"Everyone, the current achievements of Xingda Group are the credit of all employees of our entire Xingda Group. At present, our Xingda Group has stable profits, and the income and various welfare benefits of all employees are at the first level. I am very pleased that Xingda Group has also brought me a lot of profits. But for me, money is just a string of numbers now. As an enterprise, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, so today, I am going to take the lead in trying new reforms in Xingda Group..."

In the conference room, Xu Huasheng first affirmed the achievements of Xingda Group, and then started to talk about business.

"The main purpose of this reform is to establish an employee union. The employee union represents the interests of all employees. I will put 60% of the shares into the employee union. In the future, the dividends of these shares will be the dividends of all employees. In addition to the right to dividends, the employee union also has the right to supervise and review. The employee union can supervise the company's funds..."

When Xu Huasheng said this, all the senior executives swallowed their saliva.

Who has the courage to give 60% of the shares to the employee union? This is equivalent to giving 60% of the group's profits to employees.

Not only that, the employee union also has the right to supervise. This right is like a knife for executives.

As corporate executives, who knows them best? It may not be their superiors, but their subordinates.

Now the employee union has the right to supervise. If your executives embezzle company funds and do whatever they want in the company, employees can directly apply to the union to exercise supervision and review rights.

The entire employee union is independently operated. If the employee union does not have dividends, then this supervision and review rights may not be exercised by anyone, after all, no one wants to offend anyone.

But now, 60% of the company's shares belong to the employee union. The money that executives embezzle is their own money.

At that time, the entire employee union is a knife, always supervising the use of funds. If you, an executive, do too much, you will be taken down directly.

Once you are taken down, what awaits you may not be a refund, but going to jail.

Xingda Group is such a large enterprise, although the management system is very complete and the funding procedures are very strict. However, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish. There will still be some people in the group who cannot resist the temptation.

Anti-corruption in enterprises is still necessary, especially in Xu Huasheng's company. Xu Huasheng is mostly a hands-off boss, and he delegates too much power to his subordinates. If the supervision is not stricter, these people would have emptied the company long ago.

"Of the remaining 40% of shares, 20% belongs to my investment foundation, and the remaining 20% ​​belongs to the Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation. The investment foundation has absolute voting rights and regulatory review rights, and the charity foundation has regulatory and review rights..."

In the conference room, when the equity structure was finally announced.

Everyone took a deep breath. The original shares of Xingda Group belonged to Xu Huasheng's investment foundation 100%.

Now, it has changed directly. The shares of the investment foundation have been reduced from 100% to 20%. The largest shareholder of Xingda Group has changed from Xu Huasheng to all employees of Xingda Group.

The second and third largest shareholders have become Xu Huasheng and Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation.

Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation, this foundation is the largest private charity foundation in China. The foundation was renamed from Huasheng Education Charity Foundation.

The head of the foundation is now Xu Huasheng's mother Li Chan. Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation has done so many things in recent years.

Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation has built thousands of charity schools in China.

Xu Huasheng Charity Schools, all schools are directly from kindergarten to high school. Children who go to charity schools are free of food, clothing, housing and transportation. They don't have to worry about anything. They just need to study and live in school with peace of mind.

Charity schools are also strictly managed, semi-military management. In recent years, many children have graduated from charity schools and entered very good universities.

Now, Xu Huasheng Charity School has more than 1.6 million students across the country, and these students are all students who really need financial assistance.

The annual expenditure of these Huasheng Charity Schools alone is a very large expenditure.

At the same time, Huasheng Charity Foundation has many other charitable activities. In the past 1994, the charitable fund expenditure of the entire Huasheng Charity Foundation reached 16.5 billion yuan. In this era, who can compare with this amount of charity?

Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation is Xu Huasheng's amulet. However, in the past, most of the charitable funds of Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation were invested by Xu Huasheng.

Now, Xu Huasheng directly merged 20% of the shares of Xingda Group into Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation.Twenty percent of the profits of Xingda Group must be distributed to Huasheng Charity Foundation.

Xu Huasheng Charity Foundation not only has shares, but also has the right to supervise and review, just like the employee union.

The people in the charity foundation are all Xu Huasheng's people, and they may be more strict in reviewing than the employee union.

In this way, Xingda Group is equivalent to having three locks.

Xu Huasheng's investment foundation is a lock, the employee union is a lock, and the charity foundation is a lock.

When the funds are reviewed at the end of the year, three systems are reviewed. With three review procedures, it is too difficult for your executives to embezzle money, and no account can be done perfectly.

"I want to emphasize here that Xingda Group will not go public. After the new share reform, I hope that our Xingda Group will have a new look, and can face the future with a better attitude and more serious spirit. I also hope that our employees can regard the company as their own home. Similarly, our company also needs to regard employees as their own family and further improve employee benefits. Including employee housing, employee children's education, employee medical care, employee training and other values..."

Xu Huasheng said seriously, and everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

Although the supervision is stricter, their income will increase in the future. Xu Huasheng directly took out 60% of the shares and gave them to the employee union.

And these executives are also employees, and when dividends are distributed, they can get a lot. The higher the level, the more dividends.

Now everyone works for money.

Originally, the treatment of Xingda Group was very good. Now after the share reform, everyone's income is better.

This is for executives. In fact, this reform will benefit grassroots employees more, which is also the purpose of Xu Huasheng's reform. In terms of dividend rights, the income of grassroots employees will increase a lot. At the same time, the employee union also gives grassroots employees more rights, allowing them to have better supervision and advisory rights, making them feel more sense of belonging.

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