"You guys go out first..."

After thinking for a while, Robertson asked Sam and the others to leave the room. In the end, only Xu Li and Robertson were left in the room.

"Xu, I want to hear your advice."

Robertson looked at Xu Huasheng seriously. He felt that the young man in front of him was not simple. He always gave people a feeling of being unpredictable. Robertson had seen this feeling before, but never in such a young person.

"Mr. Robertson, in fact, this matter is very simple. You only need to think about one question. If one day, the products of the new company, like the Japanese products in the past, monopolize most of the home appliance market in the United States, who can withstand this pressure at that time?"

Xu Huasheng said seriously, which made Robertson ponder.

"Mr. Robertson, even the products of our new company will not be limited to home appliances in the future."

Xu Huasheng continued, which made Robertson look up at him.

"Mr. Robertson, we Chinese have the largest labor force in the world. Our country has a population of twelve million, and most of them are farmers. They have very little land, and it is difficult to support themselves by farming alone, so they choose to work in the city. We Chinese are also the most hardworking and hardworking, and the wages are very low. Mr. Robertson, do you know what the average monthly salary in China is now?"

Xu Huasheng asked back, and Robertson shook his head. He really didn't know about this.

"Less than 50 US dollars..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Robertson's eyes widen.

"Is it really that low?"

Robertson couldn't help asking in surprise, this is too low. You know, in the United States, the minimum wage is more than 1,000 US dollars.

And now, China is less than 50 US dollars. How many times is this difference? At least more than 20 times.

This means that the money to hire one worker in the United States can hire more than 20 workers in China. What this means, Robertson knows best.

"Yes, it is that low, and our workers only need to be paid a little money, and they can work twelve or even fourteen hours a day. So Mr. Robertson, you should know what this means, right?"

Xu Huasheng sighed. Although they are both workers, the wage gap between Chinese workers and American workers is too big. In 1991, the average monthly wage in China was only 195 yuan, while the average monthly wage in the United States was more than 1,000 US dollars.

The money earned by American workers in a year is even equivalent to what Chinese workers earn in half a lifetime. This is the real visible gap.

Robertson took a deep breath. As the vice president of Walmart, he knew what this meant. If possible, Robertson really wanted to replace all the current Walmart employees with Chinese people, so that Walmart's profits would increase significantly every month.

"So, under the premise of the same quality, the price of our Chinese products will be much lower than that of Japanese and European products. Now China is vigorously developing its manufacturing industry, and it will definitely become the world's factory in the future. I think no multinational company will let this place go, because we in China not only have sufficient and cheap labor, but also the most complete industrial chain and sufficient raw materials. For example, for our home appliances, we don't even need to leave Shenzhen to find all the parts, and the price is very cheap..."

Xu Huasheng continued to increase the stakes, and Robertson's breathing became a little heavy.

"Mr. Robertson, our business in the future will not be limited to home appliances. We can make all products. As long as the products sold in your Walmart, you can find similar products with comparable quality and much cheaper prices in China. And all these products can follow our cooperation model. Mr. Robertson, you should understand what the new company means now, right?"

Xu Huasheng's words made Robertson swallow his saliva. Of course he understood what this meant. It meant the birth of a new supply system.

If that day really comes, the new company will definitely be a super giant. With the help of China's cheap labor, it will produce the cheapest and best products, and then through this company, these products will be turned into so-called American products and sold at Walmart supermarkets at high prices.

Robertson can imagine how high the profit is.

Take the TV set for example. If you can make $100 by selling a real American brand TV set, then Walmart may make $200 or even more by selling the new company's products.

The most important thing is that in addition to the $200 profit, there is also a huge profit in the new company. This money originally belonged to major brands, but now it has been taken away by the new company.

What is this? This is self-produced and self-made.Sales, no middlemen to make a profit.

With these cheap and high-quality products, Walmart can not only make more profits, but also attract more customers with lower prices. At that time, Walmart can quickly expand and occupy more markets.

After all, Walmart also has competitors. Although Walmart is powerful, it is not the only one. As a supermarket enterprise, the price of the products sold directly determines its market share. After all, everyone in this world will compare prices when shopping.

With the products of the new company, Robertson is confident that he can directly kill his competitors.

Thinking of this, Robertson took a deep breath. He knew that he was not qualified to take the company alone. Not only can he not take it alone, but he also has to bring more people in. Only in this way can he better deal with what may happen in the future. Only in this way can the company be made big enough to benefit himself and Walmart more.

Although it is necessary to give up some shares, the snowball of the new company can roll bigger and he can get more.

Looking at Robertson's somewhat excited look, Xu Huasheng also sighed in his heart. If there is any better way, Xu Huasheng is unwilling to do this.

Xu Huasheng knows the importance of brand, and doing this now is equivalent to abandoning the brand and only being a foundry.

However, in this era, if Chinese products want to enter the world and Europe and the United States, this is the fastest way, otherwise they can only wait until they join the WTO in the future.

However, this is not without benefits, although it loses the brand and some profits.

But once this is successful, it is equivalent to controlling the entire supply chain in China. With the help of huge orders from Europe and the United States, it can quickly help China build a complete supply chain.

Once this supply chain is successfully built, with the development of the times, Chinese products will become more and more competitive in the future.

Now, what is sold is home appliances, clothes, toys and other things. But in a few years, this model can be used to sell more high-end products.

Mobile phones, computers, chips, cars, cutting-edge machinery, ships, large aircraft, etc.!

Once this business becomes dependent, it will not be easy to move the supply chain away. Those shareholders who make money lying down are not happy either. They can make money lying down, so why do they have to work hard to make money? Moreover, they will be even more reluctant if they can't make money even after working hard.

As long as the company is big enough, whoever dares to touch the company will be courting death. The capitalists will kill him without the help of Huasheng Group.

When China masters the top scientific research capabilities in the future, it will be even more difficult to move the supply chain.

In the original time and space, American companies mastered the R&D capabilities, the brand, and the priority, and could use the top companies to force the supply chain to move.

For example, Apple did this.

When the United States launched a series of shameless sanctions, Apple cooperated with the United States and directly forced China's supply chain to move. If you don't move to other countries, you will be kicked out of your supply chain system.

Under this operation, many domestic supply chain companies have suffered heavy losses. But even with such shameless operations, the United States has not completed the transfer of the supply chain system.

Now, we have made early arrangements to build complete R&D capabilities and a more stable supply chain. Once this is completed, the United States will not be able to play the original tricks.

In the future, the only powerful industry in the United States is probably the financial industry, which will reap the world by relying on hegemony and the dollar system.

What Xu Huasheng has to do is to accelerate the hollowing out of the American manufacturing industry. Americans, you proud free men, why do you work in manufacturing? There are so many types of hard labor. Go to work in finance, lawyers, doctors, insurance, and celebrities.

Once this is done, hehe, it may be fine at ordinary times, but once a financial crisis occurs, it will be lively. Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng's eyes flashed a little.

However, this matter needs to be done slowly. Now, while China is still very low-key and has not been taken seriously by the United States, this matter should be done quickly.

First, use cheap products, American Japanese products and European products to kill them. Anyway, Americans don't have a good impression of these products now. Instead of letting the Japanese and Europeans make money, it's better to let the Americans make money themselves. As for China, how much can a foundry earn? It's just hard labor.

First destroy Japan and South Korea, then Europe, and finally American goods.

In the room, Xu Huasheng and Robertson started talking.

The new company, in the name of Wal-Mart Group, will invest in it first and try to see if this model works. If it reallyIt's good. In the future, when the company becomes bigger, more people will be attracted to join, and then the company will be listed and enter the stock market to make money.

With the sales channel of Walmart and the cheap factory of Huaxia, this new company is basically a sure win.

As long as the annual financial report is good, the stock price will definitely continue to soar. As long as the market value reaches a certain level, then this market value is the biggest umbrella. If the US government wants to move this company, it can't even think about it without an absolutely reasonable reason. If you dare to move this company, countless American stockholders will not be willing.

As long as this company is established, it is equivalent to Huaxia having a channel to dump its domestic products in the European and American markets. A large number of Chinese products will enter the European and American markets. These products can not only bring a lot of profits to Huaxia and promote the development of Huaxia's manufacturing industry, but also drive a lot of employment and increase the income of the people.

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