Time passed quickly, and it was the end of 1997 in a blink of an eye.

The Asian financial crisis intensified, affecting more and more countries, and many countries suffered heavy losses. They could not resist this crisis at all, and some countries even lay flat, completely unable to deal with international capital.

In the past six months, many countries have suffered heavy economic losses. Especially Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other places also suffered heavy losses. On the contrary, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia were less affected. The reason is very simple. There is no financial system in these places, and they are so poor that they can't get money at all.

Many people in these countries are looking forward to the financial crisis passing quickly, but Xu Huasheng knows that this crisis is only the first stage, and it will be more severe next year. If there is no accident, this crisis will continue until 1999.

However, during this period, Xu Huasheng was very happy. The reason is very simple. Xu Huasheng is also a financial capital, and he is one of the biggest giants in this group of financial capital.

It's just that Xu Huasheng's capital was broken down into small pieces, and he turned from a beast into a group of piranhas, quietly eating a lot of things.

In just half a year, Xu Huasheng's profit has exceeded 30%, and the total amount has exceeded 60 billion US dollars. This speed of making money also made Xu Huasheng sigh that it's no wonder that these European and American financial capitals are unwilling to play in the real industry. How can the real industry make money like this? The speed of making money is too fast, faster than robbing money.

Look at these Asian countries, who have worked hard for so many years, and have not had time to enjoy the benefits, they were directly robbed by this group of financial capital.

This amount is too large. In an Asian financial crisis, Soros and other international capitals robbed hundreds of billions of dollars from Asia.

Not only did they rob money, they also bought the high-quality assets of Asian countries, swallowed up the bankrupt banks in Asian countries, etc., and took the opportunity to control the financial industries of these countries and made a lot of money.

This time, Xu Huasheng also participated in it, making money, and buying at the bottom, snatching food directly from the tiger's mouth, especially for high-quality assets. Xu Huasheng was even more ruthless. In order to grab these high-quality assets, Shenghe Group was dispatched.

The effect is also very obvious. Sometimes European and American companies have clearly negotiated the price, but the other party regretted it the next day and then sold it to others. This made European and American capital very depressed. European and American capital also competed with Xu Huasheng and other Chinese capital, but in the end they all admitted their defeat. This group of Chinese people had no martial ethics and were too dark.

While European and American capital continued to make trouble in Asia, Xu Huasheng temporarily withdrew funds from Asia and then injected funds into Europe.

As for the reason, only Xu Huasheng himself knew. Compared with continuing to make money in Asia, it is better to use leverage to short the euro.

In the original time and space, a Kosovo war directly devalued the euro by 30%. How could Xu Huasheng miss such an opportunity?

This time, Xu Huasheng wanted to rob Europe. A horse cannot grow fat without night grass. With so much money in Europe, it is only natural that they want to grab some.

Unknowingly, 1998 came.

January 1, 1998, New Year's Day.

The European Union announced that the euro was officially issued, and this news made many EU countries excited. They felt that after the euro was issued, they could slowly get rid of the control of the US dollar.

On January 3, 1998, the euro entered the financial market. On that day, the exchange rate of the euro to the US dollar reached 1:1.08, which was a little more expensive than the US dollar.

Just after the euro entered the financial market, Iraq began to make trouble.

Iraq announced that it would accept the euro and consider settling its own oil exports in the future only in euros. As soon as this news came out, the euro rose again.

The European Union also welcomed this very much. The euro had just been issued, and they naturally hoped that more countries would accept the euro.

It would be even better if oil could be settled in euros. At that time, the euro could directly harvest the whole world like the US dollar.

"Alas, good words can't persuade the damned ghost..."

Shencheng, Xu Huasheng couldn't help sighing after seeing this news. Boss Sa is still the same as before, courting death. But from Boss Sa's perspective, this matter can be understood.

After all, the United States has attacked him, and the United States has been imposing an economic blockade on him for many years. Now that the euro has been issued, Boss Sa also hopes to use the power of Europe to open up a new situation. The United States blocked me, and I use the euro for oil. You just issued the euro, and you, the European Union, can't block me.

From this perspective, Boss Sa did nothing wrong. If you can use the EU to break the deadlock, Iraq will slowly recover. Moreover, Iraq is relatively close to Europe. And Europe's manufacturing industry is also good, and heWith euros in hand, you can still buy things from Europe.

"Let's do it..."

Xu Huasheng picked up the phone, dialed a number and said only one sentence.

In the underground base in Shenzhen, after receiving Xu Huasheng's call, the network security team controlled by Xu Huasheng began to act.

What they have to do is very simple, push out all kinds of false news, and then create the heat of the euro to push up the euro.

The more good news, the higher the euro exchange rate.

First, make the euro high, then short the euro, this is Xu Huasheng's plan. Now that he has mastered the online media, Xu Huasheng's operation is even simpler.

The network team began to act, and a large amount of false news began to appear on the Internet.

"OPEC has spoken out and is considering incorporating the euro into the oil settlement currency..."

"Russia has revealed that it is considering using the euro to settle its exported oil..."

"Insiders said that the Saudi royal family is considering including the euro in the oil settlement currency..."

"Inside sources say that China is preparing to purchase 200 billion euros as foreign exchange reserves to diversify its foreign exchange reserves..."

"Libya said that it will include the euro as an oil settlement currency..."

"Venezuela said..."

"The euro is rising strongly, and its future potential exceeds that of the US dollar..."

"The EU is likely to abandon the US dollar as an international settlement currency and build a euro settlement system..."

Various false news began to appear on the Internet, and some online bloggers also came out to interpret the euro. All the news told everyone that the euro has unlimited potential and is likely to become the world's largest currency in the future.

Because the euro is backed by the entire European Union, the EU has a very large economic, manufacturing and influence in the world. The emergence of the euro will make Europe the center of the world again.

These news suddenly appeared and became popular on major networks. Ordinary netizens could not tell the truth from the false. After seeing the news, they exclaimed that the euro was awesome. Under such circumstances, the euro exchange rate began to rise sharply, while the US dollar depreciated. This situation prompted the United States to hold an emergency meeting.

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