In the room, seeing Lin Zuotang's expectant eyes, Xu Huasheng laughed.

"Mr. Lin, not only that, once this thing is successfully exported, we can slowly establish our Chinese weapons sales system in these countries. If you buy our rocket launchers, you have to buy our radar vehicles, right? You have to buy our command vehicles, right? Now that we have command vehicles, should we also consider the export version of air defense missiles in the future? Should we also consider our drones in the future? Weapons and equipment can only play a role as a system. Sell some rocket launchers first, and then hook them up little by little. As long as our products are good enough, we may even be able to sell them fighter jets and warships in the end. Mr. Lin, think about how much money this can make."

Xu Huasheng began to give Lin Zuotang chicken soup.

Damn, think about the chaos in the Middle East in the future, you must give the United States some eye drops in advance. Selling something to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and other countries a few years in advance, even if it doesn't play a key role at that time, it can make the United States bleed more.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, when researching these weapons and equipment, we must follow a principle..."

Xu Huasheng said seriously.

"What principle?"

Lin Zuotang asked directly.

"Fool mode, the simpler the operation, the better. If it can be completed in one step, never complete it in two steps. In fact, this is not difficult. Just develop a set of intelligent devices. Don't be afraid of high costs. Those dog tycoons are not short of money. Direct computer control, what can be handed over to computers and mechanical control, never use people. These dog tycoons, although they are rich, their combat effectiveness is really terrible, and their cultural level is not high. Damn, when they buy tanks, they don't consider combat effectiveness first, but consider comfort first, and ask if there is air conditioning first. So let's do it according to their requirements, don't be afraid of high costs, and give them a fool mode..."

Xu Huasheng said directly that all weapons and equipment should have a fool mode.

Design a set of automatic loading, automatic aiming, and automatic locking devices. When fighting, press the button and don't worry about anything. After the fight, run away.

This is the weapon equipment suitable for the dog tycoon. As for the cost, isn't it just money? I have plenty of money. Just a few shovels in the desert are enough.

After listening to Xu Huasheng's suggestion, Lin Zuotang swallowed his saliva. Theoretically, there is no problem. The automatic system is also the direction of future development. But if such a system is really developed, the cost of this thing will be too high. Maybe one system can buy several cars.

But thinking about the wealth of the dog tycoon, Lin Zuotang felt that there seemed to be no problem at all. It was only our own troops who thought it was expensive. Who asked the price of the dog tycoon's army? A missile worth $100 million, dozens of them at a time. If you have good things, he will definitely not care about the price.

For example, mushroom eggs, if you dare to sell them to the dog tycoon, do you believe that they will not blink an eye at 10 billion US dollars for one egg?

"Comrade Xu, are you willing to invest in this business?"

After Lin Zuotang recovered, he looked at Xu Huasheng. A large-caliber precision-guided rocket with a range of 500 kilometers, although this thing is technically feasible.

But if you really want to develop it, you still need to invest a lot of money.

After all, missiles are missiles, and rockets are rockets, there are still some differences.

"Mr. Lin, I won't participate in this business."

Xu Huasheng shook his head quickly. What a joke, I still want to mix in the private market. It's okay to develop a large aircraft, but participating in arms trade and selling it to the Middle East, isn't this giving European and American countries a reason to sanction me?

"Ah, you don't participate? We don't have money for research and development..."

Lin Zuotang asked directly, if Xu Huasheng didn't participate, where would he have the money to develop these things. Especially the fool-like intelligent control system that Xu Huasheng mentioned, which can automatically aim, search, and launch, this thing requires a lot of investment.

"Mr. Lin, you have to learn to think differently. You don't have money, but someone else does. If you don't have money in China, you can find money abroad. For example, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia pays, and you provide technology. After the products are developed, you can not only sell them first, but also let them build production lines to produce them themselves, and even let them sell them to others. Do you think Saudi Arabia is willing to pay for this kind of thing..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, which made Lin Zuotang stunned.

"It should be possible..."

Lin Zuotang said softly.

"It's not that they should agree, but they will definitely agree. They are big dogs, but they are not fools. Everyone knows the importance of having a weapons production line. What's more, it is a strategic-level weapons production line. If our rocket launchers can really achieve a range of 500 to 600 or even 1,000 kilometers, then Saudi Arabia has its own production line.Saudi Arabia is not afraid of anyone in the Middle East. If they put some rocket launchers on the border, they can cover half of Iran, and they can use rocket launchers to directly block the Strait of Hormuz, cover the whole of Iraq, and control the entire Red Sea. This is too important for Saudi Arabia. With this thing, Saudi Arabia will be the king of this region. The dog rich family has money. At that time, at most, they can produce more. Who dares to provoke them? Just fire and cover them. Let's do it for three days..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Lin Zuotang laugh. Damn, who fired rockets by the day. But think about Saudi Arabia's wealth. If they are really angry, they are really brave.

Lin Zuotang knows the power of firepower coverage. If they really use rockets to cover for three days, there will probably be no living things on the ground. If Saudi Arabia really has a large number of such long-range rockets, the regional pattern here will definitely change dramatically.

Xu Huasheng's eyes flickered at this moment. If Saudi Arabia has these things, long-range rockets can cover the entire territory of Israel.

If they sell some to Syria, Egypt, and Iran, hehe, it will be lively at that time.

I wonder if Israel has hundreds of vehicles Can you still sleep under the aiming of super long-range artillery? It's just a tiny place. If long-range artillery really comes for three days, I don't know what will happen.

Israel is an important chess piece of the United States in the Middle East. The United States wants to use this chess piece to stir up the Middle East and make the Middle East restless.

If this chess piece can't even protect itself, hehe, I don't know how the United States will respond.

Let Israel reconcile with other countries?

What a fart. After all, we have fought so many wars in these years, robbed so much territory from others, and killed so many people from others. Now you can dream of reconciliation.

Once the chaos continues here, the United States will not have the energy to return to the Asia-Pacific.

After all, the Middle East is related to the lifeblood of the United States, the petrodollar. As long as there is no peace here, the United States can't think of peace. If the United States, the shit-tampering stick, is not at peace, then China will be at peace, and it can calm down and develop the economy and strengthen its national strength.

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