The warden returned early?!!! "。

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