Time passed quietly, and it was already the end of September before we knew it.

The entire international situation was also somewhat undercurrent. In Somalia, the US and NATO forces were still fighting with the Somalis.

But the war mode was getting weirder and weirder. The US-led coalition did not fight well in Somalia, and all kinds of progress were very slow. The current battle was mainly based on air strikes.

Most importantly, more and more aircraft for air strikes were drones. The US continued to send drones to Somalia for air strikes, and some new weapons and equipment also appeared on the battlefield.

The US seemed to regard Somalia as a weapons test site, not only to test new weapons, but also to test new war modes.

At the same time, the US continued to increase its troops, especially in Saudi Arabia.

The US military continued to expand its military deployment in Saudi Arabia, mobilized a large number of ground troops to enter Saudi Arabia, and continued to expand its military bases in Saudi Arabia.

This weird scene attracted the attention of countries around the world. There was something wrong with the United States. It seemed to be planning something.

In a military base in China, a meeting is being held.

"Through intelligence gathering during this period, we suspect that the United States is using the Somali battlefield to experiment with their neural network combat system. The military setbacks of the United States in Somalia have accelerated the innovation of the US military in informationization and unmanned technologies. During this period, at least three types of drones have appeared on the Somali battlefield..."

A middle-aged man said in the conference room.

The United States is not good at it either, although it was pitted by Somalia. But fortune and misfortune are interdependent. The military failure in Somalia has accelerated the development of the US military in certain military technology fields.

Drones, neural network command systems, giant earth-penetrating bombs, including unmanned combat equipment, etc. Obviously, the United States is also trying to find a solution to the Somali war model.

After all, many countries around the world are now learning to build underground bases in Somalia. Whether it is Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, or Syria, these countries have begun to follow suit, and China's construction teams have been overwhelmed by the projects they have received.

Now the underground bases of these countries are getting stronger and deeper. If the United States does not change its war mode, it will be more difficult and more difficult to face these underground bases in the future. The losses will be greater.

"Also, the United States is constantly increasing its troops and expanding its military bases in Saudi Arabia. At the same time, the United States has also increased its troops in Turkey. Next, the United States may take action against Iraq..."

As soon as the middle-aged soldier said this, everyone's expression became serious.

The game between the great powers is too big, and Somalia has involved the United States. But the United States may not be exhausted to death in Somalia. After all, for the United States, the strategic importance of Somalia is far less important than the strategic positions of several other countries.

The United States is not planning for Somalia or the Middle East, but for the entire world.

"Let the intelligence department continue to collect relevant intelligence. The United States has its own way, and we have our own way. Be patient when playing chess..."

The old man in the lead seemed very calm.

The United States has its own plan. The United States' plan may be the entire Middle East, and then use energy to lock many countries.

But now China and the United States seem to be on a different track. What China has now mastered has allowed China to start planning at a higher level.

When the United States was still planning for oil, China had already begun planning for future new energy sources.

Fourth-generation nuclear power, controlled nuclear fusion, high-energy batteries, quantum technology, artificial intelligence, etc.

These things sound like science fiction in this era.

But in the laboratory, China has already seen something.

The fourth-generation nuclear power experiment has been basically completed, and the next step is to build an experimental reactor.

Controlled nuclear fusion is also progressing steadily. In the secret base of Huasheng Energy, the progress of controlled nuclear fusion has been ahead of the world for decades.

High-energy batteries have also been seen by senior executives in the laboratory of Huasheng Energy. All-solid-state batteries have terrifyingly high performance.

Quantum technology is also awesome, quantum computers, quantum communications, and now Huasheng Group has experimental products.

As for artificial intelligence, they have already used it. The Thousand-Handed Guanyin system has begun to use artificial intelligence.

When a country plans from a higher dimension, the situation will be bigger, the time required will be longer, and of course it will be more ruthless.

In Shenzhen, Huayun Shipyard, another big guy was launched.

This big guy is the second ship of Tiankun. Not long after Tiankun officially filled the island, the second ship began to be built.

The two ships are exactly the same. After all, the technology on the first ship is the same.It has been verified.

In the short term, China will not develop a larger dredger. After all, the Tiankun is already very scary, and this technology has been leading the world for many years.

To be frank, even in twenty years, there may not be a dredger with the technology to catch up with the Tiankun.

Dredgers like the Tiankun are completely strategic. In China, the safety level of the Tiankun is higher than that of China's warships and submarines.

The second ship, named Tianjing, sounds less imposing than the Tiankun, but sometimes it's better to keep a low profile.

Two huge suction dredgers, which are too important for China.

They have seen the strength of the Tiankun, which is quite terrifying. Now there are two Tiankuns, which is even more terrifying.

One ship can dig 40,000 cubic meters per hour, and two ships can dig 80,000 cubic meters.

The planning for Meiji Reef has been completed, and the average height of the island filling is only about four meters. That is to say, one ship can fill 10,000 square meters per hour, and two ships can fill 20,000 square meters.

In one day, two ships can fill 480,000 square meters, which is too scary.

You should know that the area to be filled in Meiji Reef is only 10 square kilometers, that is, 10 million square meters. Theoretically, it only takes 21 days for two ships to fill the reef of Meiji Reef into an island about two meters above the water surface, which is too scary.

The most terrifying thing is that the price of Huaxia island building is also cheap. The price of Huasheng Group to build an island in Binmeitan is only 150 million US dollars per square kilometer.

Although Meiji Island is far away, the height to be filled is relatively low. It only needs to fill four or five meters and build a wave-breaking wall on the edge.

In this way, the price of one square kilometer may be lower than Binmeitan.

For Huaxia now, this is simply a bargain.

Now with two giant ships, the island building work of Meiji Reef is about to begin. Ever since the Philippine warship ran aground, China has been preparing for this matter, and now it is finally time to take action.

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