Joseph cursed, and the coalition forces also cursed.

In the air, the coalition air force was frantically chasing the militants they found, but when these people dispersed, it would be difficult to achieve a huge effect.

What's more, these people were divided into small groups and were still wearing civilian clothes.

They were as dense as ants. You know, there are millions of people hiding in the underground city. Although the US military's bunker-buster bombs killed many people, there are still millions of people left.

After these people came out, they quickly found a place to hide. Although there were many people, they never gathered in large groups. After coming out, they quickly set off for other cities in Somalia.

Their weapons and equipment were also very simple, basically an AK and some bullets, and sometimes some grenades.

However, these people hid their weapons as much as possible, and they looked like ordinary people.

This made it difficult for the US air force to bomb. In addition to this situation, the United States soon discovered a more important situation.

That is, these people disappeared quickly after entering other cities in Somalia. The US military went to ask and investigate, but no one answered. Everyone looked at them with hatred.

Obviously, people in other parts of Somalia admired these people and were willing to protect them.

All Somalis saw the US bombing of Mogadishu during this period, and ordinary Somalis also knew about Aidid and his achievements.

Aidid's army was a hero in the hearts of all Somali people because they could attack US military camps, kill more than 20,000 temporary government troops, and sink US aircraft carriers.

It's just that these heroes were hiding in Mogadishu before, and they couldn't help.

Now these heroes have come out, and they will help if they meet them. What's more, many of these people are civilians in Mogadishu. They took up arms to protect themselves and for revenge.

After these people entered the Somali town, they also began to publicize what the United States did in Mogadishu.

The United States bombed Mogadishu, bombed the underground city with earth-penetrating bombs, and killed their ordinary people. This is a blood debt for the Somali people.

The bombing by the US military was very successful, and Aidid's people were driven out of the underground city.

However, the strategic purpose of the bombing was not achieved. Their ultimate goal was to eliminate Aidid's armed forces. But now the situation is completely different from what they thought.

A large number of militants madly poured into other cities in Somalia, and the Somali government forces were simply defeated when facing them.

Although the government army had weapons, the people who came out of the underground city were all bloodthirsty people. A large number of their relatives were killed in the bombing. They had been dealing with the US military in the underground city for so long.

So when they met the Somali government army, these people dared to charge densely, and they were completely desperate. The government army had never experienced such a battle. A charge stunned them. Some surrendered and some retreated.

After Aidid's people took control of the city, they immediately merged with the people inside. Many people hid their weapons directly and turned into ordinary people.

If there were troops from Western countries coming, they would secretly take out their weapons and launch a sneak attack directly.

The most terrifying thing is that these people are like sparks. After they control the city, many Somalis directly choose to fight with them and join the Somali People's Army.

The United States was confused, and it was even more difficult.

The US military can't wipe out all the cities in Somalia from this world, and can't launch a crazy massacre on the whole of Somalia!

For a time, the United States was in a mess.

And the more anxious and miserable things are still to come. Some videos began to appear on the Internet, and TV stations in some countries also began to broadcast the videos released by Aidid and others.

These videos recorded some things in the underground city. Recorded how they lived in the underground city, how they fought, and there were videos before and after the explosion of the US bunker-buster bomb.

These videos were so tragic, a large number of civilians were killed, and there were many children in it. There were also the cries of Somali people.

There was also a video of a US prisoner-of-war camp, where hundreds of captured US soldiers were directly killed by the US's own bombs.

When these videos appeared, they immediately caused heated discussions around the world.

The UN General Assembly was in chaos again. China and Russia strongly condemned the actions of the US military and demanded that the US military withdraw immediately.

Even France expressed its hope to stop the war and solve the problem peacefully. Most Arab and African countries expressed serious protests against NATO's actions.

Some official TV stations in African and Arab countries also began to broadcast these materials, and the emerging Internet also appearedVarious videos and articles were published.

After these things were exposed, the United States was completely confused.

Originally, the United States had suffered some losses in public opinion during this period. The indiscriminate bombing of Mogadishu by the United States had already changed public opinion.

Now that these things have been exposed, they are in a passive position. People in many countries have developed great hostility towards the United States, NATO countries and Western countries.

The most important thing is that the United States has found that the media they control can no longer control public opinion. Especially in the Middle East countries, the Internet in the Middle East is now well developed, and many people like to go online.

But the West has no control over the Internet in these countries. Because the standards adopted by these countries are Chinese standards.

The social networking sites used are Chinese social networking sites, and the news they often read is not the media they control. In this way, they can't use the media to control public opinion at all.

Not only can they not control it, they also found that the things these Internet media show to the people of these Middle Eastern countries are generally not very friendly to Western countries.

Various articles, videos, and explanations all reveal the truth about the false democracy and hypocrisy of Western countries, the truth about Western robbers, and analyze the reasons for various international events.

They also analyze what petrodollars are to these ordinary people, and analyze how financial capital harvests those countries. They also tell the reasons behind many wars. These things are simply peeling off the skin of Western countries layer by layer.

After the skin is peeled off, it will be difficult to disguise it.

It is conceivable that when any Middle Eastern person knows what petrodollars are, what financial hegemony is, what currency wars are, what geopolitics are, and what great power games are, how difficult it will be for the United States to export so-called democracy and freedom.

It's like the future of China. When China becomes strong, the Western values ​​will become a ridiculous joke in China, and even if you spend money to buy more public intellectuals, you can no longer lead the rhythm.

People's war, next, the United States may be about to face the real people's war in Somalia.

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