At an altitude of 10,000 meters, alarms sounded in the cabins of six F16s.

After the six Hongqi 9 missiles were launched, the active radars on the missiles found the targets they were going to attack. Then the active radars on the missiles locked their respective targets.

The six planes fled frantically, but the distance was too close. A distance of more than 10,000 meters is really too short for a missile with a speed of Mach 4.

In just over ten seconds, the missiles had come to the six planes.

"Damn, the speed is too fast, maneuver, throw decoy bombs..."

"Decoy bombs don't work, damn missiles..."


"Eject, eject..."

The communication platform was in chaos.

In the air, several balls of fire exploded in the air, and then the fire fell.

Quiet, the communication platform was quiet. In the base of the Myanmar government army, everyone's face was extremely ugly. Especially the officers sent by the United States, their faces were livid.

Damn it, the advanced fighter jets of their own country had just arrived in Myanmar for less than a day, and they were all shot down like this?

Kunsha actually has anti-aircraft missiles? And they are very advanced anti-aircraft missiles, how is this possible?

In just a moment, they figured out who gave these missiles.

Except for China, no country would give Kunsha such advanced anti-aircraft missiles. Only six missiles shot down their six F16s. This performance is too amazing.

Quiet, deadly quiet, no one spoke, they all knew that the matter was serious.

This is not as simple as six planes.

It is obvious that Kunsha has received support from China. How many advanced weapons are hidden in the Shan State Republic, no one knows at present.

Now that six fighters have been shot down, the United States may not provide aid for the remaining six?

Not only that, the United States and Myanmar have signed a security treaty.

Now that Myanmar's planes have been destroyed, does the United States dare to go out in person? Can the United States really win if it goes out in person? Will Myanmar become the second Vietnam War?

A series of problems are now on the table. Now that China has played its cards, it depends on whether the United States dares to follow.

"All hit the target..."

Chuxiong and his men were excited after getting this result. This missile is too awesome, with a 100% hit rate. This is actual combat.

"Send someone to the wreckage area immediately..."

Chuxiong issued an order. Now that the plane has been hit and crashed, there may be useful things in the wreckage.

Even if you really can't find anything useful, you need to take photos and videos. This is the best advertisement. China's Hongqi 9 will 100% shoot down the US F16. As long as this news is released, it will definitely be exciting.

By then, the facts will be there. Although China will not admit that the air defense missile used by Kunsha is Hongqi 9, as long as the photos and videos are released, each country will have its own judgment.

There are too many countries equipped with F16 now, and many countries are ready to buy it.

And the hostile countries of these countries equipped with F16 will definitely be tempted by Hongqi 9 when they see this.

For example, in the Middle East, Israel is equipped with a lot of F16 fighters. After the Middle East dog owners know this news, they will definitely go to China to buy Hongqi 9.

Kunsha and Chuxiong's people took action, and the coordinates of the crash site of the six planes were quickly sent over. They quickly found the wreckage through the coordinates.

Take pictures and videos.

One of the planes was even luckier. The plane was hit by a missile on the left wing. The pilot was anxious and did not eject, and tried to control the fighter to fly back.

Unfortunately, the luck was bad. In the end, the plane actually fell into the river, and the whole plane did not disintegrate.

When Kunsha's people arrived at the place, they found that the plane was lying on the river beach, and the pilot was completely unconscious. This excited Kunsha and ordered people to take the pilot away.

Chuxiong was also very excited when he learned the news, and directly asked Kunsha to send a truck and a crane to lift the plane.

Then the truck was covered with a thick camouflage net and set off from Kunsha's territory to China overnight.

An almost complete F16 is of great research value to China. If China dismantles it, the whole F16 will have no secrets.

Although China does not like the F16 now, it is of great significance to China to study the enemy's aircraft and find its weaknesses.

The battle came quickly and ended quickly.

In the dark night, the United States actually wanted to send special forces to the place where the plane crashed. Especially the black box of the plane, which hides too many secrets. If this thing is cracked by China, it will be a big deal.

But they didn't make up their minds in the end. They were afraid that theirIf the special forces were ambushed after entering, it would be even more embarrassing.

The Burmese government army was also in pain. The plane was shot down and the pilot was missing.

They wanted to see a beautiful air strike, but now they messed up.

The night hides too many things. Until dawn, the Burmese government army did not launch any attack on Kunsha and his men.

But Kunsha and his men were busy all night, busy collecting aircraft wreckage, busy taking photos and videos, and busy arresting government pilots who parachuted.

On the Chinese side, Chinese military workers were extremely excited.

The first actual combat of the Hongqi 9 achieved such a beautiful record, which shows that the technology is absolutely good. This is still the export version, and the self-use version has stronger performance.

Not only that, they also obtained a nearly complete F16, and some useful wreckage of other F16s was also loaded and transported to China.

Especially the black box of the fighter. Although the plane crashed, the black box was fine. If the black box can be cracked, a lot of military secrets can be obtained.

In this secret war, China won and the United States lost.

It was not until noon that the two sides made new moves.

Kunsha directly released a video on the Internet.

In the video, Kunsha announced that he already had advanced air defense missiles and shot down six F16 fighter jets of the government army with advanced air defense missiles last night.

In the video, there are also missile launch images, and you can clearly see the launch vehicle of the Hongqi 9, and you can also see the image of the missile soaring into the sky, then flying all the way to the sky, hitting the F16, and then the F16 fell.

This picture was actually followed, and the follow-up was very detailed, even the scene of the wreckage of the F16 being found and pulled away.

In the video, Kunsha finally displayed several wreckages of the F16. Although they were severely damaged, they could still be seen as F16.

"I am here to warn the United States that if it continues to provide advanced weapons and equipment to the government army to attack our Shan Republic, it will be regarded as declaring war on our Shan Republic. Our Shan Republic will definitely make the United States pay the price..."

At the end of the video, Khun Sa directly threatened the United States.

As soon as this video came out, the world was in an uproar!

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