"Leaders, I think you only need to remember one sentence for urban construction. That is, transportation is king..."

Bai Songzhi said with a smile, which aroused everyone's interest.

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation, these four needs are the most basic and important needs of human beings in this society. The same is true for a country. Let the people wear warm clothes, eat enough, live well, and travel conveniently, then this is the greatest political achievement..."

Bai Songzhi's words made everyone nod.

"So I summarize the development of urbanization as transportation is king. When planning a city, we must look at the city from a development perspective, and this perspective should be placed in fifty, one hundred or even two hundred years. I have been to many countries, especially European countries. At present, many cities in European countries have a very serious social problem, that is, congestion, because there are many cars in Europe..."

Bai Songzhi said seriously, and the people around him listened seriously, and some people took notes seriously.

"Plus, the land in Europe is privately owned. If you want to demolish it after it is built, it will be very troublesome, especially in big cities. Therefore, the planning of many European cities is planned many years ago, and the basic supporting facilities, especially the transportation supporting facilities, are seriously out of date. This is why mini cars are very popular in Europe. There is no way. The streets are too narrow and large cars can't get in. If it is possible, who doesn't like large cars? Large cars are comfortable to sit in and drive..."

Bai Songzhi's words made everyone laugh. Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case.

"I see that some people in China are still speaking for them, saying that Europeans are doing this to preserve historical buildings and respect history. In fact, it is not the case, at least it is not the main reason. They also want to widen the road, but their government is powerless. The first is the problem of money, and the second is the problem of land demolition. Let alone demolition, just to build a road, they want to discuss for three years in the demonstration stage..."

Bai Songzhi talked about the situation abroad in detail, Europe, the United States, including Japan, etc. These countries are now facing the problem of large number of cars and congestion in travel. Sometimes the traffic jam lasts for several hours, which seriously affects people's quality of life.

And this phenomenon is something that China dare not even think about at present. After all, cars are still too expensive in China now, and ordinary people can't afford them at all.

"And these problems will be encountered by us in China sooner or later. With the development of our economy and technology, our people's income will be higher and higher, while the price of cars will be lower and lower. Maybe in ten or twenty years, our country will be able to achieve a car in every household, and my country is the country with the largest population in the world. At that time, the number of cars will definitely be the first in the world, and then the accompanying traffic problems will come, even more serious than developed countries..."

Bai Songzhi pointed directly at the sand table, and everyone looked at the sand table with a serious expression. This is indeed a problem that needs to be seriously considered, because China has too many people, and if it really develops, this problem will definitely be more serious.

"So, the future development potential of a city lies largely in its traffic potential. The greater the traffic potential, the greater the city's development potential may be, and the higher the happiness index of urban residents. If it is not planned in advance, some serious problems may arise. There may even be some weird policies, such as not allowing out-of-town cars to come in, such as the need to auction or even draw license plates, or restrictions on driving, such as traveling on odd numbers on 1, 3 and 5, and traveling on even numbers on 2, 4 and 6, etc..."

Bai Songzhi said directly, and this weird policy was told to him by Xu Huasheng.

"Who thought of this bastard policy? It's not easy for ordinary people to buy a car, and you don't let them drive. This is lazy politics, and they should be killed..."

In the meeting room, another grumpy old man couldn't help but say, and the others couldn't help but nod.

Their idea is very simple. People have finally bought a car and they drive it in the city, but you still restrict traffic. Isn't this nonsense?

"Leader, if we don't plan in advance, this kind of thing will almost 100% happen..."

At this time, Xu Huasheng spoke. This made everyone look at Xu Huasheng.

"Leaders, let me do a math problem for you. Take Shanghai as an example. If the urbanization rate of Shanghai is..."

Xu Huasheng took out a piece of paper and a pen and started to calculate.

Annual urbanization growth rate, annual economic growth rate, annual car growth rate, annual car ownership, urban road carrying capacity, rush hour traffic volume...

A string of numbers made everyone drool. But the final result made everyone silent.

Because the final result was too horrible, thisThe number of cars is too large. If there is no restriction on driving and license plate numbers, the city will not be able to accommodate this terrifying number. At that time, the cars on the road will be jammed.

Faced with this situation, thinking about the restriction policy mentioned by Bai Songzhi just now, everyone understands the seriousness and helplessness of the matter. If the city planning is not good, then in the future, major cities in China will definitely have such absurd but helpless policies.

"Dear leaders, we are fortunate that the scale of urbanization in our country is small and most people live in rural areas. Therefore, for us, the construction of the city is like a blank sheet of paper. This gives us more room to play, allowing us to learn from the lessons of other countries, plan ahead, and reserve enough expansion space for the transportation system. Moreover, this space is better to be large rather than small, so as to solve the problem of urban congestion in the future and avoid the occurrence of such a weird policy. This is the transportation layer we designed..."

Bai Songzhi began to explain the design of Lujiazui again. This time, everyone's expression was more serious.

In urban design, the most important thing is infrastructure construction. Including drainage systems, sewage systems, water, electricity, gas and other systems.

But the most important thing is the transportation system.

"Underground, we will build underground transportation lines. For the ground part, in addition to the basic roads, each road is expected to have enough space for expansion. In the early stage, these places can be green spaces to increase the beauty of the city. If necessary in the later stage, we can directly demolish the green belts to expand wider roads to meet traffic needs. At the same time, we have also reserved space for urban elevated expressways..."

Accompanied by Bai Songzhi's explanation, everyone has a specific understanding of the design of Lujiazui.

A trinity of transportation systems, underground, ground, and air.

All transportation systems have reserved a lot of room for expansion. In order to facilitate future expansion, the focus is directly on a hundred years later.

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