The first 052 has been tested and repaired and can be officially put into service.

The service of this warship is of great significance to the Chinese Navy. This means that China finally has a warship that can be shown off.

After the first 052 was tested, a new batch of orders was directly placed to the Chinese shipyard.

This batch of orders directly placed 11 052s, including the first 052, a total of 12 052 destroyers.

12 052 destroyers, four for each of the three major fleets. In this era, although 4 052s are not invincible, they can definitely hold up the field.

After leaving the military port, Mr. Liu came to the shipyard.

In the huge dock of the shipyard, a big guy is being built. Looking at this big guy, Mr. Liu and his party are full of expectations.

This is an amphibious assault ship, but the name is an amphibious assault ship, but the design is completely designed according to the aircraft carrier.

This ship is the aircraft carrier purchased by Pakistan, with a full load of more than 60,000 tons. In the future, this aircraft carrier will be Pakistan's absolute trump card warship.

And this ship will also carry 32 S-14 fighters that can take off and land vertically. Saxo Aviation also modified the S-14 into an electronic warfare aircraft according to Pakistan's requirements.

This aircraft cannot carry fixed-wing early warning aircraft, but China will provide heavy helicopter early warning aircraft as a solution.

Not only early warning helicopters, but also anti-submarine helicopters. At present, China's heavy helicopter research and development is quite smooth, and several heavy helicopters are being tested. China has mastered the helicopter technology obtained from the Soviet Union.

The frigates and destroyers of this aircraft carrier are 051H models, which are the original 052, and now China has changed them to 051H models.

The 051H model is much smaller than the 052 in tonnage, with a displacement of less than 5,000 tons. Although smaller than the 052, it is not small in the world.

What's more, the combat capability of 051 is not weak, and China has directly equipped this warship with an active phased array radar.

Although the radar of 051H sold to Pakistan is only the first generation of active phased array radar, its performance cannot be compared with the third generation of active phased array radar used by China itself, but it is also an active phased array. This thing is very powerful in the world. The Arleigh Burke class is not equipped with it, let alone the Indian Navy.

The combat capability of 051H is quite strong. China will also equip 051H in the future. At that time, 051H and 052 will form a match. 051H is a frigate, 052 is a destroyer, plus an amphibious assault ship, this is the configuration of China's initial aircraft carrier battle group.

In the future, when China's real nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is in service, these amphibious assault ships will be converted into drone carriers. At that time, the electromagnetic catapult device will be installed directly to launch drones.

In fact, China has already experimented with electromagnetic catapult technology, and the experiment went smoothly. Now it is installed on amphibious assault ships, and it can also launch fighter jets.

However, some technologies still need to be hidden.

And hiding is to hold back a bigger trick. The next time the big trick is released, it will be China's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. And it is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that meets the war of the new era, which is more powerful than the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the United States.

Looking at the giant ship under construction, Liu Lao's face is full of smiles.

This giant ship has been built for some time. According to the construction plan, the ship will be launched for sea trials in the second half of next year.

Although it is a ship bought by Pakistan, China is doing sea trials. In the future, this ship will nominally serve in China first. Pakistan will send personnel to learn with China. When it fully masters the entire fleet, it will drive the entire fleet away.

When Pakistan drives the fleet away, China's fleet has already started to serve and has formed combat effectiveness.

According to the entire time plan, Pakistan may have to wait for a few years to obtain this fleet. But Pakistan can wait for a century-old navy.

The relevant supporting vessels of this ship are also progressing smoothly. The first 051H is about to be launched and will be in service next year.

At the same time, the supporting aircraft, missiles, and submarines in the water are all progressing smoothly. In the future, when Pakistan has this fleet, it will definitely be able to join the ranks of the world's naval powers.

Just when China's 052 came back, in another secret research institute in China, Mr. Huang and his team conducted a final discussion on the design of China's latest nuclear submarine.

On the big screen in the conference room, some design parameters were placed there. Looking at these design parameters, everyone's eyes were full of excitement.

It's been almost three years. In the past two years, these people have gathered together and worked day and night.Many people have never left since they came here.

Mr. Huang and his team have not even returned home in the past three years. And they have done only one thing in these three years. That is to digest the design and technology of the big black fish brought back from the Soviet Union, and develop a new generation of strategic nuclear submarines in China based on their own technology.

After more than two years of busy work, coupled with the existence of Xu Huasheng, they finally digested the technology of the Oscar-class nuclear submarine, and designed a new generation of strategic nuclear submarines in China based on their own technology.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our final discussion. Our new generation of strategic nuclear submarines has a full load displacement of 22,000 tons underwater..."

Mr. Huang once again introduced the data that everyone is already familiar with.

And these data are quite amazing, and the technology is even more amazing.

The displacement of this nuclear submarine is more than 3,000 tons larger than the most advanced Ohio-class submarine in the United States. It is definitely a big guy.

The firepower is also very powerful, with 24 vertical launch tubes and can carry 24 ballistic missiles. The missile's range can reach 14,000 kilometers. It is written above that it is a nuclear bomb. To be frank, if these 24 nuclear missiles are launched, even the United States can be basically wiped out.

This is also the deterrent capability of strategic nuclear submarines.

In addition to its powerful firepower, this submarine also has a super awesome technology. This technology is not even available in the United States.

This technology is shaftless pump-propelled technology.

Pump-propelled technology is the most advanced technology in submarines, especially the pump-propelled technology of large nuclear submarines. Even the Soviet Union does not have this technology, only the United States has this technology.

However, the United States' technology is shaft pump-propelled technology, while the technology used by this Chinese submarine is shaftless pump-propelled technology.

This technology is more advanced than shaft pump-propelled technology. Submarines using this technology have better performance and less underwater noise. For submarines, the level of underwater noise is directly related to the performance of submarines. The smaller the underwater noise, the more concealed and lethal it is.

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