"Mr. Sam, next year, your president will be elected, right? Who do you think will win?"

Robertson left, but Sam stayed to take charge of the follow-up. Wosheng Group is actually just like a shell company. It has no R&D department and no sales channels. In the future, it only needs to build a factory, recruit some people and put a label on it.

In a private room of a restaurant, Xu Huasheng invited Sam to have Chinese food.

Xu Huasheng's question surprised Sam. He didn't expect that Xu Huasheng actually cared about American politics.

"I think President Bush should be re-elected. After all, his political achievements are still very good. And we just won a war..."

Sam thought for a while and said that the current US president is the so-called George H.W. Bush.

In Sam's opinion, the probability of George H.W. Bush's re-election is very high. Because the United States just won a war, Iraq withdrew from Kuwait, which was a victory for the United States, and in the United States, the media also carried out large-scale publicity on this matter, saying that this was a great victory for the United States and a victory for George H.W. Bush.

Sam's words made Xu Huasheng smile slightly. Seeing Xu Huasheng's smile, Sam was stunned.

"Xu, do you have a different opinion?"

Sam asked curiously.

"Sam, although President Bush has many achievements, he may not be re-elected. I think for ordinary Americans, they may not care about whether the war can be won, but they may care more about their own lives. If you investigate carefully, you will find that the US economy has actually declined in recent years. Not only that, the fiscal deficit has also increased year by year, and the unemployment rate has also increased a lot. President Bush has not done well in the economy. The most important thing is that he is 67 years old this year and will be 68 next year. He is very old..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile.

"Does this have any impact? He is old and experienced. He is an experienced politician."

Sam said directly, with confusion in his eyes.

"Sam, if you were an ordinary American, your income in recent years was very poor, your wife was unemployed, and you had several children to support. And your president was concerned about the Soviet Union every day, saying that the United States had won the war overseas and that the United States needed to defeat the Soviet Union. How would you feel?"

Xu Huasheng's question made Sam stunned, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"If a younger candidate appeared at this time, he was about the same age as you. He was young and handsome, and he was more energetic. When he was running for election, he didn't show off how great the United States was. Instead, he told you that after he came to power, he would improve people's livelihood, reform education, reform medical care, promote employment, make you spend less money on medical treatment, make prices lower, and make everyone's life better. Who would you choose?"

When Xu Huasheng said this, Sam was completely stunned.

Who would Sam choose? At this moment, Sam felt that if he was just an ordinary person, he would definitely choose this younger candidate.

For ordinary people, if they can't even afford to eat, who cares whether you are awesome abroad or whether you are better than the Soviet Union. What they care about is whether they can earn more money in their wallets, whether it will be cheaper to see a doctor, and whether it will be easier to find a job.

"Mr. Sam, political investment should be necessary for doing business in the United States. I think Mr. Clinton, the current chairman of the Democratic Supreme Committee, may be a good candidate. I want to make a small bet. If I lose, it's no big deal. I just lose some money. If I win, there may be unexpected gains."

Xu Huasheng's words made Sam swallow his saliva. Sam looked up at Xu Huasheng. He never thought that Xu Huasheng would bet on the US election and American politics.

You know, among the Chinese people Sam knows, what these people dislike most is participating in politics. They would rather bury their heads in making money and are not interested in politics.

"Xu, what do you want me to do?"

Sam looked at Xu Huasheng. Although Sam is now the president of Wosheng, Huasheng Group is the second largest shareholder of Wosheng. To put it bluntly, Sam is now just an employee of Xu Huasheng.

"Mr. Sam, are you willing to be our Huasheng Group's agent in the United States?"

Xu Huasheng looked at Sam seriously, and Sam took a deep breath when he heard this. He knew that this was his opportunity, and if he seized this opportunity, he might make more money.

"Xu, we are friends, aren't we? Friends should help each other."

Sam looked at Xu Huasheng, and this made Xu Huasheng laugh.

"Sam, when you return to the United States, go to contact Mr. Clinton in the name of Wosheng Company and our Huasheng Group. I will give you a separateYou have 50 million dollars. You use this money to help Mr. Clinton in the election. If you win, you will get a lot. It doesn't matter if you lose. Even if Mr. Clinton doesn't become the president of the United States, he is the chairman of the Democratic Party's Supreme Committee and the governor of Arkansas. Just consider it as making a friend..." Xu Huasheng said with a smile. This made Sam swallow his saliva. 50 million US dollars is a huge sum of money. Investment, political investment. Chinese people do business with foreigners and don't like to get involved in politics. The reason is very simple. In China, if businessmen get involved in politics, they will eventually die without a burial place. But in capitalist countries such as Europe and the United States, it is completely different. Those big chaebols and big companies will get involved in politics. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the United States are essentially two organizations composed of different interest groups. Every election is actually a competition between their own interest groups. If my side wins, my company may benefit a lot in the next few years. And since If one side loses, some policies may not be friendly to their own enterprises.

This is why Western elections, especially American elections, are so expensive. Because behind them, there are big chaebols, and elections are essentially a competition of burning money.

In fact, Xu Huasheng doesn't want to get involved in these things, and he also wants to be an honest businessman. But thinking about the international situation in the future, Xu Huasheng has to worry about it.

This guy Ke Shuaige is not a fuel-saving lamp, especially to China, he is particularly unfriendly. If you don't invest some money in the early stage, don't give him some money, he may not do anything after he comes to power.

Now let Sam contact him earlier and give him some money earlier. At that time, even if you want to move Wosheng or Huasheng, you have to weigh it carefully in your heart.

After a president takes office, he will be ruthless to his big money sponsor. Haha, if you dare to play this, you will be finished.

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