In the White House, the highest-level emergency meeting was held immediately after the news from Iraq came back.

"We must fight. If we don't solve Iraq as soon as possible, the credibility of our dollar will be seriously affected."

A soldier said directly.

"Yes, we must fight..."

In the room, everyone's opinions were surprisingly unanimous. Fight, we must fight. In fact, the United States has long been ready to fight Iraq, and has made a lot of preparations. It has also stockpiled a lot of soldiers and weapons in Saudi Arabia. The two US aircraft carrier battle groups have been wandering in the Arabian Sea during this period.

It's just that the United States has been paying attention to the war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia before. Now that the real war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is about to end, Iraq has given itself a reason to die. What is there to hesitate about this matter?

"What's the reason?"

Clinton asked with a smile.

"Do you need a reason to fight him? Just find a reason, say he is developing biological and chemical weapons, say he violates human rights, just find a reason..."

A soldier said disdainfully, which made everyone laugh.

Yes, what reason do you need to fight Iraq? When has the United States ever needed a reason to fight other countries in these years?

The United States only looks at whether it is in its own interests when it takes action.

As long as it is in line with their own reasons, they can fight without any reason. So what if the United Nations opposes? The United Nations is nothing, it is just a place for verbal battles. In this world, whoever has the stronger fist has the final say.

When your fist is strong, your words are the truth, and they must listen to the long-arm jurisdiction. For example, the United States sanctions some countries and companies, and the United States requires other countries and companies to comply, which is purely rogue. But knowing that the United States is playing rogue, many countries and companies must comply because they can't afford to offend.

"Then should we notify other countries to evacuate their citizens?"

A middle-aged man asked.

"Notify? Why notify? Are they important? After the fight, they will find a way themselves..."

Clinton said casually.

"What about China?"

The middle-aged man asked again. As soon as this was said, many people in the room looked gloomy.

Damn, now they have a headache when they hear this name. This China is too disgusting. In the past, this country, when its military strength was not strong, all kinds of forbearance and black hands behind the scenes were fine, but you China like to play these conspiracies.

But now, now your economy is good, your military strength is good, your work style is still the same as before, digging all kinds of pits one after another.

As for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the United States never thought that China would dig a big pit there to pit NATO, and almost collapsed the United States.

And in Myanmar, in Asia, including in Africa, and in the Middle East, China is too good at making trouble. This panda is so disgusting. It says nice things, we love peace, call for peace, everyone sits down, solves problems peacefully, and opposes war.

But secretly, it does nothing, and dares to sell all kinds of weapons. Even missiles and long-range rockets are sold.

For example, the long-range rockets purchased by Saudi Arabia now have a lot of equipment in Saudi Arabia. Long-range rocket launchers, with a range of 390 kilometers, my god, you call this range a rocket launcher, you are too black.

Now Saudi Arabia has deployed these rocket launchers on the northern border, which can just cover the entire territory of Israel. If it were more than a decade ago, if Saudi Arabia dared to do this, Israel would send fighter jets to destroy you.

But now, Israel is gritting its teeth in hatred, but it dares not move. The reason is very simple. Saudi Arabia is not the same as before.

Saudi Arabia not only has long-range rocket launchers, but also missile boats, various fighter jets, and various weapons and equipment.

The most pitfall is that Saudi Arabia also has strategic ballistic missiles purchased from China. If Israel's sneak attack angers Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia will retaliate. Even Israel, a tiny country, will definitely suffer much more losses than Saudi Arabia.

Although Israel has the support of the United States, it may not lose if it really fights Saudi Arabia. But the United States dare not support Israel in fighting Saudi Arabia.

What a joke, the reason why Saudi Arabia is willing to settle oil in US dollars is because the United States is willing to protect Saudi Arabia from Israel's invasion.

Now that you, the United States, support Israel in fighting Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia will tear up the agreement in a minute and announce that oil will not be settled in US dollars in the future. Will the United States survive?

Pitfall, this panda is too pitfall!

And it will never give up. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have suffered losses from pandas. The Vietnam War almost dragged the United States to death, and the Afghan War tore the Soviet Union to death.

The black hand behind this is the panda. It taught Vietnamese soldiers to fight guerrilla warfare, taught Afghan guerrillas to fight guerrilla warfare, and also cheated the United States of a lot of money. The United States bought a lot of donkeys for 10,000 US dollars.

"Notify them?"

Finally, Clinton sighed.He breathed a sigh of relief, and decided to notify them. Don't let the bomb kill some Chinese and overseas Chinese, and anger this panda. Then it will definitely do something behind the scenes.

Although Clinton and others also know that even if no one is killed, the panda will definitely cheat the United States. But as normal people, there is a fluke mentality.

The United States notified China, which is to tell China, Panda, I notified you first, I am moral, you can't cheat me without morality.

"What about the EU?"

The middle-aged man asked again.

"Why notify them? This is the pit they dug, and you still notify them..."

Clinton cursed directly, this is obviously the pit dug by the EU, and now the relationship between the United States and the EU is very bad. Not only is the international relationship bad. Within NATO, European countries now don't act with themselves.

Now they completely don't listen to orders, except for the second dog Britain, which is better. Although it has suffered a loss, Britain still has no backbone in the face of the United States.

But France, Germany and other countries, it's hard to be tough once, and they don't listen at all. The reason is very simple. Damn, the domestic economies of these countries are about to collapse because of the United States.

The attack by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia caused these countries to suffer heavy losses, especially France, which was almost crazy. The entire European economy continued to decline, financial capital fled to the United States, and industrial capital fled to China.

The unemployment rate in EU countries is now increasing rapidly, a large number of companies are bankrupt, and debts are rising.

In this situation, EU countries naturally do not listen to orders. You are going to kill me, and I am still with you. Why am I so cheap?

After the meeting, the United States took action and began to quickly formulate plans.

At the United Nations General Assembly the next day, the US spokesman held a bottle of white powder in his hand and claimed that according to intelligence, the Saddam government was secretly researching biological weapons and using such weapons to deal with Iraqi anti-government armed groups. He then posted a few photos taken in unknown places.

At the conference, the United States demanded that Iraq must accept in-depth inspections by the United States. Before the matter was investigated clearly, no country was allowed to trade with Iraq. This overbearing behavior immediately aroused strong opposition from Iraqi representatives and representatives of other countries.

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