Lost contact, the Eastern Triangle of India and Western India lost contact.

In a city in the Eastern Triangle of India, the soldiers of the Independence Army broke into a city. Seeing so many troops, the people in the whole city were terrified.

"Destroy the signal tower here, cut off the telephone lines here, control the strategic locations, block the exits..."

A warlord leader directly issued an order. They are very experienced in how to control a city. They are proficient in this business in Myanmar.

In this era, if you want to control this area, you must first fool the people.

Cut off communications, cut off the Internet, try not to let them contact the outside, and don't let the outside contact the inside. In a word, the more backward and primitive, the easier it is to control.

Of course, you have to use both soft and hard methods, control the guns, and kill the chicken to scare the monkey. It is easy to control an area.

In the panic of the people, the whole city was quickly controlled by the soldiers of the Independence Army.

At the beginning, some people were not convinced and did not obey discipline, especially the privileged people and high races in the city before, they were used to being domineering.

But what greeted them was bullets. The soldiers of the Independence Army were too lazy to talk to them now. They needed to quickly control the city and settle down.

As long as anyone disobeyed, whoever disobeyed, they would be greeted by bullets.

After many people were shot dead, their bodies were thrown on the street. When people saw the result of these people, they dared not move anymore.

Who dared to make trouble? These people had guns in their hands and really dared to shoot and kill people. Under this overbearing action, the whole city was quickly controlled.

"Captain, it's under control!"

At noon, this city with a population of hundreds of thousands had been controlled.

"Find a few people who are familiar with the local area to announce the opening of the trial meeting and arrest those rich people. Most of these people are not clean. Our people have no money and no place to live now. It's just right to take them as a target. We don't need rich people now. We can be more united when we are poor together..."

The young captain said with a smile. This matter is easy to solve. Don't touch the poor, just kill the rich.

The rich have money. Here, rich people often represent uncleanness, collusion between power and money, and they must be hated by people at ordinary times. Moreover, the number of rich people is relatively small, but they have a lot of wealth.

Killing them makes the poor comfortable, and they also gain property, and it is easier to control the city. Then give the poor some benefits, and the city will be stable in a short time.

The independence army is advancing rapidly, from north to south, and each part has its own goals. They have 600,000 troops. And the troops in the entire eastern triangle of India are less than 600,000.

And these 600,000 troops are all troops that have participated in actual combat and have rich combat experience. The Indian army is full of young soldiers, let alone fighting. The usual training is like dancing gods. It's funny.

As for the equipment advantage, it's gone now. The whole area is electromagnetically suppressed, and advanced weapons and equipment can't be used at all.

Radar is useless, missiles can't be used, and fighters dare not mess around.

As for the armored forces, the independence army has a lot of anti-tank missiles. In front of these anti-tank missiles, India's backward tanks are almost like live targets.

The same is true for helicopters. Along the way, the independence army destroyed many tanks and helicopters.

The loss of contact continued, and the electronic warfare continued. The Independence Army was also destroying communication facilities, signal towers, communication optical cables, telephone lines and many other facilities were destroyed by the Independence Army.

India's equipment advantage was not brought into play, but the disadvantage of the Indian army's fighting will was gloriously brought into play, so this war became like this.

600,000 Independence Army and more than 2 million Independence Army troops were like a group of vicious dogs, chasing the Indian army madly behind.

When they saw a city, they divided some soldiers and their families to occupy and station in these cities. At the same time, they also directly collected transportation in the city to speed up the troops' advance.

Fighting to support fighting, whether it is Indian soldiers, local police, or other armed organizations in the Eastern Triangle. Facing this group of experienced Burmese dogs, there is no resistance.

For Indian soldiers, fighting is a job, which is dispensable. But for the Independence Army, if they fail, they will die.

One is work, the other is playing with life, and the consequences can be imagined.

By daytime, India finally got intelligence and knew what happened. After knowing this, India quickly mobilized its troops. Since it was difficult for air force to advance, they could only use ground forces to advance to the Eastern Triangle region on a large scale.

They must solve these problems as soon as possible. If they cannot solve them, India willThere is a big problem.

While India was in a state of panic, the army of the Kingdom of Burma was advancing rapidly in Myanmar. After Jin Youyi and his men left, the army of the Kingdom of Burma quickly occupied one city after another, and the flags of the army of the Kingdom of Burma were set up in one city after another.

At the same time, a notice was posted to reassure the people. When some of the surviving people in these cities saw the notice, they cried with joy.

Commander Xu's troops finally arrived, the evil warlords were finally driven away, and they could finally live a normal life.

Commander Xu's reputation had been spread in these places for a long time, and everyone had been looking forward to Commander Xu's arrival. After seeing the well-equipped and disciplined army of the Kingdom of Burma, the surviving people all had light in their eyes.

Not only did the army come, but also the government personnel who had been prepared for a long time came. Before the battle started, Xu Dafei had already appointed the leaders of various departments.

After they arrived at the occupied area, they immediately took over all the work here and carried out the work in an orderly manner.

Yangon, the army of the Kingdom of Burma occupied Yangon without any resistance. Looking at some destroyed buildings, the government personnel sent here couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, if you know, you won't let those people bomb so hard. Hey, this is blown up and you have to repair it yourself..."

A middle-aged man sighed.

"Hahaha, Lao Wu, don't sigh, it has to be rebuilt anyway. Besides, if it's not bombed so hard, how can those grandsons be afraid and run away. In the future, this place will not be called Yangon..."

Zhang Zhiwen said with a smile. Zhang Zhiwen is the top leader of Yangon sent by Xu Dafei. At present, it is still called Yangon, but after it stabilizes, the administrative divisions of the entire Myanmar will be re-divided and the city will be renamed.

Great destruction leads to great establishment. Now Myanmar has experienced the stage of great destruction, and the stage of great establishment is coming. The new Myanmar will usher in a new rebirth. The new Myanmar will become a new dazzling star in the future.

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