The couple came to the highway service area for the first time, but after entering the service area, they were stunned by everything in the service area.

Before they came, they also heard about the highway service area. Some people said that the highway service area was very dark, the things were very expensive, and the food was unpalatable, which was very deceptive. So before the two set off, they bought a lot of snacks and instant noodles to take with them, ready to eat on the road.

But now that they have arrived at the service area contracted by Huasheng, it is completely different from what others say. The entire service area is very large and very clean. What surprised the young couple most is that there is everything to eat, drink and have fun here.

In the service area, there is actually a Xingda supermarket. Although the area is not large, the things are very complete, and the prices of the things inside are the same as those of the Xingda supermarket outside.

There are also many restaurants in the dining area, and the tastes of the south and the north are taken care of. There are rice noodles, rice, steamed buns, buns, hamburgers and fries, and even self-service hot pots.

The most important thing is that the prices here are not expensive at all. Compared with the prices in Shenzhen, the things here are even cheaper than those in Shenzhen.

The young couple was hungry after driving for a few hours, so they bought some food at the service area.

"Well, it's delicious. Who said the food at the service area is expensive and not delicious? Oh, if I knew that, I wouldn't buy so many things. By the way, husband, let's go and see the hotel price later. If the price is right, we won't get off the highway to find a hotel at night."

Liu Bingbing said.

"Okay, let's go and see later..."

Zhang Xiangqian said with a smile. After the two finished their meal, they went directly to see the hotel.

The hotel at the service area is the Four Seasons Hotel, which is a chain hotel under the Xingda Group.

The young couple asked about it and found that the hotel was very cheap. The most common double bed room only costs one dollar per hour.

The hotels here are not sold by day, but by hour.

For example, a standard room costs one dollar per hour, but it only costs ten dollars for a 24-hour cap.

If you stay for five hours at night, you will spend five dollars. If you stay in the room for 24 hours, you only need to pay ten dollars. The reason for this pricing is that it was decided after comprehensive discussion.

Because after their investigation, they found that people who stay in hotels in service bureaus usually take a temporary rest. Some people sleep for a few hours and leave when they wake up. In this way, the pricing will be more reasonable, and the utilization rate of the room will be higher.

The interior of the most common standard parts is also very clean, and everything is available. There is a TV, a separate bathroom, and a washing machine with a drying function. The configuration is no worse than that of a three-star hotel outside.

"Husband, we take turns driving. When we are tired at night, we will sleep in the service area. Continue to drive after waking up..."

After coming out of the hotel, Liu Bingbing said directly, and Zhang Xiangqian nodded. The service area contracted by Huasheng is really different. This is the service area.

With such a service area, who would bring instant noodles on the road. With such a service area, who would get off the highway and look for a hotel to stay.

With such a service area, you can go to the service area to eat when you are hungry after a long journey, and you can open a room in the service area to sleep when you are tired. It is cheap and convenient. Once everyone has this view, the business of the service area will naturally improve.

With economic development, the number of cars in China will increase. More and more Chinese people are traveling by car and driving long distances.

If the service area can do this, the entire service area system will be a huge sales system.

The service area contracted by Huasheng follows this route, which is to truly serve everyone and let everyone gradually trust the Huasheng service area, so that when they travel, the first thing they think of is to go to the Huasheng service area to eat when they are hungry and to rest when they are tired.

At the same time, there is a special place in the service area contracted by Huasheng, that is, the dedicated parking lot. In the Huasheng service area, trucks have truck parking lots and buses have bus parking lots.

This parking lot is not a simple area, but an independent yard. There are cameras installed in the yard, and there are special security personnel on duty.

All trucks entering and leaving will be registered, and all drivers and trucks will have matching cards. A card will be given when the car enters the parking lot, and the card will be taken back when leaving the parking lot.

The camera in the parking lot is not just a camera, but also an early warning system. If the camera finds someone twisting the fuel tank cap, it will immediately sound an alarm.

What's more, the dedicated parking lot is not open to non-large trucks. In addition, there are special security guards, so this set of things basically prevents gas thieves from doing anything.

Truck drivers hate gas thieves so much, these people are too rampant. Therefore, Huasheng Service Area has opened up a parking lot for truck drivers.Such parking lots. Truck drivers only need to pay very cheap parking fees to enjoy this kind of security service, and truck drivers are also very happy to pay parking fees.

Changes, huge changes, this year Chinese people feel that the New Year is obviously better than last year.

There are more people working, and everyone earns more money. There is more consumption during the New Year, and the infrastructure is constantly improving. Now the country is thriving.

In Yanjing, the relevant statistical work has been completed long ago. And this year's GDP growth rate is even more frightening. According to the traditional algorithm, it has directly reached 11.2%.

This speed is quite exaggerated. China's GDP growth rate has been very fast in recent years.

However, China has changed its GDP algorithm in the past two years. Other countries have increased the growth rate. China has begun to deliberately hide its GDP. Therefore, the GDP growth rate announced by foreign countries is only 5.6, which directly hides half.

But even this data is very scary.

Moreover, China has mainly developed manufacturing in recent years, although the financial industry, real estate and other industries have also developed. But it is still dominated by manufacturing.

Various factories have sprung up all over the country, and various large projects have been put into use. These factories have created a lot of jobs.

At the same time, China has also vigorously developed infrastructure, building roads, railways, airports, ports, communication base stations, and power and water conservancy projects.

These large infrastructures have also created a lot of jobs, so in the past two years, a lot of Chinese people have left home to work.

After working, they can spend the money they earn, and their consumption drives the development of business, and the factory has more orders, thus forming a virtuous circle.

Although China's exports are very strong now, the internal circulation is also developing rapidly.

The internal and external dual circulation has made China's economy take off rapidly. In particular, the industrial volume has increased significantly. From 1989 to now, in just a few years, China's total steel production has increased dozens of times. Not only has the total amount increased, but the quality is also completely different. Various high-quality steels and special steels are exported abroad in large quantities, earning a lot of foreign exchange. The situation of the entire country is completely different from the original time and space.

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