The United States was confused, a little confused.

They didn't expect that Europe would join Russia and China to attack Iraq together.

Since the Gulf War, Iraq has been sanctioned by the United Nations and the United States. And the United States' long-arm jurisdiction, no other country violated it, and Europe also followed the United States.

But this time, it didn't work. Europe, Russia, and China directly held a vote at the United Nations to lift sanctions on Iraq.

The five permanent members have the support of four permanent members, which has a huge influence.

So the vote was passed without exception, and the United Nations lifted sanctions on Iraq. As for the sanctions of the United States, that is the domestic law of the United States. You can impose sanctions on yourself, and other countries will not play with you.

After Iraq was lifted from sanctions, Europe also directly threw a big order. More than 20 billion US dollars of oil and natural gas orders were thrown over.

At the same time, the European Union announced that it would provide 2 billion euros in humanitarian aid to Iraq. These aids are mainly humanitarian supplies such as food and medicine.

In recent years, Iraq has been subject to economic sanctions, and many people in the country are hungry, and the economy has collapsed.

Europe's big move shocked the world and caused a huge noise in Iraq.

Countless Iraqi people cheered, and Boss Saddam made a televised speech, declaring that this was a victory for Iraq. He also expressed his willingness to cooperate and trade with the world in the future.

On the second day after Iraq was lifted from sanctions, the military airport in the Iraqi capital welcomed the first batch of important guests.

Six Y-20 transport planes landed at the military airport. After the cabin door was opened, there were mysterious boxes inside. As for what was in the box, it could not be seen without opening it. Although the US military satellite took pictures, it had no idea what was in the boxes that China sent to Iraq.

After unloading the cargo, the planes returned. However, on the third day, the planes came again, and this time there were ten planes directly, still some mysterious boxes.

This time the United States was even more curious, what exactly did China send to Iraq? They guessed that it must be weapons installed next door, but they didn't know what weapons and equipment it was.

Just when China was transporting things to Iraq, a large number of mercenaries came to Iraq secretly. At the same time, a large number of Iraqi soldiers left Iraq and went to Pakistan and Africa.

Their destination is the Hunter School in Pakistan and Africa.

After several years of development, the Hunter School has become very famous in the circle. The mercenaries trained by the Hunter School have been active all over the world in recent years.

They are in Myanmar, in Yugoslavia, and in Africa.

In short, wherever there is war, there are them. In the previous Sudan War, many mercenaries participated in it.

Everyone can see the ability of the Hunter School. Ordinary soldiers are thrown into the Hunter School. The Hunter School can make these people become more elite soldiers within a few months.

There are also many people in Russia who are secretly operating.

Not only in Russia, but also in the countries where the former Soviet Union was, many people were secretly recruited and entered Iraq.

These people are all people who miss the former Soviet Union.

They miss the Soviet Union and hate the United States. They think that everything is because of the United States that the powerful Soviet Union has disappeared.

Among these people, there are many soldiers from the Soviet era, including some older veterans, who are in their forties, fifties or even older.

Despite their age, these people have a lot of combat experience. They may not be good at large-scale corps operations, but they are very good at guerrilla warfare.

Especially those Soviet veterans who participated in the Afghan War. These people have fought against the Afghan guerrillas for many years and are very experienced.

Digging a pit, now the EU, China, and Russia are digging a pit for the United States, and it is a sinkhole.

The United States, the Pentagon.

"According to the intelligence we have collected, Iraq is currently actively preparing for war. They have purchased a large number of weapons and equipment from China. The specific models are not clear, but the number is large. At the same time, we have found that many mercenaries have entered Iraq..."

In a conference room, intelligence personnel are reporting the intelligence they have collected.

This intelligence made everyone in the conference room look serious. The reason is simple. The United States has a plan to attack Iraq, and the Pentagon has secretly formulated a combat plan and conducted several military simulations.

After the simulation, they are confident that the war will end in three months.

Now, the United States continues to increase its troops in Saudi Arabia, with the purpose of finding a suitableThe right opportunity to take down Iraq. If we take down Iraq first, we will drive a huge nail directly into the Middle East.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Clinton asked directly. Clinton is also in high spirits now. A war in Europe has directly boosted the US economy. Clinton feels that he is too awesome. So now, he is also full of confidence.

"I think that if we finally decide to attack Iraq, it will be more beneficial for us to do it earlier..."

An old man in military uniform said.

Now the situation is very clear. The EU, China, and Russia all support Iraq. They should have seen through the US strategy.

Now they support Iraq, which is to put eye drops in the eyes of the United States and make the United States uncomfortable.

"How is the investigation of the shooting down of our stealth bomber going?"

Clinton asked directly. After the B2 was shot down, the United States has been investigating the cause.

"Mr. President, this time it is very likely to be an accident. According to the intelligence we investigated, there are several small reconnaissance drones in the sky of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and our B2 happened to meet them..."

An old man said directly, lying without blushing or beating his heart.

In fact, they didn't find out the specific reason. Not to mention them, even the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia didn't know. Because they didn't control the missiles or the radars at that time. They didn't know how China shot down the American stealth bomber.

The reason for lying and falsifying the investigation results is very simple. B2 must continue to be equipped. If it is not equipped, Grumman and Boeing will suffer too much loss.

If there are no follow-up orders, Grumman may go bankrupt. After all, the investment in the research and development of this aircraft is too large.

So it is necessary to falsify intelligence. The military has reached a secret agreement on this matter. As for future combat, at most, we can be more careful when using it in the future. After obtaining absolute air superiority, we can let B2 perform the following tasks. Anyway, this thing is a gold nugget and is not used much in normal times.

The various interests in the United States' arms procurement are too complicated. Because of these interests, some weapons, even though they know they are a pit, they have to purchase them. Besides, the United States is rich now, and it is too happy to cut Europe, so it doesn't matter if it spends some money.

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