As night fell, many soldiers were busy in a base in southern China.

In the information warfare command center, various information was quickly summarized, and the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system automatically gave evaluations and then quickly gave reference opinions.

On a large screen, the coordinates of all ships in the US aircraft carrier fleet were clearly visible. The high-resolution satellite in the earth's orbit in the sky can even live track the scenes on these warships.

If such a scene was seen by the United States, the aircraft carrier battle group would probably turn around and run away immediately. It's terrible. They proposed information warfare, but now China is ahead of them, and the technology is even one dimension higher than theirs.

In the Shan State Republic, when night fell, under the cover of night, many people quickly went to the underground air-raid shelter.

Today, Kunsha received an early warning.

The United States is likely to launch an air strike on them tonight, and even behead him with precision-guided weapons.

He believed in this news, so he took action immediately after night fell.

Not only did he take action, but many weapons and equipment also took action. For example, the air defense system, in fact, has been secretly hidden for a long time. What is now on the air defense position is an inflatable model produced by China.

China knows that the United States has been investigating these positions, so it quietly replaced the real products with these models. The real weapons and equipment have long been hidden in the caves.

Speaking of drilling holes, this place has more advantages than Somalia. What's more, Kunshawan has been in power for so long, and he has not been idle during this period. He has dug too many holes in the mountains, and there are countless secret underground bases alone.

The US aircraft carrier battle group is also busy at this moment.

Fighter jets took off from the deck one after another. In addition to fighter jets, there are also electronic warfare aircraft, early warning aircraft, etc. They quickly formed a formation and flew towards Myanmar.

Just as they were about to approach Myanmar, several destroyers of the US aircraft carrier battle group opened fire. On the two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, Tomahawk missiles flew out directly, turned into flames in the sky, and quickly rushed towards their targets.

This time, the United States was really ruthless, and it fired missiles one by one as if it was free.

This time, the Arleigh Burke-class fully demonstrated its powerful firepower capability. In just a few minutes, more than 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from two Arleigh Burke-class ships.

In the Shan State Republic, those camouflaged air defense firepower points were hit by precise Tomahawk cruise missiles, and missiles hit these targets accurately one by one.

In addition to these targets, some other important targets were also hit.

For example, exposed radar stations, power plants, substations, airports, fortresses, etc.

Late at night, the sound of explosions resounded throughout the Shan State.

Not long after the first wave of Tomahawk missile attacks, the second wave of air strikes came.

A large number of fighters taking off from aircraft carriers began to bomb important places in Shan State with precision-guided bombs. As long as they felt that there was a threat to the government forces, they would bomb them.

The tactics this time were the same as those used to fight Iraq in previous years.

First, use missiles to accurately strike, then carry out large-scale air strikes, and finally ground troops go up.

There were fires everywhere, explosions everywhere, and air strikes everywhere.

The people of Shan State hiding in the air-raid shelters were trembling with fear, and Kunsha and his men kept swallowing their saliva.

The scale of this air strike was too terrifying. They had never encountered such firepower before when they fought with the Myanmar government army. At most, the government army used heavy artillery to hit them a few times.

But now it is completely different. The United States is finished.

Compared with the United States, the Myanmar government army is like a weak chicken. The United States can't compare with the Myanmar government army if it shows a little military strength.

The Shan Republic was directly silenced by the bombing.

There was no ability to fight back at all. The entire Kunsha-controlled area became dark and all electricity was cut off.

Various firepower points were accurately pulled out, and even many villages were bombed.

While taking advantage of the bombing, nearly 50,000 Myanmar government troops quickly advanced towards Shan State. The rocket launchers of two battalions followed the government army separately, ready to provide fire support at any time.

The Myanmar government also issued a notice late at night, officially listing Khun Sa as a traitor and demanding that the soldiers of the Shan State Republic surrender immediately and unconditionally.

Now the Myanmar government army is full of confidence. The American father has sent planes, so what are they afraid of?

The bombing continues, and the government army is also advancing rapidly.

Many strongholds that were difficult for them to capture have now been bombed into ruins and no one has been there. So along the way, the Myanmar government army easily captured several places.

The US bombing also made many armed organizations in Myanmar terrified. This USThe United States is too awesome. Kunsha, such an awesome person, is now stunned by the bombing.

It was dawn, but the bombing continued. The American fighters seemed to be tireless and kept dropping bombs.

All possible hiding places were listed as targets.

Such a large-scale bombing was never encountered by the armed organizations in Myanmar. This level of bombing may only be experienced by the next door, the next door, and the next door, and they are very experienced.

"Mr. Chu, when will we fight back?"

In the secret underground base, Kunsha looked at Chuxiong and asked. Now Kunsha has no confidence at all, so he can only ask Chuxiong.

It's okay to fight a guerrilla war with the government army, but now the United States is out, and there is such a large-scale bombing. I can't deal with it at all. I don't even dare to go out, let alone fight.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You need to be patient in a war. The government army really doesn't learn a lesson. Have they forgotten the disastrous defeat in Kokang? If 50,000 troops are killed in the front line, what do you think the government army will do?"

Chuxiong looked at Kunsha with a smile on his face.

But this smile made Kunsha feel cold on his back. What kind of lunatic is this?

With just the little strength in his hands, he wants to eat up the 50,000 regular troops of the government army. He doesn't take the government army seriously.

What's more, the government army has the United States as a backing.

"Does China have a backup plan?"

Kunsha was stunned.

If China has a backup plan, things will be hard to say.

If the 50,000 government troops are really wiped out, it will definitely be a major loss for the Myanmar government. Don't look at the Myanmar government's claim that it has 500,000 troops.

But in fact, most of these people are miscellaneous, and they are basically the army, with very little heavy equipment and little combat experience.

The Myanmar government claims to have 500,000 troops, but only about 100,000 of them can actually fight. The 50,000 troops this time are the most elite 50,000 troops of the Myanmar government army. If these 50,000 troops are swallowed up, the government army will be on the verge of collapse.

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