Late at night, in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, air defense alarms rang through the sky.

Explosions continued to sound, and the war suddenly struck. Countless people in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were awakened from their sleep and went to air defense sites with fear to hide.

Missiles hit the target accurately one by one, and the first wave of firepower coverage directly silenced the air defense firepower of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

After the missiles, a large number of fighters rushed over directly. The first batch of drones that rushed over were American drones. In addition to bombing targets, their mission was to act as bait to lure the air defense firepower that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia might hide.

However, the air defense firepower of the entire Federal Republic of Yugoslavia seemed to be destroyed at once, and the entire air defense network had no reaction to the bombing.

After the first wave of drones ended, the second wave of attacks was carried out by the American F117 stealth aircraft.

In the underground command post of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the specific information of these aircraft, including the coordinates of the American F117, can be clearly seen on the big screen.

Watching these aircraft flying recklessly in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the eyes of the officers of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were bloodshot. Shame, it is really a shame.

An entire country was bombed wantonly by these countries on false charges.

At this moment, Milosevic, the boss of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, clenched his fists tightly, and his teeth were almost broken.

As a tough guy, Milosevic did not agree to NATO's unreasonable demands. As the boss of a country, he could not watch the country split.

"Mr. President, history will remember this moment..."

Beside Milosevic, a yellow man wearing glasses whispered. This sentence made Milosevic's face full of bitterness. What's the use of history remembering this moment? He only knew that his country was now being invaded.

"Blood debts must be paid with blood. Although our Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is weak, we must resist even if we are weaker..."

Milosevic's eyes were fierce. Since there was no way out, let's do it!

The air strikes continued, and the bombings continued.

From midnight to dawn, many targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were constantly bombed. The peaceful Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has now become a battlefield, and the people are full of panic.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Milosevic made a televised speech.

"This is a naked aggression, a shameless war of aggression against Yugoslavia. We Yugoslavia will not surrender, and violence will never surrender our country and our nation. I now declare that the country has entered a state of total war, and we formally declare war on NATO. This is a war, a war to the death..."

Milosevic's speech shocked the whole world.

Even the United States was shocked. They did not expect Milosevic to be so stubborn that he actually declared war on NATO.

Such a situation caught the United States by surprise, but after being surprised, they did not care too much. What if they declared war? In their eyes, Yugoslavia was just a dish that could be manipulated at will, and they could manipulate it as they wanted.

The bombing continued, and the war continued.

NATO currently has 22 member states, and a total of 16 member states have participated in the war. Including the three countries that have recently joined NATO.

However, the main troops are still the United States, Britain, Germany, and France. Some of these countries provided logistical support.

But no matter what, this was a war between NATO and Yugoslavia, with the participation of many countries, and an aggressive war launched without the authorization of the United Nations.

The Kosovo War officially started, and in Europe, when the war started, stock markets in European countries fell to varying degrees.

In addition to the stock market, the euro also began to fall, and the decline was increasing. A lot of capital in Europe also began to flee.

The United States announced another interest rate hike, and such news made many European capital choose to go to the United States, but some capital did not flee to the United States, but directly entered Hong Kong Island, preparing to use Hong Kong Island as a springboard to invest in China.

Such a situation made European countries panic. At this time, they realized that this war was not simple. This was not bombing Yugoslavia, but simply bombing themselves.

War, the United States raised interest rates, isn't this a means for the United States to reap?

At this moment, Britain, France, Germany and other countries realized that they had been fooled by the United States. However, at this time, it was too late to back down. The war had already started, so they had to bite the bullet.

In the Libyan port, inside the Chinese electronic reconnaissance ship, in the huge command room, various messages were quickly gathered together.

All the equipment on the ship was turned on at full power. Since there was access to the ground power supply, there was sufficient power, so they didn't worry about other problems at all.

All the equipment on the ship was turned on, and the functions of the entire ship were at their best.Dahua.

At this moment, all kinds of information were collected directly. Whether it was planes flying in the sky, ships running on the sea, or various missiles, the ship could see them clearly.

Not only that, if the jammers were really turned on at full power, the ship could make the entire Mediterranean blind and deaf.

But now the ship certainly can't do that. Their mission is to collect information, detect intelligence, and provide data to the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system.

The Kosovo War started, and after the war started, China was relieved.

Their predictions were very accurate, and the war finally started. The Kosovo War is more beneficial than harmful to China, especially since China has so many layouts in it. After the war is over, Europe and the United States will be alienated.

The knife will only feel pain when it cuts itself.

The more independent and autonomous Europe is, the less pressure China will have. The great powers are scheming and making every step counts. For great powers, small losses are nothing, and the general trend can affect the pattern.

The general trend now is that Europe is becoming more and more independent, and Europe's independence will inevitably weaken the hegemony of the United States. In this way, China can balance the left and right and seek different interests between Europe and the United States.

Just when Kosovo was in war, China's Hainan Fleet had already made a big circle and returned to Asia.

However, the Hainan Ship did not return to the Chinese port, but began to walk near the coastline of Indonesia. The huge fleet was only a few nautical miles away from the Indonesian territorial waters, and this huge fleet could even be clearly seen on the Indonesian beach.

The arrival of this huge fleet made Indonesia nervous all of a sudden.

The reason is very simple, because during this period, Indonesia was not peaceful. The financial storm hit the entire Indonesia, and Indonesia's economy was directly defeated by the financial storm.

Indonesia's losses are more terrible than Thailand. So far, Indonesia's currency exchange rate has fallen by more than 45% compared to before the financial crisis, and it is still falling.

Now Indonesia's economy has collapsed, countless companies have gone bankrupt, countless workers have lost their jobs, many people have taken to the streets to protest, and Indonesia's regime is in jeopardy.

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